25 research outputs found

    The Re-Establishment of Desiccation Tolerance in Germinated Arabidopsis thaliana Seeds and Its Associated Transcriptome

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    The combination of robust physiological models with “omics” studies holds promise for the discovery of genes and pathways linked to how organisms deal with drying. Here we used a transcriptomics approach in combination with an in vivo physiological model of re-establishment of desiccation tolerance (DT) in Arabidopsis thaliana seeds. We show that the incubation of desiccation sensitive (DS) germinated Arabidopsis seeds in a polyethylene glycol (PEG) solution re-induces the mechanisms necessary for expression of DT. Based on a SNP-tile array gene expression profile, our data indicates that the re-establishment of DT, in this system, is related to a programmed reversion from a metabolic active to a quiescent state similar to prior to germination. Our findings show that transcripts of germinated seeds after the PEG-treatment are dominated by those encoding LEA, seed storage and dormancy related proteins. On the other hand, a massive repression of genes belonging to many other classes such as photosynthesis, cell wall modification and energy metabolism occurs in parallel. Furthermore, comparison with a similar system for Medicago truncatula reveals a significant overlap between the two transcriptomes. Such overlap may highlight core mechanisms and key regulators of the trait DT. Taking into account the availability of the many genetic and molecular resources for Arabidopsis, the described system may prove useful for unraveling DT in higher plants

    Loss of desiccation tolerance in Copaifera langsdorffii Desf. seeds during germination

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    This study evaluated the loss of desiccation tolerance in C. langsdorffii seeds during the germination process. Seeds were imbibed for 24, 48, 72, 96, 120 and 144 hours and dried to the initial moisture content, kept in this state for 3 days after which they were submitted to pre-humidification and rehydration. Ultraestructural evaluations were done aiming to observe the cell damage caused by the dry process. Desiccation tolerance was evaluated in terms of the percentage of normal seedlings. Seeds not submitted to the drying process presented 61% of normal seedlings, and after 24 hours of imbibition, followed by drying, the seeds presented the same percentage of survival. However, after 48 hours of imbibition, seeds started to lose the desiccation tolerance. There was twenty six percent of normal seedlings formed from seeds imbibed for 96 hours and later dried and rehydrated. Only 5% of seeds imbibed for 144 hours, dried and rehydrated formed normal seedlings. At 144 hours of imbibition followed the dry process, there was damage into the cell structure, indicating that the seeds were unable to keep the cell structure during the drying process. Copaifera langsdorffii seeds loses the desiccation tolerance at the start of Phase 2 of imbibition

    Nursing professionals' anxiety and feelings in terminal situations in oncology Ansiedades y sentimientos de los profesionales de enfermería en situaciones de terminalidad en oncología Ansiedades e sentimentos de profissionais da enfermagem nas situações de terminalidade em oncologia

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    This study aimed to investigate, through a cross-sectional study, factors that influence anxiety levels and feelings of a nursing team who care for terminal patients with cancer. The sample consisted of 50 Nursing Assistants and Technicians from the Hospital reference on cancer care in Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. Data were collected through the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Results showed that 69.8% of the professionals have medium anxiety levels and 30.2% have high levels of anxiety. The Number of Patients attended and "Working in another Institution" interfered in the anxiety levels. The most remarkable professionals' feelings were suffering and sadness, and Child was the most difficult age group to care for. Studies which develop support strategies to those health professionals are necessary to reduce and/or to prevent high anxiety and stress levels.<br>Se trata de una investigación transversal que evaluó el nivel de ansiedad del equipo de enfermería que se dedica al enfermo terminal con cáncer, investigando los factores que influencian este equipo, así como los sentimientos de los profesionales ante la atención a estos enfermos. Fueron analizados 50 auxiliares y técnicos de enfermería del hospital de referencia de atención al cáncer de Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil. Datos fueron recolectados a través de un cuestionario y del Inventario de Ansiedad Rasgo-Estado. Resultados revelaron que el 69,8% posee ansiedad-estado media y el 30,2% alta. El número de enfermos atendidos y 'trabajar en otra institución' interfirieron en el nivel de ansiedad-estado. Los sentimientos más destacados fueron sufrimiento y tristeza, y 'niño' fue indicado como el grupo de edad más difícil de dedicarse. Se verifica la necesidad de estrategias de apoyo para los profesionales a fin de reducir y/o prevenir altos niveles de ansiedad y estrés.<br>Trata-se de investigação de caráter transversal que avaliou o nível de ansiedade da equipe de enfermagem que lida com o paciente terminal com câncer, procurando identificar os fatores que a influenciam, bem como os sentimentos dos profissionais frente ao atendimento destes pacientes. Foram analisados 50 auxiliares e técnicos de enfermagem do hospital de referência de atendimento ao câncer do Rio Grande do Norte. Os dados foram coletados através de questionário e do Inventário de Ansiedade Traço-Estado. Os resultados revelaram que 69,8% dos profissionais possuem Ansiedade-Estado média e 30,2% alta. O número de pacientes atendidos e 'trabalhar em outra instituição' interferiram na Ansiedade-Estado. Os sentimentos mais destacados foram sofrimento e tristeza, e 'criança' foi apontada como sendo a faixa-etária mais difícil de se lidar. Verifica-se a necessidade de realização de estratégias de apoio para profissionais a fim de reduzir e/ou prevenir altos níveis de ansiedade e estresse