8 research outputs found

    Some factors influencing the behaviour of optical properties of carbonised macerals

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    PhD ThesisThis thesis considers certain factors whose influence on the optical properties of coal macerals heated over a range of temperature and under varying conditions, have not been examined in detail. Reflectivity measurements in two media have allowed derivation of the fundamental optical parameters, refractive and absorptive indices, which, along with bireflectance, have been related to changes in the molecular structure of the heated minerals. The factors studied here are heating rate, prolonged constant heating below the decomposition point, the effect of mixing vitrinites and sporinites before carbonisation, as compared with the optical properties of each maceral carbonised separately, the effect of pressure on carbonised vitrinite and finally heating at elevated temperatures in the range 1000° to 2500°.The Phalavi Foundation

    Plerospheres and their role in reduction of emitted fine fly ash particles

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    Mineral matter and elemental concentrations in selected western canadian coals

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    Summarization: Major and trace element analyses were performed on coals from various locations in western Canada, and on low-temperature (150 °C) and high-temperature (1000 °C) coal ash produced from these coals. Elemental analyses were carried out by X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy and intense neutron activation analyses. Based on their trace elements, the coals in this study fall into two groups: 1. low-rank coals (lignite-subbituminous) of late Cretaceous and Tertiary age; and 2. high-rank coal (bituminous-semianthracite) of Jurassic-Cretaceous age. The elemental analyses of the coals and coal ash indicate that the local conditions had considerable influence on the concentrations of certain trace elements. Antimony and selenium in coals are the only elements which are enriched relative to concentrations in the earth's crust; arsenic is concentrated in lignite to subbituminous coal, but is depleted in bituminous-anthracite coals; as expected the ash of these coals showed many more instances of enrichment.Presented on: Fue

    Thermal evolution behavior of the organic matter and a ray of light on the origin of vitrinite-like maceral in the Mesoproterozoic and Lower Cambrian black shales: Insights from artificial maturation

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    The overmature Precambrian to Lower Paleozoic marine shales from China contain relatively simple organic matter (OM) composition, which is dominated by in-source solid bitumen (i.e., solid bitumen in the hydrocarbon source rocks). The thermal evolution behavior of the original OM and the determination of thermal maturity in the Precambrian to Cambrian marine shales have been challenging for decades. The vitrinite-like maceral (VLM) is widely present in these marine shales, and its origin is still unknown. To address these issues, the immature Proterozoic Xiamaling shales from China and the immature Cambrian Alum shales from Sweden, and a Chinese immature Carboniferous coal were heat-treated at temperature range of 300 ◦C to 550 ◦C. The carbonized residue of the artificially matured samples was examined for their morphological and reflectance variation, and the results were compared with data on the other overmature natural shales from China and Sweden. OM components are similar in the Xiamaling and Alum immature oil shales, consisting of filamentous algae, matrix bituminite, bituminite, VLM and liptodetrinite, and rare thucholites are present in the Xiamaling shales. The algal-derived OM decomposed gradually due to hydrocarbon generation at 300–350 ◦C. OM is mainly composed of the in-source solid bitumen in the artificially heated shales after 350 ◦C, similar to the overmature Precambrian to Cambrian natural shales, and the in-source solid bitumen gradually loses its mass with increasing thermal maturity. The in-source solid bitumen is derived from the thermal cracking of the retained oil or the direct conversion of algal-derived liptinite macerals (e.g., the bituminite) or their mixture. VLM in the Xiamaling oil shales can not be observed after 350 ◦C, but VLM is still present in the Alum oil shales. It can be inferred that there is a different source of VLM in these shales, and VLM in the Xiamaling oil shales contains more volatile material. The VLM in the Xiamaling shales may be biodegradation products of liptinites under anoxic environments. The origin of VLM in the Cambrian Alum shales requires further study to be verified, although it is certain that graptolites are not its sources. The reflectance of in-source solid bitumen (SBRo) increases with heat-treated temperature in both the Xiamaling shales and the Alum shales, but at different rates, which may be due to the difference of the original kerogen composition in these shales. VLM reflectance (VLMRo) and SBRo in sections perpendicular to bedding can be used to determine the maturation level of the Precambrian-Cambrian sediments. Their relation to equivalent vitrinite reflectance (EqVRo) can be expressed by the following equations: EqVRo = 1.07 × VLMRo – 0.18, EqVRo = 0.87 × SBRo + 0.25 (in the Precambrian sediments) and EqVRo = 1.15 × SBRo + 0.01 (in the Cambrian sediments).This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 41773031), the National Key Research and Development Program of China (No. 2017YFC0603102) and the Science Foundation of China University of Petroleum, Beijing (No. 2462020YXZZ021 and 2462021QNXZ001). One of the co-authors (V.S.) wishes to acknowledge the support of OP RDE, MEYS Czech Republic (Reg. No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000728), which enabled him to contribute to this study</p

    Graptolites as fossil geo-thermometers and source material of hydrocarbons: An overview of four decades of progress

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    The thermal maturity of lower Paleozoic graptolite-bearing marine sediments, which host many hydrocarbon deposits worldwide, has long been difficult to determine due to the absence of wood-derived vitrinite particles for conventional vitrinite reflectance. In 1976, graptolite reflectance was introduced as a new indicator for organic maturity of these deposits and has been used since in many regional studies. The majority of these studies, however, were done on a limited sample set and a limited range of thermal maturity, which resulted in a number of controversial views concerning the usefulness of graptolite reflectance as an alternative paleothermal indicator and its correlation with vitrinite reflectance through various proxies. In this paper, we review previous studies and combine those analyses with new data to assess the physical and chemical characteristics of graptolite periderm with increasing thermal maturity. We conclude that graptolite random reflectance (GRor) is a better parameter for the thermal maturity assessment than graptolite maximum reflectance (GRomax) due to the better quality of available data. Combining published data with results of our study of both natural and heat-treated graptolites and vitrinite, we present a new correlation between GRor and equivalent vitrinite reflectance (EqVRo), as EqVRo = 0.99GRor + 0.08. Chemical composition of graptolite periderm is similar to vitrinite; graptolites are mainly kerogen Type II-III, are gas prone and have a substantial hydrocarbon potential. Lower Paleozoic graptolite-bearing organic-rich sediments are important shale gas source rocks and reservoirs globally and make a significant contribution to worldwide petroleum reserve