28 research outputs found

    Bevándorlás az Egyesült Királyságba: a török migránsok helyzete

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    A migráció manapság az egyik legaktuálisabb témaként van jelen az Európai Unióban. A törökök pedig ebben a folyamatban korábban a legaktívabban résztvevő nemzet voltak, és mára több millióan élnek szerte az uniós tagállamokban. Az ő egyesült királyságbeli helyzetük feltárására vállalkozik a tanulmány elsősorban társadalomföldrajzi szempontból. Ennek során a területi koncentrációjuk, munkaerőpiaci- és iskolázottsági helyzetük, vándorlási preferenciáik, nyelvhasználatuk, illetve vallási meggyőződésük kerül a vizsgálat fókuszába. Ezáltal képet kaphatunk egy viszonylag régebb óta az unióban élő bevándorló közösség jellemzőin keresztül a mostanában zajló migrációs és integrációs folyamatok egy szegmenséről a szigetországban

    Menedékkérők migrációs útvonalainak és tendenciáinak vizsgálata a Balkán-fészigeten = Analysis of migratory routes and tendencies of asylum seekers on the Balkan peninsula

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    As the recent migration crisis hit the European Union, the role of analysing migration tendencies and migratory routes of asylum seekers became far more important. The Eastern Mediterranean Sea route and the Western Balkans land route provided access to the European Union for about 800 000 asylum seekers in only one year (2015–2016), mainly from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan. This study deals with these recent trends from the aspect of the different land and sea migratory routes of the Western Balkans and the Eastern Mediterranean, revealing the main changes over the last few years (2009–2016). It gives us a short overview of detailed monthly border-crossing statistics as well as their background by analysing the detected number of people at the main bordercrossing points and along the borders of the countries involved. It analyses the most important trends and changes that have emerged in the Balkans. It also examines the composition of the origin of migrants. The study emphasizes Hungary's role in changing migration trends

    Menedékkérők migrációs útvonalainak és tendenciáinak vizsgálata a Balkán-fészigeten = Analysis of migratory routes and tendencies of asylum seekers on the Balkan peninsula

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    As the recent migration crisis hit the European Union, the role of analysing migration tendencies and migratory routes of asylum seekers became far more important. The Eastern Mediterranean Sea route and the Western Balkans land route provided access to the European Union for about 800 000 asylum seekers in only one year (2015–2016), mainly from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan. This study deals with these recent trends from the aspect of the different land and sea migratory routes of the Western Balkans and the Eastern Mediterranean, revealing the main changes over the last few years (2009–2016). It gives us a short overview of detailed monthly border-crossing statistics as well as their background by analysing the detected number of people at the main bordercrossing points and along the borders of the countries involved. It analyses the most important trends and changes that have emerged in the Balkans. It also examines the composition of the origin of migrants. The study emphasizes Hungary's role in changing migration trends

    A felsőoktatási innováció, mint a regionális gazdaság potenciális motorja Pécs példáján

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    The RDI as a modern and dynamically developing sector of the economy plays a more and more significant role nowdays. Beside the companies and the governmental sphere the higher education institutions are also reliable for the efficiency of the quaternary sector. The article deals with this topic from the aspect of the University of Pécs (UP) as one of the main institute responsible for the innovational activity of the South Transdanubian region and the biggest employer of the city of Pécs. In the course of this after finding the place of Hungary and the region in the EU and in the country as measuring its RDI potential, it examines the external and internal RDI milieu of the UP with a SWOT analysis. After this it reveals the innovational researches of each faculty and the main profile of the spin-off and start-up enterprises connected to them among with their RDI tendering operation between 2007 and 2013. Among others it also deals with the well-known RDI investments of Pécs according to the city’s population and the innovation management process of the UP

    A felsőoktatási innováció, mint a regionális gazdaság potenciális motorja Pécs példáján

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    The RDI as a modern and dynamically developing sector of the economy plays a more and more significant role nowdays. Beside the companies and the governmental sphere the higher education institutions are also reliable for the efficiency of the quaternary sector. The article deals with this topic from the aspect of the University of Pécs (UP) as one of the main institute responsible for the innovational activity of the South Transdanubian region and the biggest employer of the city of Pécs. In the course of this after finding the place of Hungary and the region in the EU and in the country as measuring its RDI potential, it examines the external and internal RDI milieu of the UP with a SWOT analysis. After this it reveals the innovational researches of each faculty and the main profile of the spin-off and start-up enterprises connected to them among with their RDI tendering operation between 2007 and 2013. Among others it also deals with the well-known RDI investments of Pécs according to the city’s population and the innovation management process of the UP

    Electric field-induced interfacial instability in a ferroelectric nematic liquid crystal

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    Studies of sessile droplets and fluid bridges of a ferroelectric nematic liquid crystal in externally applied electric fields are presented. It is found that above a threshold a fingering instability occurs, resembling to Rayleigh-type instability observed in charged droplets in electric fields or circular drop-type instabilities observed in ferromagnetic liquids in magnetic field. The frequency dependence of the threshold voltage was determined in various geometries. The nematic director and ferroelectric polarization direction was found to point along the tip of the fingers that appear to repel each other, indicating that the ferroelectric polarization is essentially parallel to the director. The results are interpreted in analogy to the Rayleigh and circular drop-type instabilities

    A digitális technológia kínálta új lehetőségek a melanoma malignum szűrésében

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    Bevezetés: A kelet- és közép-európai régióban – Csehországot és Szlovákiát követve – Magyarországon a harmadik legmagasabb a melanoma malignum incidenciája. A melanomaszűrés és -diagnosztika hatékonyságának javítására az elmúlt években számos technológiai fejlesztés történt: az egyik ilyen, széles körben ismertté vált technológia az integrált automatizált teljestest-feltérképezés és digitális dermatoszkópia. Célkitűzés: A jelen célzott irodalomkutatás célja, hogy bemutassa a teljestest-anyajegyvizsgálatra kifejlesztett új digitális technológiákban rejlő lehetőségeket a melanomaszűrésre vonatkozóan. Módszer: A melanomaszűrésre és teljestest-anyajegyvizsgálatra alkalmas szűrési technológiára vonatkozó információk összegyűjtésére célzott irodalomkutatást végeztünk. Publikusan elérhető online adatbázisokban kerestünk szakmai irányelveket és ajánlásokat, valamint tudományos közleményeket. Eredmények: Irodalomkeresésünk során 15 nemzetközi irányelvet és ajánlást azonosítottunk, melyek a melanoma malignum szűrését és korai felismerését összegezték. Melanomaszűréssel foglalkozó hazai irányelvet nem azonosítottunk. A digitális dermatoszkóp és a teljestest-anyajegyvizsgálatra alkalmas szűrési technológia eredményességére vonatkozóan 2 klinikai, 5 megfigyeléses vizsgálatot és 8 összefoglaló közleményt elemeztünk. 10 nemzetközi vizsgálatot elemeztünk, melyek a gépi tanulási algoritmusok kiegészítő szerepét vizsgálták a melanomaszűrésben. Megbeszélés: A digitális dermatoszkópia és a teljes testről készült fényképfelvételek elősegítik a rosszindulatúvá váló képletek vagy az új melanoma azonosítását magas kockázatnak kitett személyekben. Nem áll rendelkezésre megbízható adat a melanomaszűrő-programoknak a daganat okozta halálozásra kifejtett hatásáról, így a korlátozott bizonyítékok miatt a populációs szintű melanomaszűrést a nemzetközi irányelvek nem ajánlják. Következtetés: Megállapítható, hogy a nemzetközi irányelvek kiemelik a teljes testről készült fényképfelvételek és a szekvenciális digitális dermatoszkópos képalkotó eljárások szerepét a melanoma emelkedett kockázatának kitett személyek szűrésében

    EASY-APP: An artificial intelligence model and application for early and easy prediction of severity in acute pancreatitis

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    Acute pancreatitis; Artificial intelligence; Severity predictionPancreatitis aguda; Inteligencia artificial; Predicción de gravedadPancreatitis aguda; Intel·ligència artificial; Predicció de la gravetatBackground Acute pancreatitis (AP) is a potentially severe or even fatal inflammation of the pancreas. Early identification of patients at high risk for developing a severe course of the disease is crucial for preventing organ failure and death. Most of the former predictive scores require many parameters or at least 24 h to predict the severity; therefore, the early therapeutic window is often missed. Methods The early achievable severity index (EASY) is a multicentre, multinational, prospective and observational study (ISRCTN10525246). The predictions were made using machine learning models. We used the scikit-learn, xgboost and catboost Python packages for modelling. We evaluated our models using fourfold cross-validation, and the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve, the area under the ROC curve (AUC), and accuracy metrics were calculated on the union of the test sets of the cross-validation. The most critical factors and their contribution to the prediction were identified using a modern tool of explainable artificial intelligence called SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP). Results The prediction model was based on an international cohort of 1184 patients and a validation cohort of 3543 patients. The best performing model was an XGBoost classifier with an average AUC score of 0.81 ± 0.033 and an accuracy of 89.1%, and the model improved with experience. The six most influential features were the respiratory rate, body temperature, abdominal muscular reflex, gender, age and glucose level. Using the XGBoost machine learning algorithm for prediction, the SHAP values for the explanation and the bootstrapping method to estimate confidence, we developed a free and easy-to-use web application in the Streamlit Python-based framework (http://easy-app.org/). Conclusions The EASY prediction score is a practical tool for identifying patients at high risk for severe AP within hours of hospital admission. The web application is available for clinicians and contributes to the improvement of the model.University of Pécs Medical School Research Fund. Grant Number: 300909. National Research, Development and Innovation Office Research Fund. Grant Numbers: K131996, FK131864, K128222, FK12463

    Systematic Literature Review of Economic Evaluations of Treatment Alternatives in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

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    BackgroundEconomic evaluations are widely used to predict the economic impact of new treatment alternatives. Comprehensive economic reviews in the field of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) are warranted to supplement the existing analyses focused on specific therapeutic areas.MethodsA systematic literature review was conducted based on literature searches in Medline and EMBASE to summarize the published health economics models related to all types of CLL therapies. Narrative synthesis of relevant studies was performed focusing on compared treatments, patient populations, modelling approaches and key findings.ResultsWe included 29 studies, the majority of which were published between 2016 and 2018, when data from large clinical trials in CLL became available. Treatment regimens were compared in 25 cases, while the remaining four studies considered treatment strategies with more complex patient pathways. Based on the review results, Markov modelling with a simple structure of three health states (progression-free, progressed, death) can be considered as the traditional basis to simulate cost effectiveness. However, more recent studies added further complexity, including additional health states for different therapies (e.g. best supportive care or stem cell transplantation), for progression-free state (e.g. by differentiating between with or without treatment), or for response status (i.e. partial response and complete response).ConclusionsAs personalized medicine is increasingly gaining recognition, we expect that future economic evaluations will also incorporate new solutions, which are necessary to capture a larger number of genetic and molecular markers and more complex patient pathways with individual patient-level allocation of treatment options and thus economic assessments.Peer reviewe