28 research outputs found

    An Opportunity for Reflection : a Special Issue on “The Constitution of Canada : History, Evolution, Influence and Reform”

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    Canada is and will for the foreseeable future be a peaceful and prosperous liberal democracy whose Constitution Act, 1867, now 150 years old as of 2017, has become a model for the modern world. The Constitution of Canada has exerted considerable influence on other countries, particularly since the coming into force of its Constitution Act, 1982, which included the celebrated Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Just as Canada drew from foreign and international experiences in drafting its Charter, the world has learned a great deal from Canada, not only as to rights protections but also as to the separation of powers, the judicial function, and the structure of government. In light of these impressive achievements, an international symposium on the Canadian Constitution was held in Pisa at the Scuola Sant'Anna under the auspices of the Sant'Anna Legal Studies project and with the support of the DIRPOLIS (Law, Politics and Development) Institute at the Scuola Sant'Anna, the Canadian Embassy in Italy, and the International Association of Constitutional Law. This special issue collects some of the papers presented on that occasion

    Smoke with Fire: Financial Crises and the Demand for Parliamentary Oversight in the European Union.

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    The handling of the 2008 financial crisis has reinforced the conviction that the European Union (EU) is undemocratic and that member states are forced to delegate overwhelming power to a supranational technocracy. However, European countries have engaged with this alleged power drift differently, with only a few member states demanding more parliamentary scrutiny of EU institutions. This article develops a political economy explanation for why only some states have enforced mechanisms to monitor the EU more closely. Our theory focuses on the role of the crisis and the impact of fiscal autonomy in countries outside and inside currency arrangements such as the European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). We argue that, in the aftermath of a severe economic shock, member states outside the EMU possess more monetary and fiscal resources to handle the crisis. These would then demand oversight of EU decision-making if their fiscal sustainability depends on the Union. By contrast, Eurozone states that need policy changes cannot address the crisis independently or initiate reforms to scrutinize the EU. Hence, we argue that during the heated moments of severe economic downturns, parliaments in Eurozone countries discuss supranational supervision rarely. As these legislatures have nevertheless to give in to the popular demand for EU control, they express support for more EU supervision in the infrequent times of debate. We provide evidence for our theory with a cross-national analysis of EU oversight institutions, and a new original dataset of parliamentary debates during the Eurozone crisis. Our findings highlight the political consequences that financial nosedives have across the diverse membership of a supranational organization

    Operational and financial performance of Italian airport companies: A dynamic graphical model

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    This paper provides evidence on the relationship within a set of financial and operational indicators for Italian airports over 2008\u20132014. The limited sample size of national and regional airports suggests to apply the penalised RCON (V, E) model, which falls within the class of Gaussian graphical models. It provides both estimate and easy way to visualise conditional independence structures of the variables. Moreover, it is particularly suitable for handling longitudinal data where small number of units and huge number of variables have been collected. Findings highlight that a qualified concept of size matters in determining good financial performance. Specifically, increasing jointly the number of movements with flights that would attract a high number of passengers may improve both sales profitability and revenues generated by the company's assets. Results suggests that the effect of low cost carrier has been heterogeneous throughout the sample, which may suggest new opportunities to expand the business in order to intercept the consumer surplus of this category of travellers

    Patti territoriali per l'occupazione in Italia: una valutazione dal punto di vista degli stakeholder

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    In questo lavoro, mediante un approccio prevalentemente empirico-induttivo, gli autori cercano di comprendere se e in quali condizioni il partenariato e le agenzie locali per lo sviluppo riescono ad assumere e a legittimare il ruolo di soggetti efficaci e persistenti per il sostegno allo sviluppo economico e sociale di un territorio determinato. Lo studio, effettuato da un punto di vista degli stakeholder, si concentra su l\u2019esperienza italiana dei Patti territoriali per l\u2019occupazione (pto), un interessante laboratorio di sviluppo locale avviato nel 1997 dalla Commissione europea. I risultati conseguiti dai pto in un decennio sono decisamente significativi, sia in termini di investimenti realizzati sia di nuova occupazione creata, rispetto ad altri strumenti e politiche di sviluppo locale.In this paper, through an empirical-inductive approach, the authors attempt to understand whether and under what conditions partnership and local agencies for development are able to build up and legitimise the role of effective and persistent support for social and economic development of an established territory. The study, carried out from a stakeholder point of view, focuses on the Italian experience of the Territorial Employment Pacts (teps), an interesting laboratory of local development launched in 1997 by the European Commission. During a ten-year implementation this experience has reached relevant results, both in terms of realised investments and new occupation created, in comparison with those of other instruments and policies of local development

    Importanza del nursing nella prevenzione delle complicanze dei sistemi totalmente impiantabili

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    to riportato il caso clinico di un paziente sottoposto a chemioterapia in cui si è verificata una complicanza da non corret - to nursing. Il paziente, a cui era stato inserito un sistema totalmente ed impiantabile venoso ed era sottoposto a terapia antiblastica, durante un ciclo di chemioterapia ha accusato la sintomatologia dovuta allo stravaso di farmaci antiblastici. I sintomi sono regrediti rapidamente interrompendo l’infusione e non si è verificata alcuna complicanza a distanza. Gli Autori, dopo aver illustrato gli effetti collaterali dei vari far - maci antiblastici e le relative terapie, concludono puntualizzando la necessita di un corretto nursing al fine di prevenire le complicanze e di non aggravare quindi lo stato psicologico del paziente affetto da cancro