
The Flux of Impact Ejecta on the Lunar Surface from Scaling Considerations: Implications for Operational Hazards and Geomorphic Forcing


The impact cratering process has been critical to the evolution of the Moons surface over its geologic history and remains an important ongoing process today. Impact events have a major local effect, but also excavate ejecta particles that re-impact the lunar surface over a wide area. Quantifying the flux of ejecta to a given point on the Moon is the subject of this work. We also estimate how this flux is partitioned into different particle sizes and different ejecta velocities. Motivation: There are two main factors motivating this work. First, and most critically, is the assessment of the hazard posed by impact ejecta for future surface exploration (i.e., to infrastructure, spacesuits, etc.). LROC observations of new craters have led to the reemphasized need to consider this hazard. In fact, a hazard assessment of this type was made prior to Apollo, although some of the underlying assumptions of that work are now clearly obsolete (see [4]). We also now know much more about the impactor flux, scaling of impact events, and scaling of ejecta than was known in the 1960's, so revisiting this hazard assessment is appropriate.We note that also have recently revisited the earlier hazard estimates and independently revised them downward using an entirely different analytical approach. The second motivation is that several recent papers have argued that the flux of distal ejecta is the controlling factor in how fast the lunar surface evolves. For this reason, improving understanding of the ejecta mass flux and how the flux translates into geomorphic work is of interest. To be clear, it is obvious that the ejecta mass flux is much larger than the primary impactor mass flux indeed, this is self-evident because the craters excavated by hypervelocity impacts are much larger than their impactors. On the other hand, the energy delivered by a given primary to the surface is larger than the sum of the energy delivered by all its associated ejecta, as required by conservation, aggravated by the fact that not all of an impactors kinetic energy is partitioned into ejecta excavation. If distal ejecta and secondaries control lunar geomorphic evolution, this suggests that re-impacting ejecta must more efficiently translate their energy into geomorphic work than primaries. It is also easy to imagine the relative efficiency of primary and secondary impacts to do geomorphic work varying with the size of the primary. Considering the details of this process is thus of significant interest for lunar geomorphology

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