67 research outputs found
Islamic religious education in schools substantively had a very important role. In accordance with the mandate of the Law on National Education System, religious education should be provided to learners at all levels of education. Religious education was expected not only to provide knowledge of religion, but also build the personality character of the students using religious values taught. Through quantitative research, this study examined the implementation of Islamic religious education in schools with the research problems: is there any correlation with religious observance, and any other factors that affect the behavior of religion? How does the orientation of Islamic religious educationin schools? The results showed that Islamic education is not positively correlated to the level of religious observance. Similarly, differences in men and women are not correlated to the level of religious observance. Therefore, there will be necessary reorientation of religious education in schools.
Historically, the existence of madrasah can be separated from the development of pesantren in Indonesia. The rise of pesantren, as an effort to modernize the classical educational system as well as the response to the ethical politics of the colonial government, gradually got attention from community members. Nevertheless, this does not mean that madrasah developed without any problems. As an education institution, the madrasah wanted to reach progress like that of public schools. Legally, there are a number of regulations enacted to make the madrasah equal to public schools. So far the madrasah is still seen as a ‘second class’ school. Applying a case study on the Madrasah Roudlatul Ulum, Guyangan Pati, Central Java, this article aims to conceptualize and describe a relatively progressive madrasah and even it has a pesantren under its management.
Keywords: madrasah, pesantren, managemen
Historically, the existence of madrasah can be separated from the development of pesantren in Indonesia. The rise of pesantren, as an effort to modernize the classical educational system as well as the response to the ethical politics of the colonial government, gradually got attention from community members. Nevertheless, this does not mean that madrasah developed without any problems. As an education institution, the madrasah wanted to reach progress like that of public schools. Legally, there are a number of regulations enacted to make the madrasah equal to public schools. So far the madrasah is still seen as a ‘second class’ school. Applying a case study on the Madrasah Roudlatul Ulum, Guyangan Pati, Central Java, this article aims to conceptualize and describe a relatively progressive madrasah and even it has a pesantren under its management.
Keywords: madrasah, pesantren, managemen
The Image of Women Figures in Folklore of Kudus Kulon’s Toponyms: A Linguistics Anthropology Study
This study aims to explore the image of women figures in folklore relating to the naming of a place (toponym) in the Kudus Kulon area. This study was carried out with a linguistic anthropology approach, which focuses on language as a set of symbolic resources that enter the constitution or social and individual representations in the real world. The results of this study are as follows: 1) the origin of the toponym, i.e. the name and the activity of the women figures; 2) the role of women figures, consisting of the main and side characters; 3) the relation between female and male figures in toponym can be divided into two: (a) women figures representing the husband and (b) women figures representing themselves; 4) opportunities for women figures, including opportunities to solve problems, opportunities to move according to their interests, and opportunities to participate in public roles; 5) influences of women figures, including influences on spirituality, influences on economic activities, and influences on culture
The Image of Women Figures in Folklore of Kudus Kulon’s Toponyms: A Linguistics Anthropology Study
This study aims to explore the image of women figures in folklore relating to the naming of a place (toponym) in the Kudus Kulon area. This study was carried out with a linguistic anthropology approach, which focuses on language as a set of symbolic resources that enter the constitution or social and individual representations in the real world. The results of this study are as follows: 1) the origin of the toponym, i.e. the name and the activity of the women figures; 2) the role of women figures, consisting of the main and side characters; 3) the relation between female and male figures in toponym can be divided into two: (a) women figures representing the husband and (b) women figures representing themselves; 4) opportunities for women figures, including opportunities to solve problems, opportunities to move according to their interests, and opportunities to participate in public roles; 5) influences of women figures, including influences on spirituality, influences on economic activities, and influences on culture
Internal Locus of Control, Self-Efficacy, Self-Esteem, dan Prokrastinasi Akademik Mahasiswa PAI FITK UIN Walisongo Semarang
Penelitian ini bertujuan manganalisis tentang: Internal locus of control, self-efficacy, self-esteem dan prokrastinasi akademik mahasiswa PAI FITK UIN Walisongo Semarang. Dalam penelitian ini, analisis data menggunakan analisis kuantitatif deskriptif untuk menganalisis internal locus of control, self-efficacy, self-esteem dan prokrastinasi akademik mahasiswa PAI. sedangkan untuk menganalisis pengaruh internal locus of control, self-efficacy, self-esteem terhadap prokrastinasi akademik mahasiswa PAI FITK UIN Walisongo Semarang digunakan analisis regresi. Dari hasil analisis penelitian ini didapatkan beberapa temuan: pertama, ada pengaruh negatif yang tidak signifikan antara internal locus of control dengan prokrastinasi akademik mahasiswa PAI FITK UIN Walisongo Semarang. Persamaan garis regresinya adalah Y`=73.138-0,720X, nilai sig 0,1020,05. Besarnya pengaruh internal locus of control terhadap prokrastinasi akademik 0,328, dengan kontribusi sebesar 10,7%. Kedua, Ada pengaruh negatif yang signifikan self-efficacy terhadap prokrastinasi akademik mahasiswa PAI FITK UIN Walisongo Semarang, dengan persamaan regresi Y`=75.179-0,552X, dan nilai sig 0,0070,05. Besarnya pengaruh sebesar 0,328. dan kontribusinya sebesar 10,8%. Ketiga, ada pengaruh negatif yang signifikan self-esteem terhadap prokrastinasi akademik mahasiswa PAI FITK UIN Walisongo Semarang dengan nilai sig 0,0360,05, dan persamaan regresinya Y`=82,794-0,490X, dengan besar pengaruh 0,414, dengan kontribusi sebesar 17,1%. Keempat, ada pengaruh negatif dan signifikan antara internal locus of control, self-efficacy, self-esteem secara bersama-sama dengan prokrastinasi akademik mahasiswa PAI FITK UIN Walisongo Semarang, dengan persamaan regresi Y`=119,552-0,649X1-0,423X2-0,273X3 dan nilai sig 0,0070,05. Pengaruhnya sebesar 0,641, dengan kontribusi sebesar 41%. Sisanya sebesar 59% ditentukan faktor lain
Deradikalisasi Agama di Era Digital Melalui Pendidikan Islam Multikultural
The rise of radical intolerant understanding, the spread of the movement of exclusivity and fundamentalism of Islamic teachings poses a serious threat to internal Muslims and the global community. This phenomenon has an impact on the emergence of disputes between groups, internal and external to Muslims, which endangers the survival of the global community. Especially in the digital age where information flow seems to be in the grip. Everyone easily accesses and disseminates information, very easily. Although the digital era has positive impacts, the negative impacts are no less terrible. Through sophisticated electronic devices that collaborate with the development of information technology dissemination of negatively charged content such as hate speech, hoaxes, radical propaganda and streams that threaten public harmony spread easily and can be accessed by anyone and anywhere. The real concern is not only in the general public, but among adults and educated people, but the younger generation is also potentially exposed to these things. To stem the onslaught of intolerant radical radical propaganda, the right solution is to counter this, namely multicultural Islamic education. Multicultural Islamic education is expected to be a surefire solution to the problem. The atmosphere is that the spirit of Islam as a religion that spreads mercy for all nature will be truly realized. Through case study research and qualitative approaches, this paper examines how radicalism, fundamentalism and exclusivity of Islamic teachings spread easily through digital media. How multicultural Islamic education can become a vaccine that can eradicate the virus of radicalism, fundamentalism and exclusivity of Islamic teachings. The results of this research are through the concepts and principles of multicultural Islamic education that will be able to reduce and become a solution to the threat of radicalism, fundamentalism and exclusivity of Islamic teachings that endanger the life of society, nation and religion
Implikasi Penerapan Sistem Manajemen Mutu ISO 9001:2015 di Madrasah (Studi Kasus di Madrasah Aliyah Nahdlatul Ulama Banat, Kudus, Indonesia)
Kompetisi dunia kerja di era global ini tidak hanya terjadi di level nasional melainkan internasional. Realitas ini menuntut lembaga-lembaga pendidikan memiliki kualitas lulusan berstandar internasional. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji implikasi penerapan Sistem Manajemen Mutu ISO 9001:2015 di Madrasah Aliyah NU Banat Kudus. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dengan teknik observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data melalui tiga tahap, yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Berdasarkan dari teori Deming, hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pada tahap perencanaan (plan); madrasah merumuskan sasaran mutu, isu-isu internal eksternal, resiko-peluang, serta kebutuhan dan harapan pihak berkepentingan. Tahap pelaksanaan (do); madrasah melakukan komunikasi, sosialisasi dan menggalang dukungan untuk menjamin proses Sistem Manajemen Mutu ISO 9001:2015 di madrasah. Tahap pemeriksaan (check); madrasah melakukan audit internal, audit eksternal dan menyebarkan angket layanan. Tahap peningkatan berkelanjutan (act); madrasah menggunakan hasil angket layanan yang telah disebar dan juga meningkatkan grade dalam sasaran mutu. Implikasi penerapan sistem ini diantaranya terciptanya sinergitas kebutuhan akreditasi madrasah, peningkatan citra madrasah, peningkatan kualitas program, dan peningkatan kedisiplina
Implikasi Penerapan Sistem Manajemen Mutu ISO 9001:2015 di Madrasah (Studi Kasus di Madrasah Aliyah Nahdlatul Ulama Banat, Kudus, Indonesia)
Kompetisi dunia kerja di era global ini tidak hanya terjadi di level nasional melainkan internasional. Realitas ini menuntut lembaga-lembaga pendidikan memiliki kualitas lulusan berstandar internasional. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji implikasi penerapan Sistem Manajemen Mutu ISO 9001:2015 di Madrasah Aliyah NU Banat Kudus. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dengan teknik observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data melalui tiga tahap, yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Berdasarkan dari teori Deming, hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pada tahap perencanaan (plan); madrasah merumuskan sasaran mutu, isu-isu internal eksternal, resiko-peluang, serta kebutuhan dan harapan pihak berkepentingan. Tahap pelaksanaan (do); madrasah melakukan komunikasi, sosialisasi dan menggalang dukungan untuk menjamin proses Sistem Manajemen Mutu ISO 9001:2015 di madrasah. Tahap pemeriksaan (check); madrasah melakukan audit internal, audit eksternal dan menyebarkan angket layanan. Tahap peningkatan berkelanjutan (act); madrasah menggunakan hasil angket layanan yang telah disebar dan juga meningkatkan grade dalam sasaran mutu. Implikasi penerapan sistem ini diantaranya terciptanya sinergitas kebutuhan akreditasi madrasah, peningkatan citra madrasah, peningkatan kualitas program, dan peningkatan kedisiplina
Portfolio assessment in the frame of multi-layered peer coaching: An alternative portfolio for pre-service teachers
Literature has shown that portfolio assessment is meaningful for supporting student-teachers’ language and teaching skills. However, integrating portfolio assessment and Multi-layered Peer Coaching (MPC) is still scarcely done. To fill in this empirical void, this study elaborates the implementation of portfolio assessment in Micro Teaching class integrated with MPC. This is a case study with 22 pre-service teachers and one teacher educator as data sources. The data were collected through observation and documentation, and analyzed by using interactive model of analysis. It reveals that the artifacts of portfolio are dominated by collaboration-based products, comprising 13 artefacts. This portfolio may be developed to accommodate alternative assessment in Micro Teaching Class
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