32,646 research outputs found

    Fang-tan in research among Chinese communities in New Zealand and Australia: a cultural approach to engagement

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    This article proposes Fang-tan as a cultural approach to engagement in psychology research among Chinese communities in New Zealand and Australia. Fang-tan reflects the degree of "being-in-relation" throughout the research process. The article suggests that being-in-relation as a concept is a form of cultural engagement that enables the researcher easier and more culturally appropriate access to research participants. Fang-tan comprises two Chinese words, Fang and Tan. Fang refers to interviewing and asking questions, and Tan is concerned with dialogues and conversation. There are four features of Fang-tan: participant participation, the equality of status between the researcher and the participant, the insider relationship between the researcher and the participant, and the use of the Chinese language. This article illustrates how Fang-tan was conducted in three studies with the Chinese communities and offers the authors' insights into and reflections on conducting Fang-tan

    Laser ignition of an optically sensitised secondary explosive by a diode laser

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    As a green technology, laser ignition of a relatively insensitive secondary explosive has been experimentally investigated. The explosive, hexanitrostilbene (HNS), was doped with one of two optical sensitizers, carbon black or a laser absorbing dye, and a continuous-wave (CW) infrared diode laser was used as the igniting source. The ignition sensitivities of HNS with each of the two optical sensitizers were analysed and compared in terms of: optical power threshold for ignition, ignition delay and full burn delay at various laser powers. The results have shown that both the chemical dye and carbon black optically sensitize the explosive with similar efficiencies. In contrast to the carbon black, the dye provides wavelength specificity and selectivity in the laser ignition process and its solubility in some specific solvents improves the coating of the explosive material. It was therefore concluded that the laser absorbing dye is a better candidate for optical sensitization in laser ignition than the commonly used carbon black. The combination of laser ignition sensitivity with wavelength selectivity potentially offers higher reliability and safety at a low optical power for future ignitors of secondary explosives

    On minimal additive complements of integers

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    Let C,WZC,W\subseteq \mathbb{Z}. If C+W=ZC+W=\mathbb{Z}, then the set CC is called an additive complement to WW in Z\mathbb{Z}. If no proper subset of CC is an additive complement to WW, then CC is called a minimal additive complement. Let XNX\subseteq \mathbb{N}. If there exists a positive integer TT such that x+TXx+T\in X for all sufficiently large integers xXx\in X, then we call XX eventually periodic. In this paper, we study the existence of a minimal complement to WW when WW is eventually periodic or not. This partially answers a problem of Nathanson.Comment: 13 page

    Corporate culture in Japan – a Western view

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    Kultura korporacyjna w każdym kraju stanowi pochodną kultury narodowej. Autorka wskazuje na fakt, że znajomość kultury kraju, z którym utrzymywane są stosunki ekonomiczne, kontakty handlowe i inwestycyjne, jest nie do przecenienia. Ponad 300 japońskich firm na stałe wpisało się już w gospodarczy krajobraz Polski, dając zatrudnienie więcej niż 40 tys. pracowników, dlatego też problematyka artykułu jest tak istotna. W tekście zostały przedstawione poglądy naukowców z dziedziny teorii organizacji, socjologii, psychologii, m.in. Geerta Hofstede, Alfonsa Trompenaarsa oraz ekspertów z dziedziny praktyki gospodarczej (Denise Pirrotti-Hummel). G. Hofstede, w pionierskich badaniach, prześledził opinie ponad 1600 respondentów – pracowników IBM z 70 krajów. Pytania dotyczyły „cech narodowych”, zdaniem Hofstede, różnicujących poszczególne kultury biznesu. Jako determinanty tych różnic uwzględnił: hierarchiczność struktur i stosunek do kwestii nierówności społecznych, postawy wobec ryzyka i niepewności, indywidualizm (priorytet jednostki albo grupy), a także stopień maskulinizacji społeczeństwa. W toku późniejszych badań autor dodał do wyżej wymienionych „papierków lakmusowych” pragmatyzm oraz samoocenę. Z kolei A. Trompenaars w latach 1886–1993, na podstawie ankiet skierowanych do 15 tysięcy menedżerów z 50 krajów, określił, jego zdaniem, zestaw najważniejszych cech specyficznych, przesądzających o odmienności narodowych kultur korporacyjnych. W artykule omówiono niektóre z nich: (1) uniwersalizm kontra partykularyzm; (2) opanowanie kontra emocjonalność; (3) ocena ex post według faktycznych osiągnięć kontra przypisanie znaczenia ex ante; (4) synchroniczność kontra sekwencyjność w pojmowaniu czasu. I wreszcie ostatni z wymienionych na wstępie badaczy kultury biznesowej, Denise Pirrotti-Hummel, zwraca uwagę na szczególne, jej zdaniem, cechy japońskich partnerów gospodarczych: długi horyzont podejmowania decyzji (planowanie), pełna akceptacja zasady starszeństwa, czy niewerbalny charakter komunikacji międzyludzkiej. Autorka artykułu nie tylko zapoznaje czytelnika z wieloma determinantami zachowań Japończyków w biznesie, ale i poddaje krytycznej analizie konsekwencje, jakie mogą one mieć dla przebiegu negocjacji w dziedzinie gospodarki oraz w procesach decyzyjnych.The organizers of the conference wish to acknowledge the National Bank of Poland’s generous funding of this publication

    On the available evidence for the temperature dependence of soil organic carbon

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    International audienceTwo recent papers by Knorr et al. (2005) and Fang et al. (2005) provide variations of model fitting conducted in the former study. Knorr et al. (2005) suggested that more recalcitrant fractions of soil organic carbon (SOC) could be more sensitive to temperature. Fang et al. (2005) argue that this is an implication of the choice of model used. Further, Reichstein et al. (2005) point out that the evidence for a stronger temperature sensitivity of recalcitrant soil carbon mainly rests on an analysis of data provided by Kätterer et al. (1998) and argue for a different selection criterion to exclude short-term incubations. Here, we explain why the model used by Knorr et al. (2005) is the simplest multi-pool model that can fit the available data and is at the same time fully consistent with the concept of "pools", as opposed to some of the model formulations proposed by Fang et al. (2005). It is also pointed out that the criterion proposed by Reichstein et al. (2005) uses posterior information to determine inclusion of experimental data, a practice that should be avoided. We conclude that the original analysis of Knorr et al. (2005) as well as the one added by Fang et al. (2005) indicate that there is a serious possibility that recalcitrant SOC reacts more to temperature changes than labile SOC

    Sign Changes of Intrinsic Spin Hall Effect in Semiconductors and Simple Metals: First-Principles Calculations

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    First-principles calculations are applied to study spin Hall effect in semiconductors and simple metals. We found that intrinsic spin Hall conductivity (ISHC) in realistic materials shows rich sign changes, which may be used to distinguish the effect from the extrinsic one. The calculated ISHC in n-doped GaAs can be well compared with experiment, and it differs from the sign obtained from the extrinsic effect. On the other hand, the ISHC in W and Au, which shows opposite sign respectively, is robust and not sensitive to the disorder.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure