428 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Effect of Current Ratio and Debt To Equity Ratio on Sales at PT. Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk in 2009-2019

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    This research aims to identify and analyze whether there is an influence between them  Curren Ratio and Debt To Equty Ratio, either partially or simultaneously to Sales at PT.Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk. The approach taken for the use of research this is associative. The population of this study is to use financial statement data, namely data  Curren Ratio consisting of current assets and current debt for Deb to Equty Ratio data  consists of total debt and total equity and sales data consisting of gross sales and  selling expenses for 29 years from 1990-2019 which were accessed through the website  www.indofood.commethod of collection with a sample size of 11 years, namely 2009-2019. The  The research sampling is purposive sampling method. While the data analysis technique  using Curren Ratio, Debt To Equity Ratio, Sales, multiple linear regression, hypothesis  (t test and F test), multiple correlation coefficient and multiple determination coefficient. Research result  This proves that the Curren Ratio has no significant effect partially on  Sales. The Debt To Equty Ratio has no significant effect partially on  Sales. To be simultaneously on the Curren Ratio and Debt To Equty Ratio not  effect on Sales. While the most dominant factor is the Curren Ratio  and Debt To Equty Ratio to Sales is the Curren Ratio at PT.Indofood Sukses  Makmur Tb

    Postharvest application with propolis for controlling white rot disease of green bean pods

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    White rot is the most severe disease attacking green bean pods during pre and postharvest stages. Ethanol extracted propolis (EEP) at four concentrations i.e. 0, 5, 10 and 15% was tested to study its effect on growth inhibition zone of the causative fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Results indicated that all tested concentrations of EEP significantly increased the inhibition zone of S. sclerotiorum growth. The highest increase was obtained with at 15% where complete reduction in sclerotia germination occurred. At EEP 10%, the sclerotia germination was reduced by 91.6%.  When the same concentrations were tested to study their effect on white rot disease of green bean pods during storage, all EEP significantly reduced the percentage of white rot incidence and severity. The highest reduction was obtained with EEP at 15%; reducing the disease incidence and severity by 90 and 91.8% respectively, followed by EEP at 10% which reduced the incidence and severity by 78 and 82% respectively. EEP at 5% showed moderate effect. EEP is suggested as good biosystem within integrated management of pathogens and safe alternative for controlling postharvest diseases of green bean pods

    An acoustic investigation of Arabic vowels pronounced by Malay speakers

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    AbstractIn Malaysia, Arabic language is spoken, and commonly used among the Malays. Malays use Arabic in their daily life, such as during performing worship. Hence, in this paper, some of the Arabic vowels attributes are investigated, analyzed and initial findings are presented based on tokens articulated by Malay speakers as we can consider the spoken Arabic by Malays as one of the Arabic dialects. It is known that in Arabic language there are 28 consonants and 6 main vowels. Firstly, the duration, variability, and overlapping attributes are highlighted based on syllables of Consonant–Vowel with each syllable representing every Arabic consonant with the corresponding vowels. Next, the dispersion of each vowel is examined to be compared with each other along with the variability among vowels that may cause overlapping between vowels in the vowel-space. Results showed that the vowel overlapping occurred between short vowels and their long counterpart vowels. Furthermore, an investigation of the Arabic vowel duration is addressed as well, and duration analysis for all the vowels is discussed, followed by the analysis for each vowel separately. In addition, a comparison between long and short vowels is presented as well as comparison between high and low vowel is carried out

    Analisis Berpikir Kritis Mahasiswa Dalam Mengkonstruksi Alat Peraga Pembelajaran Matematika

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    Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis proses berpikir kritis mahasiswa bergaya kognitif Field Dependent (FD) dan Field Independent (FI) dalam mengkonstruksi alat peraga pembelajaran matematika. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek penelitian 1 mahasiswa bergaya kognitif FD dan 1 mahasiswa bergaya kognitif FI prodi pendidikan matematika STKIP PGRI Jombang. Peneliti sebagai instrumen utama dan lembar observasi, pedoman wawancara serta alat perekam sebagai instrumen pendukung. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi dan wawancara. Kredibilitas data dengan triangulasi waktu dan dianalisis secara mendalam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkakn bahwa: (1) Subjek bergaya kognitif FD dalam mengkonstruk alat peraga dimulai dengan membuat ide/gagasan, menganalisis kebutuhan dan karakteristik siswa, merumuskan tujuan, menentukan bahan/alat yang digunakan, melaksanakan pembuatan alat peraga dan melaksanakan implementasi. (2) Subjek FI dalam mengkonstruk alat peraga dimulai dengan membuat ide/gagasan, menganalisis kebutuhan dan karakteristik siswa, merumuskan tujuan, membuat sketsa, menentukan bahan/alat yang digunakan, melaksanakan pembuatan alat peraga, melakukan ujicoba/membuat miniatur dan melaksanakan implementasi

    Terapi pada penderita Skizofrenia di Yayasan Keris Nangtung Tasikmalaya.

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    Psikosis merupakan gangguan jiwa yang meliputi keseluruhan kepribadian, sehingga penderita tidak bisa menyesuaikan diri dalam norma-norma hidup yang wajar dan berlaku umum. Seseorang yang diserang penyakit jiwa atau (Psychosis) kepribadiannya terganggu, dan selanjutnya menyebabkan kurang mampu menyesuaikan diri dengan wajar, dan tidak sanggup memahami masalahnya. Sering kali orang sakit jiwa tidak merasa bahwa dirinya sakit, sebaliknya dia menganggap dirinya normal saja, bahkan lebih baik dari orang lain. Baanyak jenis gangguan-gangguan yang merupakan bagian dari gangguan psikosis diantaranya yakni Skizofrenia yang menjadi pokok pembahasan dan objek penelitian dalam penelitian ini. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pasien Skizofrenia baik secara individu maupun secara kelompok dari tahapan-tahapan penyembuhan yang dilakukan oleh Yayasan Keris Nangtung Tasikmalaya. Metode yang digunkan dalam penelitian ini adalah dekriptif kualitatif dimana penelitian ini lebih mengutamakan pada penggambaran hasil penelitian berdasarkan kenyataan dilapangan yang dilakukan melalui tahapan wawancara kepada semua pihak yang terlibat di Yayasan Keris Nangtung Tasikmalaya. Berdasarkan metode penelitian tersebut menunjukan bahwa yayasan keris nangtung adalah yayasan yang menyediakan jasa maupun fasilitas untuk terapi yang diberikan kepada para penderita gangguan kejiwaan diantarannya adalah penderita Skizofrenia. Skizofrenia terjadi dengan dua faktor yaitu faktor yang muncul sebagai akibat dari berbagai proses biologis dalam tubuh dikenal dengan istilah Somatogenesis faktor lain yang menyebabkan Skizofrenia adalah tekanan mental yang sangat berat diakibatkan dari pengaruh lingkungan sehingga menyebabkan depresi yang berat. Hasil penelitian menunjukan penderita skizofrenia dapat diatasi dengan berbagai terapi yang diterapkan di Yayasan Keris Nangtung berdasarkan jenis penderitanya. Perlakuan khusus yang dilakukan sebagai tekhnik terapi menjadi acuan Yayasan Keris Nangtung untuk menyembuhkan pasien penderita skizofrenia, adapun perlakuan khusus tersebut tidak terlepas dari tiga fase yang menjadi fase penting bagi Yayasan Keris Nangtung dalam menterapi pasien diantara tahapan tersebut adalah a) fase terputus; pada fase ini yang menjadi perlakuan khusus bagi pasien yaitu pasien belum diberikan kebebasan untuk melakukan kontak dengan lingkungan yang nyata namun lebih kepada ditempatkan pada ruang isolasi. b) fase transisi; pada fase transisi pasien sudah bisa di keluarkan untuk mengikuti kegiataan terapi dengan pasien lainnya di luar ruangan seperti olahraga, makan bersama. c) fase kontak; pada fase ini pasien telah sadar akan dirinya sehingga dalam keadaan ini terapis memberikan terapi spiritual

    Martial art information system /Firdaus Farid Bin Abd Rashid, T 58.6 .F522 2006

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    Martial art information system /Firdaus Farid Bin Abd Rashid, T 58.6 .F522 2006

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    Can copper amino acid chelates reduce the physiological strain of growing rabbits under summer conditions?

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    [EN] This study was conducted at the Poultry Research Centre, Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University, Egypt, during the summer season (July and August months) 2018. For five weeks, until 63 d of age, a total number of 140 weaned V line rabbits were randomly distributed into seven groups of 20 rabbits each. Rabbits of groups 2 and 3 were fed basal diet plus copper sulphate (100 and 200 mg Cu-Sul/kg, respectively). Groups 4 and 5 were fed basal diet plus copper methionine (100 and 200 mg Cu-Meth/kg, respectively) and groups 6 and 7 were fed basal diet plus copper glycine (100 and 200 mg Cu-Gly/kg, respectively), while the first group was fed basal diet only as control. Rabbits fed diet supplemented with higher level (200 mg/kg) of Cu-Meth or Cu-Gly chelates had significantly higher body weight and daily body weight gain (P<0.05) compared to those fed diets supplemented with both levels of Cu-Sul. Rabbits fed diets supplemented with Cu-Meth or Cu-Gly chelates had significantly increased (P<0.05) red blood cells, lymphocyte, high-density lipoprotein and Cu values in blood. Within the studied Cu sources, serum total lipids values of rabbits were significantly lower than in the control group. However, serum total antioxidant capacity, glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase were higher by both organic chelates studied than other groups. In general, copper supplementation improves productive performance and physiological status under summer conditions.Goodb, F.; Soliman, F.; Elghalid, O.; Abd El-Hady, AM. (2022). Can copper amino acid chelates reduce the physiological strain of growing rabbits under summer conditions?. World Rabbit Science. 30(4):277-286. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2022.1384827728630

    A Re-examination of the Effect of Attitude, Religiosity, Self- Efficacy, and Moral Obligation on the Compliance Behavior of Income Zakat

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    Despite a religious decree on the compulsory position of zakat on employment income in Malaysia, many Muslims still fail to fulfill their religious obligation to pay. Although there has been an increasing trend in the collection of business zakat, paddy zakat, and income zakat, there were some Muslims in Kedah who have not paid zakat to Kedah State Zakat Board (KSZB) so much so that the present increase in the collection of zakat is still not sufficient for distribution to all zakat recipients because of the increasing number of zakat asnaf (Haji-Othman, 2017). There is a rising trend in the collection of zakat. Yet, it is still insufficient to cover all zakat recipients, reflecting the efficiency (or the lack of it) of the Kedah State Zakat Board (KSZB) management. Studies on zakat compliance have shown mixed and inconclusive evidence regarding the determinants of income zakat compliance. Therefore, this study reexamines the effects of attitude, religiosity, self-efficacy, and moral obligations on the compliance behavior of income zakat in Kedah. This study employs the quantitative approach; primary data is collected using questionnaires to determine significant determinants of compliance behavior of income zakat. This study provides empirical evidence that attitude, religiosity, self-efficacy, and moral obligation are significant determinants of compliance behavior of income zakat in Kedah. This study is hoped to provide evidence that could be used as guidance for suitable policy and measures by Kedah State Zakat Board to improve zakat collection in the future
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