93 research outputs found

    Applying laboratory methods for durability assessment of vitrified material to archaeological samples

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    Laboratory testing used to assess the long-term chemical durability of nuclear waste forms may not be applicable to disposal because the accelerated conditions may not represent disposal conditions. To address this, we examine the corrosion of vitrified archeological materials excavated from the near surface of a ~1500-year old Iron Age Swedish hillfort, Broborg, as an analog for the disposal of vitrified nuclear waste. We compare characterized site samples with corrosion characteristics generated by standard laboratory durability test methods including the product consistency test (PCT), the vapor hydration test (VHT), and the EPA Method 1313 test. Results show that the surficial layer of the Broborg samples resulting from VHT displays some similarities to the morphology of the surficial layer formed over longer timescales in the environment. This work provides improved understanding of long-term glass corrosion behavior in terms of the thickness, morphology, and chemistry of the surficial features that are formed

    Prediction model for phenology of grapevine cultivars with hot water treatment

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi elaborar um modelo de previsão da fenologia de cultivares de videira (Bordô, Cabernet Sauvignon, Moscato Embrapa, Paulsen 1103, SO4 e IAC 572) com uso de tratamento de água quente. O tratamento térmico com água quente consistiu de combinações de três temperaturas (50, 53 e 55°C) com três intervalos de tempo (30, 45 e 60 min), com ou sem hidratação prévia por 30 min. Após os tratamentos, as estacas foram plantadas a campo e seu desenvolvimento fenológico foi avaliado por dois meses. As seis cultivares estudadas apresentaram respostas distintas quanto à influência dos fatores temperatura e tempo, mas não diferiram significativamente quanto à hidratação. Foi possível desenvolver um modelo matemático para uso do tratamento de água quente em estacas de videira, baseado no desenvolvimento fenológico (yfenologia= 48,268 - 0,811x1 - 0,058x2) e validado com as variáveis brotação e emissão de raízes. Recomenda-se, a partir do modelo desenvolvido, que o tratamento de água quente seja aplicado na faixa de temperatura entre 48 e 51°C para estacas de todas as cultivares.The objective of this work was to prepare a prediction model for the phenology of grapevine cultivars (Bordô, Cabernet Sauvignon, Moscato Embrapa, Paulsen 1103, SO4, and IAC 572) using hot water treatment. The heat treatment with hot water consisted of ombinations of three temperatures (50, 53, and 55°C) and three time periods (30, 45, and 60 min), with or without previous hydration for 30 min. After the treatments, the cuttings were planted in the field and their phenological development was evaluated during two months. The six studied cultivars presented different responses to the effects of the factors temperature and time, but did not differ significantly regarding hydration. It was possible to develop a mathematical model for the use of hot water treatment in grapevine cuttings, based on phenological development (yphenology = 48.268 - 0.811x1 - 0.058x2) and validated by the variables sprouting and root emission. From the developed model, it is recommended that the hot water treatment be applied in the temperature range between 48 and 51°C for cuttings of all cultivars

    Phenotypic, additive genetic and environment correlations of maize landraces populations in family farm systems

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    Knowledge of the association between characters is very important in the genetic breeding programs, but there is limited information about correlations between traits in maize landraces in the current literature. The objectives of this study were to estimate phenotypic, additive genetic and environment correlations among traits in maize landraces, which were cultivated in family farm systems, in order to guide the participatory breeding on maize landraces. Between 294 and 400 half-sib progenies from the six populations were evaluated, subdivided in triple 7X7 and 10X10 lattice design, respectively, with single row plots of 4 m long and spaced 1.00 × 0.20 m. Estimates of correlation coefficients are reported for nine traits: grain yield (GY), relation grain weight per ear weight (GE), ears per plant (EP), days to flower (DF), plant height (PH), ear height (EH), percentage of root loding (%L), percentage of stalk loding (%BS) and percentage of damaged ears (%DE). A high number of additive genetic correlation (rA) was obtained between grain yield and the other traits, in maize landraces populations, cycles and locations. For grain yield, the highest averages of the rA estimate were with EP (0.67), GE (0.47) and %DE (-0.63). In contrast to the current published researches, negative correlations between grain yield and days to flower were observed.O conhecimento da associação entre caracteres é de grande importância nos programas de melhoramento genético, contudo a literatura apresenta limitadas informações sobre correlações em populações de milho crioulo. Os objetivos deste estudo foram estimar correlações fenotípicas, genéticas aditivas e ambientais entre caracteres de populações de milho crioulo, cultivados em sistemas de agricultura familiar, para orientar o programa de melhoramento genético participativo. Entre 294 e 400 de progênies de meios-irmãos de seis populações, foram avaliadas em látices triplos 7X7 e 10X10, respectivamente, com parcelas de 4 m de comprimento e espaçadas 1,00 × 0,20 m. Os coeficientes de correlações foram estimados para nove características: produtividade de grãos total (GY), relação peso de grãos por peso de espiga (GE), nº de espigas por planta (EP), nº de dias do florescimento (DF), altura da planta (PH), altura espiga (EH), porcentagem de acamamento (%L), porcentagem de colmos quebrados (%BS) e porcentagem de espigas danificadas (%DE). Houve um alto número de correlação genética aditiva (rA) entre produtividade de grãos e as demais características, nas populações de milho crioulo, ciclos e locais. As maiores médias das estimativas rA para o produtividade de grãos foram com EP (0,67), GE (0,47) e DE% (-0,63). Diferentemente dos trabalhos publicados, foram observadas correlações negativas entre produtividade de grãos e dias para florescimento

    Comparison of the antioxidant potential of antiparkinsonian drugs in different in vitro models

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) is characterized by progressive degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta. Furthermore, oxidative stress plays a role in PD, causing or contributing to the neurodegenerative process. Currently PD has only symptomatic treatment and still nothing can be done to stop the degenerative process of the disease. This study aimed to comparatively evaluate the antioxidant capacity of pramipexole, selegeline and amantadine in different in vitrostudies and to offer possible explanations on the molecular antioxidant mechanisms of these drugs. In vitro, the antioxidant capacity of the drugs was assessed by the ability of antiparkinsonian drugs to decrease or scavenge ROS in the neutrophil respiratory burst, ability of antiparkinsonian drugs to donate hydrogen and stabilize the free radical 2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH•), to scavenge 2,2'-azino-di-(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulphonic acid (ABTS+) and evaluation of the ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP). This study demonstrated that both pramipexole and selegiline, but not amantadine, have antioxidant effects in vitro by scavenging superoxide anion on the respiratory burst, donating electron in the ABTS+ assay and presenting ferric reduction antioxidant power. This chemical structure-related antioxidant capacity suggests a possible neuroprotective mechanism of these drugs beyond their already recognized mechanism of action