3,513 research outputs found

    Existence criteria for stabilization from the scaling behaviour of ionization probabilities

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    We provide a systematic derivation of the scaling behaviour of various quantities and establish in particular the scale invariance of the ionization probability. We discuss the gauge invariance of the scaling properties and the manner in which they can be exploited as consistency check in explicit analytical expressions, in perturbation theory, in the Kramers-Henneberger and Floquet approximation, in upper and lower bound estimates and fully numerical solutions of the time dependent Schroedinger equation. The scaling invariance leads to a differential equation which has to be satisfied by the ionization probability and which yields an alternative criterium for the existence of atomic bound state stabilization.Comment: 12 pages of Latex, one figur

    The quantum brachistochrone problem for non-Hermitian Hamiltonians

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    Recently Bender, Brody, Jones and Meister found that in the quantum brachistochrone problem the passage time needed for the evolution of certain initial states into specified final states can be made arbitrarily small, when the time-evolution operator is taken to be non-Hermitian but PT-symmetric. Here we demonstrate that such phenomena can also be obtained for non-Hermitian Hamiltonians for which PT-symmetry is completely broken, i.e. dissipative systems. We observe that the effect of a tunable passage time can be achieved by projecting between orthogonal eigenstates by means of a time-evolution operator associated with a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian. It is not essential that this Hamiltonian is PT-symmetric

    Vacuumless kinks systems from vacuum ones, an example

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    Some years ago, Cho and Vilenkin, introduced a model which presents topological solutions, despite not having degenerate vacua as is usually expected. Here we present a new model with topological defects, connecting degenerate vacua but which in a certain limit recovers precisely the one proposed originally by Cho and Vilenkin. In other words, we found a kind of parent model for the so called vacuumless model. Then the idea is extended to a model recently introduced by Bazeia et al. Finally, we trace some comments the case of the Liouville model.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Non-Hermitian Hamiltonians with real eigenvalues coupled to electric fields: from the time-independent to the time dependent quantum mechanical formulation

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    We provide a reviewlike introduction into the quantum mechanical formalism related to non-Hermitian Hamiltonian systems with real eigenvalues. Starting with the time-independent framework we explain how to determine an appropriate domain of a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian and pay particular attention to the role played by PT-symmetry and pseudo-Hermiticity. We discuss the time-evolution of such systems having in particular the question in mind of how to couple consistently an electric field to pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians. We illustrate the general formalism with three explicit examples: i) the generalized Swanson Hamiltonians, which constitute non-Hermitian extensions of anharmonic oscillators, ii) the spiked harmonic oscillator, which exhibits explicit supersymmetry and iii) the -x^4-potential, which serves as a toy model for the quantum field theoretical phi^4-theory.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Laser Physics, minor typos correcte

    Local dynamics in high-order harmonic generation using Bohmian trajectories

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    We investigate high-order harmonic generation from a Bohmian-mechanical perspective, and find that the innermost part of the core, represented by a single Bohmian trajectory, leads to the main contributions to the high-harmonic spectra. Using time-frequency analysis, we associate this central Bohmian trajectory to an ensemble of unbound classical trajectories leaving and returning to the core, in agreement with the three step model. In the Bohmian scenario, this physical picture builds up non-locally near the core via the quantum mechanical phase of the wavefunction. This implies that the flow of the wavefunction far from the core alters the central Bohmian trajectory. We also show how this phase degrades in time for the peripheral Bohmian trajectories as they leave the core region.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures; the manuscript has been considerably extended and modified with regard to the previous version

    Interference effects in above-threshold ionization from diatomic molecules: determining the internuclear separation

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    We calculate angle-resolved above-threshold ionization spectra for diatomic molecules in linearly polarized laser fields, employing the strong-field approximation. The interference structure resulting from the individual contributions of the different scattering scenarios is discussed in detail, with respect to the dependence on the internuclear distance and molecular orientation. We show that, in general, the contributions from the processes in which the electron is freed at one center and rescatters off the other obscure the interference maxima and minima obtained from single-center processes. However, around the boundary of the energy regions for which rescattering has a classical counterpart, such processes play a negligible role and very clear interference patterns are observed. In such energy regions, one is able to infer the internuclear distance from the energy difference between adjacent interference minima.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures; discussions slightly modified and an additional figure inserted for clarit

    Aplicativo computacional "Irrigafácil" versão 2.1 implementado via web para o manejo de irrigação de algumas culturas anuais no Brasil.

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    O aplicativo computacional via web denominado ?Irrigafácil? versão 2.1 é uma evolução natural de programas de manejo de irrigação gerados a partir do ano 2000 por meio de planilhas eletrônicas. Além do acesso pela web, essa nova versão traz ainda a vantagem de aplicação imediata para todos os municípios do Brasil. Futuramente, novas versões serão lançadas para aplicação em outras culturas, além do milho, sorgo e feijão, e para outros sistemas de irrigação, além da aspersão convencional e do pivô central. O Irrigafácil versão 2.1 é uma evolução da versão 2.0, no qual introduziram-se os demais municípios brasileiros, além dos de Minas Gerais, da versão anterior. Com o Irrigafácil versão 2.1 é possível programar a irrigação das culturas do milho, do sorgo e do feijão, para três classes de solo (alta, média e baixa capacidade de retenção de água), dois sistemas de irrigação (aspersão convencional e pivô central) e dois tipos de preparo do solo (convencional e direto na palha), utilizando-se a técnica do balanço de água no solo. Com o programa é possível acompanhar o manejo de irrigação diariamente, além de gerar prognóstico e calendário de irrigação para datas futuras e, ao final do ciclo, obter os históricos de irrigações previstas e aplicadas, chuvas ocorridas e um relatório final.bitstream/item/121418/1/ct-208.pd

    Manejo de leguminosas em videira - 1a. colheita.

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    O objetivo do trabalho foi melhorar as características do solo para se obter uma maior produtividade de uva em uma agricultura sustentável