12 research outputs found

    Cultural adaptation, translation and validation of the Spanish version Debriefing Experience Scale

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    Clinical simulation as a teaching methodology allows the student to train and learn technical abilities and/or non-technical abilities. One of the key elements of this teaching methodology is the debriefing, which consists of a conversation between several people, in which the participants go over a real or simulated event in order to analyze their actions and reflect on the role that thought processes, psychomotor skills and emotional states can play in maintaining, or improving their performance in the future. The Debriefing Experience Scale allows the experience of students in debriefing to be measured. The objective of this study is to translate the Debriefing Experience Scale (DES) into Spanish and analyze its reliability and validity to measure the experience of nursing students during the debriefing. The study was developed in two phases: One: the adaption of the instrument to Spanish, two: a transversal study carried out in a sample of 290 nursing students. The psychometric properties were analyzed in terms of reliability and construct validity using confirmatory factorial analysis (CFA). Cronbach's alpha was adequate for all the scales and for each one of the dimensions. The confirmatory factorial analysis showed that the 4-dimensional model is acceptable for both scales (experience and opinion). The Spanish version Debriefing Experience Scale questionnaire is useful, valid and reliable for use to measure the debriefing experience of university students in a simulation activity

    Reliability and validity study of the Spanish adaptation of the 'Student Satisfaction and Self-Confidence in Learning Scale' (SCLS)

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    The European Higher Education Area (EHEA) recommends the use of new educational methodologies and the evaluation of student satisfaction. Different instruments have been developed in Spain to evaluate different aspects such as clinical decisions and teamwork, however no instruments have been found that specifically evaluate student self-confidence and satisfaction during clinical simulation. The aim was to translate the Student Satisfaction and Self-Confidence in Learning Scale (SCLS) questionnaire into Spanish and analyse its reliability and validity and understand the level of satisfaction and self-confidence of nursing students with respect to learning in clinical simulations. The study was carried out in two phases: (1) adaptation of the questionnaire into Spanish. (2) Cross-sectional study in a sample of 489 nursing students. The reliability and exploratory and confirmatory factorial analyses were performed. To analyse the relationship of the scale scores with the sociodemographic variables, the Fisher Student T-test or the ANOVA was used. The scale demonstrated high internal consistency reliability for the total scale and each of its dimensions. Cronbach's alpha was 0.88 (0.83 to 0.81) for each of the dimensions. The exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis showed that both the one-dimensional and two-dimensional models were acceptable. The results showed average scores above 4 for both dimensions. The SCLS-Spanish translation demonstrated evidence of its validity and reliability for use to understand the level of satisfaction and self-confidence of nursing students in clinical simulation. Clinical simulations help students to increase their levels of confidence and satisfaction, enabling them to face real scenarios in clinical practice

    Simulación clínica en enfermería comunitaria

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    Introducción: La finalidad de esta investigación fue evaluar los resultados de aprendizaje del alumno en relación a las competencias en enfermería comunitaria y valorar la satisfacción de los mismos respecto a la simulación clínica en este contexto. Material y métodos: Estudio descriptivo observacional realizado en el primer semestre del curso 2014/2015 en el Campus Docent Sant Joan de Déu. Se hizo un análisis cualitativo de la conducción de 30 debriefings donde se evaluaron los resultados de aprendizaje en relación a los siguientes ítems (aspectos emocionales, toma de decisiones, valoración integral del paciente, valoración del paciente en atención domiciliaria, comunicación, educación sanitaria y habilidades técnicas). La satisfacción de los estudiantes se evaluó mediante un cuestionario compuesto por 8 ítems valorados mediante una escala ordinal (contenidos, coordinación, tiempo, metodología, utilidad, material, conocimientos, expectativas) y se realizó un análisis descriptivo de cada uno de ellos. Resultados: El análisis de los debriefings mostró que los alumnos tienen dificultades para realizar la valoración del paciente con los instrumentos que se utilizan en la práctica clínica, sin embargo presentan buenas habilidades comunicativas con el usuario y la familia. Respecto el grado de satisfacción, participaron en la cumplimentación del cuestionario, 47 estudiantes de tercer curso de Grado, la puntuación media total de los alumnos fue de 9,08 (DE 0,85). La utilidad del taller fue valorada con una media superior a 9. Conclusiones: La simulación clínica es una metodología docente valorada satisfactoriamente por parte de los alumnos, que permite trabajar objetivos relacionados con habilidades técnicas y con habilidades no técnicas. Palabras clave: simulación clínica, enfermería comunitaria, simulación con actores, habilidades no técnicas

    Reliability and validity study of the Spanish adaptation of the “Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experience Questionnaire” (W-DEQ-A)

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    The Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experience Questionnaire (W-DEQ-A) is an instrument that evaluates fear of childbirth through the expectations of women in relation to childbirth and their experience during the birth. The objective of this study was to translate the W-DEQ-A into Spanish and analyse its reliability and validity. The study was carried out in two phases: (1) adapting the questionnaire to Spanish and (2) a transversal study in a sample of 273 pregnant women in the Sexual and Reproductive Health centres in the Metropolitan Northern Barcelona in Catalonia (Spain). The psychometric properties were analysed in terms of reliability and construct validity. The confirmatory factorial analysis did not confirm the unidimensionality of the original structure of the WDEQ-A, as happened with the other studies in which it has previously been validated. The result of the exploratory factorial analysis suggests four factors, or dimensions, very similar but not identical to those obtained in other analysis studies of the W-DEQ-A. The Cronbach alpha and the omega scale were also adequate for all the scales and for each of the dimensions. The results of this study confirm the findings of other studies that suggest that the W-DEQ-A is multi-dimensional. In the Spanish version of the W-DEQ-A four dimensions have been identified to explore fear of childbirth in pregnant women. The Spanish version of the WDEQ-A (WDEQ-A-Sp) is reliable and valid for the measurement of fear of childbirth in clinical practice and for use in future research

    Adaptación al castellano de la escala de valoración de competencias en simulación de Creighton (C-SEI)

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    Podeu consultar la Vuitena trobada de professorat de Ciències de la Salut completa a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/66524Introducción: Una herramienta útil para la evaluación de competencias enfermeras en la docencia es utilizar rúbricas durante la simulación, de manera que es necesario disponer de instrumentos que evalúen factores cognitivos, afectivos y psicomotores. Objetivos: Adaptar al castellano el instrumento de evaluación de competencias “Creighton Simulation Evaluation InstrumentTM (C-SEI)” en estudiantes de Grado en Enfermería. Metodología: El estudio se realizó en dos fases, siendo la primera la adaptación al castellano del instrumento. La validez de contenido se realizó mediante el consenso de expertos. La segunda fase, consiste en el análisis métrico del instrumento, evaluando la fiabilidad analizando la consistencia interna mediante el coeficiente alfa de Cronbach, y la estabilidad temporal testretest. Para estudiar la validez convergente y discriminante se correlacionó las dimensiones del instrumento con el instrumento total..

    Psychometric design and validation of a tool to assess the medication administration process through simulation in undergraduate nursing students

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    Background: medication errors account for 38% of adverse events reported among undergraduate nursing students. Simulation provides training for nursing students in the medication administration process. However, there is a lack of reliable and valid instruments to measure its assessment. Objectives: to design and validate a new tool (MEDICORRECT) to assess undergraduate nursing students in the medication administration process using a high-fidelity simulation scenario. Design and methods: study participants were fourth year undergraduate nursing students at the University of Barcelona. Phase 1 consisted of tool design and drafting, and content validity and feasibility analyses. Phase 2 covered construct validity and interrater reliability. A factor analysis was conducted, involving a principal component analysis and varimax rotation. Findings: of 21 initial items, 11 were eliminated because of low content validity ratio, 4 of which assessed cognitive skills such as administering the right medicine at the right dose, which were impossible to observe in the simulation scenario. The final version of MEDICORRECT contained 10 items. The exploratory factor analysis identified a four-factorial model explaining 67.3% of the variance. Interrater agreement measured with Kappa was greater than 0.70 for 80% of items. Conclusions: the 10 items in MEDICORRECT are relevant and feasible, have suitable psychometric properties and reflect the practical skills identified in the medication administration process. The tool excludes cognitive skills, which should be included and assessed during prebriefing

    Cultural adaptation, translation and validation of the Spanish version debriefing experience scale

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    Clinical simulation as a teaching methodology allows the student to train and learn technical abilities and/or non-technical abilities. One of the key elements of this teaching methodology is the debriefing, which consists of a conversation between several people, in which the participants go over a real or simulated event in order to analyze their actions and reflect on the role that thought processes, psychomotor skills and emotional states can play in maintaining, or improving their performance in the future. The Debriefing Experience Scale allows the experience of students in debriefing to be measured. The objective of this study is to translate the Debriefing Experience Scale (DES) into Spanish and analyze its reliability and validity to measure the experience of nursing students during the debriefing. The study was developed in two phases: One: the adaption of the instrument to Spanish, two: a transversal study carried out in a sample of 290 nursing students. The psychometric properties were analyzed in terms of reliability and construct validity using confirmatory factorial analysis (CFA). Cronbach's alpha was adequate for all the scales and for each one of the dimensions. The confirmatory factorial analysis showed that the 4-dimensional model is acceptable for both scales (experience and opinion). The Spanish version Debriefing Experience Scale questionnaire is useful, valid and reliable for use to measure the debriefing experience of university students in a simulation activity