33 research outputs found

    Regenerating Agriculture Policies and Practice for Sustainability and Self-reliance

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    Buku ini dengan jelas memberikan gambaran kepada para pembaca tentang paradigma pembangunan pertanian yang berlanjutan (sustainability). Pada awal tulisan, penulis mendiskripsikan tentang konsep pertanian yang berkelanjutan dan diakhiri dengan perihal kebijakan-kebijakan yang mengarah pada pertanian berkelanjutan. Buku ini sangat tepat untuk dibaca bagi para pemerhati pembangunan pedesaan, para praktisi pembangunan pertanian dan pedesaan, serta pihak pembuat kebijakan di level pusat maupun daerah. Dengan membaca buku ini kita akan memperoleh pemahaman yang lebih baik dan lebih mendalam tentang pembangunan pertanian yang berkelanjutan dan mendapatkan pencerahan yang mungkin selama ini pemikiran atau wawasan kita masih terkungkung pada paradigma pembangunan pertanian yang hanya menekankan pada aspek peningkatan produksi. Khusus bagi para penyuluh dan pembuat kebijakan penyuluhan pertanian, buku ini dapat dijadikan referensi yang bermutu untuk penyusunan program penyuluhan

    The Auotonomy of the Fisherrmen Comunities to Prepare of the Oil is Important to Be Developed, Where IT Would Help Them to Decrease the Dependence of Oil. Another Hand, Source of Alternative Energy Available in the Coastal Area. So, to Socialized the Energy Alternatif for Them Should Use Andragogy Approach the Literature Study Focuses on What Learning Theory Suitable for Adult, and What the Kind of Altemative Energy Could Be Improve for Them. the Study Show That Student Centered Learning is Suitable for Adult, and the Kinds of Alternative Energy Could Be Improve for Fisherrmen Communities Were: Thrifty Charcoal Stove, Pl TM, Biodiesel, Dan Solar Energy.

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    The auotonomy of the fisherrmen comunities to prepare of the oil is important to be developed, where it would help them to decrease the dependence of oil. Another hand, source of alternative energy available in the coastal area. So, to socialized the energy alternatif for them should use andragogy approach The literature study focuses on what learning theory suitable for adult, and what the kind of altemative energy could be improve for them. The study show that student centered learning is suitable for adult, and the kinds of alternative energy could be improve for fisherrmen communities were: thrifty charcoal stove, Pl TM, biodiesel, dan solar energy

    Leadership is Very Important to Improve a Community Group as Like the Fish Farmer Group in KUIH Telaga Biru, Desa Parigi Mekar, Ciseeng, Bogor. the Research in Focuses on How Principal, Commitment and a Figure of Group's Leader, and the Style of the Leadership. From the Research, IT Has Been the Shown That Group's Leader Use the Leadership Principal of Muhammad SAW as Like Sidiq, Tab/igh, Amanah, Dan Fathonah. Group's Leader Regard Their Members as a Leader, and the Group's Leader Was a Model Leader to Group Members, Also He Have Huge Commitment in the Interest of the Group.

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    Leadership is very important to improve a community group as like the fish farmer group in KUIH Telaga Biru, Desa Parigi Mekar, Ciseeng, Bogor. The research in focuses on how principal, commitment and a figure of group's leader, and the style of the leadership. From the research, it has been the shown that group's leader use the leadership principal of Muhammad SAW as like sidiq, tab/igh, amanah, dan fathonah. Group's leader regard their members as a leader, and the group's leader was a model leader to group members, also he have huge commitment in the interest of the group

    Model Aksi Sosial pada Masyarakat Petambak di Wilayah Pesisir Kecamatan Muara Gembong, Kabupaten Bekasi

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    Social action model with program of cultivation of crab is one of the problem solving altematives of conflict among branchish waterpond society with govemment (Ministry of Forestry of Republic of Indonesia ·Perhutani"). There are different interest among them that the coastal (mangrove forest) in order to a conservation and another side to living of the branch ish waterpond community. The objectives of the research were (1) to describe of the social action components in the study location, and (2) to design a social action model with program of cultivation oferab. The research showed that (1) social action components indicated as (1) the actor components were branchish waterpond and "Perhutani", (b) situational and problem component was a conflict of different interest among coastal pond communitiy with "Perhutani", (c) the objective component mangrove was in order to living for the branch ish waterpond, but for "Perhutani" it was in order to conservation thing, (d) the value and norm component (e) there are legal formal and tradition (informal) about coastal management were adopted by them, and the way of the objective component by branch ish waterpond the mangrove in order to cultivate of fish, settlement, and firewood, and by Perhutani was monitoring and controlling of this (2) the principles of social action were participation, empowering, autonomy, and sustainability. To design of social action model systematically with step by step way. Firstly, planning (data collecting, data analyzing, problem identification, priority problem ellection, decide objective of program), input identlcation, decide of output, decide of outcomes, and evaluatio

    Tingkat Kapasitas Pembudidaya Ikan dalam Mengelola Usaha Akuakultur secara Berkelanjutan

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    This study was undertaken to identify fish farmer characteristic and supporting institutional, and to know the degree of fish farmer capacity to manage of aquabusiness sustainability. This was done by carrying out a survey involving random sample of 278 fish farmers from Bogor and Cianjur Districts of West Java Province. Both descriptive statistic and independent-samples T-test were used in analysing the data generated from the resesarch. Result presented showed that majority of fish farmers were low on formal education, non-formal education, business experience, family size, income, and business scale, but age was moderate. The supporting of institutional showed that support of financial institutional was low, input production institutional and marketing institutional was high, and information institutional was moderate. Performance of extension worker was low, and supporting of fish farmer group was high. Capacity of fish farmer as follows to practice of business function was moderate, to solve a problem was low, to plan of business and to adapt it to change of environment was high

    Women Perception as Cockle Cultivator Households

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    Sustainable development of coastal and marine resources in Indonesia reveals that women take an important role in coastal and marine sectors. This study focused on women's perception of their role. It aimed to assess the women's perception about their role and to analyze the relationship between internal and external factors with women's perception about their role in cockle cultivator households. This study applied survey method with quantitative approach which is supported by qualitative information. The result of this study found that most respondents are in middle adulthood (31-50 years), have low education levels, low income levels, has a job as “ pengitri k” and Bugis tribes. The results of descriptive analysis showed that women's perception of their role in the household tend to be less good, it means respondents did not have a conscious view of gender in almost aspects of household roles. The results of statistical analysis showed that internal factors which is income level and employment has significantly related to women's perceptions about their role in the household. Another factors such as age, education, and income has not significantly related to the women' s perception. External factors in this study such as husband's age, husband's education level and husband's income level is not significantly related to the women's perception of their role in the household

    Strengthening Rural Extension Services to Facilitate Community Towards Sustainable Development Goals in Three Districts in Indonesia

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    Rural areas in Indonesia vary in terms of socio-economics and cultural background, the landscape, physical climate, the resources, and the accessibility to extension services. Rural extension services play an important role in facilitating community development from on-farm to off farm activities. Rural extension systems have to address the increased demand for the services and to nd innovative approaches and strategies to facilitate community in the era of globalization. The paper aims to analyse the current status of rural extension systems in Indonesia, to analyse the role of stakeholders involved in extension systems, and to formulate plan and actions to strengthen rural extension systems. Assessment of rural extension systems was conducted by using a logical framework analysis models involving representatives from rural community groups and resource persons. Stakeholder dialogues and group discussions were conducted to gather information and to discuss the issues on rural extension. Data were analysed using stakeholders analysis to formulate strategy to strengthen rural extension systems. The results indicate that rural areas have shown changes in terms of socio-ecological aspects, land-uses, sources of income, and availability of resources. The changes are due to population increases that result in the need for more food, housing, education, jobs, and other public facilities. Community groups run small enterprise in rural areas for income generating activities. Engaging community and related stakeholders in the systems has positive effects for successful rural extension services. Stakeholder analysis showed that better collaborative extension services from service providers is needed to facilitate community. In terms of sustainable development goals, rural extension systems need the issues of food, health, water, gender, poverty and environment to be integrated into the services. Existing supports from local government, business sectors, civil society organizations, and universities are essentials to facilitate transformative changes in communities