21 research outputs found

    Students’ with Blindness and Visual Impairments Level of Engagement in Science and Engineering Practices

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    There is a lack of research on science-process skills and abilities of students with blindness and visual impairments to apply those skills (Jones, Forrester, Robertson, Gardner, & Taylor, 2012). This study aims to provide additional information on how students with blindness and visual impairment are engaged in science and engineering practices in order for teachers to gain a better understanding of how students with visual impairments can learn engineering practices. The Student Inquiry Review (Hilson & Wild, 2015) that examines the scientific and engineering practices as defined in the Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts and Core Ideas (National Academy of Sciences, 2012) was used for this study. Specifically, researchers examined the eight defined science and engineering behaviors of students with visual impairments as they were engaged in a science curriculum specifically designed for them

    The gut commensal microbiome of Drosophila is modified by the endosymbiont Wolbachia

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    Endosymbiotic Wolbachia bacteria and the gut microbiome have inde- pendently been shown to affect several aspects of insect biology, including repro- duction, development, life span, stem cell activity, and resistance to human patho- gens, in insect vectors. This work shows that Wolbachia bacteria, which reside mainly in the fly germline, affect the microbial species present in the fly gut in a lab-reared strain. Drosophila melanogaster hosts two main genera of commensal bac- teria—Acetobacter and Lactobacillus. Wolbachia-infected flies have significantly re- duced titers of Acetobacter. Sampling of the microbiome of axenic flies fed with equal proportions of both bacteria shows that the presence of Wolbachia bacteria is a significant determinant of the composition of the microbiome throughout fly de- velopment. However, this effect is host genotype dependent. To investigate the mechanism of microbiome modulation, the effect of Wolbachia bacteria on Imd and reactive oxygen species pathways, the main regulators of immune response in the fly gut, was measured. The presence of Wolbachia bacteria does not induce signifi- cant changes in the expression of the genes for the effector molecules in either pathway. Furthermore, microbiome modulation is not due to direct interaction be- tween Wolbachia bacteria and gut microbes. Confocal analysis shows that Wolbachia bacteria are absent from the gut lumen. These results indicate that the mechanistic basis of the modulation of composition of the microbiome by Wolbachia bacteria is more complex than a direct bacterial interaction or the effect of Wolbachia bacteria on fly immunity. The findings reported here highlight the importance of considering the composition of the gut microbiome and host genetic background during Wolbachia-induced phenotypic studies and when formulating microbe-based disease vector control strategies.1R56AI97589-01A1 - National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases; 1225360 - National Science Foundatio

    How great were the Cedar Mesa great house communities? (Paper)

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    Fast, N. How great were the Cedar Mesa great house communities? (Paper). Presented at the 76th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Sacramento, CA, March 31, 2011

    How great were the Cedar Mesa great house communities?

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    Fast, N. How great were the Cedar Mesa great house communities? Presented at the 76th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Sacramento, CA, March 31, 2011

    Double Grade of Professionalization of Teachers? How Research-based Learning in PE Teacher Training Can Contribute to This Theoretical Approach

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    Einem professionstheoretischen Verständnis folgend gehört ein reflexiv-forschender Habitus ebenso zum Lehrer_innensein wie eine inhaltliche und vermittlungsbezogene Fachkompetenz. Sportstudierende machen in schulischen Praxisphasen allerdings nicht zwangsläufig diese Erfahrung. Darum messen sie der Entwicklung eines solchen Habitus besonders nach Aufenthalten in der Praxis nur eine geringe Bedeutung hinsichtlich ihrer Professionalisierung bei. Diesem Phänomen wird die Notwendigkeit einer doppelten Professionalität entgegengehalten, die ĂĽber den hochschuldidaktischen Ansatz des Forschenden Lernens angebahnt werden kann. Insbesondere in der Sportlehrer_innenausbildung kann hierĂĽber neben dem Wechsel von der Lernenden- zur Lehrendenperspektive auch der notwendige Rollenwechsel von sportlichen Akteur_innen zu Arrangeur_innen bewegungskultureller Praxis vollzogen werden. HierfĂĽr bedarf es jedoch einer expliziten, frĂĽhzeitigen und kontinuierlichen Beschäftigung mit den verschiedenen Kompetenzfeldern: die Thematisierung inhaltlicher sowie vermittlungs- und forschungsmethodischer Fähigkeiten sollten dabei möglichst integrativ geschehen. Der Beitrag spannt den Bogen von theoretischen AnsprĂĽchen ĂĽber fachspezifische Herausforderungen und Chancen, Forschendes Lernen gelingend zur Professionalisierung beitragen zu lassen bis hin zu praktischen Handlungsempfehlungen zur didaktischen Umsetzung dieses Ansatzes, die aus der Verbindung von den skizzierten theoretischen und eigenen empirischen Befunden abgeleitet werden.  According to a common profession-theoretical understanding, teachers should have at their disposal both a reflective research-driven habitus as well as content-related and didactic professional competence. However, PE stu-dents often do not necessarily experience the need for such double professional-ism in practice, which is why they often attribute little importance to the devel-opment of a research-driven habitus as part of their professionalization. This phenomenon contrasts with the proclaimed need for a double qualification, which can be implemented by the academic didactic approach of research-based learn-ing. Especially in PE teachers’ training, not only the shift from a learner’s to a teachers’ perspective can be achieved through research-based learning, but also the shift of roles from an athlete to a coordinator of motion-cultural activity. However, both shifts require an explicit, early and continuous engagement in the various fields of competences, addressing content-related and didactic skills and research methods from early on. The article discusses theoretical demands and subject-related challenges and opportunities of research-based learning and how it may contribute to professionalization. Finally, practical recommendations for its didactic implementation are addressed, which are derived from a combination of theoretical positions and empirical findings.&nbsp