14 research outputs found

    Kecombrang (Etlingera Elatior): Sebuah Tinjauan Penggunaan Secara Tradisional, Fitokimia Dan Aktivitas Farmakologinya

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    Kecombrang (Etlingera elatior (Jack) R.M.Sm.) telah dikenal sejak lama oleh masyarakat Indonesia sebagai tanaman hias, sayur, dan obat tradisional. Rimpang, batang, daun, buah, bunga dan minyak atsiri merupakan bagian yang sering digunakan sehari-hari. Tujuan dari tinjauan ini adalah untuk menyajikan informasi yang komprehensif mengenai penggunaan secara tradisional, konstituen kimia, penelitian biologi dan farmakologi sebagai bukti ilmiah khasiat kecombrang guna pengembangan lebih lanjut dalam aspek pengobatan tradisional. Penggunaan secara tradisional menunjukkan kecombrang banyak digunakan sebagai penambah rasa pada masakan, pengawet makanan, mengobati luka dan sakit telinga serta sebagai penghilang bau badan. Kecombrang kaya akan golongan fenol, polifenol, flavonoid, dan terpenoid. Beberapa hasil penelitian menunjukkan kecombrang memiliki berbagai macam aktivitas farmakologis sebagai antioksidan, antibakteri, antikanker, larvasida dan repellent. Torch ginger (Etlingera elatior (Jack) R.M.Sm.) has long been known by Indonesian people as an ornamental, vegetable, and traditional medicine. Rhizomes, stems, leaves, fruits, flowers and essential oils are part that is often used in daily life. The purpose of this review is to present a comprehensive information of traditionally using, chemical constituents, biological and pharmacological research as the scientific evidence of the torch ginger efficacy for further development of traditional medicine. Traditionally used of torch ginger indicates that it is widely used as a flavor enhancer in food, food preservatives, wounds and earaches medicine and body odor remover. Torch ginger is rich of phenols, polyphenols, flavonoids and terpenoids. The other research indicate that torch ginger has a wide range of pharmacological activity as an antioxidant, antibacterial, anticancer, larviciding and repellent

    Uji Aktivitas Antibakteri Ekstrak Etanol Tanaman Obat Suku Musi di Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin, Sumatera Selatan

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    Musi tribe community used medicinal plants generally based on cultural heritage. Unproper use of medicinal plants unproperly cause the drug does not work effectively. Ten medicinal plants were selected for antibacterial activity tested using disc diffusion method against two testb bacteria i.e Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Staphylococcus aureus(S. aureus) at concentrations of 125, 250, 500, and 1000 Ī¼g/mL. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) were determined for the active extract which still gives antibacterial activity using well method. The result showed only three test extracts, i.e Coleus scutellarioides, Blumea balsamifera and Lantana camara gave inhibition zone diameter of 11-20 mm against E. coli. Meanwhile, four extracts i.e Coleus scutellarioides, Blumea balsamifera, Dillenia alata and Dimocarpus melayensis gave inhibition zone diameter of 11-20 mm against S. aureus. Determination of MIC values for Coleus scutellarioides and Blumea balsamifera extracts gave the same MIC value of 125 Ī¼g/mL for both test bacteria. Meanwhile, Lantana camara gave MIC value of 250 ug/mL for E. coli. Dillenia alata and Dimocarpus melayensis also provide MIC value of 125 ug/mL againts E. Coli. It was found that there were five active extracts among ten extracts tested. Two extracts which active against both test bacteria were Coleus scutellarioides and Blumea balsamifera. One extract, Lantana camara only active against E. coli and the two others Dillenia alata and Dimocarpus melayensis were active against S. auerus


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    Ciplukan (Physalisa angulata L.) merupakan salah satu tanaman yang telah digunakan dalam terapi kanker. Ciplukan telah dilaporkan memiliki aktivitas sitotoksik pada beberapa sel kanker, mampu menghambat proliferasi sel, dan menginduksi cell cycle arrest. Penelitian ini bertujuan unluk mengetahui aktivitas antiproliferatif ekstrak etanolik herba ciplukan (EHC) dosis 750 mg/kgBB dan 1500 mg/kgBB secara in vivo pada tikus betina galur Sprague Dawley yang terinduksi 7,12-dimethylbenz [a] anthrasen (DMBA) melalui pengamatan histopatologi sel payudara dengan metode pewarnaan Hematoksilin Eosin (HE), serta aklivitas anliproliferasi EHC dengan metode AgNOR. Hasil pcnelitian menunjukan bahwa morfoologi sel epitel kelenjar payudara kelompok EHC 1500 mg/kgBB berbeda jika dibandingkan dengan kelompok DMBA dimana bagian ductus menjadi multilayer yang memperlihatkan adanya indikasi karsinogenesis, sehingga EHC mampu menghambat proses karsinogenesis tikus terinduksi DMBA. EHCI500 mg/kgBB juga menunjukkan aktivitas antiproliferatif dengan menurunkan jumlah black dots dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol DMBA yang berarti perlakuan ehtrak etanolik herba ciplukan menurunkan tingkal proliferatif sel epitel kelenjar payudara tikus lerinduksi DMBA. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa EHC memiliki aktivitas kemoprevensi kanker payudara melalui penghambatan proliferasi sel serta berpotensi umuk dikembangkan sebagai agen kemopreventif pada kanker payudara

    [Ashitaba, potensi pemanfaatan sebagai obat tradisional di Indonesia] : Review

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    Ashitaba merupakan tanaman berkhasiat obat yang ditanam di Trawas, Mojokerto dan lereng gunung Rinjani, Nusa Tenggara Timur sejak tahun 2000. Tanaman ini dikenal sebagai tanaman sayur dan komoditas ekspor yang digunakan oleh industri obat dunia. Pengkajian terkait beragam khasiat tanaman Ashitaba dilakukan untuk melihat potensi pemanfaatan Ashitaba sebagai bahan baku obat di Indonesia. Proses review artikel dilakukanĀ  dengan metode systematic review. Sumber data primer berupa jurnal nasional, jurnal internasional, prosiding nasional dan prosiding internasional. Sumber data hasil penelusuran diskrining dengan menggunakan kriteria inklusi yaitu terbit dalam waktu 10 tahun terakhir. Hasil penelusuran menunjukkan bahwa Ashitaba memiliki kandungan senyawa berupa kalkon (chalcone) yang memiliki beragam aktivitas meliputi antibakteri, antioksidan, anti alergi, anti-aging, kebugaran, anti kanker dan tumor, pengatur gula darah, antiobesitas, antimalarial, anti hiperpigmentasi, protease sistein inhibitor, antitubercolosis, antiinflamasi dan antihipertensi. Ashitaba berpotensi untuk dikembangkan sebagai bahan baku obat, akan tetapi perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut terkait tingkat keamanan dan formulasi yang tepat

    [Ashitaba, potensi pemanfaatan sebagai obat tradisional di Indonesia] : Review

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    Ashitaba merupakan tanaman berkhasiat obat yang ditanam di Trawas, Mojokerto dan lereng gunung Rinjani, Nusa Tenggara Timur sejak tahun 2000. Tanaman ini dikenal sebagai tanaman sayur dan komoditas ekspor yang digunakan oleh industri obat dunia. Pengkajian terkait beragam khasiat tanaman Ashitaba dilakukan untuk melihat potensi pemanfaatan Ashitaba sebagai bahan baku obat di Indonesia. Proses review artikel dilakukanĀ  dengan metode systematic review. Sumber data primer berupa jurnal nasional, jurnal internasional, prosiding nasional dan prosiding internasional. Sumber data hasil penelusuran diskrining dengan menggunakan kriteria inklusi yaitu terbit dalam waktu 10 tahun terakhir. Hasil penelusuran menunjukkan bahwa Ashitaba memiliki kandungan senyawa berupa kalkon (chalcone) yang memiliki beragam aktivitas meliputi antibakteri, antioksidan, anti alergi, anti-aging, kebugaran, anti kanker dan tumor, pengatur gula darah, antiobesitas, antimalarial, anti hiperpigmentasi, protease sistein inhibitor, antitubercolosis, antiinflamasi dan antihipertensi. Ashitaba berpotensi untuk dikembangkan sebagai bahan baku obat, akan tetapi perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut terkait tingkat keamanan dan formulasi yang tepat


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    ABSTRACT "Ramuan kebugaran" or Physical Improvement Herb is one results of Saintifikasi Jamu research that has been proven its efficacy through clinical research. The concoction herbs consists of Javanese turmeric rhizome, turmeric rhizome, meniran herbs and it was prepared as decoction. Herbs in the capsule dosage form is considered easier to consume and more appropriate in determining the dosage. This research aimed to study the right filler for capsule dosage form of ā€œEkstrak Ramuan Jamu Kebugaranā€ (ERJK) for fulfilling the quality requirements. The ERJK extraction is obtained by infundation method, the extract filtrate was added with fillers, dried, and powdered. The filler used was avicel 102 (ERJK-1), lactose (ERJK-2) and amylum (ERJK-3). The powders were tested for flowability, tapping indexes, and microorganism contamination tests. The capsules dosage form were tested for weight uniformity and disintegration time. The results of the ERJK-1, ERJK-2 and ERJK-3 quality parameters test showed the flow times were respectively 6.3, 7.8 and 5.8 seconds; the tapping indexes were 14.3, 15.35 and 13.0%; yeast count were 1.2, 2.85 and 2.95 col/g; the total plate count were 2.0; 1.0 and 1.0 col/g; capsul weight uniformity  (mg) were 677.04Ā±5.30 (CV: 0.78%); 663.95Ā±8.54 (CV: 1.28%) and 678.38Ā±4.93 (CV: 0.72%); capsul disintegration time (minute) were 25.60, 27.89 and 26.47. The evaluation of quality parameters shows that avicel 102 is the better filler of ERJK compared to lactose and amylum. ABSTRAK Ramuan kebugaran merupakan salah satu jamu hasil riset Saintifikasi Jamu yang efektifitas khasiatnya telah terbukti melalui uji klinik. Ramuan tersebut berupa simplisia rimpang temulawak, rimpang kunyit dan herba meniran dan disiapkan melalui proses perebusan. Ramuan dalam bentuk sediaan kapsul dipandang lebih mudah dikonsumsi dan lebih tepat dalam penentuan dosis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji bahan pengisi yang tepat untuk kapsul ekstrak ramuan jamu kebugaran (ERJK) yang memenuhi persyaratan kualitas. Ekstraksi ERJK dengan metode infundasi, filtrat ekstrak ditambahkan bahan pengisi, dikeringkan kemudian diserbuk. Pengisi yang digunakan adalah avicel 102 (ERJK-1), laktosa (ERJK-2) dan amilum (ERJK-3). Serbuk sampel dilakukan uji sifat alir, indeks pengetapan, serta uji cemaran mikroorganisme. Sediaan kapsul diuji keseragaman bobot dan waktu hancur. Hasil uji parameter kualitas ERJK-1, ERJK-2 dan ERJK-3 menunjukkan waktu alir berturut-turut 6,3, 7,8, dan 5,8 detik; indeks pengetapan berturut-turut 14,3, 15,4 dan 13,0%; angka Jamur berturut-turut 1,2, 2,85 dan 2,95 kol/g; angka lempeng total berturut-turut 2,0; 1,0 dan1,0 kol/g; keseragaman bobot kapsul (mg) berturut-turut 677,04Ā±5,30 (CV: 0,78%), 663,95Ā±8,54 (CV: 1,28%) dan 678,38Ā±4,93 (CV: 0,72%); uji waktu hancur kapsul (menit) berturut-turut 25,60, 27,89 dan 26,47. Evaluasi parameter kualitas menunjukkan avicel 102 paling baik digunakan sebagai pengisi ERJK dibandingkan laktosa dan amilum.   &nbsp

    Faktor Determinan Hipertensi pada Pedagang Pasar Cibinong, Jawa Barat

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    Abstract In Indonesia, the prevalence of hypertension has increased quite rapidly and has become a public health problem. Traditional market traders are prone to hypertension because of the high work pressure that often causes physical and mental fatigue. Athough research on hypertension risk factors has been carried out a lot, but research on market traders is still limited. This study was conducted with the aim to determine the proportion of hypertension in Cibinong market traders and the factors that influence it. The study was conducted with a cross sectional design using a quantitative analysis. Bivariate analysis was carried out by Chi Square test and multivariate analysis was performed with Multiple Logistic Regression tests. The study was conducted in November 2017 at Cibinong market, Bogor Regency, West Java. The sample size of 75 people with inclusion criteria had traded for at least 1 month and the exclusion criteria of traders had a history of hypertension and taking antihypertensive drugs. The dependent variable is hypertension while the independent variables are gender, age, type of trade, duration of trading, duration of work, sleep duration, family history of hypertension, smoking history, physical activity, fruit and vegetables consumption, obestity, and central obesity. The results showed that the proportion of hypertension was 30.7%. The factors indicated to be associated with hypertension were central obesity (OR 22.05; 95% CI 1.03-239.9) and gender (OR 9.1; 95% CI 1.06-78.3) after being tested together as other variables (multivariate). Suggestion are given to control hypertension in market traders especially for male traders with central obesity through regular checks and regular treatment. Abstrak Di Indonesia, prevalensi hipertensi meningkat cukup pesat dan menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat. Para pedagang pasar tradisional rentan mengalami hipertensi karena tingginya tekanan pekerjaan yang seringkali menyebabkan kelelahan fisik dan juga pikiran. Meskipun penelitian tentang faktor risiko hipertensi sudah banyak dilakukan, tetapi penelitian pada pedagang pasar masih terbatas. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui proporsi hipertensi pada pedagang Pasar Cibinong dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Penelitian dilakukan dengan desain cross sectional (potong lintang) menggunakan pendekatan analisis secara kuantitatif. Analisis bivariat dilakukan dengan uji Chi Square dan analisis multivariat dilakukan dengan uji Logistic Regression ganda. Penelitian dilakukan pada November 2017 di Pasar Cibinong, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat. Besar sampel 75 orang dengan kriteria inklusi sudah berdagang minimal satu bulan dan kriteria eksklusi mempunyai riwayat hipertensi dan mengonsumsi obat anti hipertensi. Variabel dependen adalah hipertensi sedangkan variabel independen adalah jenis kelamin, umur, jenis dagangan, lama berdagang, durasi kerja, durasi tidur, riwayat keluarga hipertensi, riwayat merokok, aktivitas fisik, konsumsi buah dan sayur, obesitas dan obesitas sentral. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kejadian hipertensi sebesar 30,7%. Faktor yang terindikasi berhubungan dengan hipertensi adalah obesitas sentral (OR 22,05; 95% CI 1,03-239,9) dan jenis kelamin (OR 9,1; 95% CI 1,06-78,3) setelah diuji bersama-sama dengan variabel lainnya (multivariat). Saran yang diberikan adalah pengendalian hipertensi pada pedagang pasar khususnya pedagang laki-laki dengan obesitas sentral melalui pemeriksaan berkala dan pengobatan secara teratur

    Optimization of Gelling Agents and Emulsifiers in Emulgel Bases, and Physical Evaluation of Emulgel containing Sepabang (Melastoma malabathricum L.) Leaves Extract

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    Sepabang (Melastoma malabathricumshot L.) leaf contains a group of phenolic compounds and has a very strong antioxidant activity so it is potentially to be developed in the form of pharmaceutical preparations. The purpose of this research is to optimize and formulate an emulgel containing Sepabang leaf extract that physically stable. Emulgel preparations are formulated using carbopol and hydroxyprophylmethylcellulose as gelling agents and Tween 60 ā€“ Span 60 and combination of triethanolamine and stearic acid as emulsifiers, with a concentration of methanol extract of Sepabang leaves of 0.25%. Physical characteristics of emulgel preparations include pH value, viscosity determination, and spreadability test evaluated at room temperature for 4 weeks. The physical stability test is done by the Freeze Thaw method for 6 cycles, of which 1 cycle consists of 48 hours at 4Ā°C and 48 hours at 40Ā°C. The results showed that the Sepabang emulgel that meet physical characteristic and stability parameters are F1 with HPMC as gelling agents and Tween 60-Span 60 3% as emulsifiers

    Antiproliferative Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Ciplukan Herbs (Physalis angulata L.) on 7,12-Dimethylbenz[A]Nthracene-Induced Rat Mammary Carcinogenesis

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    Physalis angulata L. is an annual herb widely used as popular medicine for the treatment of cancer. Physalis angulata L. ethanolic extract (PEE) has been demonstrated to have strong cytotoxic activity against breast cancer, inhibited cancer cellā€™s proliferation and induced cell cycle arrest. The aim of our study is to investigate the effect of PEE as a cancer chemopreventive agent on 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]nthracene (DMBA)-induced rats mammary.Ā The antiproliferative activity was characterized by monitoring the histopatology representation and expression of cell proliferation on DMBA-induced mammary rats that were treated with PEE against control groups. The histopatology representation were analyzed by Haematoksilin Eosin (HE) staining method, while proliferative activity was detected by AgNOR method. The HE staining results showed significant differences in cells morphology of treatment groups compared to the control groups. Thus results suggest that PEE was able to repair morphology of cells undergoing carcinogenesis. AgNOR method showed decreasing occurrence of black dots between treatment and control groups. Thus, we conclude that PEE has an antiproliferative activity on DMBA-induced rat mammary. Therefore, the ethanolic extract of Physalis angulata herbs is a potential chemopreventive agent on cancer. Further study on its molecular mechanism needs to be explored.Keywords: Physalis angulata, breast cancer, 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]nthracene, carcinogenesis, antiproliferativ

    Synergistic Combination of Ciplukan (Physalis angulata) Herbs Ethanolic Extract and Doxorubicin on T47D Breast Cancer Cells

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    Doxorubicin is one of chemotherapeutic agent widely used in breast cancer treatment, but in high dose doxorubicin gives negative side effect, including vomit, nausea, immune suppression, and cardiac toxicity. This toxicity hopefully could be reduced by combination chemotherapy using natural herbs such as ciplukan herb. This research was conducted to explore cytotoxic activity of single ciplukan herbs ethanolic extract and its combination with doxorubicin on T47D breast cancer cells. Cytotoxic activity of ciplukan herbs ethanolic extract only and its combination with doxorubicin were tested on T47D cells using MTT assay to obtain IC50 value and combination index (CI), respectively. Single extract showed cytotoxic activity on T47D cells with IC50 value of was 160 Āµg/ml. Thus, combination treatment from ciplukan herbs ethanolic extract and doxorubicin showed synergistic effect (CI<1,0). This effect was reached at concentration of ciplukan herbs ethanolic extract-doxorubicin 80 Ī¼g/ml- 2 nM, 80 Ī¼g/ml-4 nM, and 80 Ī¼g/ml-8 nM. This research indicated that ciplukan herbs ethanolic extract is potential to be applied as co-chemotherapeutic agent in breast cancer therapy.Key word : ciplukan herbs, doxorubicin, co-chemotherapy, T47D cell