46 research outputs found

    Sanzioni antitrust e vaglio giurisdizionale: uno sguardo alla tecnica di quantificazione

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    Da una disamina ad ampio spettro della casistica antitrust italiana in tema di intese e abuso di posizione dominante è emersa un’elevata propensione del giudice amministrativo nazionale a rideterminare (nel 52% dei casi) l’importo delle sanzioni pecuniarie comminate dall’Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato (AGCM). Tale considerazione sembra confermata, in ottica comparativa, dal basso tasso di ricorsi accolti (10%) presso la Corte di Giustizia dell’Unione Europea in tema di contenzioso antitrust. Da tale evidenza emergono alcuni quesiti. Il Giudice, quando esercita il suo sindacato di merito, si attiene alla stessa metodologia su cui si basa l’Autorità? Modificando la sanzione, incide sulla funzione deterrente della stessa. Quindi: emerge un rischio di inficiare la capacità deterrente della sanzione? Su tale sfondo, il presente lavoro indaga le modalità con cui il giudice amministrativo italiano motiva e lega, nel dispositivo, l’accolto con l’effettiva rideterminazione eseguita. L’analisi sui casi parte da un dataset composto da n. 524 sanzioni AGCM comminate per abuso di posizione dominante e intese nel periodo 2000-2015. Per analizzare l’approccio implementato dal giudice amministrativo si sono vagliati tutti i casi (n. 119) di procedimenti con sanzioni rideterminate a seguito di ricorso giurisdizionale. Le risultanze dell’analisi condotta portano a ritenere fondato il timore che l’opera del Giudice possa occasionalmente, tramite l’attività di ridetermina, incidere sull’efficienza ed efficacia complessiva dell’apparato sanzionatorio antitrust. Tale rischio, andatosi attenuando nel tempo, può derivare da una incertezza metodologica alla base del calcolo della sanzione. Incertezza che si ritiene tanto più ampia quanto maggiore è il distacco logico dalla tecnica tracciata nelle guidelines

    An updated dichotomous key to the snakes of Europe

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    This work presents an updated dichotomous key to all snake species of Europe, based on morpho-logical, morphometric and distributional characters. It gathers data from both the last dichotomous keys concerning European snake species and every following paper giving updates on taxonomic classification or the occurrence of new allochthonous species. The key includes 58 snake taxa, in-cluding 57species and one still unnamed taxon, distributed on the European territory, and photo-graphic material for each species. The aim of this paper is to make the identification of all Europe-an snake species through a single manuscript more accessible, not only for researchers, but also for citizen science, thus enhancing data collection and assist species conservation

    Phylogenetic relationships of the italian populations of horseshoe whip snake hemorrhois hippocrepis (Serpentes, colubridae)

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    Hemorrhois hippocrepis is a colubrid snake with a West Mediterranean distribution. It is widespread in the Iberian Peninsula and Northwest Africa. The only Italian populations are found on the islands of Sardinia and Pantel-leria. The phylogenetic relationships of these insular populations have been analysed for the first time on the basis of the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b gene. The sequences were compared with those available from the geographic range of this species. The analyses showed that the Italian samples are part of a lineage that groups Tunisian and East Algerian samples, with which they share the same haplotype. These results strongly support the hypothesis of a recent origin of the Italian populations of Hemorrhois hippocrepis, probably determined by human-mediated dispersal from North Africa

    Preliminary genetic characterisation of Southern Smooth Snake Coronella girondica (Serpentes, Colubridae) populations in Italy, with some considerations on their alpine distribution

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    The Southern smooth snake, Coronella girondica, is a small-sized colubrid found in Northwest Africa and Southwest Europe. Mitochondrial DNA-based studies showed that the species can be split into five clades: two from Northwest Africa (one Moroccan and one Tunisian-Algerian) and three from Europe (one in the south-west of the Iberian Peninsula, one in the south-east of Spain and one in the rest of the European range). With regards to Ita-ly, to date, only two samples have been analysed both from the Province of Pisa, Tuscany, pointing at that fact that genetic characterisation of Italian populations is still lacking. Accordingly, we have increased the sampling coverage with 19 new samples from northern and central regions of Italy, including two populations, apparently disconnected from the rest of the known range, and analysed their phylogenetic relationships using a portion of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. Our results confirm the general phylogenetic arrangement detected in previous studies; specifi-cally for Italian populations, no variability emerged from the Apennine populations, and a slight differentiation could be shown for the Alpine and subalpine ones. This pattern can be explained assuming past spread and recent isolation of C. girondica relict populations in the Alpine region, likely during the Last Glacial Maximum. Later, during the Hol-ocene, the Italian Alps and the Po Plain went through various climatic variations and high anthropization which may have influenced C. girondica distribution through expansion and contraction processes

    The Endangered Sardinian Grass Snake: Distribution Update, Bioclimatic Niche Modelling, Dorsal Pattern Characterisation, and Literature Review

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    The Sardinian grass snake, Natrix helvetica cetti, is an endangered endemic snake subspecies with a restricted and highly fragmented geographic distribution. Information on its ecology and detailed geographic distribution are scarce and may negatively impact on its conservation status. Therefore, a literature review on its taxonomy, morphology, ecology, and conservation is presented here. Moreover, field records from the authors, citizen science and the existing literature provide an updated geographic distribution highlighting its presence within 13 new and 7 historic 10 x 10 km cells. Bioclimatic niche modelling was then applied to explore patterns of habitat suitability and phenotypic variation within N. h. cetti. The geographic distribution of the species was found to be positively correlated with altitude and precipitation values, whereas temperatures howed a negative correlation. Taken together, these outcomes may explain the snake’s presence, particularly in eastern Sardinia. In addition, analysis of distribution overlap with the competing viperine snake (N. maura) and the urodeles as possible overlooked trophic resources (Speleomantes spp. and Euproctus platycephalus) showed overlaps of 66% and 79%, respectively. Finally, geographical or bioclimatic correlations did not explain phenotypic variation patterns observed in this highly polymorphic taxon. Perspectives on future research to investigate N. h. cetti’s decline and support effective conservation measures are discussed

    Aliens Coming by Ships: Distribution and Origins of the Ocellated Skink Populations in Peninsular Italy

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    The ocellated skink (Chalcides ocellatus) is a widespread lizard, naturally distributed between the Maghreb and coastal Pakistan, with few insular populations in the Mediterranean coastal area. Some populations of this species have also been recorded in peninsular Italy, Campania and Southern Tuscany due to accidental introductions via touristic and commercial routes. In this work, we conducted genetic analyses on mitochondrial DNA COXI, cytb and 16S mtDNA genes on a sample of Italian insular and peninsular populations. Differently from what previously suggested, the nucleus in Portici (Southern Italy) may have originated from Sardinia. The intense trade and touristic traffic between Sardinia and Southern Tuscany may have been responsible for the introduction of this lizard also to Central Italy

    Preliminary genetic characterisation of Southern Smooth Snake Coronella girondica (Serpentes, Colubridae) populations in Italy, with some considerations on their alpine distribution

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    The Southern smooth snake, Coronella girondica, is a small-sized colubrid found in Northwest Africa and Southwest Europe. Mitochondrial DNA-based studies showed that the species can be split into five clades: two from Northwest Africa (one Moroccan and one Tunisian-Algerian) and three from Europe (one in the south-west of the Iberian Peninsula, one in the south-east of Spain and one in the rest of the European range). With regards to Italy, to date, only two samples have been analysed both from the Province of Pisa, Tuscany, pointing at that fact that genetic characterisation of Italian populations is still lacking. Accordingly, we have increased the sampling coverage with 19 new samples from northern and central regions of Italy, including two populations, apparently disconnected from the rest of the known range, and analysed their phylogenetic relationships using a portion of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. Our results confirm the general phylogenetic arrangement detected in previous studies; specifically for Italian populations, no variability emerged from the Apennine populations, and a slight differentiation could be shown for the Alpine and subalpine ones. This pattern can be explained assuming past spread and recent isolation of C. girondica relict populations in the Alpine region, likely during the Last Glacial Maximum. Later, during the Holocene, the Italian Alps and the Po Plain went through various climatic variations and high anthropization which may have influenced C. girondica distribution through expansion and contraction processes

    Polygenic resilience scores capture protective genetic effects for Alzheimer’s disease

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    Polygenic risk scores (PRSs) can boost risk prediction in late-onset Alzheimer’s disease (LOAD) beyond apolipoprotein E (APOE) but have not been leveraged to identify genetic resilience factors. Here, we sought to identify resilience-conferring common genetic variants in (1) unaffected individuals having high PRSs for LOAD, and (2) unaffected APOE-ε4 carriers also having high PRSs for LOAD. We used genome-wide association study (GWAS) to contrast “resilient” unaffected individuals at the highest genetic risk for LOAD with LOAD cases at comparable risk. From GWAS results, we constructed polygenic resilience scores to aggregate the addictive contributions of risk-orthogonal common variants that promote resilience to LOAD. Replication of resilience scores was undertaken in eight independent studies. We successfully replicated two polygenic resilience scores that reduce genetic risk penetrance for LOAD. We also showed that polygenic resilience scores positively correlate with polygenic risk scores in unaffected individuals, perhaps aiding in staving off disease. Our findings align with the hypothesis that a combination of risk-independent common variants mediates resilience to LOAD by moderating genetic disease risk