84 research outputs found
Evkaf-ı İslamiye Müzesinin Kuruluşunun 100. Yılı ve Vakıf Müzeleri Paneli, 27 Mayıs 2014, Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakıf Üniversitesi, İstanbul
[No Abstract Available
Amit Bein, Osmanlı Uleması ve Türkiye Cumhuriyeti: Değişimin Failleri ve Geleneğin Muhafızları
Son dönem Osmanlı uleması ve ilmiye teşkilatı üzerine çalışmaları ile bilinen
Amit Bein’in 2011 yılında hazırladığı Ottoman Ulema, Turkish Republic: Agents
of Change and Guardians of Tradition adlı eseri Osmanlı Uleması ve Türkiye
Cumhuriyeti: Değişimin Failleri ve Geleneğin Muhafızları başlığıyla Kitap Yayınevi
tarafından Türkçeye çevrildi. Geç dönem Osmanlı ve erken dönem Türkiye
Cumhuriyeti uleması son yıllara kadar akademik çalışmalarda gerekli ilgiyi
görmemiştir. Özellikle popüler yayınlara hakim olan reformcular-gelenekçiler/
ilericiler-gericiler şeklindeki zıtlıklar üzerine kurulu tarih anlatısı sorgulanmaya
başlamıştır. Bein’in eseri bu bağlamda hakim paradigmaya ciddi eleştiriler getirmiş
ve ulemanın hikayesini monolitik tasvirlerden uzak yeni vaziyet alışlara ve
dönüşümlere odaklanarak resmetmiştir
Şevki Paşa 1/5.000 Mikyasında Anafartalar ve Seddülbahir Civarı Haritaları -DVD-
Çanakkale Cephesi harp sahasınının müttefiklerin çekilmesinden hemen
sonra Haritacı Mehmet Şevki Paşa (1866-1927) tarafından yapılmış 1/5.000
ölçekli ayrıntılı haritaları kamuoyu tarafından 2000’li yılların başından itibaren
duyulmaya başlanmıştı
100. Yılında Uluslararası Bağdat (Medînetü’s-Selâm) ve Kûtü’l-Amâre Sempozyumu
Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakıf Üniversitesi, Atatürk Kültür, Dil ve Tarih Yüksek
Kurumu, Türk Tarih Kurumu ve Üsküdar Belediyesi işbirliğiyle 20-22 Aralık
2017 tarihlerinde “100. Yılında Uluslararası Bağdat (Medînetü’s-Selâm) ve Kûtü’l-
Amâre Sempozyumu” gerçekleştirildi. İki gün süren sempozyumda on bir
oturumda toplam elli bir tebliğ sunuldu
Madrasas Served by Provincial Muftis According to the Ruus Registers in the XVII. Century
Bu makale, 17. yüzyıl boyunca Osmanlı taşrasında müftülük yapmış âlimlerin görev
yaptıkları medreselere odaklanmaktadır. Osmanlı merkezi tarafından resmi olarak müftü
ve müderrislik pozisyonlarına atanan âlimlerin atama kayıtları ruus defterlerinde yer
almaktadır. Bu kayıtlardan yola çıkarak müftülerin vazife yaptıkları medreseler tespit
edilmiş ve Osmanlı medrese tarihi açısından incelemeye tabi tutulmuştur. Osmanlı
öncesi ve sonrası farklı dönemlerde ve farklı kişiler tarafından Anadolu, Rumeli ve Arap
coğrafyasında inşa ettirilen bu medreseler vâkıflarının şartlarına göre hizmet veriyorlardı.
Zengin vakıf gelirleri, banilerinin önemli şahsiyetler olmaları ve müderrislerine sunduğu
imkânlarla bulundukları şehirlerdeki diğer medreselerden ayrılıyorlardı. Osmanlı merkezi
bu medreseleri müftülere tahsis ederek mütevellileri tarafından vakfiye şartlarına göre
idare edilen medreselerin yönetimine ortak olmuş oldu.This article focuses on the madrasas, where scholars served as mufti in the Ottoman
province during the 17th century. The appointment records of the scholars who were
officially appointed to the positions of mufti and mudarris by the Ottoman center are
included in the ruus registers. Based on these records, the madrasas where muftis served
were determined and examined in terms of Ottoman madrasa history. These madrasas,
built by different people in different periods in Anatolia, Rumelia, and Arabian geography
before and after the Ottoman Empire, served according to the conditions of their
foundations. They were distinguished from other madrasas in the cities with their rich
foundation income, their benefactors being essential personalities, and the opportunities
they offered to their professors. By allocating these madrasas to muftis, the Ottoman
center became a partner in managing them, which their trustees administered according
to the endowment conditions
Management of cervical cancer during pregnancy
WOS: 000373739200023PubMed ID: 26467977Cervical cancer (CC) is the most common gynaecological cancer during pregnancy. The rarity of the disease and lack of randomised control studies have prevented the establishment of treatment guidelines. The management of CC mainly follows the guidelines for the non-pregnant disease state, expert opinions and limited case reports. Although the management of CC diagnosed during pregnancy appears to be a significant dilemma for the patients and specialists, the prognosis of CC is not influenced by pregnancy. The treatment decision should be made collaboratively with a multidisciplinary team consisting of an obstetrician, gynaecologist, oncologist and paediatrician. The concerns of the patient should be taken into account
Türk Limanlarındaki Boş Konteyner Akış Dengesinin Araştırılması
Container transportation is the most preferred maritime commercial freight distribution in entire world except liquefied product transportation by tankers and bulk carriers. Totally 95% volume of general cargo is transported by container ships in the world due to fast, cheap andsafe carrying potential of the goods transfer. Containerization has become recent phenomena in the field of maritime transportation and the quantity of goods transported by containers is increasing day by day as well as the total container number to use for the commercial activity. Due to very high mobility in the field of container transportation, port traffic estimation, availability of containers, storage, deposition and allocation of empty containers have become recent problems in maritime transportation area. In this study some major container ports of Turkey which are stand for 80 % of total container operations are analyzed toseek for empty container balance. After detailed statistical evaluation of national container transportation figures for Haydarpaşa, Kumport, İzmir, Mardaş, Marport and Mersin, several interviews and discussions have been made with port authorities and governing departments. As a result, it is observed that there is no empty container accumulation problem in the examined ports except Haydarpaşa and Kumport. Based on general statistics, Turkish container ports currently do not suffer from empty container problem as overall container circulation close to equilibrium but the problem has a potential to create a risk on developinginternational trade of Turkey.Keywords: Empty container, repositioning, container ports, TurkeyKonteyner taşımacılığı günümüz denizciliğinde sıvı yükler dışındaki yüklerde en fazla tercih edilen taşıma türüdür. Dünyada ki genel kargo yüklerinin % 95’i güvenilir, ucuz ve bir defada çok miktarda yük taşınabilmesi nedeniyle konteynerlerle taşınmakta olup, denizyolu ile gerçekleştirilen uluslararası ticaret hacmi, her geçen gün süratleartmaktadır. Dünyada kullanılan konteyner ağlarındaki hareketlilik yoğunlaştıkça, hem limanlardaki trafiğin tahmin edilmesi, hem de konteynerlerin temin edilmesi, depolanması ve sevk edilmesi, boş konteynerlerin yeniden konumlandırılması ve yönetilmesi büyük bir sorun haline gelmeye başlamıştır. Ticari faaliyetlerdeki dengesizlikler boş konteyner yönetiminin temel nedenini oluşturmaktadır. Bu dengesizlik sonucu kimi zaman liman veya depolarda konteyner yığınları oluşurken,kimi zaman da istenen yerde ve zamanda konteyner bulunamamaktadır. Durum yönetsel problem olarak ele alındığında maliyet ve teslimatta başlayan problemler, firma itibarını ve pazar durumunu etkileyen boyutlara kadar ulaşabilmektedir. Bu noktadan yola çıkılarak ülkemizin konteyner ticaret hacminin yaklaşık olarak % 80’ini oluşturan Gemport, Haydarpaşa, İzmir, Kumport, Mardaş, Marport ve Mersin limanlarınınkonteyner giriş ve çıkış istatiksel verileri değerlendirilmiştir. Liman otorite ve yetkilileri ile konuyla ilgili olarak görüşme ve mülakatlar yapılmıştır. Yapılan çalışmanın sonucunda incelenen limanlardan Haydarpaşa ve Kumport limanları dışındaki limanlarımızda boş konteyner yığılmasının yaşanmadığı görülmüştür. Genel olarak ülkemiz konteyner limanlarında boş konteyner sorununun yaşanmadığı fakat gelecekte yaşanması muhtemel bir risk olarak değerlendirilmesi gerektiği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.Anahtar Kelimeler: Boş konteyner, yeniden konumlandırma, konteyner limanları, Türkiye
Epidemiology, anticoagulant treatment and risk of thromboembolism in patients with valvular atrial fibrillation: Results from Atrial Fibrillation in Turkey: Epidemiologic Registry (AFTER)
Background: The aim of this study was to perform a multicenter, prospective investigation regarding the epidemiology, the current effectiveness of therapeutic anticoagulation, and the risk of thromboembolism in patients with valvular atrial fibrillation (AF) based on the records of the Atrial Fibrillation in Turkey: Epidemiologic Registry (AFTER) study. Methods: Patients were selected from a total of 2,242 consecutive admissions that presented with AF diagnosed via electrocardiogram. Those diagnosed with non-valvular AF were excluded from the AFTER study population, which left 497 patients with valvular AF for analysis. Results: The etiology of valvular AF in patients was either attributed to rheumatic mitral valve stenosis (n = 217) or possessing a prosthetic heart valve (n = 280). Out of all the patients with valvular AF, 83.1% were taking warfarin for anticoagulation. Only 36.1% demonstrated a therapeutic international normalized ratio (INR), and among those patients it was found that 19.1% exhibited a labile INR. Multivariate analysis revealed that age was the only independent predictor of thromboembolic events in patients with valvular AF. Conclusions: Many valvular AF patients are not maintained at therapeutic INR levels, which poses a threat to patient health as they age and are at greater risk for thromboembolism
Effect of cartilage thickness mismatch in osteochondral grafting from knee to talus on articular contact pressures: A finite element analysis
Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of cartilage thickness mismatch on tibiotalar articular contact pressure in osteochondral grafting from femoral condyles to medial talar dome using a finite element analysis (FEA). Materials and methods: Flush-implanted osteochondral grafting was performed on the talar centromedial aspect of the dome using osteochondral plugs with two different cartilage thicknesses. One of the plugs had an equal cartilage thickness with the recipient talar cartilage and the second plug had a thicker cartilage representing a plug harvested from the knee. The ankle joint was loaded during a single-leg stance phase of gait. Tibiotalar contact pressure, frictional stress, equivalent stress (von Mises values), and deformation were analyzed. Results: In both osteochondral grafting simulations, tibiotalar contact pressure, frictional stress, equivalent stress (von Mises values) on both tibial and talar cartilage surfaces were restored to near-normal values. Conclusion: Cartilage thickness mismatch does not significantly change the tibiotalar contact biomechanics, when the graft is inserted flush with the talar cartilage surface
Efficacy of subsequent treatments in patients with hormone-positive advanced breast cancer who had disease progression under CDK 4/6 inhibitor therapy
Background: There is no standard treatment recommended at category 1 level in international guidelines for subsequent therapy after cyclin-dependent kinase 4/6 inhibitor (CDK4/6) based therapy. We aimed to evaluate which subsequent treatment oncologists prefer in patients with disease progression under CDKi. In addition, we aimed to show the effectiveness of systemic treatments after CDKi and whether there is a survival difference between hormonal treatments (monotherapy vs. mTOR-based). Methods: A total of 609 patients from 53 centers were included in the study. Progression-free-survivals (PFS) of subsequent treatments (chemotherapy (CT, n:434) or endocrine therapy (ET, n:175)) after CDKi were calculated. Patients were evaluated in three groups as those who received CDKi in first-line (group A, n:202), second-line (group B, n: 153) and ≥ 3rd-line (group C, n: 254). PFS was compared according to the use of ET and CT. In addition, ET was compared as monotherapy versus everolimus-based combination therapy. Results: The median duration of CDKi in the ET arms of Group A, B, and C was 17.0, 11.0, and 8.5 months in respectively; it was 9.0, 7.0, and 5.0 months in the CT arm. Median PFS after CDKi was 9.5 (5.0–14.0) months in the ET arm of group A, and 5.3 (3.9–6.8) months in the CT arm (p = 0.073). It was 6.7 (5.8–7.7) months in the ET arm of group B, and 5.7 (4.6–6.7) months in the CT arm (p = 0.311). It was 5.3 (2.5–8.0) months in the ET arm of group C and 4.0 (3.5–4.6) months in the CT arm (p = 0.434). Patients who received ET after CDKi were compared as those who received everolimus-based combination therapy versus those who received monotherapy ET: the median PFS in group A, B, and C was 11.0 vs. 5.9 (p = 0.047), 6.7 vs. 5.0 (p = 0.164), 6.7 vs. 3.9 (p = 0.763) months. Conclusion: Physicians preferred CT rather than ET in patients with early progression under CDKi. It has been shown that subsequent ET after CDKi can be as effective as CT. It was also observed that better PFS could be achieved with the subsequent everolimus-based treatments after first-line CDKi compared to monotherapy ET.Breast Cancer Consortiu
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