70 research outputs found

    An All-Optical NOR Gate based on Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystals

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    A new configuration of an all optical (2 input) NOR gatebased on two-dimensional photonic crystals is proposed.The structure is based on 20*20 rods of silicon in thebackground of air. The square-ring resonator shapedstructure contains three inputs and one output port. Threeinput ports (Ctrl, A and B) are introduced in to thestructure for achieving the appropriate application. Inorder to investigate the functionality of the structure(functioning as a logic NOR gate), photonic band gap(PBG), field distribution and transmitted power spectrumare considered. PBG and field distribution are obtainedconsidering the plane wave expansion and finitedifference-time-domain methods, respectively. All thestates of a NOR gate (truth table or logical values) areconsidered by applying related inputs to the input ports(incident field with the wavelength in the PBG region).The bit rate, normalized intensity and rise time of2.5Tbit/s, 99% and 2ps, are azlso obtained for the gate.The obtained logic NOR gate can be an appropriatecandidate for utilization in optical integrated circuits

    Effectiveness of life training skills on marital satisfaction of female nurses in Hajar Hospital in Shahrekord city- a clinical trial

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    زمینه و هدف: رضایت زناشویی از جمله عوامل مرتبط با سلامت روان و استرس شغلی پرستاران است. پژوهش حاضر با هدف تعیین تأثیر جلسات آموزش مهارت های زندگی بر وضعیت رضایت زناشویی پرسنل پرستاری زن شاغل در بیمارستان هاجر(س) شهرکرد انجام شد. روش بررسی: در این مطالعه نیمه تجربی که از نوع پیش آزمون– پس آزمون بود، 43 نفر از پرسنل پرستاری زن شاغل در بیمارستان هاجر(س) شهرکرد در سال 1390 به روش نمونه گیری مبتنی بر هدف انتخاب شدند. ابزارهای مورد استفاده در این پژوهش پرسشنامه مشخصات فردی و فرم کوتاه پرسشنامه رضایت زناشویی انریچ بودند. به منظور ارزیابی اثر آموزش مهارت های زندگی در افزایش رضایت زناشویی، در ابتدا و یک ماه پس از آموزش، پرسشنامه رضایت زناشویی توسط پرستاران تکمیل شد و میزان رضایت در دو مرحله آزمون مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفت. یافته ها: میانگین نمرات رضایت زناشویی قبل از مداخله، 6/23±09/135 و پس از مداخله 75/22±93/179 بود که این تفاوت از نظر آماری معنادار بود (001/0≥P)؛ لذا مداخله موجب ارتقا وضعیت رضایت زناشویی پرستاران شد. در بین عوامل دموگرافیک تنها سن با رضایت زناشویی ارتباط معناداری نشان داد (018/0=P و 498/0=r). نتیجه گیری: آموزش مهارت های زندگی تأثیر مثبتی در افزایش رضایت زناشویی پرستاران زن داشت؛ لذا پیشنهاد می گردد که آموزش مهارت های زندگی برای پرستاران متأهل به طور دوره ای انجام شود

    Simultaneous detection of Aeromonas hydrophila, and Escherichia coli in Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) by Duplex PCR

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    Rapid and accurate identification of microorganisms have a significant impact on strategies and fish health management programs. Hence, in this study a duplex PCR assay based on the 16s rRNA gene for simultaneous detection of Aeromonas hydrophila RTICC 1032 and Escherichia coli RTICC 2325 from pure cultures, and challenged fish tissues was performed and their results were compared with the results of single PCR assays for each bacterium. For this purpose, an experiment with three treatments including artificially infected with A. hydrophila, E. coli and a mixture of them with a control group was designed. Fish were injected intraperitoneally with 1 ml of sterile physiological saline containing 106CFU/ml of the corresponding bacteria. Samples were collected from liver, kidney and spleen 48 hrs post-injection. A duplex PCR based 16S rRNA genes was developed for the simultaneous detection of A. hydrophila and E. coli. The PCR reaction conditions were optimized to permit detection of organisms from agar plates and fish tissues in less than 8 hrs. Each of the two pairs of oligonucleotide primers exclusively targeted 16S rRNA gene of the specific microorganism. When duplex PCR assay was used to simultaneous detection of the pathogens in asymptomatic fish, spleen and liver were negative for A. hydrophila, whereas kidney was positive for two bacteria. Samples that were duplex PCR negative were also negative by the culture method. On the whole, the duplex PCR has advantages in terms of its accuracy, sensitivity, ease of use, time of length analysis and cost-effectiveness compared to the single PCR and traditional method

    The Role of Index and Ring Fingers in Gender Identification and Height Estimation

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    Background: It is a challenge in forensic medicine to identify deceased bodies when body dismembered from remaining body parts, such as hands, arms, and feet. We aimed to determine gender and the correlation between stature, and index and ring fingers in an Iranian population.Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 200 Iranian students aged between 18 and 25 years were included (2016-2017). The length of the nondominant index and ring fingers were measured from proximal crease to the tip. The exclusion criteria were a history of heavy physical work by hand, hand vocational sports, anatomical musculoskeletal deformities, and chronic internal diseases (diabetes, thyroid disorders, renal failure, etc.). The obtained data were analyzed using SPSS. t-test, Pearson’s correlation coefficient, and correlation and regression models were used to analyze the achieved data.Results: The mean height was 179 cm in males and 164 cm in females. The mean index and ring fingers lengths were 73 mm and 74 mm in males, and 68 mm and 68 mm in females, respectively. The mean sum of index and ring fingers lengths were 147 mm in males and 136 mm in females. Height, index and ring fingers length, and the sum of them significantly differed between genders (P<0.0001). The accuracy of gender determination was 92%, 71%, 73% and 74.5% in terms of stature, index finger length, ring finger length, and the sum of index and ring fingers length, respectively. The correlation between height and index finger length, as well as the height and ring finger length, were significant in males, females, and total cases (P<0.0001).Conclusion: Based on this study, index and ring fingers lengths can be used to predict height and determine gender.

    Comparison of Cleaning Efficacy and Instrumentation Time in Primary Molars: Mtwo Rotary Instruments vs. Hand K-Files

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    Introduction: Pulpectomy is the preferred treatment for restorable primary teeth with symptomatic irreversible pulpitis or periradicular lesion. Considering the rather new application of rotary files for pulpectomy of primary teeth, the aim of this study was to compare the cleaning efficacy and instrumentation time of hand K-files and Mtwo rotary system for preparation of human primary molars. Methods and Materials: This experimental study was conducted on 100 extracted primary maxillary and mandibular intact molars with no resorption. Access cavities were prepared and India ink was injected into the root canal on a vibrator using an insulin syringe. Canals were then divided into 5 groups (n=20): in group I, canals were instrumented using K-files up to #25 for mesial and buccal canals and #30 for palatal and distal canals. In group II, canals were prepared using Mtwo rotary files (15/0.05, 20/0.06 and 25/0.06 for mesial and buccal canals and 15/0.05, 20/0.06, 25/0.06 and finally 30/0.05 for distal and palatal canals). In group III, root canals were only irrigated with saline. Groups IV and V were the positive and negative control groups, respectively. The time required for cleaning and preparation of the canals for each of the specimens in groups I, II and III was recorded. Results: The mean score of cleanliness of Mtwo was not significantly different from K-file group (P>0.05). However the mean instrumentation time in Mtwo group was significantly shorter (P<0.001). Conclusion: Although there were no differences regarding the cleaning efficacy of either system, Mtwo rotary files were far more time efficient.Keywords: Deciduous Tooth; Hand K-files; Mtwo; Primary Molars; Pulpectomy; Root Canal Preparation; Root Canal Therap

    The Effect of Changing Policies to Increase the Birth Rate on Reproductive Health Rate over a Twelve-Year Period in Islamshahr

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    Introduction: In recent years, population growth, birth rate promotion and reproductive health policies have been the main approach of population control programs. In this study, the researcher was going to investigate and got a close look to this important issue in the city of Islamshahr. The comparative study of prophylactic methods and their prevalence was conducted among fertile women in 2004 and 2016 to examine how their approach change following the changes in national policy has affected on reproductive health.Materials and Methods: Two thousand reproductive-age women who reside in Islamshahr voluntarily and confidential participated using a questionnaire. All data were analyzed using SPSS software.Results: The findings indicated that despite the decrease in contraceptive use in 2016 compared to 2004 (from 90.8% to 42%), the level of public awareness has been increased about their benefits and reproductive health So that we observed an increased awareness of sexually transmitted diseases and ways to fight them (from 27% to 56%). A decline in illegal abortion rate (from 60% to 22%) and an increase in the knowledge of appropriate lactation methods (from 25.8% to 40%) observed during the study period. Natural methods had the highest prevalence among contraceptive methods at both times of the survey. The knowledge of women about the proper methods for early marriage (from 25.3 to 11%) and emergencies showed a decrease (from 12.2% to 5.6%)

    Nurses’ attitude towards attendance of nursing students in the clinical setting in Shahrekord in 2015

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    Background and Purpose: Attendance of nursing students in clinical settings is an inherent element of nursing education. This study aimed to evaluate the attitudes of nurses toward the attendance of nursing students in clinical settings in Shahrekord, Iran. Methods: This descriptive study was conducted in Hajar teaching hospital of Shahrekord city, Iran in 2015. Using convenience sampling, 150 eligible nurses were selected for this study. Data were collected using demographic questionnaires and Stagg’s attitude scale. In addition, we assessed the viewpoints of nurses regarding the advantages and disadvantages of the attendance of nursing students in clinical environments using two open questions. Data analysis was performed using Chi-square, Student’s t-test, and Pearson’s correlation-coefficient. Results: Negative attitude toward the attendance of nursing students in clinical settings was observed in 82% of the participants. Moreover, 80.7% of the nurses believed that nursing students are not able to acquire sufficient clinical experiences in clinical environments. On the other hand, no significant correlation was observed between age, work experience, marital status, and attitude toward the attendance of nursing students in clinical settings (P>0.05). However, this difference was only significant in terms of the ward of employment (P=0.004), so that nurses engaged in the psychiatric ward had a more positive attitude toward this concept compared to other nurses. Conclusion: According to the results of this study, special attention must be paid to the clinical education of nurses with regard to their experiences and viewpoints toward improving clinical learning

    EDTA-Modified Mesoporous Silica as Supra Absorbent of Copper Ions with Novel Approach as an Antidote Agent in Copper Toxicity

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    Purpose: Mesoporous silica (MS) have been considered as a biocompatible compound and found to have various pharmaceutical applications. Recently, novel approaches in applications of MS as antidote agents were introduced. In this study, the capacity of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid modified mesoporous silica (MS-EDTA) was evaluated in in vitro and in vivo adsorption of copper (Cu). Methods: The MS-EDTA was characterized by fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) and X-ray diffraction, while surface area was determined by N2 adsorption–desorption technique. Morphological studies were observed by high resolution-transmission electron microscopy and field emission-scanning electron microscopy and the sizes were determined by dynamic light scattering. The capacity of these particles for copper adsorption was investigated in vitro in both 1.2 and 7.2 pH. In in vivo animal study, the Cu adsorption efficiency of MS-EDTA in Cu-overdosed mice was evaluated. In this case, an animal model of acute copper poisoning was prepared. Results: The MS-EDTA with surface area of 352.35 was synthesized. Scanning electron microscope showed spherical particle formation with less than 500 nm in size. Transmission electron microscope images showed porous and honeycomb structure. FT-IR spectroscopy showed an appropriate formation of functional groups. Particle efficiency was investigated for Cu adsorption. MS-EDTA in both media showed a high adsorption capability for Cu (II) adsorption in pH=1.2 and pH=7.2. In addition, the study of Langmuir, Freundlich, and Redlich–Peterson adsorption models showed that copper adsorption by MS-EDTA followed the Freundlich model with multi-layer adsorption. In vivo evaluation showed that MS-EDTA could alleviate the symptoms of acute copper poisoning by lowering Cu plasma levels. Conclusion: Structural evaluation showed successful formation of MS-EDTA. In vitro analysis demonstrated that supreme Cu adsorption occurs in both pH conditions (7.2 and 1.2), and was especially more favorable in simulated intestinal pH (7.2). The in vivo studies in animal models with acute Cu poisoning showed that MS-EDTA could be a potent antidote agent