13 research outputs found

    Middle School Students’ Metaphorical Perceptions of the Concept of Poetry

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    According to the Turkish Language Teaching Program prepared by the Ministry of National Education in Turkey, poetry texts should be included in Turkish textbooks taught in primary and secondary schools. Students encounter poetry texts in reading and writing activities in Turkish textbooks. It is thought that determining how students perceive the type of poetry they encounter in Turkish textbooks is important for Turkish education. The aim of this study is to determine the perceptions of secondary school students about the concept of poetry through metaphors. Since the study aims to determine the perceptions of secondary school students towards the concept of “poetry” and the meanings they attribute to these perceptions, phenomenology design, one of the qualitative research designs, was preferred. The study group consisted of 148 secondary school students studying in a public school. In order to determine the metaphorical perceptions of the participants about the concept of “poetry”, they completed the sentence, “Poetry is like … because …”. The data obtained were analyzed by content analysis method. At this stage, firstly, the invalid ones were eliminated from the data obtained and then these data were coded and divided into eight different categories. Afterwards, the information was presented descriptively in tables. As a result, it was determined that secondary school students’ metaphors related to the concept of “poetry” did not change and differentiate according to the grade level, and it was determined that all of the students attributed positive meanings to poetry. In addition, it was observed that the majority of the students tried to explain the concept of “poetry” with concrete metaphors and attributed very different meanings to “poetry” based on reasoned metaphors. In addition, it has been determined that most of the students see poetry as the interpreter of emotions and the source of life

    Akademik Tartışma Modelinin 8. Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Konuşma Kaygılarına ve Sözlü Anlatım Öz Yeterlik Algılarına Etkisi

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    Bu araştırmada, akademik tartışma modelinin 8. sınıf öğrencilerinin konuşma kaygılarına ve sözlü anlatım öz yeterlik algılarına etkisini incelemek amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmada, karma araştırma yöntem desenlerinden biri olan açımlayıcı sıralı desen kullanılmıştır. Bu bağlamda araştırmanın nicel boyutunda, “ön-test ve son-test kontrol gruplu” yarı deneysel desene; nitel boyutunda ise olgubilim desenine başvurulmuştur. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu 49 öğrenci oluşturmaktadır. Bu öğrencilerden 24’ü deney grubunda, 25’i ise kontrol grubunda yer almaktadır. Araştırmanın nicel verileri, Gündüz (2020) tarafından geliştirilen “Konuşma Kaygısı Ölçeği” ve Demir (2020) tarafından geliştirilen “Sözlü Anlatım Öz Yeterlik Algısı Ölçeği” ile; nitel verileri ise araştırmacılar tarafından hazırlanan “Yarı Yapılandırılmış Görüşme Formu” ile toplanmıştır. Araştırmanın nicel veri analizinde, SPSS 20 analiz programı kullanılarak t-Testi ve iki yönlü ANOVA yapılmış; nitel veri analizinde ise NVivo 12 analiz programına başvurulmuştur. Araştırmanın sonuçlarına göre akademik tartışma modeliyle ders işlenen deney grubu öğrencilerinin, mevcut programla ders işlenen kontrol grubu öğrencilerine göre konuşma kaygılarının anlamlı derecede düştüğü, sözlü anlatım öz yeterlik algılarının ise anlamlı derecede arttığı gözlemlenmiştir. Ayrıca öğrencilerle yapılan görüşmeler sonucunda öğrenciler, bu tartışma modeliyle işlenen derslerden sonra konuşma özgüvenlerinin arttığını, konuşma kaygılarının düştüğünü, daha güçlü iletişim kurabildiklerini, birbirlerine daha saygılı olduklarını, etkili konuşabildiklerini belirtmişlerdir

    Ömer Seyfettin’in And Adlı Eserinde Yer Alan Şiddet Olgusuna İlişkin Öğrenci Görüşleri

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    Bu araştırmanın amacı, ortaokul 6. sınıf öğrencilerinin Ömer Seyfettin’in And adlı öyküsünde yer alan şiddet olgusu hakkındaki görüşlerini tespit etmektir. Araştırma, Tuşba Kaymakamlık makamından araştırma izni alındıktan sonra 2021 yılı Ocak ayında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmanın örneklemini, Van ili Tuşba ilçesine bağlı İsmail Hakkı Tonguç Ortaokulu 6-A sınıfında öğrenim gören 22 öğrenci oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmada nitel araştırma desenlerinden fenomenoloji (olgubilim) kullanılmıştır. Verilerin toplanmasında uzman görüşü alınarak geliştirilen ve açık uçlu sorulardan oluşan yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu kullanılmış, verilerin çözümlenmesinde ise içerik analizi yöntemine başvurulmuştur. Araştırma sonucunda öğrencilerin eserde yer alan şiddet sahnelerini beğenmedikleri, şiddet içeren bölümlerden etkilendikleri, bu bölümleri eserden çıkarmak istedikleri tespit edilmiştir

    Epidemiology, Clinical and Microbiological Characteristics of Invasive Streptococcal Infections in Turkey, 2010-2011

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    A one-year active surveillance study was conducted to investigate the epidemiological and microbiological characteristics of invasive group A streptococci (GAS) infections in Turkey and to provide data for the establishment of national preventive strategies related to invasive GAS infections. A total of 46 clinical microbiology laboratories from 12 different regions of Turkey (Istanbul; Eastern and Western Marmara; Eastern and Western Blacksea; Aegean; Mediterranean; Western, Central, Northeastern, Middle-eastern and Southeastern Anatolia) participated in the study. Accordingly, GAS strains isolated from sterile body sites (blood, cerebrospinal, synovial, pleural, peritoneal, pericardial fluids) in the study centers between June 2010-June 2011, were sent to Maltepe University Hospital Clinical Microbiology Laboratory for microbiological confirmation and further analysis. The isolates were identified by conventional methods, and for serotyping, opacity factor (OF) and T protein types were investigated. For genotyping GAS lysate preparation, emm gene amplification and sequencing were performed by using the protocols recommended by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A total of 65 invasive GAS strains were isolated in 15 of the participant centers, during the study period. The rate of invasive GAS isolation exhibited regional variation, with the highest rates in the Eastern Blacksea (Trabzon, n=19), followed by Istanbul (n=17) and Western Anatolia (Ankara, Konya, n=14). Of the patients with invasive GAS infection 33 were female, 32 were male, with the age range of 0-89 years. GAS strains were most commonly isolated from soft tissue specimens (n=18), followed by abscess material (n=10), sterile body fluids (n=8) and blood (n=7) samples. Serotyping revealed that 55% (36/65) of the strains were OF positive, and the majority of T protein was polygroup T (n=20), followed by U (n=14), B (n=5), X (n=3) and Y (n=2). T protein was not detected in 22 isolates. The strains were found to have 17 different emm types; emm1 (n=13), emm4 (n=6), emm6 (n=6), emm12 (n=6), emm24 (n=4), emm14 (n=3) and emm28 (n=3). Nine of the strains could not be typed by sequencing. The correlation between emm typing and serotyping was detected as 58%. It was observed that 26-valent vaccines included 70.5% of the invasive GAS strains included in this study. Our study provided initial data concerning the epidemiological properties of invasive GAS infections and characterization of GAS strains in Turkey. The incidence of invasive GAS infections is low in our country. Although immunization programme by 26-valent GAS vaccine is not currently an urgent public health issue for our country, the results of this study indicated that emm types 4 and 24 should better be included in such a vaccine to be used in Turkey. Additionally, since epidemiological features of GAS infections and the microbiological characteristics of the strains can vary by time, for the diagnosis of invasive streptococcal infections and to take the necessary preventive measures, epidemiological studies should be conducted repeatedly

    Epidemiology, clinical and microbiological characteristics of invasive streptococcal infections in Turkey, 2010-2011

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    Bu çalışmada, ülkemizdeki invazif A grubu streptokok (AGS) enfeksiyonlarının epidemiyolojik ve mikrobiyolojik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi ve bu hastalıkların önlenmesinde uygulanacak olan ulusal stratejilere veri sağlanması amacıyla bir yıllık aktif sürveyans yapılması planlanmıştır. Çalışmaya, Türkiye’nin 12 farklı bölgesinden (İstanbul; Doğu ve Batı Marmara; Doğu ve Batı Karadeniz; Ege; Akdeniz; Batı, Orta, Kuzeydoğu, Ortadoğu ve Güneydoğu Anadolu) toplam 46 klinik mikrobiyoloji laboratuvarı katılmıştır. Katılımcı merkezlerde, Haziran 2010-Haziran 2011 tarihleri arasında steril vücut bölgelerinden (kan, beyin omurilik sıvısı, eklem, plevra, periton, perikard sıvıları) izole edilen AGS’ler, doğrulama ve ileri çalışmalar için Maltepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Tıbbi Mikrobiyoloji Anabilim Dalı Laboratuvarına gönderilmiştir. Bakterilerin tanımlanması konvansiyonel yöntemlerle yapılmış; serotiplendirme için opasite faktörü (OF) ve T protein tipleri araştırılmış, genotiplendirme için AGS lizatı hazırlama, emm geni amplifikasyonu ve dizilenmesi, “Centers for Disease Control and Prevention” protokolüne göre uygulanmıştır. Çalışma dönemi içinde katılımcı merkezlerin 15’inden, 65 invazif AGS suşu izole edilmiştir. İnvazif AGS izolasyon oranının bölgesel farklılıklar gösterdiği belirlenmiş, en yüksek izolasyonun Doğu Karadeniz (Trabzon; n= 19) bölgesinde olduğu, bunu İstanbul (n= 17) ve Batı Anadolu (Ankara, Konya; n= 14) bölgelerinin izlediği görülmüştür. İnvazif AGS enfeksiyonu tanısı konulan hastaların 33’ü kadın, 32’si erkek olup, yaş aralığı 0-89 yıl arasındadır. AGS suşlarının en fazla yumuşak doku (n= 18), apse (n= 10), steril vücut sıvısı (n= 8) ve kan (n= 7) örneklerinden izole edildiği gözlenmiştir. Serotiplendirme sonucunda 36 (%55) izolatın OF pozitif olduğu saptanmış; en sık saptanan T protein tipleri poligrup T (n= 20) ve U (n= 14) olmuş, bunları B (n= 5), X (n= 3) ve Y (n= 2) izlemiştir. Yirmi iki izolatta T proteini tespit edilememiştir. Genotiplendirme sonucunda izolatların 17 farklı emm tipine sahip olduğu saptanmış; en sık rastlanan tipler; emm1 (n= 13), emm4 (n= 6), emm6 (n= 6), emm12 (n= 6), emm24 (n= 4), emm14 (n= 3) ve emm28 6 (n= 3) olarak belirlenmiş, dokuz suş dizileme ile tiplendirilememiştir. İzolatların emm tipleri ile serotipleri arasındaki korelasyon %58 olarak bulunmuştur. Kullanımdaki 26 değerli aşının invazif AGS suşlarının %70.5’ini kapsadığı tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak bu çalışmayla Türkiye’de invaziv AGS enfeksiyonlarının epidemiyolojik ve mikrobiyolojik özellikleriyle ilgili ilk veriler elde edilmiştir. İnvazif AGS enfeksiyon sıklığının ülkemizde düşük olduğu, 26 değerli ASG aşısının aşı programına dahil edilmesinin ülkemiz için şu anda acil halk sağlığı sorunu olmadığı ve eğer ülkemizde kullanılacaksa aşıya emm4 ve emm24 tiplerinin de eklenmesi gerektiği ortaya çıkmıştır.A one-year active surveillance study was conducted to investigate the epidemiological and microbiological characteristics of invasive group A streptococci (GAS) infections in Turkey and to provide data for the establishment of national preventive strategies related to invasive GAS infections. A total of 46 clinical microbiology laboratories from 12 different regions of Turkey (Istanbul; Eastern and Western Marmara; Eastern and Western Blacksea; Aegean; Mediterranean; Western, Central, Northeastern, Middle-eastern and Southeastern Anatolia) participated in the study. Accordingly, GAS strains isolated from sterile body sites (blood, cerebrospinal, synovial, pleural, peritoneal, pericardial fluids) in the study centers between June 2010-June 2011, were sent to Maltepe University Hospital Clinical Microbiology Laboratory for microbiological confirmation and further analysis. The isolates were identified by con- ventional methods, and for serotyping, opacity factor (OF) and T protein types were investigated. For genotyping GAS lysate preparation, emm gene amplification and sequencing were performed by using the protocols recommended by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A total of 65 invasive GAS strains were isolated in 15 of the participant centers, during the study period. The rate of invasive GAS isolation exhibited regional variation, with the highest rates in the Eastern Blacksea (Trabzon, n= 19), followed by Istanbul (n= 17) and Western Anatolia (Ankara, Konya, n= 14). Of the patients with invasive GAS infection 33 were female, 32 were male, with the age range of 0-89 years. GAS strains were most commonly isolated from soft tissue specimens (n= 18), followed by abscess material (n= 10), sterile body fluids (n= 8) and blood (n= 7) samples. Serotyping revealed that 55% (36/65) of the strains were OF positive, and the majority of T protein was polygroup T (n= 20), followed by U (n= 14), B (n= 5), X (n= 3) and Y (n= 2). T protein was not detected in 22 isolates. The strains were found to have 17 different emm types; emm1 (n= 13), emm4 (n= 6), emm6 (n= 6), emm12 (n= 6), emm24 (n= 4), emm14 (n= 3) 6 and emm28 (n= 3). Nine of the strains could not be typed by sequencing. The correlation between emm typing and serotyping was detected as 58%. It was observed that 26-valent vaccines included 70.5% of the invasive GAS strains included in this study. Our study provided initial data concerning the epidemio- logical properties of invasive GAS infections and characterization of GAS strains in Turkey. The incidence of invasive GAS infections is low in our country. Although immunization programme by 26-valent GAS vaccine is not currently an urgent public health issue for our country, the results of this study indicated that emm types 4 and 24 should better be included in such a vaccine to be used in Turkey. Additionally, since epidemiological features of GAS infections and the microbiological characteristics of the strains can vary by time, for the diagnosis of invasive streptococcal infections and to take the necessary preventive measures, epidemiological studies should be conducted repeatedly

    Türkiye’de invazif streptokok enfeksiyonlarının epidemiyolojisi, klinik ve mikrobiyolojik özellikleri, 2010-2011

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    A one-year active surveillance study was conducted to investigate the epidemiological and microbiological characteristics of invasive group A streptococci (GAS) infections in Turkey and to provide data for the establishment of national preventive strategies related to invasive GAS infections. A total of 46 clinical microbiology laboratories from 12 different regions of Turkey (Istanbul; Eastern and Western Marmara; Eastern and Western Blacksea; Aegean; Mediterranean; Western, Central, Northeastern, Middle-eastern and Southeastern Anatolia) participated in the study. Accordingly, GAS strains isolated from sterile body sites (blood, cerebrospinal, synovial, pleural, peritoneal, pericardial fluids) in the study centers between June 2010-June 2011, were sent to Maltepe University Hospital Clinical Microbiology Laboratory for microbiological confirmation and further analysis. The isolates were identified by con- ventional methods, and for serotyping, opacity factor (OF) and T protein types were investigated. For genotyping GAS lysate preparation, emm gene amplification and sequencing were performed by using the protocols recommended by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A total of 65 invasive GAS strains were isolated in 15 of the participant centers, during the study period. The rate of invasive GAS isolation exhibited regional variation, with the highest rates in the Eastern Blacksea (Trabzon, n= 19), followed by Istanbul (n= 17) and Western Anatolia (Ankara, Konya, n= 14). Of the patients with invasive GAS infection 33 were female, 32 were male, with the age range of 0-89 years. GAS strains were most commonly isolated from soft tissue specimens (n= 18), followed by abscess material (n= 10), sterile body fluids (n= 8) and blood (n= 7) samples. Serotyping revealed that 55% (36/65) of the strains were OF positive, and the majority of T protein was polygroup T (n= 20), followed by U (n= 14), B (n= 5), X (n= 3) and Y (n= 2). T protein was not detected in 22 isolates. The strains were found to have 17 different emm types; emm1 (n= 13), emm4 (n= 6), emm6 (n= 6), emm12 (n= 6), emm24 (n= 4), emm14 (n= 3) 6 and emm28 (n= 3). Nine of the strains could not be typed by sequencing. The correlation between emm typing and serotyping was detected as 58%. It was observed that 26-valent vaccines included 70.5% of the invasive GAS strains included in this study. Our study provided initial data concerning the epidemio- logical properties of invasive GAS infections and characterization of GAS strains in Turkey. The incidence of invasive GAS infections is low in our country. Although immunization programme by 26-valent GAS vaccine is not currently an urgent public health issue for our country, the results of this study indicated that emm types 4 and 24 should better be included in such a vaccine to be used in Turkey. Additionally, since epidemiological features of GAS infections and the microbiological characteristics of the strains can vary by time, for the diagnosis of invasive streptococcal infections and to take the necessary preventive measures, epidemiological studies should be conducted repeatedly.Bu çalışmada, ülkemizdeki invazif A grubu streptokok (AGS) enfeksiyonlarının epidemiyolojik ve mikrobiyolojik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi ve bu hastalıkların önlenmesinde uygulanacak olan ulusal stratejilere veri sağlanması amacıyla bir yıllık aktif sürveyans yapılması planlanmıştır. Çalışmaya, Türkiye’nin 12 farklı bölgesinden (İstanbul; Doğu ve Batı Marmara; Doğu ve Batı Karadeniz; Ege; Akdeniz; Batı, Orta, Kuzeydoğu, Ortadoğu ve Güneydoğu Anadolu) toplam 46 klinik mikrobiyoloji laboratuvarı katılmıştır. Katılımcı merkezlerde, Haziran 2010-Haziran 2011 tarihleri arasında steril vücut bölgelerinden (kan, beyin omurilik sıvısı, eklem, plevra, periton, perikard sıvıları) izole edilen AGS’ler, doğrulama ve ileri çalışmalar için Maltepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Tıbbi Mikrobiyoloji Anabilim Dalı Laboratuvarına gönderilmiştir. Bakterilerin tanımlanması konvansiyonel yöntemlerle yapılmış; serotiplendirme için opasite faktörü (OF) ve T protein tipleri araştırılmış, genotiplendirme için AGS lizatı hazırlama, emm geni amplifikasyonu ve dizilenmesi, “Centers for Disease Control and Prevention” protokolüne göre uygulanmıştır. Çalışma dönemi içinde katılımcı merkezlerin 15’inden, 65 invazif AGS suşu izole edilmiştir. İnvazif AGS izolasyon oranının bölgesel farklılıklar gösterdiği belirlenmiş, en yüksek izolasyonun Doğu Karadeniz (Trabzon; n= 19) bölgesinde olduğu, bunu İstanbul (n= 17) ve Batı Anadolu (Ankara, Konya; n= 14) bölgelerinin izlediği görülmüştür. İnvazif AGS enfeksiyonu tanısı konulan hastaların 33’ü kadın, 32’si erkek olup, yaş aralığı 0-89 yıl arasındadır. AGS suşlarının en fazla yumuşak doku (n= 18), apse (n= 10), steril vücut sıvısı (n= 8) ve kan (n= 7) örneklerinden izole edildiği gözlenmiştir. Serotiplendirme sonucunda 36 (%55) izolatın OF pozitif olduğu saptanmış; en sık saptanan T protein tipleri poligrup T (n= 20) ve U (n= 14) olmuş, bunları B (n= 5), X (n= 3) ve Y (n= 2) izlemiştir. Yirmi iki izolatta T proteini tespit edilememiştir. Genotiplendirme sonucunda izolatların 17 farklı emm tipine sahip olduğu saptanmış; en sık rastlanan tipler; emm1 (n= 13), emm4 (n= 6), emm6 (n= 6), emm12 (n= 6), emm24 (n= 4), emm14 (n= 3) ve emm28 6 (n= 3) olarak belirlenmiş, dokuz suş dizileme ile tiplendirilememiştir. İzolatların emm tipleri ile serotipleri arasındaki korelasyon %58 olarak bulunmuştur. Kullanımdaki 26 değerli aşının invazif AGS suşlarının %70.5’ini kapsadığı tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak bu çalışmayla Türkiye’de invaziv AGS enfeksiyonlarının epidemiyolojik ve mikrobiyolojik özellikleriyle ilgili ilk veriler elde edilmiştir. İnvazif AGS enfeksiyon sıklığının ülkemizde düşük olduğu, 26 değerli ASG aşısının aşı programına dahil edilmesinin ülkemiz için şu anda acil halk sağlığı sorunu olmadığı ve eğer ülkemizde kullanılacaksa aşıya emm4 ve emm24 tiplerinin de eklenmesi gerektiği ortaya çıkmıştır

    Epidemiology, Clinical and Microbiological Characteristics of Invasive Streptococcal Infections in Turkey, 2010-2011

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    A one-year active surveillance study was conducted to investigate the epidemiological and microbiological characteristics of invasive group A streptococci (GAS) infections in Turkey and to provide data for the establishment of national preventive strategies related to invasive GAS infections. A total of 46 clinical microbiology laboratories from 12 different regions of Turkey (Istanbul; Eastern and Western Marmara; Eastern and Western Blacksea; Aegean; Mediterranean; Western, Central, Northeastern, Middle-eastern and Southeastern Anatolia) participated in the study. Accordingly, GAS strains isolated from sterile body sites (blood, cerebrospinal, synovial, pleural, peritoneal, pericardial fluids) in the study centers between June 2010-June 2011, were sent to Maltepe University Hospital Clinical Microbiology Laboratory for microbiological confirmation and further analysis. The isolates were identified by conventional methods, and for serotyping, opacity factor (OF) and T protein types were investigated. For genotyping GAS lysate preparation, emm gene amplification and sequencing were performed by using the protocols recommended by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A total of 65 invasive GAS strains were isolated in 15 of the participant centers, during the study period. The rate of invasive GAS isolation exhibited regional variation, with the highest rates in the Eastern Blacksea (Trabzon, n=19), followed by Istanbul (n=17) and Western Anatolia (Ankara, Konya, n=14). Of the patients with invasive GAS infection 33 were female, 32 were male, with the age range of 0-89 years. GAS strains were most commonly isolated from soft tissue specimens (n=18), followed by abscess material (n=10), sterile body fluids (n=8) and blood (n=7) samples. Serotyping revealed that 55% (36/65) of the strains were OF positive, and the majority of T protein was polygroup T (n=20), followed by U (n=14), B (n=5), X (n=3) and Y (n=2). T protein was not detected in 22 isolates. The strains were found to have 17 different emm types; emm1 (n=13), emm4 (n=6), emm6 (n=6), emm12 (n=6), emm24 (n=4), emm14 (n=3) and emm28 (n=3). Nine of the strains could not be typed by sequencing. The correlation between emm typing and serotyping was detected as 58%. It was observed that 26-valent vaccines included 70.5% of the invasive GAS strains included in this study. Our study provided initial data concerning the epidemiological properties of invasive GAS infections and characterization of GAS strains in Turkey. The incidence of invasive GAS infections is low in our country. Although immunization programme by 26-valent GAS vaccine is not currently an urgent public health issue for our country, the results of this study indicated that emm types 4 and 24 should better be included in such a vaccine to be used in Turkey. Additionally, since epidemiological features of GAS infections and the microbiological characteristics of the strains can vary by time, for the diagnosis of invasive streptococcal infections and to take the necessary preventive measures, epidemiological studies should be conducted repeatedly

    Epidemiology, Clinical and Microbiological Characteristics of Invasive Streptococcal Infections in Turkey, 2010-2011

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    A one-year active surveillance study was conducted to investigate the epidemiological and microbiological characteristics of invasive group A streptococci (GAS) infections in Turkey and to provide data for the establishment of national preventive strategies related to invasive GAS infections. A total of 46 clinical microbiology laboratories from 12 different regions of Turkey (Istanbul; Eastern and Western Marmara; Eastern and Western Blacksea; Aegean; Mediterranean; Western, Central, Northeastern, Middle-eastern and Southeastern Anatolia) participated in the study. Accordingly, GAS strains isolated from sterile body sites (blood, cerebrospinal, synovial, pleural, peritoneal, pericardial fluids) in the study centers between June 2010-June 2011, were sent to Maltepe University Hospital Clinical Microbiology Laboratory for microbiological confirmation and further analysis. The isolates were identified by conventional methods, and for serotyping, opacity factor (OF) and T protein types were investigated. For genotyping GAS lysate preparation, emm gene amplification and sequencing were performed by using the protocols recommended by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A total of 65 invasive GAS strains were isolated in 15 of the participant centers, during the study period. The rate of invasive GAS isolation exhibited regional variation, with the highest rates in the Eastern Blacksea (Trabzon, n=19), followed by Istanbul (n=17) and Western Anatolia (Ankara, Konya, n=14). Of the patients with invasive GAS infection 33 were female, 32 were male, with the age range of 0-89 years. GAS strains were most commonly isolated from soft tissue specimens (n=18), followed by abscess material (n=10), sterile body fluids (n=8) and blood (n=7) samples. Serotyping revealed that 55% (36/65) of the strains were OF positive, and the majority of T protein was polygroup T (n=20), followed by U (n=14), B (n=5), X (n=3) and Y (n=2). T protein was not detected in 22 isolates. The strains were found to have 17 different emm types; emm1 (n=13), emm4 (n=6), emm6 (n=6), emm12 (n=6), emm24 (n=4), emm14 (n=3) and emm28 (n=3). Nine of the strains could not be typed by sequencing. The correlation between emm typing and serotyping was detected as 58%. It was observed that 26-valent vaccines included 70.5% of the invasive GAS strains included in this study. Our study provided initial data concerning the epidemiological properties of invasive GAS infections and characterization of GAS strains in Turkey. The incidence of invasive GAS infections is low in our country. Although immunization programme by 26-valent GAS vaccine is not currently an urgent public health issue for our country, the results of this study indicated that emm types 4 and 24 should better be included in such a vaccine to be used in Turkey. Additionally, since epidemiological features of GAS infections and the microbiological characteristics of the strains can vary by time, for the diagnosis of invasive streptococcal infections and to take the necessary preventive measures, epidemiological studies should be conducted repeatedly

    Epidemiology, clinical and microbiological characteristics of invasive streptococcal infections in Turkey, 2010-2011

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    Bu çalışmada, ülkemizdeki invazif A grubu streptokok (AGS) enfeksiyonlarının epidemiyolojik ve mikrobiyolojik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi ve bu hastalıkların önlenmesinde uygulanacak olan ulusal stratejilere veri sağlanması amacıyla bir yıllık aktif sürveyans yapılması planlanmıştır. Çalışmaya, Türkiye’nin 12 farklı bölgesinden (İstanbul; Doğu ve Batı Marmara; Doğu ve Batı Karadeniz; Ege; Akdeniz; Batı, Orta, Kuzeydoğu, Ortadoğu ve Güneydoğu Anadolu) toplam 46 klinik mikrobiyoloji laboratuvarı katılmıştır. Katılımcı merkezlerde, Haziran 2010-Haziran 2011 tarihleri arasında steril vücut bölgelerinden (kan, beyin omurilik sıvısı, eklem, plevra, periton, perikard sıvıları) izole edilen AGS’ler, doğrulama ve ileri çalışmalar için Maltepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Tıbbi Mikrobiyoloji Anabilim Dalı Laboratuvarına gönderilmiştir. Bakterilerin tanımlanması konvansiyonel yöntemlerle yapılmış; serotiplendirme için opasite faktörü (OF) ve T protein tipleri araştırılmış, genotiplendirme için AGS lizatı hazırlama, emm geni amplifikasyonu ve dizilenmesi, “Centers for Disease Control and Prevention” protokolüne göre uygulanmıştır. Çalışma dönemi içinde katılımcı merkezlerin 15’inden, 65 invazif AGS suşu izole edilmiştir. İnvazif AGS izolasyon oranının bölgesel farklılıklar gösterdiği belirlenmiş, en yüksek izolasyonun Doğu Karadeniz (Trabzon; n= 19) bölgesinde olduğu, bunu İstanbul (n= 17) ve Batı Anadolu (Ankara, Konya; n= 14) bölgelerinin izlediği görülmüştür. İnvazif AGS enfeksiyonu tanısı konulan hastaların 33’ü kadın, 32’si erkek olup, yaş aralığı 0-89 yıl arasındadır. AGS suşlarının en fazla yumuşak doku (n= 18), apse (n= 10), steril vücut sıvısı (n= 8) ve kan (n= 7) örneklerinden izole edildiği gözlenmiştir. Serotiplendirme sonucunda 36 (%55) izolatın OF pozitif olduğu saptanmış; en sık saptanan T protein tipleri poligrup T (n= 20) ve U (n= 14) olmuş, bunları B (n= 5), X (n= 3) ve Y (n= 2) izlemiştir. Yirmi iki izolatta T proteini tespit edilememiştir. Genotiplendirme sonucunda izolatların 17 farklı emm tipine sahip olduğu saptanmış; en sık rastlanan tipler; emm1 (n= 13), emm4 (n= 6), emm6 (n= 6), emm12 (n= 6), emm24 (n= 4), emm14 (n= 3) ve emm28 6 (n= 3) olarak belirlenmiş, dokuz suş dizileme ile tiplendirilememiştir. İzolatların emm tipleri ile serotipleri arasındaki korelasyon %58 olarak bulunmuştur. Kullanımdaki 26 değerli aşının invazif AGS suşlarının %70.5’ini kapsadığı tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak bu çalışmayla Türkiye’de invaziv AGS enfeksiyonlarının epidemiyolojik ve mikrobiyolojik özellikleriyle ilgili ilk veriler elde edilmiştir. İnvazif AGS enfeksiyon sıklığının ülkemizde düşük olduğu, 26 değerli ASG aşısının aşı programına dahil edilmesinin ülkemiz için şu anda acil halk sağlığı sorunu olmadığı ve eğer ülkemizde kullanılacaksa aşıya emm4 ve emm24 tiplerinin de eklenmesi gerektiği ortaya çıkmıştır.A one-year active surveillance study was conducted to investigate the epidemiological and microbiological characteristics of invasive group A streptococci (GAS) infections in Turkey and to provide data for the establishment of national preventive strategies related to invasive GAS infections. A total of 46 clinical microbiology laboratories from 12 different regions of Turkey (Istanbul; Eastern and Western Marmara; Eastern and Western Blacksea; Aegean; Mediterranean; Western, Central, Northeastern, Middle-eastern and Southeastern Anatolia) participated in the study. Accordingly, GAS strains isolated from sterile body sites (blood, cerebrospinal, synovial, pleural, peritoneal, pericardial fluids) in the study centers between June 2010-June 2011, were sent to Maltepe University Hospital Clinical Microbiology Laboratory for microbiological confirmation and further analysis. The isolates were identified by con- ventional methods, and for serotyping, opacity factor (OF) and T protein types were investigated. For genotyping GAS lysate preparation, emm gene amplification and sequencing were performed by using the protocols recommended by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A total of 65 invasive GAS strains were isolated in 15 of the participant centers, during the study period. The rate of invasive GAS isolation exhibited regional variation, with the highest rates in the Eastern Blacksea (Trabzon, n= 19), followed by Istanbul (n= 17) and Western Anatolia (Ankara, Konya, n= 14). Of the patients with invasive GAS infection 33 were female, 32 were male, with the age range of 0-89 years. GAS strains were most commonly isolated from soft tissue specimens (n= 18), followed by abscess material (n= 10), sterile body fluids (n= 8) and blood (n= 7) samples. Serotyping revealed that 55% (36/65) of the strains were OF positive, and the majority of T protein was polygroup T (n= 20), followed by U (n= 14), B (n= 5), X (n= 3) and Y (n= 2). T protein was not detected in 22 isolates. The strains were found to have 17 different emm types; emm1 (n= 13), emm4 (n= 6), emm6 (n= 6), emm12 (n= 6), emm24 (n= 4), emm14 (n= 3) 6 and emm28 (n= 3). Nine of the strains could not be typed by sequencing. The correlation between emm typing and serotyping was detected as 58%. It was observed that 26-valent vaccines included 70.5% of the invasive GAS strains included in this study. Our study provided initial data concerning the epidemio- logical properties of invasive GAS infections and characterization of GAS strains in Turkey. The incidence of invasive GAS infections is low in our country. Although immunization programme by 26-valent GAS vaccine is not currently an urgent public health issue for our country, the results of this study indicated that emm types 4 and 24 should better be included in such a vaccine to be used in Turkey. Additionally, since epidemiological features of GAS infections and the microbiological characteristics of the strains can vary by time, for the diagnosis of invasive streptococcal infections and to take the necessary preventive measures, epidemiological studies should be conducted repeatedly