14 research outputs found

    The regenerative effect of platelet-rich plasma on healing in large osteochondral defects

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    Platelet-rich plasma (PRP), a platelet concentrate made of autogenous blood, has been used to improve bone and soft tissue defect healing in recent years. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of PRP on articular cartilage defects in a rabbit model. Forty-eight osteochondral defects created in the femoropatellar groove were (a) left untreated, (b) treated with autogenous PRP in a poly-lactic-glycolic acid (PLGA), or (c) with PLGA alone. Platelets were enriched 5.12-fold compared to normal blood in the PRP. After four and 12 weeks, the explanted tissue specimens were assessed by macroscopic examination, micro-computed tomography, and histological evaluation. Macroscopic examination, micro-computed tomography and histology of the newly formed cartilage and bone in the defect differ significantly between the PRP-treated and the untreated groups, and stimulatory effect of PRP on osteochondral formation was observed. In conclusion, PRP in PLGA improves osteochondral healing in a rabbit model

    Mapping and interpreting a decision-making framework for the implicit managerial theory in the Arab Gulf States

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    This article developed an empirical design to examine the direct effects of four dimensions of the strategic decision-making process (SDMP) on the organizational innovation in the context of cultural value characteristics of executive managers in Qatar. The study used the cultural relativity theory to explain and advance hypotheses regarding the associations between SDMP dimensions, culture attributes, and innovation performance in an input-process-outcome model. To test the raised research hypotheses of the proposed framework, the methodology of structural equation models was used. Based on quantitative evidence of 140 Qatari public and private organizations, the results demonstrated the following three major issues: (1) strategic decision-making practices have a direct and more significant impact on process innovation performance than product/service innovation performance, (2) innovation performance is both process and context specific, and (3) certain contextualizing constructs verify a particular cultural orientation. The Author(s) 2014.Scopu