75 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengaruh Green Banking Terhadap Profitabilitas Bank Umum Syariah Indonesia

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    Research Aims: Islamic commercial banks are Islamic banks which in their activities provide services in payment traffic. Islamic commercial banks can operate as foreign exchange banks and non-foreign exchange banks. Foreign exchange bank is a bank that can carry out transactions abroad or related to foreign currencies as a whole, such as transfers abroad, collections abroad, opening letters of credit and so on. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of green banking on the profitability of Islamic commercial banks in Indonesia and the concept of green banking in an Islamic perspective. Design/methodology/approach: This type of research is quantitative with a descriptive statistical approach, the research methodology used in this study is the method of documentation and literature study. Research Findings: The results of the study show that green banking has a positive effect on the profitability of Islamic Commercial Banks in Indonesia. In the Islamic perspective, all Green Banking Indicators are in accordance with the Islamic perspective as well as the reinforcing arguments about protecting nature and preventing natural damage. Keywords: Green Banking, profitibalitas, Bank Umum Syariah

    Reformasi Pemahaman Teori Maqasid Syariah (Analisis Pendekatan Sistem Jasser Audah)

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    This paper attempts to offer reform ideas Jasser Auda thought related reforms theoretical understanding of maqᾱṣid sharia. The systems approach is done by Auda critize the theory of classical maqᾱṣid more likely to hierarchical and narrow mindset. The classical maqᾱṣid pressure a point more on protection and preservation. Whereas the new maqᾱṣid theory emphasizes development (construction, development) and rights (rights). Thus, Auda developed the concept of human development as the main target of maslahah (public interest). Auda offers the systems approach, namely: cognitive nature; interrelated; wholeness; openness; multi dimentionality and purposefulness. At the end of the discussion in this paper, the authors develop the idea of Jasser Auda by offering Sharia Maqᾱṣid concept in the context of Islamic Economic

    Islamizing The System of Economy: Solution Toward An Economical Welfare For The Islamic Landscape

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    This paper attempts to offer Islamic economic system as the solution of the actualization of theeconomic welfare of ummah. It went from the failure of the capitalist economic system(capitalism) and socialist economic system (socialism) that causes the global crisis, even the fallof a country. The topics in the paper discusses in depth related to the cause of the failure of thecapitalist economic system (capitalism) and socialist economic system (socialism). Next, authorperform related in-depth analysis of the Islamic economic system is concerned withthe construction of the economic system of Islam; comparison of the characteristics of economicactivities that based on Islamic values with non-Islamic-based economic activities; comparingthe capitalist economic system, socialists and Islam; social institution in the Islamic economicsystem as a solution to alleviate poverty; and the implementation of Islamic economicsystem that cause the achievement of the financial system stability


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    Abstract Islamic banks will always be dealing with different types of risk with diverse complexity and inherent in its business activities. Thus, the implementation of risk management in Islamic banking is very urgent to be implemented in order to identify, measure, and control various risks to be faced. The discussion paper will discuss more in depth related risk management in Islamic banking in Indonesia theoretically and implementation. The discussion on worldview importance of risk management of Islamic banks, the identification of the risk characteristics of Islamic banks, the classification of the types of risks in Islamic banks, as well as the implementation of risk management deals in Islamic banks. Keywords: Risk Identification, Risk Management, and Islamic Bankin


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana implementasi etika bisnis islam, konsep produksi, dan distribusi bagi usaha mikro kecil dan menengah (UMKM) untuk menghasilkan profitabilitas. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana konsep Islam etika bisnis, konsep produksi, dan distribusi pemrosesan. Lalu bagaimana implementasinya untuk usaha mikro kecil dan menengah (UMKM) dimana hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai resume dari model untuk usaha mikro kecil dan menengah (UMKM) lainnya tentang etika bisnis Islam, konsep produksi, dan distribusi yang baik bagi profitabilitas. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif yang menggunakan studi kepustakaan dan resume hasil penelitian sebelumnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan menerapkan etika bisnis islam dalam proses produksi dan distribusi maka akan menghasilkan profitabilitas yang baik bagi usaha mikro kelas dan menengah (UMKM). Para pelaku usaha mikro kecil menengah (UMKM) telah memahami standar prinsip-prinsip etika bisnis syariah dan melalui penelitian ini juga dapat diketahui bahwa usaha mikro kecil dan menengah (UMKM) yang dipelajari telah memenuhi standar konsep produksi dan distribusi dalam Islam dan menghasilkan profitabilitas dengan baik

    Gontor as the Learning Contemporary Islamic Institution Transformation Toward the Modernity

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    Darussalam gontor modern islamic boarding school is one that is very instrumental in indonesia education coloring even southeast asia. the whole potential and capability to realize the mission of shed. There are five philosophical education of darussalam gontor modern islamic institution: the vision; the missions; the mottoes; the five spirits; and the long-term plan. This research attempts to offer darussalam gontor modern islamic institution transformation toward the modernity includes several things, first, based on total quality control second, based on cadre recruitment; third, based on teaching 24 hour


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    Abstrak Sukuk is one of the most innovative products in the development of contemporary Islamic financial system. Sukuk growth of 84% per year when analyzed in the 2001 until 2007. Discussion of sukuk increasingly attracted the attention of academics and professional practitioners. Thus, the discussion paper will discuss in more depth theoretically about sukuk and implementation. The discussion on the definition of sukuk in etymology and terminology, history of the development of sukuk, Islamic legal basis of the sukuk, sukuk investment types, the development potential of sukuk in Indonesia, mechanism of profit sharing investment securities, as well as the difference between Sukuk and Bonds. Keywords: Investments, sukuk, bonds, and Islamic finance


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    The growing development of sharia-related products that are increasingly crowded in Indonesia also has an effect on the business development of PT Pegadaian (Persero). Therefore, PT Pegadaian (Persero) also issued a new product that smelled of sharia under the name Pegadaian Syariah. The legal basis for the establishment of Sharia Pawnshops is PP No. 103 dated November 10 2000 and Fatwa DSN No. 25 / DSN-MUI / III / 2002 concerning Rahn. For this reason, this study aims to examine and analyze the effect of promotions, prices and loan disbursement procedures on customer interest in using rahn products in Islamic pawnshops. This research uses quantitative research. The type of data used in this research is primary data. Primary data is data that comes from the original source or the first one that comes from a questionnaire. Based on the analysis and data processing above, the results obtained include promotion variables that affect customer interest, price variable affects customer interest and loan disbursement procedure variables also affect customer interest. Keywords: Customer Interest, Promotion, Price / Cost, Fund Disbursement Procedure, Sharia Pawnsho


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    Pada dasarnya prinsip dan ajaran Islam mensyaratkan bahwa manusia harus mengkonsumsi makanan atau penggunaan barang dan jasa yang halal dan menghindari sesuatu yang haram. Halal dalam pengertian umum dapat diterjemahkan sebagai makna diperbolehkan atau dibenarkan. Menurut Undang-undang Nomor 33 tahun 2014 tentang Jaminan Produk Halalmenjelaskan bahwa label halal adalah tanda kehalalan suatu produk. Label halal yang dimaksud adalah Logo halal yang bentuknya akan ditetapkan dengan Permenag.  Tujuan dari label halal yaitu untuk menyampaikan informasi yang tertera pada kemasan produk sebagai tanda bahwa produk tersebut halal atau boleh dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat. Konsumsi dalam ekonomi Islam dapat didefinisikan dengan memakan makanan yang baik, halal, bermanfat bagi manusia, dan pemanfaatan segala anugerah Allah SWT yang ada di muka bumi ini. Hal itu termasuk sebagai sebuah kebajikan atas kenikmatan yang diciptakan Allah SWT untuk manusia, dan itu merupakan bentuk wujud ketaatan kepada-Nya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menggali dan mengetahui apa saja makanan yang boleh dan tidak boleh dikonsumsi dalam ekonomi Islam, dan untuk mengetahui tujuan dari pelabelan halal dalam suatu produk makanan
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