3 research outputs found

    Venomous animal accidents and phytotherapeutic measures adopted by the rural population in Alagoas backlands (Brazil)

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    Objectives: Evaluate the epidemiological aspects of accidents with venomous animals, focusing on snakebites and phytotherapic measures adopted by the rural population in municipalities in the interior of Alagoas, Brazil. Material and methods: This comprises a quantitative, descriptive research, carried out between 2016 and 2017 in the Alagoas backlands. The “snowball sampling” method was used to select the participants. A semi-structured questionnaire was used for data collection. The data were analyzed using the Excel 2007 software, and the relationship between variables was evaluated by Spearman’s correlation. Results: Of the 600 reported accidents with venomous animals, the most prevalent were caused by snakes (47.00%) and scorpions (31.44%), while 21.56% were caused by other animals. A weak correlation (r = 0.33) was observed between municipality and job occupation. Of the 282 registered snakebites, the Viperidae family was predominant with 74.46% of the cases. Most accidents ocurred with members of the Bothrops/Bothrocophias (36.52%) and Crotalus (28.37%) genera. The medicinal plants used herein were barbatimão (52.00%), paratudo (21.00%), bellyache bush (15.00%) and sweet potato (12.00%), applied as leaf macerations (60.00 %), tea compresses (29.50%) and garrafada (10.50%). Conclusion: Medicinal plants are used in the region of Alagoas as a phytotherapic alternative to minimize the symptoms and effects of snake venom.Objectives: evaluate the epidemiological aspects of accidents with venomous animals, focusing on snakebites and phytotherapic measures adopted by the rural population in municipalities in the interior of Alagoas. Materials and methods: this is a quantitative, descriptive research, carried out between 2016 and 2017 in the Alagoas backlands. To select the participants, the “snowball” method was used. For data collection, a semi-structured questionnaire was used. The data were analyzed using Excel 2007 software, and the relationship between the variables was evaluated by Spearman's correlation. Results: of the 600 accidents with venomous animals reported, the most prevalent were caused by snakes (47.00%) and scorpions (31.44%), while 21.56% by other animals. A weak correlation (r = 0.33) was observed between the municipality and the occupation of the job. Of the 282 registered snakebites, the Viperidae family was predominant with 74.46% of the cases. Most accidents were with Bothrops/ Bothrocophias (36.52%) and Crotalus (28.37%) genus. The medicinal plants used were barbatimão (52.00%), paratudo (21.00%), bellyache bush (15.00%) and sweet potato (12.00%), applied as leaf maceration (60.00 %), tea compress (29.50%) and use of garrafada (10.50%). Conclusion: in the region of Alagoas, medicinal plants are used as a phytotherapic alternative to minimize the symptoms and effects of snake venom


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    Objetivo: descrever diagnósticos e intervenções de enfermagem a crianças com sinais respiratórios de gravidade da COVID-19. Método: estudo exploratório, descritivo, do tipo revisão narrativa, realizado em junho de 2020, embasado pelas evidências científicas publicadas na base PUBCOVID-19, para posterior elaboração de diagnósticos utilizando a Taxonomia North American Nursing Diagnoses Association – International, e intervenções ancoradas na Nursing Interventions Classification. Resultados: a dispneia e o desconforto respiratório foram os sinais de gravidade mais evidenciados na criança com COVID-19. Foram elaboradas três principais afirmativas diagnósticas: Troca de Gases Prejudicada, Padrão Respiratório Ineficaz e Ventilação Espontânea Prejudicada, com 24 Intervenções de Enfermagem correspondentes em quatro domínios: o fisiológico, comportamental, de segurança, e o de família. Conclusão: a descrição dos diagnósticos e intervenções de enfermagem, ancorados pelas taxonomias NANDA e NIC, respectivamente, apresenta inovação na literatura científica brasileira. Descritores: Enfermagem Pediátrica. Cuidados de Enfermagem. Infecções por Coronavírus. Diagnóstico de Enfermagem

    Percepção da pessoa surda sobre qualidade da assistência em saúde

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    A barreira de comunicação existente entre as pessoas surdas e ouvintes prejudicam a participação ativa da pessoa surda na sociedade, uma vez que dificultam a manifestação de suas opiniões e sua interferência direta no processo de construção do conhecimento. Como forma de amenizar as desigualdades, foi promulgada em 2005 uma lei, conhecida como Lei de Libras, que dentre outras coisas, garantem o acesso bilíngue, nas línguas portuguesa e de sinais, aos serviços essenciais de saúde e educação. Este trabalho de pesquisa teve o objetivo de avaliar a percepção da pessoa surda quanto à qualidade das ações e serviços oferecidos nas unidades de saúde públicas, tendo em vista o cumprimento das leis vigentes voltadas para a inclusão da pessoa surda no acesso à saúde pública. Trata-se de um estudo de natureza exploratório-descritiva e enfoque transversal, realizado numa amostra de 15 pessoas surdas portadoras de perda auditiva severa ou profunda, de ambos os sexos (10 homens e 5 mulheres), que se comunicam através da Língua Brasileira de Sinais (Libras), com idade entre 20 a 38 anos, usuárias dos serviços públicos de saúde, que buscaram atendimento em 2014. Foi utilizado um questionário estruturado. Os resultados apresentados evidenciam uma comunicação inadequada entre pacientes e profissionais da saúde, além da falta de intérpretes e de precariedade na estrutura física. Estes fatos, aliados à necessidade de contratação de intérpretes por parte dos usuários, refletem um desvio da responsabilidade do Estado, no que tange ao acesso pleno aos bens e serviços de saúde conforme as leis vigentes. Palavras-chaves: Acessibilidade; Saúde Pública; Surdez; Língua Brasileira de Sinais; Identidade surda.ABSTRACT The existing communication barrier between deaf people and hearing people impair the active participation of deaf people in society since it hinders the expression of their opinions and their direct interference in the knowledge construction process. In order to reduce inequalities, a law known as the Libras Act was enacted in 2005, which among other things, ensure bilingual access, in Portuguese and Sign Language, to essential health and educational services. This research aimed to evaluate the perception of the deaf people and the quality of the services offered by public health institutions, in compliance with existing laws aimed at the inclusion of deaf people in access to public health. It is a study of exploratory and descriptive, cross-sectional approach, carried out on a sample of 15 deaf people with severe or profound hearing loss in both genders (10 men and 5 women) who communicate through the Brazilian Sign Language (Libras), aged 20 to 38 years old, users of public health services, seeking care in 2014. We used a structured questionnaire. The study results indicate inadequate communication between patients and health professionals, and the lack of interpreters and precariousness in the physical structure. These facts, coupled with the need for users to hire their own interpreters, reflect a shift of state responsibility with regard to full access to health services according to current laws. Key - words: Accessibility; Public health; Deafness; Brazilian Sign Language; Deaf identity