1,788 research outputs found

    Strengthening State Security Function For The State Sovereignty In Immigration Perspective (Strengthening State's Security of Immigration Function for the State Sovereignty)

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    The correlation between State Security is inseparable from the state sovereignty. In its implementation, State Security is achieved through law enforcement by agencies which become state instruments according to their respective duties and tasks. State Security is part of the fourth Immigration function which has the aim of protecting State Sovereignty from foreign threats in the perspective of Immigration. The Crime Act, which at present is no longer in a small scope, it’s already a matter that cannot be limited by a national boundary, or known as Transnational Organized Crime. There are a lot of crimes threatening State Security that have arisen due to threats from abroad. Therefore, the formulation of the problem examined in this paper is what are the threats to state security in the perspective of Immigration for state sovereignty. The research method used is normative legal research that is qualitative in nature and mixed thinking logic (deductive and inductive). From the results of the study it can be seen that the Immigration problem has a direct impact on State Security. So that the need for seriousness in strengthening Immigration in the function of state security for national sovereignty. The Directorate General of Immigration must be the foremost authority in State Security in order to safeguard State Sovereignty with a philosophical guardian of the nation's authoritative gate (bhumi pura wira wibawa)

    Fast and robust two- and three-qubit swapping gates on multi-atomic ensembles in quantum electrodynamic cavity

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    Creation of quantum computer is outstanding fundamental and practical problem. The quantum computer could be used for execution of very complicated tasks which are not solvable with the classical computers. The first prototype of solid state quantum computer was created in 2009 with superconducting qubits. However, it suffers from the decoherent processes and it is desirable to find more practical encoding of qubits with long-lived coherence. It could be single impurity or vacancy centers in solids, but their interaction with electromagnetic radiation is rather weak. So, here, ensembles of atoms were proposed for the qubit encoding by using the dipole blockade mechanism in order to turn multilevel systems in two level ones. But dipole-dipole based blockade introduces an additional decoherence that limits its practical significance. Recently, the collective blockade mechanism has been proposed for the system of three-level atoms by using the different frequency shifts for the Raman transitions between the collective atomic states characterized by a different number of the excited atoms. Here, we propose two qubit gate by using another collective blockade mechanism in the system of two level atoms based on exchange interaction via the virtual photons between the multi-atomic ensembles in the resonator. Also we demonstrate the possibility of three qubit gate (Controlled SWAP gate) using a suppression of the swap-process between two multi-atomic ensembles due to dynamical shift of the atomic levels controlled by the states of photon encoded qubit

    Optimising the Thermal Performance of Triple Vacuum Glazing with Low-emittance Coatings

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    Paper presented to the 10th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Florida, 14-16 July 2014.The thermal performance of the triple vacuum glazing with one to four internal glass surfaces coated with a low-e (emittance) coating was simulated using a finite volume model. The simulated triple vacuum glazing comprises three, 4 mm thick glass panes with two vacuum gaps, sealed with indium metal and separated by an array of stainless steel pillars, 0.2 mm high, 0.3 mm diameter and spaced at 25 mm. The simulation results show that decreasing the emittance of the four low-e coatings from 0.18 to 0.03 decreases the heat transmission U-values at the centre-of-glazing area from 0.41 W.m-2.K-1 to 0.22 W.m-2.K-1 for a 0.4 m by 0.4 m TVG rebated by 10 mm within a solid wood frame. When using three low-e coatings in the TVG in a heating dominated climate, the vacuum gap with two low-e coatings should be set facing the warm environment, while the vacuum gap with one coating should face the cold environment. When using two low-e coatings with emittance of 0.03, the U-values at the centre-of-glazing area with one coating in both vacuum gaps is 0.25 W.m-2.K-1; that with two coatings in the cold facing environment vacuum gap is 0.50 W.m-2.K-1 and that with two low-e coatings in the warm facing environment vacuum gap is 0.33 W.m-2.K-1. Thus setting one low-e coating in both vacuum gaps is better than setting two coatings in the same vacuum gap. The thermal performance of fabricated 0.4 m by 0.4 m TVGs with two and three low-e coatings were experimentally characterised and were found to be in very good agreement with simulation results.dc201

    Pengaruh Pemasangan Tail Dan Front Boat Terhadap Unjuk Kerja Aerodinamik Pada Kendaraan Sedan

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    Dalam era modern sekarang ini perkembangan industri otomotif untuk semua jenis kendaraan roda empat yang mulai memadati jalanan kota, dari kendaraan penumpang kecil hingga bus dan truk yang besar, pengurangan tahanan angin (air drag) yang ditandai dengan pengurangan koefisien tahanan (drag Coeffisient) adalah salah satu cara paling efisien untuk meningkatkan kecepatan kendaraan serta menghemat penggunaan bahan bakar. Pengurangan koefisien tahanan (drag Coeffisient) pada suatu kendaraan merupakan salah satu cara yang cukup efektif untuk menambah kecepatan dari kendaraan tersebut serta menghemat penggunaan bahan bakarnya. Pada penelitian ini gaya aerodinamik pada kendaraan mobil jenis sedan yang dievaluasi dengan melakukan penambahan boat. Paramenter yang dibahas adalah kecepatan serta tekanan aliran udara disekeliling mobil sedan. Penelitian menggunakan metode eksperimen, yaitu untuk mengguji mobil standart yang dibandingkan dengan mobil dengan penambahan tail boat, front boat, tail and front boat. Adapun variable yang diukur dan dihitung adalah simpangan pada manometer (DH), kecepatan angin (m/s), gaya drag (kg.m/s2). Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, analisa data dan pembahasan maka dapat diambil kesimpulan; 1) Semakin kecil koefisien gesek kendaraan (Cd),maka besarnya gaya drag (Fd) akan semakin kecil. 2) Jika gaya drag kendaraan (Fd) kecil, maka kecepatan kendaraan akan semakin laju. 3) Bentuk kendaraan berpengaruh terhadap lajunya, semakin kecil bidang gesek terhadap udara maka hambatan laju kendaraan semakin kecil dan laju kendaraan akan semakin kencang

    Pengaruh Octane Booster pada Bahan Bakar terhadap Konsumsi dan Daya untuk Motor Bensin 4 Tak 1 Silinder

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    Berkembangnya teknologi mesin kendaraan, maka tuntutan kebutuhan bahan bakar dengan nilai oktan tinggi untuk meningkatkan kinerja mesin semakin meningkat. Namun, apakah benar octane booster yang telah diproduksi oleh produsen A, B, C yang dijual di pasaran tersebut memang terbukti secara signifikan dapat mendongkrak nilai oktan gasoline dan meningkatkan kinerja mesin. Nilai oktan bahan bakar menentukan proses pembakaran di dalam ruang silinder, kecepatan reaksi pembakaran juga ditentukan dari nilai oktan bahan bakarnya. Dalam penelitian ini, akan dilihat bagaimana pengaruh octane booster penambah nilai oktan terhadap konsumsi bahan bakar dan daya kerja motor bensin 4 tak 1 silinder. Bahan bakar yang digunakan adalah premium murni, kemudian dengan penambahan 2 liter premium : ¼ octane booster, 2 liter premium : ½ octane booster dan 2 liter premium : 1 octane booster. Obyek yang di teliti adalah konsumsi bahan bakar dan daya yang dihasilkan sepeda motor Yamaha new vega ZR. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah terhadap Daya, komposisi 2 liter premium : ¼ pil oktan booster memberikan pengaruh yang baik, hal ini terbukti dari hasil pengujian bahwa dengan komposisi 2 liter premium : ¼ pil oktan booster menghasilkan daya yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan premium murni atau yang diberi campuran zat aditif (oktan booster) baik ½ pil maupun 1 pil. Terhadap konsumsi bahan bakar, komposisi 2 liter premium : ¼ pil oktan booster juga memberikan pengaruh yang baik, hal ini terbukti dari hasil pengujian bahwa konsumsi bahan bakar dengan komposisi 2 liter premium : ¼ pil oktan booster lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan premium murni atau yang diberi campuran zat aditif (oktan booster ) baik ½ pil maupun 1 pil. Dari seluruh hasil menunjukkan bahwa komposisi 2 liter premium : ¼ pil oktan booster memberikan pengaruh yang paling baik dalam meningkatkan daya mesin maupun menghemat konsumsi bahan bakar

    Efektivitas Alat Tangkap Mini Purse Seine Menggunakan Sumber Cahaya Berbeda Terhadap Hasil Tangkap Ikan Kembung (Rastrelliger SP.) [Fishing Tool Effectivity of Mini Purse Seine by Using Different Light Source for Catching Fish of Puffer Fish (Rastrelliger SP.) ]

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    In fish catching activity, the fishermen in Banyuanyar district use mini tools for catching fish (purse seine) and use light assist tools for an operation in the night day. The light, that is used, is kerosene pressure lantern and mercury lights or lamp that is used on water surface (surface lamp). This kind of light is used to collect “pelagic” fish that has positive phototaxis characteristic. Puffer fish\u27s response towards different sourse of light, that\u27s kerosene pressure lantern and mercury light is needed to be known. Therefore, we can know the source of light that is more effective in order to collect the fish. It is hoped that the productivity of puffer fish will be developed for the fishermen. During the research with ten times repeating, the total account of puffer fish\u27s haul that is resulted with two different treatment by using kerosene pressure lantern and mercury light is that 810 kg and 1.460 kg. The data of puffer fish\u27s haul that is gotten after using MannWhitney test shows that the kerosene pressure lantern and mercury light not to really different, especially in the haul of puffer fish in significant standart (0,05) is 2,262, while in Mann-Whitney test account is 0,171. That means the fishermans in Banyuanyar can use kerosene pressure lantern and mercury light for catching fish as the light assist tools for an operation in the night day

    Low loss waveguide-based Butler matrix with iris coupling control method for millimeterwave applications

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    This paper proposes a low loss 4×4 Butler matrix based on rectangular waveguide cavity resonators technology for millimeterwave beamforming network using iris coupling method. This method has the advantage of controlling the electrical fields and the coupling factor inside a complex medium such as waveguide cavity resonators. The coupling factor of 6 dB for 4×4 Butler matrix is achieved by tuning the iris coupling k-value between the waveguide cavity resonators. Thus, avoiding a higher phase difference losses and component losses at upper millimeterwave bands. To validate the proposed method, CST software simulations are performed under several iris coupling k-values to achieve a 6 dB coupling factor. Then, the proposed 4×4 Butler matrix is 3D metal printed using selective laser melting (SLM) technique. The measured reflection and isolation coefficients are observed below −10 dB, with coupling coefficients ranging between −6 and −7 dB. The phase differences of −42.02°, 42.02°, −130.95°, and 133.3° are achieved at the outputs. It confirmed that using this proposed method has the superiority over the conventional microstrip and waveguide coupling methods by a 1 dB coupling factor loss and a 3° phase difference error