73 research outputs found

    Penciptaan Konserto Etude Tangganada Pentatonik untuk Pembelajaran Violin dan Orkestra

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    The Creation of Pentatonic Scale Etude Concerto for Violin and Orchestral Learning. This research aims to explain creating a musical work in the form of a violin etude in the form of a concerto. The concerto is arranged in a free pentatonic scale from traditional Javanese idioms: the lancaran and gangsaran rhythm. The concerto consists of one movement that contains etude material, namely learning the technique of playing the violin in a beautiful and exciting melody. The problem highlighted is students' difficulty learning etude for the violin, which is often considered complicated. In the learning process, students tend to be oriented towards violin music such as concertos, sonatas, or musical pieces (short works) compared to etude works. Therefore, it is important for creating the concerto etude to bridge the students' violin learning process, both for educative and performative dimensions. Creating the etude concerto in this traditional idiom is expected to foster student interest in learning to practice etude. The research was organized in several stages: document collection, observation, artistic, trial, and dissemination. The research/design method was taken from Reginald Smith Brindle (1986), i.e., Musical Composition and King Palmer Teach Yourself to Composed Music (1952). The method is as follows: listening to different music that is close to the research topic to find ideas, using the violin and piano to make melodic pieces, including double, triple, four-stop techniques, connecting, combining, developing synchronized melody pieces, rhythmic variations, rhythms, articulation variations, syncopations, rhythm figures, melodic decorations, harmonies, dynamic variations, and so on. The conclusion of the research on creating a concerto with one movement is more freedom to express ideas. The use of lancaran and gangsaran rhythms in a pentatonic scale to give the nuances of the Central Java region, turns out to be more nuanced with a Mandarin concerto. After being implemented, it turns out that this concerto is still quite difficult for learning violin 3

    The Polar Bear as a Biological Indicator of the Environmental Mercury Burden

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    128 fresh (current) and 18 preserved (museum) polar bear hair samples were subjected to mercury analysis. Mercury levels ranging from <0.5-44.3 ppm were observed in the fresh samples with a geographic distribution showing higher levels in the western Arctic and substantially lower levels in the eastern Arctic and in Hudson's Bay. A similar geographic range and distribution was found in the museum specimens. No correlation can be demonstrated between observed levels and industrial releases of mercury. There is no real indication of increase in general levels over time. The source of observed high levels of mercury in arctic marine fauna appears to be geologic rather than industrial.Key words: mercury, polar bearMots clés: mercure, ours polair

    335-355Arens & Hasselhorn

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    The aim of the research is to study developmental relations between attachment to mother, father and friends and dimensions of adolescents' self-concept. More specifically, we examine if this relation is direct or mediated by some personality construct. A sample of 878 students (13 and 16 years old) from Belgrade urban lower secondary and upper secondary schools participated in this research. Participants completed ECR for mother, father and friend; Selfperception profile for adolescents and NEOFFI. The results have indicated that dimensions of attachment are correlated with dimensions of self-concept, and that they can explain 13% of variance in dimensions of self-concept. When the personality traits are introduced as mediators, attachment dimensions explain only 4.5% of variance in self-concept. The quality of attachment relations with parents is not related to adolescents' self-concept, while attachment to friends is correlated with social dimensions of self-concept. Hence, this study suggests that adolescents with particular parental attachment styles differ according to their self-concept profiles, but that peer attachment is important for adolescents' social self. Beside that, this study reveals significant gender differences: relation between parental and peer attachment and adolescents' self-concepts is not the same for boys and girls. Keywords: attachment, parents and friends, self-concept, big five personality traits, adolescence Different theoretical perspectives (social network theory, theory of group socialisation, socio-cultural theory) emphasise that a child does not develop in the dyadic relation just with the mother, but in the broad network of social relation


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    Crossbreedings have been used for years, with the purpose of the genetic improvement of the local herd. They involve imported animals of some specialised breeds, selected according to individual production criterias, with the purpose of a short term improvement of the production level. But they cause a fall in adaptative traits, and can finally lead to a lower productivity than expected. Generally practiced without any clear genetic objective, they endangered the local genetic resources. The results obtained by INRA show that exists a genetic variability for the production traits in the local Créole cattle population, that could be exploited through selection. A breeding program of the Créole cattle has been implemented, with the purpose to improve the growth and the live morphology of animals, while maintaining the maternal qualities and adaptation to tropical environment. Several issues can be expected. On one hand, the improvement of the productive characters of the local breed would lead to a higher economic valuation of the retailed products. On other hand, hardiness and maternel qualities are traits of major importance for all breeders, including those using crossbreedings. A certified production subsector could also been implemented, based on the abilities of the local breed, to meet the demand of consumers of quality and safe products. Finally, this breeding program will also contribute to the in situ conservation of this genetic resource