196 research outputs found

    The Flux of Impact Ejecta on the Lunar Surface from Scaling Considerations: Implications for Operational Hazards and Geomorphic Forcing

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    The impact cratering process has been critical to the evolution of the Moons surface over its geologic history and remains an important ongoing process today. Impact events have a major local effect, but also excavate ejecta particles that re-impact the lunar surface over a wide area. Quantifying the flux of ejecta to a given point on the Moon is the subject of this work. We also estimate how this flux is partitioned into different particle sizes and different ejecta velocities. Motivation: There are two main factors motivating this work. First, and most critically, is the assessment of the hazard posed by impact ejecta for future surface exploration (i.e., to infrastructure, spacesuits, etc.). LROC observations of new craters have led to the reemphasized need to consider this hazard. In fact, a hazard assessment of this type was made prior to Apollo, although some of the underlying assumptions of that work are now clearly obsolete (see [4]). We also now know much more about the impactor flux, scaling of impact events, and scaling of ejecta than was known in the 1960's, so revisiting this hazard assessment is appropriate.We note that also have recently revisited the earlier hazard estimates and independently revised them downward using an entirely different analytical approach. The second motivation is that several recent papers have argued that the flux of distal ejecta is the controlling factor in how fast the lunar surface evolves. For this reason, improving understanding of the ejecta mass flux and how the flux translates into geomorphic work is of interest. To be clear, it is obvious that the ejecta mass flux is much larger than the primary impactor mass flux indeed, this is self-evident because the craters excavated by hypervelocity impacts are much larger than their impactors. On the other hand, the energy delivered by a given primary to the surface is larger than the sum of the energy delivered by all its associated ejecta, as required by conservation, aggravated by the fact that not all of an impactors kinetic energy is partitioned into ejecta excavation. If distal ejecta and secondaries control lunar geomorphic evolution, this suggests that re-impacting ejecta must more efficiently translate their energy into geomorphic work than primaries. It is also easy to imagine the relative efficiency of primary and secondary impacts to do geomorphic work varying with the size of the primary. Considering the details of this process is thus of significant interest for lunar geomorphology

    Precipitation and Aridity Constraints on Early Mars from Globally-Distributed Paleolakes

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    The widespread occurrence of fluvio-lacustrine features on Mars support long-lived flow and accumulation of water in a warmer, wetter past. However, martian climate models have been unable to recreate the necessary conditions required to support a persistent wet climate. Orbital and in-situ data sets have revealed the existence of > 400 paleolakes on Mars, which can be subdivided into open- and closed-basin lakes. Open-basin lakes require that sufficient water accumulated to fill and overtop the basin-confining topography, providing a minimum constraint on required water volumes. Conversely, closed-basin lakes provide maximum water volumes since the absence of an outlet breach generally implies they did not overflow. Importantly, a subset of both open- and closed-basin lakes are fed by valley networks inferred to have been sourced by precipitation during the era of valley network formation > 3.7 Ga and may be used to quantitatively constrain precipitation and aridity during early Mars

    Spatial Variation in Erosion Rates in Mars Equatorial Regions Inferred from Ejecta Retention of 1-3 Km Diameter Craters

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    The modification of impact craters has long been used to infer the geomorphic forcing on Mars [1], as well as estimate the spatial and temporal variability of this erosion and gradation [e.g., 2]. Here, we studied the population of small primary craters (1-3 km) to understand differences in ejecta retention across equatorial Mars. Specifically, we evaluated whether craters in our study population had observable ejecta deposits (defined on the basis of distinct tone or texture with respect to their surroundings).This is a proxy for the resurfacing rate because only relatively fresh craters retain their ejecta deposits. More broadly, this is part of a larger project we are undertaking [3] to examine crater morphometry and other characteristics from CTX-derived digital terrain models (DTMs), augmented by qualitative observations

    The Importance of Lake Overflow Floods for Early Martian Landscape Evolution: Insights From Licus Vallis

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    Open-basin lake outlet valleys are incised when water breaches the basin-confining topography and overflows. Outlet valleys record this flooding event and provide insight into how the lake and surrounding terrain evolved over time. Here we present a study of the paleolake outlet Licus Vallis, a >350 km long, >2 km wide, >100 m deep valley that heads at the outlet breach of an approx.30 km diameter impact crater. Multiple geomorphic features of this valley system suggest it records a more complex evolution than formation from a single lake overflow flood. This provides unique insight into the paleohydrology of lakes on early Mars, as we can make inferences beyond the most recent phase of activity.

    Re-examination of the Population, Stratigraphy, and Sequence of Mercurian Basins: Implications for Mercurys Early Impact History and Comparison with the Moon

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    Mercury has one of the best preserved impact records in the inner Solar System due to the absence of an atmosphere, but it has much higher rates of surface modification than on the Moon. The earliest geological mapping of the planet revealed a variety of important differences from the Moon, regarding the impact basin (D 300 km) and cratering record, as well as the extensive volcanic plains of Mercury [1-3]. It has been shown [3] that the bombardment history of the terrestrial planets is lunar-like and linked in terms of impactor population(s) and impact rates. Recent studies suggest that Mercury and the Moon had the same early impactor populations based on the similarity of their crater size-frequency distributions (CSFD), however the impact rates on Mercury are higher than on the Moon. Catalogued and characterized the basin population on Mercury using early optical data obtained by the MESSENGER spacecraft and found 46 certain and probable impact basins, as well as 41 tentative

    Amazonian‐aged fluvial valley systems in a climatic microenvironment on Mars: Melting of ice deposits on the interior of Lyot Crater

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    Valley networks, regional drainage patterns suggesting liquid water stability at the surface, are confined to early in the history of Mars (the Noachian/Hesperian boundary and before), prior to a major climate transition to the hyperarid cold conditions of the Amazonian. Several later fluvial valley systems have been documented in specific Hesperian and Early Amazonian environments, and are thought to have formed due to local conditions. Here we describe fluvial valley systems within Lyot crater that have the youngest well-constrained age reported to date (Middle or Late Amazonian) for systems of this size (tens of km). These valleys are linked to melting of near-surface ice-rich units, extend up to ∼50 km in length, follow topographic gradients, and deposit fans. The interior of Lyot crater is an optimal micro-environment, since its low elevation leads to high surface pressure, and temperature conditions at its location in the northern mid-latitudes are sufficient for melting during periods of high-obliquity. This micro-environment in Lyot apparently allowed melting of surface ice and the formation of the youngest fluvial valley systems of this scale yet observed on Mars

    Boulder Bands on Lobate Debris Aprons: Does Spatial Clustering Reveal Accumulation History for Martian Glaciations?

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    Glacial landforms such as lobate debris aprons (LDA) and Concentric Crater Fill (CCF) are the dominant debris-covered glacial landforms on Mars. These landforms represent a volumetrically significant component of the Amazonian water ice budget, however, because small craters (diameter D 0.5-1 km) are poorly retained glacial brain terrain surfaces, and, since the glacial landforms are geologically young, it is challenging to reliably constrain either individual glacial deposit ages or formational sequences in order to determine how quickly the glaciers accumulated. A fundamental question remaining is whether ice deposition and flow that formed LDA occurred episodically during a few, short instances, or whether glacial flow was quasi-continuous over a long period (~108 yr). Because glaciation is thought to be controlled largely by obliquity excursions, a larger question is whether glacial deposits on Mars exhibit regional to global characteristics that can be used to infer synchronicity of flow or degradation

    Crater Morphometry and Crater Degradation on Mercury: Mercury Laser Altimeter (MLA) Measurements and Comparison to Stereo-DTM Derived Results

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    Two types of measurements of Mercury's surface topography were obtained by the MESSENGER (MErcury Surface Space ENvironment, GEochemisty and Ranging) spacecraft: laser ranging data from Mercury Laser Altimeter (MLA) [1], and stereo imagery from the Mercury Dual Imaging System (MDIS) camera [e.g., 2, 3]. MLA data provide precise and accurate elevation meaurements, but with sparse spatial sampling except at the highest northern latitudes. Digital terrain models (DTMs) from MDIS have superior resolution but with less vertical accuracy, limited approximately to the pixel resolution of the original images (in the case of [3], 15-75 m). Last year [4], we reported topographic measurements of craters in the D=2.5 to 5 km diameter range from stereo images and suggested that craters on Mercury degrade more quickly than on the Moon (by a factor of up to approximately 10). However, we listed several alternative explanations for this finding, including the hypothesis that the lower depth/diameter ratios we observe might be a result of the resolution and accuracy of the stereo DTMs. Thus, additional measurements were undertaken using MLA data to examine the morphometry of craters in this diameter range and assess whether the faster crater degradation rates proposed to occur on Mercury is robust

    Modeling and Observations of Outlet Canyons from Lake Overflow Floods on Early Mars

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    Numerous observations from both orbital remote sensing [1-3] and Mars Curiosity [4] suggest that lakes were once part of the martian landscape. From orbital data, one of the key lines of evidence for past paleolakes is the existence of several hundred valley network-fed basins usually craters that have outlet valleys that remain perched above their floors. The existence of outlets requires that water ponded to the point that it overflowed confining topography. Beyond recognizing these landforms, there has been only limited work reconstructing the morphometry, formative hydrology, and incision history for these outlets. Here, we describe our recently published observations of outlets and ongoing numerical modeling looking at these factors

    Fluvial Volumes, Timescales, and Intermittency in Milna Crater, Mars

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    Ancient lake deposits and valley networks on Mars provide strong evidence that its surface was once modified by liquid water, but the extent of that modification is still debated. Ancient lacustrine deposits in Milna Crater provide insight into the timescale and fluid volume required to construct fluvially derived sedimentary deposits near the Noachian-Hesperian boundary. Placing the lacustrine deposits their regional context in Paran Valles provides a quantitative measurement of the intermittency of large, water-mediated sediment transport events in that region