312 research outputs found

    Effect of Toxic Compounds Extracted from Microalgae Oscillatoria limosa (Roth) Agardh on the Fertility of White Male Mice Mus musculus L.

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    The effect of toxic compounds extracted from cyanobacteria Oscillatoria limosa isolated from Abu-Alkaseeb rivers in the southern Iraq was studied, water samples  were collected from rivers, and cultured in chu-10 medium .Supernatant of toxic extract from biomass was extracted and  test its effects on the fertility of male mice .The present study reveal   that di(2-ethyl hexyl) phthalate and phytol compounds effected on the fertility of male mice based on the sperm count ,sperm abnormalities and testosterone hormone level. The current study concluded that the toxic compounds extracted of Oscillatoria limosa had a positive effect on fertility of Mus musculus these effects represented in increasing in abnormal sperms ,decreasing  of sperm count and testosterone hormone levels compared with control group . Keywards: oscillatoria limosa, sperm count, testosterone hormone

    Effect of Toxic Compounds Extracted from Microalgae Oscillatoria limosa (Roth) Agardh on the Fertility of White Male Mice Mus musculus L.

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    The effect of toxic compounds extracted from cyanobacteria Oscillatoria limosa isolated from Abu-Alkaseeb rivers in the southern Iraq was studied, water samples  were collected from rivers, and cultured in chu-10 medium .Supernatant of toxic extract from biomass was extracted and  test its effects on the fertility of male mice .The present study reveal   that di(2-ethyl hexyl) phthalate and phytol compounds effected on the fertility of male mice based on the sperm count ,sperm abnormalities and testosterone hormone level. The current study concluded that the toxic compounds extracted of Oscillatoria limosa had a positive effect on fertility of Mus musculus these effects represented in increasing in abnormal sperms, decreasing of sperm count and testosterone hormone levels compared with control group. Keywards: oscillatoria limosa, sperm count, testosterone hormone

    Dynamic system linear models and Bayes classifier for time series classification in promoting sustainabilitys

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    Research purpose: The current work introduces a novel method for time series discriminant analysis (DA). Proposing a version for the Bayes classifier employing Dynamic Linear Models, which we denote by BCDLM This article explores the application of DLMs and the Bayes Classifier in time series classification to promote application in sustainability across diverse sectors. Method: This paper presents some computer simulation studies in which we generate four different scenarios corresponding to time series observations from various Dynamic Linear Models (DLMs). In Discriminant Analysis, we investigated strategies for estimating variance in models and compared the performance of the BCDLM with other common classifiers. Such datasets are composed of real-time series (data from SONY AIBO Robot and spectrometry of coffee types) and pseudo-time series (data from Swedish leaves adapted for time series). We also point out that algorithm was used to determine training and test sets in real-world applications. Results: Considering the real-time series examined in this paper, The results obtained indicate that the parametric approach developed represents a promising alternative for this class of DA problems, with observations of time series in a situation that is quite difficult in practice when we have series with large sizes with respect to the number of observations in the classes, even though more thorough studies are required. Conclusions: It concludes that the BCDLM performed comparably to the results of the classifiers 1NN, RDA, NBND and NBK and superior to the methods LDA and QDA. This offers a powerful combination for time series classification, enabling accurate predictions and informed decision-making in areas such as energy consumption, waste management, and resource allocation

    Association of Serum Leptin and C-Reactive Protein in Women with Breast Cancer

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    This study was conducted to evaluate the association of serum leptin and hs C-reactive protein with breast cancer. Two groups were included in the study. The first group included 45 newly diagnosed women with breast cancer. The second group included 42 women with benign breast lump as a control group. Blood samples (5 mL) were taken from the patient and the control groups and analyzed for serum leptin and hs C-reactive protein. Serum CA15-3 was also measured in breast cancer patients. The epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2/neu), estrogen and progesterone receptors were determined in breast cancer patients by using immune-chemical method. Serum leptin was significantly higher (p ≤ 0.05) in breast cancer patients than that in the control group; however, no significant difference was noticed between the two groups for serum hs C-reactive protein. No significant difference was noticed between HER2/neu positive or negative in breast cancer patients for serum leptin or hs C-reactive protein. However, serum CA15-3 in HER2/neu positive patients was significantly higher (p ≤ 0.05) than that in HER2/neu negative patients. No significant difference was noticed between positive and negative estrogen breast cancer patients for serum leptin, hs C-reactive protein or CA15-3. In addition, no significant difference was noticed between positive and negative progesterone for serum leptin, hs C-reactive protein or CA15-3. A strong significant positive correlation was noticed between serum leptin and BMI in the control group; however, no significant correlation was noticed between serum leptin and BMI in the breast cancer patients. In conclusion, serum leptin may be used as a prognostic factor for breast cancer. Serum C-reactive protein in HER2/neu positive breast cancer patients is higher than in HER2/neu negative patients

    Evaluation of Auto-antibody Profiles in Patients with Tuberculosis

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    Background: Tuberculosis remains a major public health problem internationally, causing 9.6 million new cases and 1.5 million deaths worldwide, Tuberculosis (TB) has become one of the most important diseases in the past two decades. It leads to organ dysfunction, mortality and various clinical manifestations. Previous studies have shown that sera from patients with active TB may contain autoantibodies that are unique in autoimmune diseases. Objective: To detect the prevalence of wide array of autoantibodies in sera    of patients with tuberculosis compared with healthy control subject. Patients and Methods: A consecutive patients with recently diagnosed pulmonary and extra pulmonary {axial & peripheral joints TB} , mean age 36.2 years . 41 males and 21 females . the autoantibodies are R.F lgM, ANA , anti cls DNA. P-ANCA , ACL, ENA,SSA, SSB . RNP SM SCL70}. Results: Mean duration of symptoms 15.69 & 15.70(SD) months . 82% had fever , 39.3% had cough and hemoptysis . 27% had arthralgia and myalgia , 31.1% are diabetic and 24% are smoker serum level above the upeer normal limits were found in 25.7% of patients with RF ,ANA was 8.8% , 20% , 6.3% in pulmonary , peripheral , axial TB respectively , P-ANCA 10% , 6.3% & for anti DNA was 5% , 10% ,7 6.3% for pulmonary , peripheral & axial :ACL was 33.3 , 12.5 pulmonary , axial TB,ENA was {SCL70 3.2% , SM 3.2% , RNP3.2%, SSA 8.1%   SSB 6.5%}. Conclusion: R F: Rheumatoid Factor--Anti ds DNA: Anti-deoxyribonucleic acid (double strand).-ACL: Anti cardiolipin Antibody.-ANCA: Anti neutrophil cytoplasmic Antibody.-ANA: Anti nuclear Antibody.-ENA: Extractable Nuclear Antigen. S: Significant.    N-S: Not Significant.Pul: Pulmonary.TB: Tuberculosis .AFB:Acidfastbacilli

    Integrated mechanics of hybrid electrical air-cushion tracked vehicle for swamp peat

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    This paper presents an integrated mechanics for the design of hybrid electrical air-cushion tracked vehicle. The air-cushion of HETAV is protected with a novel-design air-cushion supporting system which can adjust automatically. A propeller is installed on the vehicle to develop additional thrust for overcoming the dragging motion resistance of the air-cushion system. The mean values of traction for the vehicle with propeller compared with no propeller increased 10.21% and 6.47% for the vehicle weight of 2.45 kN and 3.43 kN, respectively. Similarly, it was found that the mean values of vehicle’s motion resistance decreases 12.63% and 25.81% for the vehicle weight of 2.45 kN and 3.43 kN, respectively

    Anti-Proliferative, Cytotoxic and Antioxidant Properties of the Methanolic Extracts of Five Saudi Arabian Flora with Folkloric Medicinal Use: Aizoon canariense, Citrullus colocynthis, Maerua crassifolia, Rhazya stricta and Tribulus macropterus

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    Saudi Arabian flora have a history of use as folklore remedies, although such properties have yet to be explored rigorously, and the safety of such remedies should be assessed. This study determined the anti-proliferative, cytotoxic, and antioxidant properties of extracts of the following five plants indigenous to Saudi Arabia: Aizoon canariense, Citrullus colocynthis, Maerua crassifolia, Rhazya stricta, and Tribulus macropterus. The aerial parts of the five plants were collected from various locations of the western and northern regions of Saudi Arabia and used to prepare methanolic extracts. Three approaches were used to determine the proliferation and cytotoxicity effects using HaCaT cells: MTT, FACS, and confocal microscopy. Meanwhile, two approaches were used to study the antioxidant potential: DPPH (acellular) and RosGlo (cellular, using HaCaT cells). C. colocynthis possessed anti-proliferative activity against HaCaT cells, showing a significant decrease in cell proliferation from 24 h onwards, while R. stricta showed significant inhibition of cell growth at 120 and 168 h. The IC50 values were determined for both plant extracts for C. colocynthis, with 17.32 and 16.91 µg/mL after five and seven days of treatment, respectively, and for R. stricta, with 175 and 105.3 µg/mL after five and seven days of treatment. R. stricta and M. crassifolia exhibited the highest capacities for scavenging the DPPH radical with IC50 values of 335 and 448 µg/mL, respectively. The subsequent ROS-Glo H2O2 assay confirmed these findings. The R. stricta and M. crassifolia extracts showed potent antioxidant activity in both acellular and cellular models. The C. colocynthis extract also demonstrated significant anti-proliferation and cytotoxic activity, as did the R. stricta extract. These properties support their usage in folk medicine and also indicate a further potential for development for holistic medicinal use or as sources of new active compounds

    In vitro effects of the green synthesized silver and nickel oxide nanoparticles on the motility and egg hatching ability of Marshallagia marshalli

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    Background Gastrointestinal nematodes are one of the serious health problems on the human society and in the livestock industry. Marshallagia marshalli is one of the most prevalent gastrointestinal nematodes in small ruminant, have subtle but more significant adverse effects on the health and fitness of their hosts. Aim In this study, green synthesized nickel oxide (NiO) and silver (Ag) nanoparticles (NPs) have been checked to evaluate the possible antiparasitic effects of nickel oxide and silver nanoparticles on Marshallagia marshalli. Methods The characterization of synthesized NiO NPs and Ag NPs was confirmed using the scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-Ray diffraction (XRD), and UV–Visible spectroscopy. The adult worms were incubated with various concentrations of NiO and Ag NPs with the quantity of; 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, and 16 ppm for 24 h. Mobility and egg hatching abilities of the parasites were recorded at 4-h intervals. Results The results showed that both of the nanoparticles NiO and Ag NPs have anthelmintic activity against Marshallagia marshalli. The anthelmintic effects increased with an increase in the concentration of nanoparticles and the incubation time. Conclusion The outcome data concluded that Ag-NPs possess a higher level of efficacy than NiO NPs