167 research outputs found

    How to Measure Gender Bias in Machine Translation: Optimal Translators, Multiple Reference Points

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    In this paper, as a case study, we present a systematic study of gender bias in machine translation with Google Translate. We translated sentences containing names of occupations from Hungarian, a language with gender-neutral pronouns, into English. Our aim was to present a fair measure for bias by comparing the translations to an optimal non-biased translator. When assessing bias, we used the following reference points: (1) the distribution of men and women among occupations in both the source and the target language countries, as well as (2) the results of a Hungarian survey that examined if certain jobs are generally perceived as feminine or masculine. We also studied how expanding sentences with adjectives referring to occupations effect the gender of the translated pronouns. As a result, we found bias against both genders, but biased results against women are much more frequent. Translations are closer to our perception of occupations than to objective occupational statistics. Finally, occupations have a greater effect on translation than adjectives.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures; updated submission, updated references, corrected typ

    A II. Rákóczi Ferenc Megyei Könyvtár PR tevékenysége az arculatváltás tükrében

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    Munkám során azt a célt tűztem ki, hogy a miskolci II. Rákóczi Ferenc Megyei Könyvtár PR tevékenységét és annak új arculati elemeit vegyem sorra. Ezen belül is a könyvtár megjelenésével, új stílusának formálódásával, imázsával, arculatának folyamatos alakulásával foglalkoztam részletesebben. Természetesen általános áttekintést is végeztem a régióra, Miskolcra vonatkozóan, illetve a PR és azzal együtt felmerülő egyéb témák tekintetében is .B

    Synthesis of new potential UV-filters

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    Three new silylated 2-(2´-hydroxyphenyl)benzotriazole derivatives were prepared. Starting with the easily available simple 2-(2´-hydroxyphenyl)benzotriazole, the target compounds were synthesized by a stepwise synthetic protocol, namely alkylation, thermal rearrangement and silylation

    Photometric Determination of Trace Amounts of Aluminum in Nearly Saturated Rock Salt Solutions Used by Chlor-alkali Industry

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    The previously widespread mercury cell technology in chlorine production has now been replaced by more environmentally friendly membrane cell electrolysis which is a Best Available Techniques (BAT) technology. However, this requires a much cleaner brine containing contaminants (Al, Ca, Mg, etc.) in the order of ng/g at most. For this reason, it’s very important to detect trace amounts of aluminum in concentrated saline media in the simplest and fastest way. To the best of our knowledge, no one has previously developed a spectrophotometric method capable of detecting aluminum in ionic forms selectively in the order of ng/g in concentrated saline media, without any preconcentration or separation step. Our advanced analytical method provides an opportunity for this. During the analytical procedure, a colored complex ion is formed from the dissolved aluminum content of the sample with eriochrome cyanine R (ECR) ligand in buffered pH medium. The sensitivity of the measurement is increased by adding quaternary ammonium salt. The colored complex ion is formed in 15 minutes, then the absorbance measurement can be performed for 90 minutes. The effect of rock salt interference was eliminated by proper calibration. In our work the dependence of the signal on temperature, pH, time elapsed after the addition of reactants, the dosing sequence, the salinity of the medium was examined, furthermore, we studied which wavelength-absorbance values give the best fit (highest R2 value) and the highest sensitivity in case of linear calibration. Surprisingly, increasing the salinity significantly improves the sensitivity of the measurement

    Newborn Infants Detect Cues of Concurrent Sound Segregation

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    Separating concurrent sounds is fundamental for a veridical perception of one's auditory surroundings. Sound components that are harmonically related and start at the same time are usually grouped into a common perceptual object, whereas components that are not in harmonic relation or have different onset times are more likely to be perceived in terms of separate objects. Here we tested whether neonates are able to pick up the cues supporting this sound organization principle. We presented newborn infants with a series of complex tones with their harmonics in tune (creating the percept of a unitary sound object) and with manipulated variants, which gave the impression of two concurrently active sound sources. The manipulated variant had either one mistuned partial (single-cue condition) or the onset of this mistuned partial was also delayed (double-cue condition). Tuned and manipulated sounds were presented in random order with equal probabilities. Recording the neonates' electroencephalographic responses allowed us to evaluate their processing of the sounds. Results show that, in both conditions, mistuned sounds elicited a negative displacement of the event-related potential (ERP) relative to tuned sounds from 360 to 400 ms after sound onset. The mistuning-related ERP component resembles the object-related negativity (ORN) component in adults, which is associated with concurrent sound segregation. Delayed onset additionally led to a negative displacement from 160 to 200 ms, which was probably more related to the physical parameters of the sounds than to their perceptual segregation. The elicitation of an ORN-like response in newborn infants suggests that neonates possess the basic capabilities of segregating concurrent sounds by detecting inharmonic relations between the co-occurring sounds

    Co-Administration of Proton Pump Inhibitors May Negatively Affect the Outcome in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Treated with Vedolizumab

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    Concomitant medications may alter the effect of biological therapy in inflammatory bowel disease. The aim was to investigate the effect of proton pump inhibitors on remission rates in patients with inflammatory bowel disease treated with the gut-selective vedolizumab. Patients from the Hungarian nationwide, multicenter vedolizumab cohort were selected for post hoc analysis. Primary outcomes were the assessment of clinical response and endoscopic and clinical remission at weeks 14 and 54. Secondary outcomes were the evaluation of the combined effect of concomitant steroid therapy and other factors, such as smoking, on remission. A total of 108 patients were identified with proton pump inhibitor data from 240 patients in the original cohort. Patients on steroids without proton pump inhibitors were more likely to have a clinical response at week 14 than patients on concomitant PPI (95% vs. 67%, p = 0.005). Non-smokers with IBD treated with VDZ were more likely to develop a clinical response at week 14 than smokers, particularly those not receiving PPI compared with patients on co-administered PPI therapy (81% vs. 53%, p = 0.041, and 92% vs. 74%, p = 0.029, respectively). We found that the use of PPIs in patients treated with VDZ may impair the achievement of response in certain subgroups. Unnecessary PPI prescriptions should be avoided

    Recent past, present and hoped-for future of cereal science and plant protein research

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    The fields of science indicated in the title represent centuries old research and development activities of the current department and its legal predecessor institutions, matching the standards, expectations and possibilities of the given era. It is of course impossible to summarize all this in a few pages. A tangential or more detailed description of some areas can be found in other chapters of this issue compiled to review the scientific activities of the department (e.g., in the articles of András Salgó and Ferenc Békés, Zsuzsanna Bugyi et al., Eszter Schallet al.) and in the summary article presenting the department’s food science activities [1]. In our current paper, we attempt to provide a brief overview of research directions and results that, from the 1990s to the present day, have played a decisive role in the activities of the department, including the Cereal Science and Food Quality Research Group, as well as in the development and shaping of its research profile. The years following the regime change were decisive in the lives of all of us. The conditions for education and the cultivation of science changed continuously and significantly, mostly worsening in this transition period. Many people questioned whether it was worth continuing to cultivate the old, traditional areas, or whether we should be more open, modernize and look for new ways, taking advantage of the extremely slow but continuously opening opportunities for building domestic and, especially, international relations, and later for tenders and financing. Progress, development, and openness to new ideas should be essential qualities for an educator and researcher. However, the acquisition of knowledge, experience, and skills takes time, as does the creation and maintenance of the conditions necessary for the cultivation of old or new fields