4 research outputs found

    Vida y obra de Don León Corral y Maestro

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    Como síntesis del escrito, podríamos resaltar que el trabajo consta de tres puntos fundamentales que conforman el cuerpo, a lo largo de los cuales hemos pretendido hacer un repaso primero por el contexto histórico de la familia Corral a la que pertenece nuestro personaje estudiado, comenzando con la leyenda del origen del apellido y centrándonos en los miembros más relevantes de la misma mencionando sus aportaciones a los diversos terrenos del saber y los cargos públicos y de relevancia nacional que ocuparon a lo largo de su vida, además hacemos una especial mención al arte relacionado con esta familia fundamental haciendo hincapié al que se encuentra en Valladolid. En cuanto al segundo punto podemos decir que es el más importante del trabajo puesto que en él nos centramos en la vida y obra de Don León Corral y Maestro comenzando con su biografía para continuar con sus aportaciones académicas en la universidad de Valladolid y profesionales, como médico en una localidad de Logroño en su primera etapa de desarrollo profesional para continuar con su labor en la facultad de medicina de Valladolid hasta ser nombrado Decano Honoris de la misma y por último terminar con sus publicaciones en la que destaca su libro sobre Patología general que fue un referente en la materia durante varios años. En cuanto a las conclusiones hay que otorgar el reconocimiento que se merece este gran personaje y no dejar que caiga en el olvido.Grado en Medicin

    Memórias antigas outrora perdidas : Arquivo MAOP

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    This artistic-cultural project named, Old Memories Formerly Lost, works on the subject of memory, and memory against forgetting how dimension of the human condition. Produces by recording and carving the reality with the intension, of retrieve individual and collective memories, belonging to a group or community. After the memories rescue, through audiovisual means, a selection is made, reflecting a thought-critical, about the topic that we are discussing with the goal of promoting artistic production as means of communication and dissemination of the archive. In this work, search the idea of representing the past as memory, memory that is belonging "of the past" and use social features, has presence, absences, souvenirs and remembrance, what we call anamnesis. And when this search ends, appears recognition of particular and unique elements that represent the collective identity. Also the construction of the archive is essential and relevant to make records collected, durable in time and becoming an document of social value, reflecting the memories of ordinary people. The MAOP retrieves memories put in to human ephemerid and and contributes with stories, memories frozen in time, that are the motto for the creativity, recreating them in a perspective that are making them vivid memorie

    Let's make people management visible

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    “Let’s make people management visible” is an innovation project that was run in all 2nd year groups for the Managing People courses, within the Social Science Faculty. The project involved all the teachers who taught this course, and was organized around cooperative learning. The objective of this project was the students to understand and learn, in a playful way, the basics of People Management. To this end, students organized in teams, created a video documentary and a business case that should reflect one of the following areas of knowledge contained in the syllabus: job design, recruitment and selection, training, performance appraisal and motivation. To prepare the content for the video, students used bibliographic and audiovisual resources and they worked with the role- playing technique. After the videos were finished, students shared their acquired knowledge by putting in common their work and by solving the business cases developed by the other groups. The competencies developed were: teamwork, empathy, tolerance, decision making, responsibility and creativity. Thirty videos were submitted to the contest and published in the V Seminar on Human Resources, "Talentum."SIN FINANCIACIÓNNo data 2010UE