48 research outputs found

    Multiple Transition States and Roaming in Ion-Molecule Reactions: a Phase Space Perspective

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    We provide a dynamical interpretation of the recently identified `roaming' mechanism for molecular dissociation reactions in terms of geometrical structures in phase space. These are NHIMs (Normally Hyperbolic Invariant Manifolds) and their stable/unstable manifolds that define transition states for ion-molecule association or dissociation reactions. The associated dividing surfaces rigorously define a roaming region of phase space, in which both reactive and nonreactive trajectories can be trapped for arbitrarily long times.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure

    Roaming: a phase space perspective

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    In this review we discuss the recently described roaming mechanism for chemical reactions from the point of view of nonlinear dynamical systems in phase space. The recognition of the roaming phenomenon shows the need for further developments in our fundamental understanding of basic reaction dynamics, as is made clear by considering some questions that cut across most studies of roaming: Is the dynamics statistical? Can transition state theory be applied to estimate roaming reaction rates? What role do saddle points on the potential energy surface play in explaining the behavior of roaming trajectories? How do we construct a dividing surface that is appropriate for describing the transformation from reactants to products for roaming trajectories? How should we define the roaming region? We show that the phase space perspective on reaction dynamics provides the setting in which these questions can be properly framed and answered. We illustrate these ideas by considering photodissociation of formaldehyde. The phase-space formulation allows an unambiguous description of all possible reactive events, which also allows us to uncover the phase space mechanism that explains which trajectories roam, as opposed to evolving toward a different reactive event

    Phase space barriers and dividing surfaces in the absence of critical points of the potential energy: Application to roaming in ozone

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    We examine the phase space structures that govern reactiondynamics in the absence of critical points on the potential energy surface. We show that in the vicinity of hyperbolic invariant tori, it is possible to define phase space dividing surfaces that are analogous to the dividing surfaces governing transition from reactants to products near a critical point of the potential energy surface. We investigate the problem of capture of an atom by a diatomic molecule and show that a normally hyperbolic invariant manifold exists at large atom-diatom distances, away from any critical points on the potential. This normally hyperbolic invariant manifold is the anchor for the construction of a dividing surface in phase space, which defines the outer or loose transition state governing capture dynamics. We present an algorithm for sampling an approximate capture dividing surface, and apply our methods to the recombination of the ozone molecule. We treat both 2 and 3 degrees of freedom models with zero total angular momentum. We have located the normally hyperbolic invariant manifold from which the orbiting (outer) transition state is constructed. This forms the basis for our analysis of trajectories for ozone in general, but with particular emphasis on the roaming trajectories

    Towards Understanding the Roaming Mechanism in H + MgH → Mg + HH Reaction

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    The roaming mechanism in the reaction H + MgH →Mg + HH is investigated by classical and quantum dynamics employing an accurate ab initio three-dimensional ground electronic state potential energy surface. The reaction dynamics are explored by running trajectories initialized on a four-dimensional dividing surface anchored on three-dimensional normally hyperbolic invariant manifold associated with a family of unstable orbiting periodic orbits in the entrance channel of the reaction (H + MgH). By locating periodic orbits localized in the HMgH well or involving H orbiting around the MgH diatom, and following their continuation with the total energy, regions in phase space where reactive or nonreactive trajectories may be trapped are found. In this way roaming reaction pathways are deduced in phase space. Patterns similar to periodic orbits projected into configuration space are found for the quantum bound and resonance eigenstates. Roaming is attributed to the capture of the trajectories in the neighborhood of certain periodic orbits. The complex forming trajectories in the HMgH well can either return to the radical channel or “roam” to the MgHH minimum from where the molecule may react

    Empirical Classification of Trajectory Data:An Opportunity for the Use of Machine Learning in Molecular Dynamics

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    Classical Hamiltonian trajectories are initiated at random points in phase space on a fixed energy shell of a model two degrees of freedom potential, consisting of two interacting minima in an otherwise flat energy plane of infinite extent. Below the energy of the plane, the dynamics are demonstrably chaotic. However, most of the work in this paper involves trajectories at a fixed energy that is 1% above that of the plane, in which regime the dynamics exhibit behavior characteristic of chaotic scattering. The trajectories are analyzed without reference to the potential, as if they had been generated in a typical direct molecular dynamics simulation. The questions addressed are whether one can recover useful information about the structures controlling the dynamics in phase space from the trajectory data alone, and whether, despite the at least partially chaotic nature of the dynamics, one can make statistically meaningful predictions of trajectory outcomes from initial conditions. It is found that key unstable periodic orbits, which can be identified on the analytical potential, appear by simple classification of the trajectories, and that the specific roles of these periodic orbits in controlling the dynamics are also readily discerned from the trajectory data alone. Two different approaches to predicting trajectory outcomes from initial conditions are evaluated, and it is shown that the more successful of them has ∼90% success. The results are compared with those from a simple neural network, which has higher predictive success (97%) but requires the information obtained from the “by-hand” analysis to achieve that level. Finally, the dynamics, which occur partly on the very flat region of the potential, show characteristics of the much-studied phenomenon called “roaming.” On this potential, it is found that roaming trajectories are effectively “failed” periodic orbits and that angular momentum can be identified as a key controlling factor, despite the fact that it is not a strictly conserved quantity. It is also noteworthy that roaming on this potential occurs in the absence of a “roaming saddle,” which has previously been hypothesized to be a necessary feature for roaming to occur

    Phase Space Structures Explain Hydrogen Atom Roaming in Formaldehyde Decomposition

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    We re-examine the prototypical roaming reaction—hydrogen atom roaming in formaldehyde decomposition—from a phase space perspective. Specifically, we address the question “why do trajectories roam, rather than dissociate through the radical channel?” We describe and compute the phase space structures that define and control all possible reactive events for this reaction, as well as provide a dynamically exact description of the roaming region in phase space. Using these phase space constructs, we show that in the roaming region, there is an unstable periodic orbit whose stable and unstable manifolds define a conduit that both encompasses all roaming trajectories exiting the formaldehyde well and shepherds them toward the H2···CO well

    Dynamics on the double morse potential: a paradigm for roaming reactions with no saddle points

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    In this paper we analyze a two-degree-of-freedom Hamiltonian system constructed from two planar Morse potentials. The resulting potential energy surface has two potential wells surrounded by an unbounded flat region containing no critical points. In addition, the model has an index one saddle between the potential wells. We study the dynamical mechanisms underlying transport between the two potential wells, with emphasis on the role of the flat region surrounding the wells. The model allows us to probe many of the features of the “roaming mechanism” whose reaction dynamics are of current interest in the chemistry community

    Protein dynamics and spectroscopy for ferryl intermediate of cytochrome c oxidase: a molecular dynamics approach

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    Cytochrome c oxidase is the membrane bound terminal enzyme in the respiratory chain. Molecular oxygen is reduced to water in its heme Fe/Cu B active site. The O-O bond cleavage produces the ferryl-oxo (Fe IV=O) intermediate. Molecular Dynamics calculations for a part of the protein containing over 8600 atoms are employed to probe the frequencies of vibrational modes which involve the stretching of Fe-O during protonation/deprotonation events near the active site. The role of protein frame for the spectroscopic properties of the ferryl intermediate is proved to be significant, as the intensity of the oxygen sensitive bands is controlled by conformational changes. In addition, the mechanism of the release of the produced water molecules is examined by changing the protonation state of a residue in the entrance of a proton pathway in the enzym