40 research outputs found

    Scrutinize Financial Proficiency and Profitability Spotlight of Beximco Pharmaceutical Ltd. in Bangladesh

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    The report applies to evaluate how well the company performs. Financial proficiency of a company is usually related to how well a company can use it assets, share holders equity and liability, revenue and expenses. Financial ratio analysis is one of the best tools for measuring profitability highlights of any company. It analyzes the company’s use of its assets and control of its expenses. It also used to analyze the company’s past financial performance and to establish the future trend of financial position.  The main aim is to analyze performance of last 5 years through ratio analysis and DuPont analysis of Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. The main data collected from the annual financial reports of Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. from 2009 to 2013. Different financial ratios are evaluated such liquidity ratios, asset management ratios, profitability ratios, market value ratios, debt management ratios and finally measure the best performance of BPL. This study will attempt to understand the financial conditions of BPL on different segments such as liquidity, profitability & solvency. The purpose is also to make recommendations for improving the financial stability and soundness of different services provided to the shareholders of BPL. It is also the purpose of the researcher to help the management by providing an idea to take appropriate decisions about the quality of the investment & financing in future. Keywords: Profitability, liquidity, Market value, Asset Management, debt management, DuPont

    Music and artistic artefacts: symbols of Rohingya identity and everyday resistance in borderlands

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    "This study looks at the creation of music and art by Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh as a symbol of social resistance and identity. Ethnographic research on the Rohingyas' use of music and art suggests that these non-conventional means play an important role in communicating their coherent identity and expressing their resistance to the discrimination and oppression experienced in their country of origin as well as in their exile in Bangladesh. This informal resistance is used to keep their memory alive, to transmit that history through verbal and visual expressions to the new generations, and to communicate information about themselves to outsiders. This article posits that these forms of expression, while suggestive of their identity and everyday resistance, occur mostly in an informal and indirect form, rather than in direct confrontation and protest. These informal means also reflect the Rohingyas' pragmatism and coping strategies for living in the borderlands." (author's abstract)"Die vorliegende Studie untersucht die Bedeutung der Musik und Kunst der Rohingya-Flüchtlinge in Bangladesch als Symbole sozialen Widerstands und Ausdruck ihrer Identität. Ethnographische Forschungen zur Rohingya-Musik und -Kunst lassen darauf schließen, dass diese nicht-konventionellen Mittel eine wichtige Rolle bei der Vermittlung ihrer kohärenten Identität spielen und ihren Widerstand gegen Diskriminierung und Unterdrückung in ihrem Herkunftsland als auch im Exil in Bangladesch ausdrücken. Der informelle Widerstand wird dazu verwendet ihre Erinnerung lebendig zu halten, ihre Geschichte mittels verbaler und visueller Ausdrucksformen weiterzugeben sowie mit der jungen Generation und Außenstehenden Informationen über sich selbst zu teilen. Der Artikel postuliert, dass diese Ausdrucksformen - wenngleich suggestiv in ihrer Identität und im alltäglichen Widerstand - meist in informeller und indirekter Form auftreten und nicht mittels direkter Konfrontation und Protest. Die informellen Mittel spiegeln auch den Pragmatismus der Rohingyas und deren Bewältigungsstrategien für das Leben in der Grenzregion wider." (Autorenreferat

    Religion, society and gendered-politics in central Asia: a comparative analysis

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    Women political participation is understood to be a part of civic rights but their participation is hindered by various factors. Numerous researchers have claimed that Islam as a religion, Muslim social culture and tradition inhibit women from political participation in Muslim societies. However, there are a number of Muslim majority countries where women occupy the highest public offices and head ministries. How can this contradiction be explained. This article examines women political participation in Central Asian Muslim republics by looking at socioeconomic, parliamentary representation and informal participation factors. The study argues that socioeconomic factors in the republics still do not allow much liberal public space for women to take part in politics; however, in terms of parliamentary representation the republics maintains a record that sometimes are better off than many mature democracies. In terms of informal participation the region records better visibility of women in politics

    Micro Finance with Regard to Beneficiaries Perspective in Conventional and Islamic Paradigm with the Effect of Riba (interest): A Case Study on a Particular area of Bangladesh

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    We acknowledge that there is an argument in support of Riba and dispute against Riba. Once more the endless journey of “Micro Credit” at its Summit in Washington D.C, 1997 also convey; yet the “Micro Credit” still being one of the powerful tools fights against   poverty but in application it exploit slight improvement in achievement. Moreover, The initiatives of’ Govt. and non Govt Organization, efforts of GRAMEEN BANK comes up with the same end result. The poverty itself arrest the people not only with physical starvation rather causes mental sickness and thereby breaks the social harmony. Where the ends? Then the study is attempt to cover in depth analysis of the beneficiaries of Riba micro financing i.e. conventional, its content, approach in contrast with the modes, approach of  non-Riba i.e. Islamic micro financing incorporating the analysis of few beneficiaries in the local area of Bangladesh. The sample research would certainly explore the brilliant suggestion to Micro Finance of its restructuring for stepping ahead by manufacturing successful milestone to eradicate poverty. Key Words: Riba, Islamic microfinance, Muslim Aid, Grameen Bank, ASA

    Voices of the Burmese Rohingya refugees: everyday politics of survival in refugee camps in Bangladesh

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    Many of the displaced ethnic Rohingya minority from Myanmar living in Bangladesh for more than two decades are as documented and undocumented refugees. Those living in two registered refugee camps are documented refugees, located in secluded areas, maintaining a safe distance from the locals and monitored by the appointed authority. How is life like for the refugees at these camps? How do the young refugees envision their present and future within the given environment? This paper examines the young Rohingya refugees’ everyday politics of survival at one of the registered refugee camps, i.e.Nayapara, located in the Teknaf sub-district of Cox’s Bazar district of Bangladesh, in an effort to understand their interactions with the host state local society and international agencies within the framework of state-imposed boundaries. The paper takes people’s perspective and the agency’s approach and frames the refugee society as a political community. The ethnographic data for this research came from 30 respondents using qualitative methods of in-depth interviews, group discussion and participant observation.The paper argues that the critical voices of camp-based refugees often articulate narratives of dispossession and marginalisation that can, in one way or another, be explained as the outcome or consequence of their forced migration; however, notwithstanding adversity, the refugees learn to live and find ways to make a life, within the given situation, navigating through a complex process of contestation, negotiation, adjustment and manipulation.Some of the activities such as taking on the role of brokers between agencies and refugees, and seasonal work outside the camp boundary indicate refugees’ delicate negotiation with their situation and individuals’ aspirations to defy the imagined boundary of camps.This paper shows the dynamics of contestation and collaboration within the camp situation and criticises encampment as a strategy of refugee protection

    Refugee camps: fieldwork strategies on the Bangladesh-Myanmar border

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    The Rohingya refugees have been living in Bangladesh for over two decades. Temporary encampment turned out to be a permanent situation for many of them living in registered and unregistered refugee camps. The government of Bangladesh prohibits visitors‟ access in those camps without prior official permission. The bureaucratic hurdles for securing permission for a non-party individual to the refugee issue were lengthy, conspicuous, difficult, uncertain and risky, and involves going through layers of administration located in different places. This paper draws fieldwork experiences among registered and unregistered refugees from the Bangladesh side of the border. It shed some light on practicalities and sensitivities in the field and the challenges faced by a female researcher in a fieldwork setting in this remote borderland. It suggests various strategies and negotiations that granted access to various communities

    Myth and meaning in Ulysses: Homer, Tennyson and Joyce

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    This thesis is submitted in a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in English, 2013.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (page 88-89).This is an attempt to decode the change in meanings in adaptations of Ulysses over the ages. The basis is set on the theory of myth provided by Roland Barthes. There are additional concepts that aid the argumentation as well. Mostly it will try to trace links and breakages that herald the beginning and ending of an era. As such, ideals left by the concepts of the Hellenic, the Victorian and the Modern are addressed in the dissertation through the texts by Homer, Tennyson and Joyce on Ulysses. This is done in three correlated chapters that formulate and modulate the formation of meanings in literary depictions. Although Eurocentric in outlook, the dissertation tries to see where these meanings have coalesced and digressed. While it will begin with particular features of the primary texts, the conclusion is about the style and structure of the narrative and how that has meant more to the meaning of the text with the passage of time. Thus this is an effort to find a cohesive linearity among ages that connect writers of different epochs.B.A. in Englis

    Malaysia’ 14th general election: end of an epoch, and beginning of a new?

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    The 14th general election in Malaysia held on May 9, 2018 is an historic event that altered the political landscape of the nation. For the first time over sixty years this election has caused to change the government from Barisan Nasional (national front) coalition to another coalition named Pakatan Harapan (Coalition of Hope), formed in 2015. This article has analysed the election results and the probable factors that might have contributed to the historic change. It argued that since 1999 the ruling Malay elites have become permanently divided challenging the dominance of United Malay National Organisation (UMNO) in politics and the prospect for a viable alternative became consolidated with the rise of Parti KeAdilan Rakyat (PKR) offering an avenue for a new generation politics. The return of Mahathir Mohamad to politics and a strategic coalition mainly between his party and PKR, party of the jailed leader Anwar Ibrahim, made an alternative to BN/UMNO a reality through winning the election

    Indian political parties in Malaysia: the issues and challenges

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    Indian politics in Malaysia is playing an important role in the Indian community. Malaysian Indian Congress (MIC) is the established party in the Malaysia and represent the Indian community. The role of the MIC is to serving the community. In other hand, there is other formation of Indian parties in Malaysia which is consist of Indian Progressive Front (IPF), People Progressive Party (PPP) and other minority political parties. The problem in the MIC lead to the numerous formation of parties in Indian community. This cause a lot of problems in the Indian Political parties where the Indian community lost trust to the Indian Parties. The purpose of this paper is to examine the challenges that occur in the Indian political parties in Malaysia and to identify the reason behind those challenges occur. This study will use social identity theory to analyze the data. Qualitative approach was used in this study this study through interview the politicians, academician and civil society. The thematic analysis method is used to examine and answer the research objective. This study is significant since it gives an input about the challenges faced by the Indian political parties in Malaysia