15 research outputs found

    Gratitude moderates the relation between daily hassles and satisfaction with life in university students

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    Satisfaction with life as a judgmental cognitive process can be negatively influenced by appraisals of daily events such as hassles. Trait-gratitude — a tendency to appraise, recognize and respond to life events through a grateful— is a determinant of mental health and well-being, and has been shown to be related to positive appraisal of life. The aim of the current study was to investigate the moderating role of trait-gratitude in the relationship between daily hassles and satisfaction with life. In the process of carrying out this study, the French version of the Gratitude Questionnaire (GQ-6) was validated. A total of 328 French undergraduates completed questionnaires measuring gratitude, satisfaction with life, and daily hassles to test the main hypothesis. They also completed optimism, coping strategies, depression, and anxiety questionnaires in order to assess the convergent validity of the French version of the GQ-6. First, the results showed satisfactory psychometric properties of the Gratitude Questionnaire. Second, the results indicated the moderating role of trait-gratitude in the relationship between daily hassles disturbance and satisfaction with life. This study further documents the role of gratitude as a determinant of well-being and provides French-speaking clinicians and researchers with a useful tool to measure grateful disposition

    L’alliance thérapeutique : vers un nouveau paradigme des facteurs communs en psychothérapie

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    Introduction : Le développement des psychothérapies s’est accompagné d’une recherche assidue concernant l’évaluation de leur efficience. Les grands modèles psychothérapiques ayant montré leur efficacité, l’accent se porte, dès lors sur la compréhension de cette efficience et sur l’identification des facteurs communs aux thérapies, telle l’alliance thérapeutique qui serait prédictive de celle-ci (Castonguay, 199

    Le tissage de l’alliance thérapeutique en service de soins aigus

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    International audienceAbstract The therapeutic alliance is well-known to be a key factor in the effectiveness of therapy. It is a concept that is widely accepted in the world of research, and is defined by the establishment of an emotional bond that the psychologist forms with their patient, as well as the collaboration between the two partners allowing the definition of relevant goals and tasks recognized as effective to allow the best therapeutic progress for the patient. The studies have highlighted that the nature of the alliance varies according to the care context, the therapeutic approach, and characteristics of the patient and therapist. How is the therapeutic alliance established in an intensive care unit where the life or death nature of the situation intensifies the extreme somatic distress of the patients, disrupts their autonomy and the decision-making process, and marks the therapeutic relationship.The aim of this article is to define the therapeutic alliance in the context of intensive care unit, taking into account the temporality of the emergency, the plurality of actors involved in the care process: patient, close relations and healthcare workers, and the need to maintain the autonomy of a patient who is sometimes psychologically absent from the relationship. The hospitalized patients’s state of health leads to fluctuations of their state of consciousness, on a continuum ranging from coma to wakefulness, passing through phases of confusion. However, essential decisions are taken on their behalf, affecting both their life and their future.Those involved in the patient's care (carers, close relations) provide information to help inform decisions. The trusted support person testifies to what the patient may wish. Exchanges with all those involved in the situation are a prerequisite for the emergence and recognition of the patient's autonomy and subjectivity. A weaving therapeutic alliance is lead through the building of emotional bond of trust with all those involved (patient, family and carers), and by discussing the patient's state of health, experience and therapeutic project with those involved in the intensive care unit, in order to guarantee consent to care.This relational weaving also enables caregivers to gradually gain a more holistic view of their patients, supporting their thinking and the setting up of the best possible therapeutic strategy. Therapeutic objectives and techniques are regularly redefined to ensure they remain relevant as the patient's state of health evolves. This weaving of the alliance engages an ethical conflictuality, in which each person expresses his or her point of view, centered on the patient, and his or her singular experience with him or her, participating in a dynamic of adjustment to a common objective: optimal care for the patient, taking into account his or her opinion as far as possible. The therapeutic alliance that the psychologist establishes in the intensive care setting seems vital to preserving the patient's subjectivity.In this article, the theoretical-clinical thinking is based on anonymized clinical vignettes, preserving patient confidentiality. When vital emergency seems to relegate psychic life to the background, the development of a therapeutic alliance tailored to the characteristics of intensive care is essential to restoring the patient's autonomy and subjectivity.Introduction : L’alliance thérapeutique est reconnue comme un facteur clé d’efficacité thérapeutique. Elle fait l’objet d’une définition consensuelle dans le monde de la recherche, mais celle-ci varie selon les contextes de soin, les patients et leurs thérapeutes. Objectif : Après avoir défini les spécificités de la prise en charge dans un contexte de soin aigu et de réanimation, nous tentons de conceptualiser l’alliance thérapeutique en soin aigu, prenant en compte cette temporalité de l’urgence, la pluralité des acteurs concernés par la prise en charge : patient, proches et équipe soignante, et le maintien de l’autonomie d’un patient parfois absent psychiquement à la relation. Méthode : Nous menons une réflexion théorico-clinique élaborée à partir de vignettes cliniques anonymisées dans cet article. Conclusion : Lorsque l’urgence vitale semble reléguer la vie psychique au second plan, l’élaboration d’une alliance thérapeutique ajustée aux caractéristiques du soin aigu est essentielle pour restaurer le patient dans son autonomie et sa subjectivité

    How physical activity and passion color the passage of time: A response with ultra-trail runners

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    International audienceThe aim of this study was to replicate the results of a lengthening effect caused by physical activity already observed in duration length judgment, using the time passage judgment measure, while exploring the effects of passion types (obsessive vs. harmonious) on time perception. A total of 378 ultra-trail runners responded to an online questionnaire in which the type of passion and the passage of time (PoT) judgments associated with both an ultra-trail context and a non-trail daily context were collected. The results showed that participants systematically judged the time as being dilated in a situation of sports practice, thus extending the results obtained in interval duration judgment studies. This study also showed an influence of the type of passion: higher levels of harmonious passion were related to greater feelings of time dilation, while higher levels of obsessive passion were related to greater feelings of both time contraction and time dilation. Results are discussed in light of the two major factors that influence the PoT referenced in the literature, namely, attention and happiness level