7 research outputs found

    The Prion Protein is Embedded in a Molecular Environment that Modulates Transforming Growth Factor 尾 and Integrin Signaling

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    The prion protein (PrP) is known for its fundamental role in a group of neurodegenerative disorders, aptly called prion diseases. The function of the normal cellular prion protein (PrPC) as well as the underlying molecular mechanisms that lead to neurotoxicity in disease are still unresolved. The previously discovered evolutionary relationship between PrP and ZIP zinc transporters implicated PrPC in morphogenetic reprogramming events but also uncovered surprising differences when comparing signaling pathways downstream of PrPC in separate cellular paradigms. To extend this line of research, we combined CRISPR-Cas9-based genetic engineering to generate four relevant murine PrP-deficient cell models, with quantitative mass spectrometry-based analyses to compare the molecular environment of PrP in these models. Interestingly, a unified theme emerged from these studies that placed PrPC in a specialized membrane domain that modulates TGF beta and integrin signaling.M.Sc

    HER2 Inhibitors for Breast Cancer Brain Metastases

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    Systematic review of HER2 inhibitors for the treatment of breast cancer brain metastase

    Comparison of the Dentin Bond Strength of two Self-Etch Adhesives after Prolonged Air-Drying and Additional Light-Curing

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    Objectives: It has been reported that the water, solvents, or the primer incorporated into adhesive resins decrease the polymerization, compromise the mechanical properties, reduce the bond strength, and lead to a poor bonding performance of self-etch adhesives. This article evaluated the effect of air-drying and light-curing duration of self-etch adhesives on the micro-shear bond strength between composite resin and dentin. Materials and Methods: A total of 120 extracted sound human third molars were randomly divided into twelve groups (n=10). The occlusal dentin in each tooth was exposed. Clearfil SE Bond (CSEB) and Clearfil S3 Bond (CS3B) were used according to the manufacturer鈥檚 instructions, followed by air-drying for 3 and 10 seconds in different groups. The adhesives were light-cured for 10, 20 and 40 seconds in different subgroups. Next, the composite resin (Clearfil AP-X) was placed on the dentin surface and was polymerized for 40 seconds. The micro-shear bond strength values were determined using a universal testing machine, and the results were statistically analyzed by three-way ANOVA and Tukey's post-hoc test (伪=0.05). Results: CSEB exhibited a significantly higher dentin bond strength than CS3B. Increasing the curing time of CSEB resulted in an increase in the bond strength, whereas an increase in the air-drying time did not affect the bond strength of the two adhesives. Conclusions: Within the limitations of this study, an increase in the curing time improved the bond strength of CSEB, whereas the air-drying time did not affect the bond strength of the evaluated adhesives

    Modern surgical management of incidental gliomas.

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    PurposeGliomas are the most common primary tumors of the central nervous system and are categorized by the World Health Organization into either low-grade (grades 1 and 2) or high-grade (grades 3 and 4) gliomas. A subset of patients with glioma may experience no tumor-related symptoms and be incidentally diagnosed. These incidental low-grade gliomas (iLGG) maintain controversial treatment course despite scientific advancements. Here we highlight the recent advancements in classification, neuroimaging, and surgical management of these tumors.MethodsA review of the literature was performed. The authors created five subtopics of focus: histological criteria, diagnostic imaging, surgical advancements, correlation of surgical resection and survival outcomes, and clinical implications.ConclusionsAlternating studies suggest that these tumors may experience higher mutational rates than their counterparts. Significant progress in management of gliomas, regardless of the grade, has been made through modern neurosurgical treatment modalities, diagnostic neuroimaging, and a better understanding of the genetic composition of these tumors. An optimal treatment approach for patients with newly diagnosed iLGG remains ill-defined despite multiple studies arguing in favor of safe maximal resection. Our review emphasizes the not so benign nature of incidental low grade glioma and further supports the need for future studies to evaluate survival outcomes following surgical resection

    Endoscopic endonasal approach for resection of a recurrent spheno-orbital meningioma resulting in complete resolution of visual symptoms: A case report and review of literature

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    PurposeSpheno-orbital meningiomas are rare tumors, accounting for up to 9% of all intracranial meningiomas. Patients commonly present with proptosis, and visual deficits. These slow growing tumors are hard to resect due to extension into several anatomical compartments, resulting in recurrence rates as high as 35-50%. Although open surgical approaches have been historically used for resection, a handful of endoscopic approaches have been reported in recent years. We aimed to review the literature and describe a case of spheno-orbital meningioma with severe vision loss which was resected with an endoscopic endonasal approach achieving complete resolution of visual symptoms.MethodsA systematic review of literature was conducted in accordance with the PRISMA guidelines. PubMed, Cochrane, and Web of Science databases were queried for spheno-orbital meningiomas resected via an endoscopic endonasal approach. Furthermore, the presentation, surgical management, and post-operative outcomes of a 53-year-old female with a recurrent spheno-orbital meningioma are described.ResultsThe search yielded 26 articles, of which 8 were included, yielding 19 cases. Average age at presentation was 60.5 years (range: 44-82), and 68.4% of patients were female. More than half of the cases achieved subtotal resection. Common complications associated with endoscopic endonasal surgery included CN V2 or CN V2/V3 hypoesthesia. Following surgical intervention, visual acuity and visual field remained stable or improved in the majority of the patients.ConclusionEndoscopic approaches are slowly gaining momentum for treatment of spheno-orbital meningiomas. Further studies on the clinical benefits of this approach on patient outcomes and post-operative complications is warranted

    A ZIP6-ZIP10 heteromer controls NCAM1 phosphorylation and integration into focal adhesion complexes during epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition

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    Resumen: el incesante crecimiento de la poblaci贸n de Uribe-Kosta (Bizkaia) hizo necesaria la construcci贸n de un hospital que pudiese ser tomado como el hospital de referencia de dicha comarca. Dicho hospital se ha construido en la localidad de Urduliz, y si bien es cierto que las instalaciones sanitarias son las necesarias para cumplir el cometido, la infraestructura viaria de acceso al edificio es insuficiente.El proyecto da soluci贸n al problema planteado mediante la construcci贸n de una carretera de acceso que sirve adem谩s como circunvalaci贸n de Sopela, municipio lim铆trofe de Urduliz.La carretera proyectada es una carretera convencional de dos carriles con doble sentido de circulaci贸n y calzada 煤nica.El proyecto comprende la construcci贸n de un nuevo tramo de carretera y la adecuaci贸n del trazado de una v铆a ya existente. Adem谩s, las dos intersecciones viarias generadas por la construcci贸n del nuevo tramo de carretera se solucionan mediante intersecciones tipo glorieta.Abstract: the unstoppable growth of the population of Uribe-Kosta (Bizkaia) spotlighted the need of a new hospital meant to be the reference of the region. The new hospital has been built in Urduliz, and although its facilities are more than enough, the access roads to it are not.The project figure out a solution to the latter by the construction of a road that will also be used as an orbital road around Sopela, a village near Urduliz. The designed road is a single two-lane two-way road. The complete project includes the construction of a new piece of road and the improvement of an existing road. Besides, the two intersections created by the construction of the new piece of road are solved by building up two roundabouts.Laburpena: Uribe-Kosta-ko (Bizkaia) etengabeko biztanleriaren hazkundeak, ospitale baten eraikuntza beharrezkoa izatea eragin zuen, eskualde horretako erreferentzia ospitalea izateko. Aipatutako ospitale hau Urduliz-eko herrian eraiki da, eta osasun-instalazioak haien eginkizuna bete arren, eraikinera sartzeko bide-azpiegitura urria da. Proiektuak planteatutako arazoari irtenbidea ematen dio sarbide errepide baten eraikuntzaren bidez era berean balioko duena Sopela inguratzeko, Urduliz-en udalerri mugakidea. Proiektatutako errepideak bi errei eta bi noranzko galtzada bakarra duen errepide konbentzionala da. Proiektuak errepide atal berri baten eraikuntza eta bide izatedun baten egokitzapena barne hartzen ditu. Gainera, errepidearen atal berriagatik sortutako bi bide-elkarguneak biribilgune baten bidez konpontzen dira