306 research outputs found


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    As important as the birth of Jesus is in Christianity, the Christian world has doubts about its historicity. The Gospels do not provide any authentic information about when Jesus was born, but Christianity insists that December 25 is the date of Jesus' birth. Therefore, the question remains whether Jesus was born on December 25 or is only a claim of Christianity. Moreover, Christmas is also celebrated to commemorate the birth of Jesus on the 25th of December, but its authenticity is as doubtful as the historicity of the birth of Christ. There is nothing in the teachings of Jesus that he commanded Christians to celebrate this day. In this article, the same primary point has been discussed whether Jesus was really born on December 25, the day that Christmas is celebrated as a memorial


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    A Jew named Paul appeared in the religion of Christianity and claimed to be an apostle of Jesus, after having been ascended of Prophet Jesus Christ. His claim turned into rejection through true companions of Prophet Jesus, however one of them namely Barnabas had testified Paul, so he turned into additionally visible as a disciple of Prophet Jesus Christ. Having entered Jesus’ followers, St. Paul started to preach their thoughts affirming them as Jesus’ teachings. Paul presented a new salvation concept through Jesus’ crucifixion which was different from conventional Judaism. Moreover, he abolished all teachings of Torah and announced keeping faith on Jesus’ atonement sufficient for salvation. Furthermore, he declared that Jesus is begotten son of God and Jesus is not a prophet or man. His perspectives about Jesus, Torah and other Jewish rituals were considered as blasphemy against Jewish faith so the companion of Jesus firmly opposed him, however Paul’s impact on Christian society constantly spread. Gathering many people, he remoted his cult from Jewish-Christianity and established a new version of Christianity which turned into absolutely in opposition to Jesus’ teachings. St. Paul has expressed his thoughts and ideas in his fourteen letters. What is the authenticity of these fourteen letters? In this article, we will discuss in detail that what are the authenticity of these letters


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    There are various conflicts in Talmudic and gospels traditions about Prophet Jesus’ (A.S)’ death. According to Talmudic tradition, he was stoned to death while gospels narrate that he had been crucified. Despite the availability of narrations, this incident is as unauthentic and doubtful as it was two thousand years ago. It is out of the question to clarify these traditions because unreliability has already been established due to fictitious pieces of evidence. In its historical sense, there are a number of unsubstantial sayings in the incident of the crucifixion and these lacunae prevent relying on the authenticity of this event. After six hundred years passed, Quran was revealed with truth & reality about the allegedly event of the crucifixion. According to Quran Prophet Jesus (A.S) neither was crucified nor stoned to death but Allah had taken him up towards Him. Because of restoring the status and dignity of a glorious and majestic prophet, this divine revelation was revealed so that all the aspersions about Prophet Jesus (A.S) may be removed from his personality. In this article, Quranic statements have been analyzed while inspecting the Jewish and Christian traditions regarding this event


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    In Pakistan, the ownership of majority of the firms is characterized by the concentration of different groups such as family members, associated firms, institutional investors and insiders. The present study aims to investigate whether different ownership structure including family ownership, associated ownership, institutional ownership, concentrated ownership, managerial ownership, block holding, and foreign ownership contribute to the financial performance of nonfinancial firms listed at the Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX). Findings suggest that a firm’s performance increases significantly in the presenceof associated ownership, concentrated ownership, institutionalownership and block holding. This indicates that these ownershipstructures add value and help in reducing agency problems. On the other hand, family and managerial ownership have a negative relationship with firm performance. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis of minority shareholder expropriation which states that when family ownership and managers’ involvement is higher in a firm, they exploit the funds of minor shareholders. Similarly, foreign ownership also does not add value

    Cloudlet computing : recent advances, taxonomy, and challenges

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    A cloudlet is an emerging computing paradigm that is designed to meet the requirements and expectations of the Internet of things (IoT) and tackle the conventional limitations of a cloud (e.g., high latency). The idea is to bring computing resources (i.e., storage and processing) to the edge of a network. This article presents a taxonomy of cloudlet applications, outlines cloudlet utilities, and describes recent advances, challenges, and future research directions. Based on the literature, a unique taxonomy of cloudlet applications is designed. Moreover, a cloudlet computation offloading application for augmenting resource-constrained IoT devices, handling compute-intensive tasks, and minimizing the energy consumption of related devices is explored. This study also highlights the viability of cloudlets to support smart systems and applications, such as augmented reality, virtual reality, and applications that require high-quality service. Finally, the role of cloudlets in emergency situations, hostile conditions, and in the technological integration of future applications and services is elaborated in detail. © 2013 IEEE


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    Abstrak - Solusi Navigasi UAV (Unmanned Aerieal Vehicle) memungkinkan menerbangkan beberapa UAV secara bersamaan. Ini dapat dilakukan dalam konfigurasi yang berbeda  satu operator mengendalikan banyak UAV atau beberapa operator mengendalikan banyak UAV. Pesawat UAV dikendalikan oleh operator melalui ground station. Agar UAV mampu terbang dengan baik, perancangan sistem kontrol berperan sangat penting. Gangguan dari angin maupun kesalahan pengukuran sensor dapat mengakibatkan UAV keluar dari jalur yang telah ditentukan (trajectory).Pesawat bersayap tetap (fixed wing) adalah pesawat udara yang terbang bukan karena gerakan pada sayap. Terbang pesawat pada saat melaju ke udara menghasilkan gaya angkat yang mengangkat pesawat. Proses kontrol pesawat sepenuhnya dilakukan oleh sistem autopilot dengan mengacu pada parameter-parameter yang telah ditentukan oleh pengguna sebelum terbang. Pilot otomatis (autopilot) adalah sistem mekanikal, elektrikal, atau hidraulik yang memandu sebuah kendaraan tanpa campur tangan dari manusia.  Pengembangann sistem UAV dan jika dikategorikan menjadi beberapa bagian seperti air vehicle ground control station, payload, data link dan support equipment.Pada penelitian perancangan untuk skala industri kecil ini, dibuatlah UAV fixed wing untuk keperluan penelitian mahasiswa, dosen dengan tujuan dan manfaat Dapat merancang pesawat Fixed wings UAV untuk keperluan mapping Area. Pesawat UAV Fixed  Wings Dapat digunakan sebagai bahan penelitian bagi mahasiswa dan dosen untuk mengetahui cara perancangan dan pembuatan dari Uav Fixed Wings dengan menggunakan ArduPilot Mission Planner. Dimana hasil dari running test yang sudah dilakukan Pada simulasi kontrol tracking menggunakan mission planner  mampu memberikan respons posisi pesawat yang mampu mengikuti sinyal referensi dengan mempertahankan posisi pesawat pada lintasan di antara dua waypoint, Kontroler  mampu mempertahankan arah pesawat menuju waypoint namun belum mampu mempertahankan posisi terhadap gangguan angin pada lintasan yang ditentukan.Kata-kata kunci -  UAV, Fixed Wing, Mission planner, sensor, Autopilo

    Comparison of Workforce Diversity in Public and Private Business Organizations

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    Potential of human resource has always been considered as at the heart of a business organization. An effective human resource can not only ignite the organizational excellence but it also is a cornerstone for the consistency of optimal level of business performance. This research paper aims at one of the most discussed areas in the literature related to human resource management called “Workforce diversity”. Right from the start of modern business practices public and private business organizations came into existence and so the difference in human resource focus of both of these types of business organizations. Focus of this study is to explore the difference among employees of both types of above mentioned business organizations keeping in view the level of workforce diversity in their respective organizations. Study is unique because it addresses the research gap found after extensive literature review. The said research gap is that no such study has been done before in literature keeping in view Pakistani business environment. Target population comprising of banking sector, health and medical services sector was studied and brought under light by taking a sample of 150 employees. In order to analyze the acquired data statistical tools like independent t test and frequency test were also applied for better results and findings. Findings of the study states that there exists huge difference among employees working in public and private sector organizations due to conception and application of workforce diversity in both of these business organization types. It was also found that middle and operational levels of workforce are more diverse in comparison with top levels of workforce. Workforce diversity is properly planned in most of the private organizations while public sector organizations are still lagging behind. Due to significantly highlighted importance of organizational performance in public sector organizations; public sector is now improving application of workforce diversity in its practices. Keywords: Workforce Diversity, Public & Private Sector, Culture, Organizational Performance

    Consumer Purchase Intension of Foreign Brands Available in Pakistan: A Moderating Effect of Television Advertisement

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    Purpose – This paper examines the purchase intensions of consumers who are using foreign electronics brands in their homes, Offices & Industries. Design/methodology/approach – This paper presents a quantitative approach based upon “survey” technique. For the detailed analysis of our gathered data we used SPSS. Findings– Consumer purchase intention is influenced by perceived fashion ability, trust on brand and advertisement. Research Limitations –Targeting all Pakistani population for obtaining information was impossible for us; so we used “Convenience Sampling”. We targeted population of Rawalpindi & Islamabad in order to conduct our research. Practical Implications– According to our point of view this research will help the foreign companies in order to find out the effects of TV Ads on the purchase intentions of the prospective customers of their brands. Originality/Value –The paper carefully identifies the relationship among country of origin, customer loyalty & customer life time value with moderating effect of television advertisement. Keywords –Purchase Intension, Foreign Brands, TV Advertisement, Country of Origin, Customer Loyalty, Customer Life Time Valu

    Fractional Order Operator for Symmetric Analysis of Cancer Model on Stem Cells with Chemotherapy

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    Cancer is dangerous and one of the major diseases affecting normal human life. In this paper, a fractional-order cancer model with stem cells and chemotherapy is analyzed to check the effects of infection in individuals. The model is investigated by the Sumudu transform and a very effective numerical method. The positivity of solutions with the ABC operator of the proposed technique is verified. Fixed point theory is used to derive the existence and uniqueness of the solutions for the fractional order cancer system. Our derived solutions analyze the actual behavior and effect of cancer disease in the human body using different fractional values. Modern mathematical control with the fractional operator has many applications including the complex and crucial study of systems with symmetry. Symmetry analysis is a powerful tool that enables the user to construct numerical solutions of a given fractional differential equation in a fairly systematic way. Such an analysis will provide a better understanding to control the of cancer disease in the human body.This research was funded by Basque Government Grants: IT1555-22 and KK-2022/00090 and MCIN/AEI 269.10.13039/501100011033: Grant PID2021-1235430B-C21 and Grant PID2021-1235430B-C22
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