976 research outputs found

    On AGT conjecture

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    In these notes we consider relation between conformal blocks and the Nekrasov partition function of certain N=2\mathcal{N}=2 SYM theories proposed recently by Alday, Gaiotto and Tachikawa. We concentrate on N=2∗\mathcal{N}=2^{*} theory, which is the simplest example of AGT relation.Comment: References adde

    Multipoint correlation functions in Liouville field theory and minimal Liouville gravity

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    We study n+3-point correlation functions of exponential fields in Liouville field theory with n degenerate and 3 arbitrary fields. An analytical expression for these correlation functions is derived in terms of Coulomb integrals. The application of these results to the minimal Liouville gravity is considered.Comment: Contribution to the proceedings of the International Workshop on Classical and Quantum Integrable Systems, Dubna, Russia, January 22-25, 2007, 18 page

    The Higgs and Coulomb/Confining Phases in "Twisted-Mass" Deformed CP(N-1) Model

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    We consider non-supersymmetric two-dimensional CP(N-1) model deformed by a term presenting the bosonic part of the twisted mass deformation of N=2 supersymmetric version of the model. Our deformation has a special form preserving a Z_N symmetry at the Lagrangian level. In the large mass limit the model is weakly coupled. Its dynamics is described by the Higgs phase, with Z_N spontaneously broken. At small masses it is in the strong coupling Coulomb/confining phase. The Z_N symmetry is restored. Two phases are separated by a phase transition. We find the phase transition point in the large-N limit. It lies at strong coupling. As was expected, the phase transition is related to broken versus unbroken Z_N symmetry in these two respective phases. The vacuum energies for these phases are determined too.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures, reference adde

    A Note on Z_2 Symmetries of the KZ Equation

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    We continue the study of hidden Z_2 symmetries of the four-point sl(2)_k Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equation iniciated in hep-th/0508019. Here, we focus our attention on the four-point correlation function in those cases where one spectral flowed state of the sector w=1 is involved. We give a formula that shows how this observable can be expressed in terms of the four-point function of non spectral flowed states. This means that the formula holding for the winding violating four-string scattering processes in AdS_3 has a simple expression in terms of the one for the conservative case, generalizing what is known for the case of three-point functions, where the violating and the non-violating structure constants turn out to be connected one to each other in a similar way. What makes this connection particularly simple is the fact that, unlike what one would naively expect, it is not necessary to explicitly solve the five-point function containing a single spectral flow operator to this end. Instead, non diagonal functional relations between different solutions of the KZ equation turn out to be the key point for this short path to exist. Considering such functional relation is necessary but it is not sufficient; besides, the formula also follows from the relation existing between correlators in both WZNW and Liouville conformal theories.Comment: 24 pages. Minor changes and references added; version accepted for publicatio

    Correlation functions in conformal Toda field theory I

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    Two-dimensional sl(n) quantum Toda field theory on a sphere is considered. This theory provides an important example of conformal field theory with higher spin symmetry. We derive the three-point correlation functions of the exponential fields if one of the three fields has a special form. In this case it is possible to write down and solve explicitly the differential equation for the four-point correlation function if the fourth field is completely degenerate. We give also expressions for the three-point correlation functions in the cases, when they can be expressed in terms of known functions. The semiclassical and minisuperspace approaches in the conformal Toda field theory are studied and the results coming from these approaches are compared with the proposed analytical expression for the three-point correlation function. We show, that in the framework of semiclassical and minisuperspace approaches general three-point correlation function can be reduced to the finite-dimensional integral.Comment: 54 pages, JHEP styl

    Miura-Like Free Field Realization Of Fermionic Casimir WB(3) Algebras

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    Starting from the well-known quantum Miura-like transformation for the non simply-laced Lie algebras B(3),we give an explicit construction of the Casimir WB(3) algebras.We reserve the notation WB(N) for the Casimir W algebras of type W(2,4,6,...,2N,N+1/2) which contains one fermionic field. It is seen that WB(3) algebra is closed an associative for all values of the central element c.Comment: 7 pages,no figures,TeX fil

    Vertex Operator Extension of Casimir W A(N) Algebras

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    We give an extension of Casimir of Casimir WAN\cal{WA_N} algebras including a vertex operator which depends on non-simple roots of AN−1A_{N-1}.Comment: 7 pages,no figures,TeX file,(to appear in Mod.Phys.Lett.A

    On scaling fields in ZNZ_N Ising models

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    We study the space of scaling fields in the ZNZ_N symmetric models with the factorized scattering and propose simplest algebraic relations between form factors induced by the action of deformed parafermionic currents. The construction gives a new free field representation for form factors of perturbed Virasoro algebra primary fields, which are parafermionic algebra descendants. We find exact vacuum expectation values of physically important fields and study correlation functions of order and disorder fields in the form factor and CFT perturbation approaches.Comment: 2 Figures, jetpl.cl
