2,275 research outputs found

    Metode Takwil Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid (Studi Atas Potensi Tafsir Esoterik Dalam Merespon Problem Tafsir Era Modern)

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    Metode Takwil Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid (Studi Atas Potensi Tafsir Esoterik Dalam Merespon Problem Tafsir Era Modern). Adapun mekanisme metode takwil yang digunakan Abu Zaid dalam pembacaan teks yakni dengan mendekati teks dan berusaha mengungkapkan misteri-misterinya dimulai dengan pembacaan kemudian tingkat analitis. Pembacaan melalui metode tafsir esoteris dengan perangkat Takwil dapat memberikan kontribusi yang besar dalam upaya memahami Alquran secara kontekstual, Abu Zaid mengusung dua terma penting dalam mengembangkan pendekatan penafsirannya terhadap Alquran, yakni al-Ma'na (makna) dan al-Maghza (Signifikansi) makna merupakan makna yang direpresentasikan oleh sebuah teks atau apa yang direpresentasikan oleh tanda-tanda, sedangkan signifikansi menamai hubungan antara sebuah makna itu dan seseorang atau sebuah persepsi, situasi atau sesuatu yang dapat dibayangka

    Community-Acquired Urinary Tract Infection (Etiology and Bacterial Susceptibility)

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to report the prevalence of uropathogens and their antibiotic susceptibility of the community acquired UTI diagnosed in our institution and to provide a national data. Methods: We analyzed retrospectively the results of urine cultures of 416 patients that had community acquired urinary tract infection and had urine sampled in the Central Laboratory of the Ministry of Health in Amman the capital of Jordan, January to June of 2011.  Results: The most commonly isolated organism was Escherichia coli (70%). ?-Hemolytic Streptococcus group B (8%) and Klebsiella sp (7.6%) were reported as the next most common organisms. Of all bacteria isolated from community acquired UTI, only 21% were sensitive to ampicillin, 23% to ciprofloxacin and 18% to cotrimoxazole. The highest levels of susceptibility were to cephalothin (81%), Gentamicin (40 %), Augmentin (33%),  Norfloxacin (28%), Nitrofurantion (23%), Lefloxacin (21%), Nalidixic acid (16%), Imipenem (14%). Conclusion: Gram-negative agents are the most common cause of UTI. Cephalothin remains the choice among the orally administered antibiotics, followed by Gentamicin, Augmentin. For severe disease causes by Escherichia coli which is the most common cause community acquired UTI that require antibiotics such as nitrofurantion, followed by third generation cephalosporins, which were the most effective. Keywords: Urinary tract; Infection; Community; Bacteria; Antibiotic; Susceptibility.


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    Chronic Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) are infections of the urinary tract that do not respond to treatment. They may either continue to affect your urinary tract despite getting the right treatment, or may recur after the treatment process. Although UTIs can happen to anyone at any age, they are more prevalent in women. In fact, the National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearing House estimated that one out of five young adult women suffers from recurring UTI. Therefore, the aim of this study is to strengthen the surveys of the cases of Chronic Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs). In addition, we also aim to evaluate the etiological agents of the chronic urinary tract infections; and finally, the culture characterization and antibiotic susceptibility testing of the isolated pathogenic bacteria. In order to achieve these goals, we carried out a survey of 406 patients that had chronic urinary tract infection. Also, these patients had urine sample in the Department of Microbiology at the Central Laboratory of the Ministry of Health in Amman, which is the capital of Jordan from January to September 2014. Using the urine sample, culture and biochemical test and antisera were performed. A total of 406 urine samples were tested for bacterial infection. Thus, the most commonly isolated organism was Escherichia coli (70%). β - Hemolytic Streptococcus group B (8%) and Klebsiella sp (7.6%) were reported as the next most common organisms. Of all the bacteria isolated from chronic infection, only 21% were sensitive to ampicillin, 23% to ciprofloxacin, and 18% to cotrimoxazole. The highest levels of susceptibility were observed in cephalothin (81%), Gentamicin (40 %), Augmentin (33%), Norfloxacin (28%), Nitrofurantion (23%), Lefloxacin (21%), Nalidixic acid (16%), and Imipenem (14%). Conclusion: Gram-negative agents are the most common cause of UTI. Cephalothin remains the choice among the orally administered antibiotics, which is followed by Gentamicin, Augmentin. For severe disease caused by Escherichia coli which is the most common causes of chronic UTI, it requires antibiotics such as nitrofurantion. This is followed by third generation cephalosporins, which were the most effective

    An integral precast approach slab to bridge connection

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    The Iowa Department of Transportation has long recognized that approach slab pavements of integral abutment bridges are prone to settlement and cracking, which manifests itself as the bump at the end of the bridge . The bump is not a significant safety problem; rather it is an expensive maintenance issue. A commonly recommended solution is to integrally attach the approach slab to the bridge abutment, which moves the expansion joint typically found at the approach slab/abutment interface to a location further from the bridge where soil settlement is less of a concern and maintenance is easier. For existing structures the typical maintenance activities, such as adding wedges of asphalt to reduce the bump, are temporary fixes and do not address the underlying problem until the only remaining alternative is replacement of the approach slab. Finding ways rapidly make repairs, and thus decreasing the effects on traffic is critical. One promising solution for reducing construction durations, which the Iowa Department of Transportation has been testing and evaluating, is the use of precast concrete pavement and bridge elements. For this study, two different approach slabs, one being precast concrete and the other being cast-in-place concrete, were integrally connected to twin parallel bridges on Iowa Highway 60. The primary objectives of this investigation were to evaluate: the viability of precast approach slabs, the approach slab performance, and the impacts the approach slabs have on the bridge. The Iowa State University Bridge Engineering Center installed a monitoring system on both bridges and the approach slab systems. Several behavior facets were studied and monitored during the evaluation period including abutment movement, bridge girder strain changes, approach slab strain changes, approach slab joint displacements, post-tensioning strain, and abutment pile strain changes. The project scope also involved a literature review, a survey of Midwest Department of Transportation current practices, onsite observation of the fabrication and installation of the precast approach slab panels, and periodic visual inspection of the bridges. From the onsite observations and the year-long monitoring the following general conclusions were made: (1) the integral connection appears to function well with no observed distress or relative movement of the approach slab and bridge; (2) the approach slab to the bridge connection appears to impact the bridge to a minor degree; (3) the two different approach slabs appear to impact the bridge differently; (4) the measured strains in the approach slabs indicate a force exists at the expansion joint which should be taken into consideration during the design stage; (5) the observed responses generally followed an annual cycle with shorter term cyclic patterns; (6) metal forms should be used to ensure a quality precast product; (7) larger access pockets should be used; and (8) finer granular material would allow easier and more precise adjustments of the panels

    A Psycholinguistic Sight on Autonomous Learners in Language Learning

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    In the last two decades, autonomous learning has received an obvious concern from specialists in the field of education particularly in higher education in Western universities. Autonomous learners have been characterized as those learners who adopt certain strategies to help them get their own learning. In Europe, an autonomous learner has formally become part of the language education and language assessment domain.  In this sense, and as a lecturer at Cihan University-Erbil, it has been noticed by the researcher that some students learn dependently whereas others are autonomous, self-dependent on their efforts to achieve a better learning outcome by the motivation they have to be positive participants with their English Language instructor through language learning classes. The purpose of this research is to investigate and develop learners' autonomy under the willingness and ability for second language learning in the higher education context. This is achieved in order to know to what extent students are aware of autonomous learning and what should they do to become successful autonomous learners. In this small-scale research, both qualitative and quantitative methods have been utilized in order to investigate and consider this phenomenon thoroughly from a psycholinguistic point of view. The results show that the majority of students are not autonomous learners as most of them depend on their instructors for learning English as a second language. This research comprises four sections. Section one is the introduction. Section two reviews some historical backgrounds and definitions. The third one illustrates the research methodology, questions, participants, and data collection. The fourth section accounts for a discussion of the findings of the study in addition to the conclusion at the end of the study

    The Relationship between the Molecular Epidemiology of Hepatitis C and the Best Measures to Prevent and Combat Infection and to Identify the Causes

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    Hepatitis C is an infectious disease affecting the liver, caused by the hepatitis C virus. The infection is often asymptomatic, but once established, chronic infection can progress to scarring of the liver (fibrosis), and advanced scarring (cirrhosis) which is generally apparent after many years.  The aimof our study arestrengthening ofsurveys of the cases of Hepatitis C, more knowledge of the causes leading to epidemics of hepatitis C,  also knowing the risk factors which caused delay in the treatment of patients in the acute phase,  then  evaluate the number of persons who have the hepatitis C virus, finally molecular characterization and epidemiology of the isolated hepatitis C .In order to reach those goals  we carried out a survey of 1929 adult patients in the Department of virology at Central Laboratory of the Ministry of Health in Amman the capital of Jordan between january 2010 to December 2011 using a bioelisa HCV 4.0 is an immunoenzymatic .  Then total RNA have been  extracted from the recovered HCV using standard protocols. After that molecular epidemiology was performed using standard methods for PCR . Finally  detectable HCV RNA were submitted to  treatment follow using Real Time PCR. a total of 1926 patients (1215 males, 711 females) were tested for anti-HCV antibodies, a total 149 patients were gave positive  results for anti-HCV antibodies, with an overall prevalence of  9.%. The seroprevalence in males was approximately the double of that of females (66%  vs 48%). The most commonly caused of HCV infection was blood transfusion( 68%). Kidney dialysis ( 17%). Centre foraddiction ( 6%).  unknown cause (9%)Form  last results we conclude  that   the most cause of HCV is blood transfusion then Kidney dialysis. Keywords: Hepatitis C, HCV antibody, PCR, Jorda

    Gastrointestinal infection Etiological Agent and Mis Identification Of Some Pathogenic bacteria like Campylobacter

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    Pathogenic bacteria can enter and infect the digestive tract when someone eats food or drinks water that is contaminated. Examples of contaminated sources include raw or undercooked eggs, poultry or beef, unpasteurized milk, and untreated water from lakes, streams, and (occasionally) from community water supplies. The aims  of our study are strengthening of surveys of the cases of the gastrointestinal tract infection , more knowledge of the causes leading to the gastrointestinal tract, also knowing the risk factors which caused in Miss Identification of some pathogenic bacteria (mainly Campylobacter and Yersinia,  enterocolitica , then  evaluate the number of persons who have negative result and the reason for this lack of screening for all pathogenic bacteria and search  for Salmonella and Shigella only, Attach previous studies in the world on the importance of  isolating bacteria and number of Campylobacter positive samples and the importance of taking the subject into account,  finally culture characterization and epidemiology of the isolated pathogenic bacteria.  In order to reach those goals  we carried out a survey of 484stool samples in the Department of microbiology at Central Laboratory of the Ministry of Health in Amman the capital of Jordan between january 2012 to December 2013 using of stool culture and biochemical test and antisera against salmonella and shigella. Atotal of 484 stool samples were tested for 49salmonella and 50 shigella , a total 99 stool samples were gave positive  results for salmonella , and shigella of with an overall prevalence of  20.5 %. The high number of negative results due to misidentification of many pathogenic bacteria like  Campylobacter and awide variety of other bacteria may sometimes cause diarrhea. These may include: Aeromonas species, Staphylococcus aureus, Yersinia enterocolitica, Vibrio cholerae and other Vibrio species. Keywords: Campylobacter, Yersinia,  enterocolitica,  Salmonella and Shigella .stool cultur