126 research outputs found

    Strengthening islamic cultural heritage of the Malays in Malaysia in the post global society

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    Malay and Islamic religion has exist long ago in the Malaysian soil, bringing about the Malay Islamic arts and culture. The Malay Islamic Arts and Culture has been the epitome of a Malays in Malaysia. Recently, the wave of globalization has transformed some Malay Islamic Arts and Culture to be less significance in the daily life of a Malay Moslem. The role of Malay Islamic Arts and culture is slowly becoming alien to the heart of Malay Moslems. Many factors has contributed to the phenomenon of less popularity in the Malay Islamic Arts and Culture. The Malays themselves have succumbed to many western influences brought by the introduction of technologies and education. Adopting and practicing modern living with many constraints such as time, monetary and space has led many Malay Moslem to slowly forget their precious gem- The Malay Islamic Arts and Culture. This paper highlights the variety of Malay Islamic arts and culture practice as rituals by Malays in Malaysia. It will also discussed the factors contributing to the dying of these arts and culture as well as recommending some suggestions in curbing the ever disturbing scenarios of Malay Islamic Arts and Culture


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    Masyarakat pada umumnya sekarang hanya fokus dengan kemajuan global, yang menyebabkan tersingkirkanya minat dalam mengetahui kekayaan budaya yang seharusnya kita lestarikan dan kita rawat dengan baik, Sehingga dampaknya terhadap sejarah-sejarah yang mulai dilupakan dikarnakaan lebih tertarik untuk menggali pengetahuan tentang budaya-budaya asing dan kemajuan teknologi yang sharusnya kita manfaatkan untuk melestarikan dan mengenalkan budaya bangsa malah sebaliknya.Gapura paduraksa yang terletak di makam Sunan Mertoyoso sendiri keadaanya sangat miris bahkan rata-rata masyarakat di sana tidak mempedulikan cagar budaya tersebut dan sejarah-sejarah yang terletak didalamnyapun sudah mulai dilupakan sehingga penulis membuat penelitian ini dengan landasan dan tujuan untuk menganalisis Estetika bentuk relief  pada Gapura tersebut sehingga dapat mengedukasi masyarakat untuk lebih peduli dan merawat cagar budaya baangsa. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif yang menggunakan beberapa metode penelitian yang mendukung dan membantu mendapatkan data dengan efektif seperti metode observasi dan wawancara. dengan metode tersebut penulis dapat mengetahui hasil penelitian menganalisi bentuk estetika relief yang terdapat pada Gapura paduraksa, seperti yang disampaikan oleh bapak Soekarna selaku narasumber pengamat menyampaikan bahwa komponen relief yang mendominasi pada Gapura tersebut adalah bentuk flora yaitu bunga teratai yang memiliki arti kesuburan dan kemakmuran yang dibentuk menggunakan teknik pahat yang memiliki tekstur kasar dengan menggunakan media batu kapur yang mempunyai kerumitan dan kesatuan tersendiri pada visualnya. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah apa saja bentuk yang ada pada relief tersebut, terdapat banyak nilai estetika dalam seni rupa didalamya antara lain adalah garis, bentuk dan tekstur yang mana dari nilai estetika tersebut peneliti dapat mengetahui bagaimana bentuk yang terdiri dari kesatuan, kerumitan dan kesungguhan yang terdapat pada objek yang dominannya memiliki motif tumbuhan.   Kata kunci: Bentuk, Relief pada Gapur

    Leveraging an open source VPN technology to end user.

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    Virtual Private Network (VPN) can be implemented by corporate and public user in a few methods. The methods included proprietary or open source solutions. It has shown great potential due to its encrypted traffic flow which gives it a secure environment. With a good reception of internet in Malaysia it is unfortunate that the major Internet Service Providers (ISPs) have imposed packet filtering. In effect they have throttled the fast broadband to become a slow medium. As a result it gives a disadvantage to active end user. To overcome an ISP packet filtering which slows down internet traffic, this paper intends to study and provide a sample of VPN solution service to end user to improve the current problem

    Mobile Learning Application for Basic Router and Switch Configuration on Android Platform

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    AbstractThis paper presents the design and development of Mobile Learning Application for Basic Router and Switch Configuration on Android Platform using Java Programming Language to help students in computer networking courses at the Department of Computer Technology and Networking, Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, University of Technology Mara, Malaysia. Our approach is to incorporate multimedia animations concept with command langguage to create the pervasive learning environment in presenting the Router and Switch Configuration systematically. With this mobile learning application, student could learn at his or her own pace, anywhere and anytime. This mobile learning application intends to complement the current traditional classroom and e-learning systems. Initial testing has shown that a well-presented multimedia animations capability that is delivered through a mobile phone has a great potential to promote and enhance learning process

    Cost Factors of Municipal Water Has Social Values and Scientific Applications

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    Water (H2O) is an important bio-chemical compound and it has life-supporting role. Water purification is a scientific process of chemical treatment. High-quality water demand for pure chemical synthesis such as boiler feedwater. Drug industries welcome centralized compared to onsite treatment, recycling technologies considering economics of scale. Boiled Feed (V) Water is important for IVF (Inter Venus Fluid) and its comparative costs and lessons learned could be used to build treatment facilities. Government policy and regulations, economic cost, corporate sustainability, environmental agency can enforce to get high-quality water


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    INTISARI Hanafi Farok, 2021, NIT: 531611206142 T, “Analisis turunnya tekanan minyak lumas mesin diesel pada generator di MT. Aikaterini”, Program Studi Diploma IV, Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang, Pembimbing I: Drs. Edy Warsopurnomo., M.M., M.Mar.E. Pembimbing II Budi Joko Raharjo.,M.M. M.Mar.E Mesin diesel pada generator adalah salah satu permesinan bantu di kapal yang berfungsi untuk mengerakkan poros alternator. Tenaga yang dihasilkan oleh mesin diesel tersebut, akan digunakan untuk memutar poros alternator sehingga dapat membuat alternator beroperasi untuk menghasilkan sumber listrik di kapal. Peneliti menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif, triangulasi hasil observasi, wawancara dan studi pustaka. Digunakan teknik analisis data fault tree analysis dan USG, peneliti menganalisis faktor penyebab, dampak dan upaya yang dilakukan terkait turunnya tekanan minyak lumas mesin diesel pada generator. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terjadinya penurunan tekanan minyak lumas mesin diesel pada generator disebabkan oleh housing pemampat pada pompa minyak lumas aus, gear pada pompa minyak lumas rusak, kebocoran pipa minyak lumas, temperature minyak lumas tinggi. Upaya yang dilakukan untuk mencegah faktor yang menyebabkan turunnya tekanan minyak lumas mesin diesel pada generator yaitu mengganti housing pada pompa minyak lumas, menganti gear pompa minyak lumas, melakukan penggantian pada pipa minyak lumas dan membersihkan coole

    The application of narrow-band NDVI as a tool for mapping mangrove environment in Abu Dhabi

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    © 2017 ACM. The overall utility of a visible/near infrared images and spectral profiles has several advantages and applications in environmental and ecosystem investigations. In the present paper, a close-range remote-sensing technique is used for assessing algal communities within the sabkha environment. The area is partially covered by mangrove trees and has salt at areas without visible algal mat. Other locations have dark brown and green patches of algae especially in the supratidal area. Those considered as the most important organisms living in the sabkha habitat. Visible and infrared electromagnetic bands were used to characterize productivity, biomass, and distribution of the algal communities in the sabkha environment. To accomplish this, the study tested the use of the well-documented ratio of near-infrared (NIR; 800nm) to red (670nm) reflectance in order to characterize the living component in the Sabkha area of Abu Dhabi. Multispectral visible/Near Infrared camera was used to collect images from the area of interest. The reported analysis characterized two types of algae; namely active and non-active algae. The active algea has high near-infrared (NIR) band reflectance and lower red band reflectance. However, inactive algea has low NIR band reflectance and higher Red band reflectance. The study also reported field observations, computer vision approach and remote sensing indicators that are useful in order to study the relation between spectral reflectivity and algal characteristics