6,753 research outputs found

    Mechanical response of composite materials with through-the-thickness reinforcement

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    An experimental investigation was conducted to identify the key geometrical parameters and quantify their influence on the mechanical response of through-the-thickness (TTT) reinforced composite materials. Composite laminates with TTT reinforcement fibers were fabricated using different TTT reinforcement materials and reinforcement methods and laminates were also fabricated of similar construction but without TTT reinforcement fibers. Coupon specimens were machined from these laminates and were destructively tested. TTT reinforcement yarns enhance damage tolerance and improve interlaminar strength. Thick-layer composites with TTT reinforcement yarns have equal or superior mechanical properties to thin-layer composites without TTT reinforcement yarns. A significant potential exists for fabrication cost reduction by using thick-layer composites with TTT reinforcement yarns. Removal of the surface loop of the TTT reinforcement improves compression strength. Stitching provides somewhat higher mechanical properties than integral weaving

    Generation of cell lines to complement Adenovirus vectors using recombination-mediated cassette exchange

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    Background Adenovirus serotype 5 (Ad5) has many favourable characteristics for development as a gene therapy vector. However, the utility of current Ad5 vectors is limited by transient transgene expression, toxicity and immunogenicity. The most promising form of vector is the high capacity type, which is deleted for all viral genes. However, these vectors can only be produced to relatively low titres and with the aid of helper virus. Therefore a continuing challenge is the generation of more effective Ad5 vectors that can still be grown to high titres. Our approach is to generate complementing cell lines to support the growth of Ad5 vectors with novel late gene deficiencies. Results We have used LoxP/Cre recombination mediated cassette exchange (RMCE) to generate cell lines expressing Ad5 proteins encoded by the L4 region of the genome, the products of which play a pivotal role in the expression of Ad5 structural proteins. A panel of LoxP parent 293 cell lines was generated, each containing a GFP expression cassette under the control of a tetracycline-regulated promoter inserted at a random genome location; the cassette also contained a LoxP site between the promoter and GFP sequence. Clones displayed a variety of patterns of regulation, stability and level of GFP expression. Clone A1 was identified as a suitable parent for creation of inducible cell lines because of the tight inducibility and stability of its GFP expression. Using LoxP-targeted, Cre recombinase-mediated insertion of an L4 cassette to displace GFP from the regulated promoter in this parent clone, cell line A1-L4 was generated. This cell line expressed L4 100K, 22K and 33K proteins at levels sufficient to complement L4-33K mutant and L4-deleted viruses. Conclusions RMCE provides a method for rapid generation of Ad5 complementing cell lines from a pre-selected parental cell line, chosen for its desirable transgene expression characteristics. Parent cell lines can be selected for high or low gene expression, and for tight regulation, allowing viral protein expression to mirror that found during infection. Cell lines derived from a single parent will allow the growth of different vectors to be assessed without the complication of varying complementing protein expression

    Geochemistry of Kauai shield-stage lavas: Implications for the chemical evolution of the Hawaiian plume

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    We measured He, Sr, Nd, Pb, and Os isotope ratios and major and trace element concentrations in stratigraphically and paleomagnetically controlled shield-stage lavas from Kauai, Hawaii. The range of 3He/4He ratios (17–28 RA) from Kauai is similar to that reported from Loihi and thus challenges the prevailing notion that high 3He/4He ratios are restricted to the preshield stage of Hawaiian magmatism. 3He/4He ratios vary erratically with stratigraphic position, and chronostratigraphic control from paleomagnetic data indicates very rapid changes in the 3He/4He ratios (up to 8 RA in ~102 years). These variations in helium isotopic ratios are correlated with variations in radiogenic isotope ratios, suggesting rapid changes in melt composition supplying the magma reservoir. A three-component mixing model, previously proposed for Hawaiian shield lavas, does not adequately explain the isotopic data in Kauai shield lavas. The addition of a depleted-mantle (DM) component with the isotopic characteristics similar to posterosional basalts explains the isotopic variability in Kauai shield lavas. The DM component is most apparent in lavas from the Kauai shield and is present in varying proportion in other Hawaiian shield volcanoes. Shield lavas from Kauai sample a high 3He/4He end-member (Loihi component), but while lavas from western Kauai have a larger contribution from the Kea component (high 206Pb/204Pb, anomalously low 207Pb/204Pb relative to 206Pb/204Pb), lavas from eastern Kauai have a larger proportion of an enriched (Koolau) component. The systematic isotopic differences between eastern and western Kauai reflect a gradual migration of the locus of volcanism from west to east, or alternatively east and west Kauai are two distinct shield volcanoes. In the latter case, the two shield volcanoes have maintained distinct magma supply sources and plumbing systems. Our new geochemical data from Kauai are consistent with the existence of a single high 3He/4He reservoir in the Hawaiian plume and suggest that the proportion of the different mantle components in the plume have changed significantly in the past 5 Myr. The long-term evolution of the Hawaiian plume and the temporal variability recorded in Kauai lavas require more complex geochemical heterogeneities than suggested by radially zoned plume models. These complexities may arise from heterogeneities in the thermal boundary layer and through variable entrainment of ambient mantle by the upwelling plume

    Spin-2 Amplitudes in Black-Hole Evaporation

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    Quantum amplitudes for s=2s=2 gravitational-wave perturbations of Einstein/scalar collapse to a black hole are treated by analogy with s=1s=1 Maxwell perturbations. The spin-2 perturbations split into parts with odd and even parity. We use the Regge-Wheeler gauge; at a certain point we make a gauge transformation to an asymptotically-flat gauge, such that the metric perturbations have the expected falloff behaviour at large radii. By analogy with s=1s=1, for s=2s=2 natural 'coordinate' variables are given by the magnetic part Hij(i,j=1,2,3)H_{ij} (i,j=1,2,3) of the Weyl tensor, which can be taken as boundary data on a final space-like hypersurface ΣF\Sigma_F. For simplicity, we take the data on the initial surface ΣI\Sigma_I to be exactly spherically-symmetric. The (large) Lorentzian proper-time interval between ΣI\Sigma_I and ΣF\Sigma_F, measured at spatial infinity, is denoted by TT. We follow Feynman's +iϵ+i\epsilon prescription and rotate TT into the complex: TTexp(iθ)T\to{\mid}T{\mid} \exp(-i\theta), for 0<θπ/20<\theta\leq\pi/2. The corresponding complexified {\it classical} boundary-value problem is expected to be well-posed. The Lorentzian quantum amplitude is recovered by taking the limit as θ0+\theta\to 0_+. For boundary data well below the Planck scale, and for a locally supersymmetric theory, this involves only the semi-classical amplitude exp(iSclass(2)\exp(iS^{(2)}_{\rm class}, where Sclass(2)S^{(2)}_{\rm class} denotes the second-variation classical action. The relations between the s=1s=1 and s=2s=2 natural boundary data, involving supersymmetry, are investigated using 2-component spinor language in terms of the Maxwell field strength ϕAB=ϕ(AB)\phi_{AB}=\phi_{(AB)} and the Weyl spinor ΨABCD=Ψ(ABCD)\Psi_{ABCD}=\Psi_{(ABCD)}

    What should be done with the revenues from a carbon cap and auction system?

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    In this article the author discusses the use of the revenues which can be generated from a carbon cap and auction system in the U.S. They believe that auction system will be politically feasible if all individuals share generated revenues equally. A significant fraction from the revenue should pay for related projects like researching and developing renewable energy in developing countries. The shareholders in this atmospheric commons should be both the current and future generations

    An Experimental Study of the Effect of Shared Information on Pilot/Controller Re-Route Negotiation

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    Air–ground data link systems are being developed to enable pilots and air traffic controllers to share information more fully. The sharing of information is generally expected to enhance their shared situation awareness and foster more collaborative decision making. An exploratory, part-task simulator experiment is described which evaluates the extent to which shared information may lead pilots and controllers to cooperate or compete when negotiating route amendments. The results indicate an improvement in situation awareness for pilots and controllers and a willingness to work cooperatively. Independent of data link considerations, the experiment also demonstrates the value of providing controllers with a good-quality weather representation on their plan view displays. Observed improvements in situation awareness and separation assurance are discussed. It is argued that deployment of this relatively simple, low-risk addition to the plan view displays be accelerated.the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Ames Research Center under grant NAG 2-716 and by The Analytical Sciences Corporation (TASC) as part of the FAA Center of Excellence in Operations Research

    Land Use and Zoning Law: The Current Lay of the Land

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    An Analysis of the Role of Collaboration and Change in School Development

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    This retrospective case study captured the experiences and extrapolated insights from a school administrator tasked with developing a new school and program to meet the needs of a specialized student population. The resulting merged school, Day Academy, served a student population ranging from 20 to 25 students and a staff of 10-15. Attentive to the relevant literature, the case study results support recommendations for both professional practice and professional learning for administrators in all levels

    Influence of two-dimensional hygrothermal gradients on interlaminar stresses near free edges

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    Interlaminar stresses are determined for mechanical loading, uniform hygrothermal loading, and gradient moisture loading through implementation of a finite element computer code. Nonuniform two-dimensional hygroscopic gradients are obtained from a finite difference solution of the diffusion equation. It is shown that hygroscopic induced stresses can be larger than those resulting from mechanical and thermal loading, and that the distribution of the interlaminar normal stress may be changed significantly in the presence of a two-dimensional moisture gradient in the boundary layer of a composite laminate