347 research outputs found

    Internal Migration. Challenges and Perspectives for the Research Infrastructure

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    Research on internal migration covers a wide range of issues with regard to the reasons, distance and direction of moves as well as the process of decision-making. Given the rich field of relevant research objectives and the substantial developments in migration theory it is apparent that the availability of a broad set of data including detailed information on various aspects of life is one of the key factors for ongoing progress in the analysis of internal migration development. Available official aggregated data are useful for descriptive structural analyses. But they are very limited in explaining causal relations. The same holds for cross-sectional data. Some of the described longitudinal data sets consist of retrospective collected event history data that are not suitable for collecting essential information about attitudes and psychological states of the respondents over time. Several prospective longitudinal survey data do not represent essential aspects of internal migration. Data should at least include information on the place of residence (on the smallest possible spatial level), typologies about the characteristics of the place of residence, change of residence, reasons of a move, intentions to move, the dwelling and the neighbourhood as well as on commuting.internal migration, regional migration, migration theory, official data, cross-sectional data, longitudinal data.

    Internal migration: challenges and perspectives for the research infrastructure

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    "Research on internal migration covers a wide range of issues with regard to the reasons, distance and direction of moves as well as the process of decision-making. Given the rich field of relevant research objectives and the substantial developments in migration theory it is apparent that the availability of a broad set of data including detailed information on various aspects of life is one of the key factors for ongoing progress in the analysis of internal migration development. Available official aggregated data are useful for descriptive structural analyses. But they are very limited in explaining causal relations. The same holds for cross-sectional data. Some of the described longitudinal data sets consist of retrospective collected event history data that are not suitable for collecting essential information about attitudes and psychological states of the respondents over time. Several prospective longitudinal survey data do not represent essential aspects of internal migration. Data should at least include information on the place of residence (on the smallest possible spatial level), typologies about the characteristics of the place of residence, change of residence, reasons of a move, intentions to move, the dwelling and the neighbourhood as well as on commuting." (author's abstract

    Novel strategies to improve co-fermentation of pentoses with D-glucose by recombinant yeast strains in lignocellulosic hydrolysates

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    Economically feasible production of second-generation biofuels requires efficient co-fermentation of pentose and hexose sugars in lignocellulosic hydrolysates under very harsh conditions. Baker’s yeast is an excellent, traditionally used ethanol producer but is naturally not able to utilize pentoses. This is due to the lack of pentose-specific transporter proteins and enzymatic reactions. Thus, natural yeast strains must be modified by genetic engineering. Although the construction of various recombinant yeast strains able to ferment pentose sugars has been described during the last two decades, their rates of pentose utilization is still significantly lower than D-glucose fermentation. Moreover, pentoses are only fermented after D-glucose is exhausted, resulting in an uneconomical increase in the fermentation time. In this addendum, we discuss novel approaches to improve utilization of pentoses by development of specific transporters and substrate channeling in enzyme cascades. Addendum to: T Subtil, E Boles. Competition between pentoses and glucose during uptake and catabolism in recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biotechnol Biofuels 2012; 5: 14 PMID: 22424089 DOI: 10.1186/1754-6834-5-1

    ActivSense Sidestick: a Force Sensing and Force Feedback Joystick

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    As aircraft systems continue to become more integrated and fully electronic, hence fly-by-wire, the pilot is slowly losing the physical cues that were once relied upon for the safe operation of the aircraft. Many commercial airliners, such as Airbus, use passive sidesticks that integrate with the electronic flight controls system. These sidesticks move much like a gaming joystick which results in the pilot not having any “feel” for the aerodynamic forces present on the control surfaces. Without the force feedback of a mechanically linked control system the pilot could inadvertently stall the aircraft or place it into an unstable flight condition. To combat this, the active sidestick will include a servo mechanism to provide force feedback and use strain gauges to determine the force applied to the sidestick by the pilot. Multiple sources of data, such as the aircraft configuration and critical speeds can be used to produce a force gradient which resist a pilot’s inputs if they are exceeding the aircraft capabilities. The active sidestick will interface with PC based flight simulation to control an aircraft and receive flight characteristic data to properly adjust the forces present on the sidestick. Being solely based on force input for aircraft control, if there were to be an in-flight failure of the servos the pilot would still be able to control the aircraft by force alone. Such a sidestick could be used in any number of aviation applications; it would improve the safety of unmanned aircraft operations in which the pilot/operator receives no tactile feedback at the controls. It could also become physically small enough and cost effective to be outfitted in modern general aviation aircraft to prevent the all-too-common loss of control scenario upon landing or takeoff

    Urban Revitalization: A Case Study of One Catholic Elementary School’s Journey

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    This article offers background information on U.S. trends in Catholic school enrollment from 1965 through the present, and presents a case study of one school that is attempting to address issues of enrollment, identity, effectiveness, and the elusive but critical essence of making a difference in the lies of students. The importance of leadership, mission, and a sense of community are reconfirmed as essential elements to the future success of Catholic schools in the United States

    Neighbourhood-based social integration. The importance of the local context for different forms of resource transfer

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    Due to their lack of financial resources, poor residents of deprived neighbourhoods are very much reliant on support and assistance from their personal networks. Studies refer to the key importance of neighbourhood contacts transcending social boundaries to promote upward social mobility. Based on a mix of quantitative and qualitative findings, this paper looks at the importance of social mix within a person’s neighbourhood and immediate surroundings for transferring different kinds of resources. The results show that even residents of deprived neighbourhoods can call on a well-developed support network to deal with everyday problems. The contribution also shows that network contacts to people endowed with more resources are no guarantee for the upward social mobility of the less well endowed. Indeed, it would seem that ‘getting-ahead’ resources are also accessible via their homogeneous networks. Much more to the point, the immediate surroundings turn out to be an important spatial context for contacts and resource transfers, especially for families with children.Peer reviewe

    Enterprise Architecture Documentation: Current Practices and Future Directions

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    Over the past decade Enterprise Architecture (EA) management matured to a discipline commonly perceived as a strategic advantage. Among others, EA management helps to identify and realize cost saving potentials in organizations. EA initiatives commonly start by documenting the status-quo of the EA. The respective management discipline analyzes this so-called current state and derives intermediate planned states heading towards a desired target state of the architecture. Several EA frameworks describe this process in theory. However, during practical application, organizations struggle with documenting the EA and lack concrete guidance during the process. To underline our observations and confirm our hypotheses, we conducted a survey among 140 EA practitioners to analyze issues organizations face while documenting the EA and keeping the documentation up to date. In this paper we present results on current practices, challenges, and automation techniques for EA documentation in a descriptive manner

    Studien zur zeitgenössischen Musik fĂŒr Flöte solo in der zweiten HĂ€lfte des 20. Jahrhunderts (1950 - 2006)

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    Der FĂŒlle an Kompositionen, die seit 1950 fĂŒr Flöte solo entstanden, stehen lediglich wenige Einzelanalysen und kurze Zusammenfassungen gegenĂŒber. Dieses Buch möchte daher einen Überblick ĂŒber die in der zweiten HĂ€lfte des 20. Jahrhunderts komponierten Werke sowie ĂŒber ihre kompositorischen, stilistischen und spieltechnischen Merkmale geben. Anhand exemplarischer Analysen wird dabei das Augenmerk auf verschiedene Tendenzen gelenkt, die sich von 1950 bis 2006 im Repertoire abzeichnen. Hervorzuheben ist besonders die zunehmende VerĂ€nderung der KlangĂ€sthetik. Sich vom Ideal des gerĂ€uschfreien, klaren Flötentons lösend, erkunden Komponisten zusehends die spieltechnischen und klanglichen Möglichkeiten der Flöte. Hinzu kommt vielfach das Austesten der physiologischen und psychischen Grenzen des Interpreten. Die Ausdrucksvielfalt der solistischen Flötenmusik, die zudem durch den Einsatz elektroakustischer Mittel in großem Maße bereichert wird, ist so vielgestaltig und umfangreich, dass diese Arbeit nur einzelne Aspekte aufzeigen kann. Zur Auskunft und Orientierung bezĂŒglich des untersuchten Flötenrepertoires dient das im Buch enthaltene Werk- und Personenverzeichnis

    Teaching in the 21st Century: Perspectives from a Catholic University Partnership

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    The 21st Century Learning Collaborative Initiative was a project designed to understand the role of blended learning in conjunction with the development of a community of practice to support the goals of Catholic elementary and secondary schools in providing engaging teaching and learning. This initiative was part of a foundation grant provided to a large Midwestern urban university in collaboration with area Catholic schools. One purpose of this two-year grant was to continue the university and its College of Education’s commitment to Catholic schools by encouraging and supporting a pedagogical shift through the use of blended learning to engage and influence students while also meeting their various academic needs. Another purpose was to provide instruction with these K-12 teachers to enhance technology use in their classrooms
