264 research outputs found

    Impact of Smoking Habit on Peri-Implant Indicators following Different Therapies: A Systematic Review

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    Peri-implant disease and its treatment is becoming a major concern for clinicians as the number of implants placed each year is rising. Smoking is a common habit, and it is associated with an increased risk of developing peri-implant disease. The role of smoking in the response to peri-implant treatment has never been investigated. Searches were conducted in electronic databases to screen articles published until August 2021. The included studies had at least two groups of patients: peri-implant disease only or peri-implant disease and smoking status. Outcomes of interest included plaque index (PI), probing depth (PD), bleeding on probing (BoP), radiographic crestal bone loss (CBL), and analysis of peri-implant sulcular fluid. Seven hundred and forty-nine articles were found in the databases, only 71 articles potentially qualified. A total of seven studies with a minimum follow-up of six months were included. There is no homogeneity in the diagnosis, smoker definition and treatment proposed. All surgical and non-surgical treatment have statistically significantly different outcomes in smokers and nonsmokers. Recognizing this study's limitations, we conclude that smoking might play a significant role on the outcome of peri-implant disease treatment. None of the proposed treatments appear to be significantly more effective

    Effects on muscular activity after surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion: a prospective observational study

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    The study aims to investigate the modifications in the temporalis and the masseter activity in adult patients before and after SARPE (Surgically Assisted Rapid Palatal Expansion) by measuring electromyographic and electrokinesographic activity. 24 adult patients with unilateral posterior crossbite on the right side were selected from the Orthodontic Department of the University of Milan. Three electromyographic and electrokinesographic surface readings were taken respectively before surgery (T0) and 8 months after surgery (T1). The electromyographic data of both right and left masseter and anterior temporalis muscles were recorded during multiple tests: standardized maximum voluntary contraction (MVC)s, after transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) and at rest. T0 and T1 values were compared with paired Student’s t-test (p < 0.05). Results: Significant differences were found in the activity of right masseter (p = 0.03) and right temporalis (p = 0.02) during clench, in the evaluation of right masseter at rest (p = 0.03), also the muscular activity of masseters at rest after TENS from T0 to T1 (pr = 0.04, pl = 0.04). No significant differences were found in the activity of left masseter (p = 0.41) and left temporalis (p = 0.39) during clench and MVC, in the evaluation of left masseter at rest (p = 0.57) and in the activity during MVC of right masseter (p = 0.41), left masseter (p = 0.34), right temporalis (p = 0.51) and left temporalis (p = 0.77). Results showed that the activity of the masseter and temporalis muscles increased significantly after SARPE during rest and clenching on the side where the cross-bite was treated

    Assessing mandibular body changes in growing subjects: a comparison of CBCT and reconstructed lateral cephalogram measurements

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    The aim of this study is to compare cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) and bi-dimensional reconstructed lateral cephalograms (RLCs) in assessing mandibular body length and growth and to evaluate how mandibular reshaping influences the error in measuring mandibular body growth in bi-dimensional radiographs. Twenty-five patients with two CBCT scans taken at a mean distance of 2.21\u2009\ub1\u20090.5 years were selected. The following measurements were performed: right and left mandibular body length at each point in time, mandibular growth, inter-gonial distance and mandibular symphyseal angle. From each CBCT, an RLC was obtained, and mandibular body length and growth were measured. Data analysis revealed a statistically and clinically significant difference in CBCT and RLC regarding the mandibular length of each patient at each point in time. However, mandibular growth was almost identical. A linear regression was performed to predict growth distortion between RLCs and CBCT depending on the ratio between transverse and sagittal mandibular growth. The expected maximum and minimum distortion, however, appeared not to be significant. In fact, a second linear regression model and a Bland-Altman test revealed a strong correlation between measurements of average mandibular body growth by CBCT and RLCs. As the same distortion occurs in the first and second RLCs, bi-dimensional radiographs remain the method of choice in evaluating mandibular body growth

    Forming-Free Resistive Switching Memory Crosspoint Arrays for In-Memory Machine Learning

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    In-memory computing (IMC) with crosspoint arrays of resistive switching memory (RRAM) has gained wide attention for accelerating machine learning, data analysis, and deep neural networks. By IMC, matrix-vector multiplication (MVM) can be executed in the crosspoint array in just one step, thus accelerating a broad range of tasks in machine learning and data analytics. However, a key issue for RRAM crosspoint arrays is the forming operation of the memories which limits the stability and accuracy of the conductance state in the memory device. In this work, a hardware implementation of crosspoint array of forming-free devices for fast, energy-efficient accelerators of MVM is reported. RRAM devices with a 1.5 nm-thick HfO2 layer show an initial low resistance without forming and an analogue-mode programming behavior for high-accuracy IMC. Accurate hardware MVM is demonstrated by experimental eigenvalue/eigenvector calculation according to the power-iteration algorithm, with a fast convergence within about ten iterations to the correct solution. Deflation technique and principal component analysis (PCA) enable the classification of the Iris dataset with 98% accuracy compared with floating-point implementation. These results support forming-free crosspoint arrays for accelerating advanced machine learning with IMC

    Evaluation of Breaking Force of Different Suture Materials Used in Dentistry: An In Vitro Mechanical Comparison

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    The success of surgical procedures is strictly related to the biomechanical properties of the suture. Mechanical comparisons are scarcely reported in the literature, so the purpose of the present study was to evaluate and compare the mechanical behavior of different sutures commonly used in oral surgery in terms of traction resistance. Sutures made of eight different materials were analyzed: silk (S), polyglycolide-co-caprolactone (PGCL), polypropylene (PP), rapid polyglycolide (rPGA), standard polyglycolide (PGA), polyamide (PA), polyester (PE), and polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF). For each material, three different sizes were tested: 3-0, 4-0, and 5-0. The breaking force of each suture was assessed with a uniaxial testing machine after being immersed in artificial saliva at 37\u25e6 C. The outcomes analyzed were the breaking force, the needle\u2013thread detachment breaking-point and the node response after forward\u2013reverse\u2013forward (FRF) tying when subjected to a tensile force. The 3-0 rPGA provided the maximum resistance, while the lowest value was recorded for the 5-0 PGCL. In general, 3-0 and 4-0 gauges showed non-statistically significant differences in terms of needle\u2013thread detachment. The highest needle\u2013thread detachment was found for the 3-0 PGA, whereas the lowest value was observed for the 5-0 PGCL. After tying the knot with an FRF configuration, the thread that showed the highest resistance to tension was the 3/0 silk, while the thread with the lowest resistance was the 5/0 silk. These data should be considered so that the operator is aware of as many aspects as possible on the behavior of various materials to ensure successful healing

    Hyrax versus transverse sagittal maxillary expander: An assessment of arch changes on dental casts: A retrospective study

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to compare arch changes before and after maxillary expansion with Transverse Maxillary Sagittal Expander (TSME) and Hyrax Palatal Expander (HPE), in growing patients with diagnosis of maxillary hypoplasia. Materials and methods: The sample consisted of 40 patients\u2019 records (20 males 20 females mean age 9.2 \ub1 2.6 years) were selected from the archive of the Orthodontic Department of the University of Milan, Italy. Patients were randomly divided in two groups: patients in group 1 were treated with HPE as they presented only transverse deficiency of the maxilla and in group 2 were treated with TSME. Plaster models have been measured with a Verniere caliper to evaluate the differences in maxillary expansion of the two devices. Measurements were performed on casts poured from impressions taken before appliance bonding (T0), immediately after appliance debonding (T1) and at 6 months follow-up (T2). The variations in the following distances have been considered: inter-molar distance, inter-canine distance, palatal depth, palatal length and arch circumference. Shapiro-Wilk test was performed to assess normality distribution. ANOVA for repeated measures with multiple paired t-test for pairwise comparisons and its non-parametric equivalent Friedman's test with multiple Wilcoxon tests for pairwise comparisons were performed to evaluate changes in time of each variable in each group. Between groups comparisons were performed for each variable at each observing time using independent t-test or Mann-Whitney test. Significance level was set at p < 0,05. Results: Both the Friedman test and the rm-ANOVA test and their respective post-hoc show that within both groups the respective variables have a statistically significant increase between T0 and T1 (p < 0,05) and a slight decrease between T1 and T2 (p < 0,05) that is not clinically relevant remaining always T2 greater than T0 in a statistically and clinically relevant way (p < 0,05). The analysis between the differences of the measurements at different timing measured by the Mann-Whitney test shows that for all the variables there is no statistically significant difference between the 2 devices (p < 0,05), except for the perimeter of the arch and the length of the palate; in this case it appeared that the TSME is better statistically (p < 0,05). Conclusions: The study has shown that RPE and TSME can achieve similar results in transversal palatal expansion. Differences have been found in the palatal length and in the arch perimeter where TSME seems to be more efficient

    Influence of laser-lok surface on immediate functional loading of implants in single-tooth replacement: a 2-year prospective clinical study.

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    he purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of a Laser-Lok microtexturing surface on clinical attachment level and crestal bone remodeling around immediately functionally loaded implants in single-tooth replacement. Seventy-seven patients were included in a prospective, randomized study and divided into two groups. Group 1 (control) consisted of non-Laser-Lok type implants (n = 39), while in group 2 (test), Laser-Lok type implants were used (n = 39). Crestal bone loss (CBL) and clinical parameters including clinical attachment level (CAL), Plaque Index (PI), and bleeding on probing were recorded at baseline examinations and at 6, 12, and 24 months after loading with the final restoration. One implant was lost in the control group and one in the test group, giving a total survival rate of 96.1% after 2 years. PI and BOP outcomes were similar for both implant types without statistical differences. A mean CAL loss of 1.10 ± 0.51 mm was observed during the first 2 years in group 1, while the mean CAL loss observed in group 2 was 0.56 ± 0.33 mm. Radiographically, group 1 implants showed a mean crestal bone loss of 1.07 ± 0.30 mm compared with 0.49 ± 0.34 mm for group 2. The type of implant did not influence the survival rate, whereas Laser-Lok implants resulted in greater CAL and in shallower radiographic peri-implant CBL than non-Laser-Lok implants
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