39 research outputs found

    Processing information of elder people and their attitude towards ads

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    El envejecimiento poblacional es un hecho de gran transcendencia socioeconómica con importantes repercusiones empresariales. Es importante el análisis del consumidor mayor y de sus particularidades para la consecución de una efectiva comunicación publicitaria. En este trabajo se analizan los antecedentes de la actitud ante el anuncio de las personas mayores y sus consecuencias sobre la actitud hacia la marca y la intención de compra en condiciones de baja implicación con el anuncio. Sobre una muestra constituída por 509 sujetos se confirma el modelo general planteado y se defiende que las personas mayores utilizan conjuntamente las dos rutas de persuasión en el procesamiento cognitivo del anuncio.Population ageing is a phenomenon of great socio-economic importance with major consequences for business. Analysis of older consumers and of their peculiarities is important for achieving effective advertising communication. This study analyses the antecedents of older people’s attitude to the ad and its effects on the brand attitude and purchasing intention in conditions of low involvement with the ad. From a sample consisting of 509 individuals, the general model posited is confirmed and older people are found to use both persuasion paths jointly in the cognitive processing of the ad

    Desarrollo de planes de marketing locales en un contexto profesional como mecanismo de control sobre el aprendizaje

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    Las asignaturas de Fundamentos de Marketing de los Grados de Comunicación Audiovisual y Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas de la Universitat Jaume I desarrollan un proyecto práctico para la aplicación de los conceptos vistos en clase en un contexto real y profesional centrado en empresas e instituciones del ámbito local. Los objetivos y competencias definidas en este proyecto fueron alcanzados de forma satisfactoria, mejorando considerablemente la asimilación y comprensión de conceptos desde la vertiente teórica, así como fortaleciendo habilidades del estudiante como el trabajo en grupo, la comunicación, la capacidad crítica y la resolución de problemas. La metodología cooperativa en un contexto profesionalizado incrementó notablemente la motivación al conseguir gestionar de manera eficaz la transmisión del conocimiento de las aulas al mundo real.The subjects of Basis of Marketing of the Degrees of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising and Public Relations at the Universitat Jaume I develop a practical project for the application of the concepts covered in class in a real and professional context focused on companies and institutions from the local context. The objectives and competences defined in this project were achieved satisfactorily, significantly improving the assimilation and understanding of concepts from the theoretical approach and strengthen the skills of the student such as team work, communication, critical thinking and problem resolution. The cooperative methodology in a professionalized context significantly increased motivation achieving effectively manage the transmission of knowledge from the classroom to the real world

    Antecedentes y consecuencias de la actitud ante el anuncio en las personas mayores. Un análisis empírico

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    La importancia socio-económica adquirida en los últimos años en España y en otros países europeos por el emergente mercado de las personas mayores hace necesario el estudio de sus particularidades como consumidores. Los cambios operados durante el proceso del envejecimiento ejercen una influencia en la percepción del fenómeno publicitario y por ende en la actitud manifestada ante el anuncio. El estudio en las personas mayores de los antecedentes de la actitud ante el anuncio y sus consecuencias en el contexto del modelo de mediación dual es el propósito del análisis de este estudio. Describiremos como se producen los mismos y demostraremos la validez del modelo de mediación dual como explicativo de las respuestas otorgadas por las personas mayores ante la publicida

    Younger and older trust in a crisis situation

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to analyze consumer trust during a financial crisis, studying its antecedents and consequences. The perceptions of older and younger consumers are also compared. Design/methodology/approach – The theoretical model of trust formation is tested on a random sample of 634 individuals from the three largest Spanish cities, Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia, in a period of economic crisis. Structural equation models were used to verify the global hypothesized relationships. Additionally, the total sample was divided into two groups (younger and older consumers) in order to test the moderating effect of age in the proposed relationships. Findings – In a period of financial crisis, older consumers ’ trust is protected by an emotional and experiential shield from the effects of negative news in the surrounding environment. In contrast, trust, although important, is not the core variable for the younger segment, whose preferences are the consequence of a broad range of cognitive and emotional variables. Research limitations/implications – This research was carried out on financial services. Emotional, relational and experience-linked variables acquire greater importance as the individual gets older, in contrast to more cognitive evaluations. The difference between the younger and the older segments is that the cornerstone of older consumers ’ attitudinal loyalty is trust, whereas for younger people, it is positive switching costs or rewards. Further research on the proposed conceptual model across different industries and countries is needed to determine the generalizability and consistency of the findings from this study. Practical implications – This paper has significant managerial implications. The authors believe that the best strategy for a bank during a period of crisis is to follow a customer-friendly orientation, as in the case of banks that took a long-term vision to look after their brand image. The study draws banking companies ’ attention to the importance of using age as a segmentation criterion. Originality/value – Based on the life-course paradigm, a theoretical model of trust formation is performed. In a period of economic crisis, trust becomes the key variable in determining older consumers ’ preference

    Crisis de la entidad, efecto halo y lealtad

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    Taking as reference the period of deep financial and economic crisis suffered at global level, with special incidence in the Spanish financial industry, this paper examines the effect of entity crisis on consumer loyalty, studying the halo effect on trust, brand image and social norms. A causal model is proposed and contrasted with a sample of 500 bank customers and structural equation models were used to verify the hypothesized relationships. The contribution of this research is related to the analysis of the model proposed from a theoretical and empirical perspective. The general model establishes the consumption habits of customers during an entity crisis. It can be seen that the most important antecedent of loyalty are social norms, followed by trust and then brand image. However, the intensity of the crisis in each entity changes the results. The findings suggest that loyalty is an anticyclic strategy for firms. Investing in building customer loyalty in boom years generates positive credit towards the firm from customers who are unwilling to abandon it even when it is in crisis. The halo effect is fulfilled in the sense that customers’ general opinion of the entity and the more emotional variable determines and moderates negative news from the environment which attempts to influence consumers’ beliefs.Tomando como referencia el periodo de profunda crisis financiera y económica sufrida a nivel global, con especial incidencia en el sector financiero español, este artículo examina el efecto que la crisis de una entidad bancaria tiene en la lealtad del consumidor, estudiando el efecto halo en la confianza, la imagen de marca y las normas sociales. Se propone un modelo causal contrastado en una muestra de 500 clientes de entidades bancarias utilizando modelos de ecuaciones estructurales. La contribución de esta investigación está relacionada con el análisis del modelo propuesto desde una perspectiva teórica y empírica. En el modelo general, que establece los hábitos de consumo de los clientes durante un momento de crisis para la entidad, se observa que el principal antecedente de la lealtad son las normas sociales, el segundo es la confianza y el tercero la imagen de marca. Sin embargo, la intensidad de la crisis en cada entidad afecta a los resultados. Los hallazgos sugieren que la lealtad es anti-cíclica para las empresas. Invertir en la fidelización de los clientes en años de auge genera un crédito positivo hacia la empresa por parte de éstos, que no están dispuestos a abandonarla, incluso cuando está en crisis. El efecto halo se cumpliría, pues la opinión de los clientes sobre la entidad y la variable más emocional determina y modera las noticias negativas del entorno que intentan influir en las creencias de los consumidores

    Estudio del proceso de fidelización del consumidor final

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    Para toda empresa es importante mantener una cartera de clientes fieles a la misma que le ayuden a sobrevivir en el tiempo. Esta situación todavía se acentúa en la medida que aumenta la competencia y se incrementa la incertidumbre. En la actualidad éstos son dos rasgos que se ven realmente desarrollados. Debido a la profunda crisis en que nos encontramos, y a otros elementos como la globalización o el desarrollo de las nuevas tecnologías y los sistemas de comunicación nos encontramos ante un escenario de enorme competencia y de manifiesta incertidumbre. Es, por tanto, necesario más que nunca conocer en profundidad cómo llegan los clientes a ser fieles, y desarrollar verdaderas estrategias de fidelización. En este trabajo, presentamos el enfoque secuencial de formación de la lealtad del consumidor para poder profundizar en la comprensión del concepto. Además, lo completamos estudiando el efecto conjunto de los costes de cambio como elemento que fomenta la continuidad con la relación. Se obtiene que el consumidor realiza un proceso de información más cognitivo en sus primeras evaluaciones del servicio recibido y por tanto en sus primeras etapas de lealtad. A medida que el consumidor avanza en el proceso su comportamiento se vuelve más directo y mecánico, por lo que el vinculo cliente-empresa podemos decir que es más fuerte.For any business is important to maintain a loyal customer base to help they to survive over time. This situation is accentuated even to the extent that increases competition and increases uncertainty. At present these are two features that are really developed. Because of the deep crisis in which we are, and other elements such as globalization and the development of new technologies and communication systems, we are faced with a scenario of intense competition and uncertainty manifest. It is therefore more necessary than ever to know in depth how to get customers to be faithful, and develop true loyalty strategies.In this paper, we present the sequential approach to the formation of consumer loyalty in order to deepen understanding of the concept. It is supplemented by studying the combined effect of switching costs as an element that promotes the continuity of the relationship. The results shows that the consumer takes a more cognitive process information in their initial assessments of the service and therefore in the early stages of loyalty. As advances in consumer behavior process becomes more direct and mechanic, so we can say that the customer- company bond is stronger

    Shopping motivation in consumer loyalty formation process: the case of Spanish retail

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    Purpose With the gradual decline of the small retail sector in the past recent years, few researchers have been addressing the issue from a motivational approach. This paper aimed to examine the role of utilitarian, hedonic and ethical motives in the process of forming consumer loyalty in a retail setting. Design/methodology/approach A total of 213 surveys were carried out among regular fashion and accessories shoppers in Spanish small-sized retailers. A two-step methodology proposed by Anderson and Gerbing (1988) was applied to test the model. Findings Ethical shopping motivation was found to have the most relevant impact on its perceived quality and on its reassurance to a small-sized retailer, as it represented a strategic asset. Although the most appropriate approach would not be focused mainly on ethical aspects in order to be competitive in the new retailing landscape, consumers should recognize that they are contributing to a worthy cause while enjoying the shopping experience. Practical implications Small-sized retailers should provide consumers with good reasons for shopping in their businesses rather than their competitors’. Moreover, it is key to differentiate and build customer loyalty with the purpose of becoming more competitive. As a consequence, in this paper, we propose a measurement scale that can be used to evaluate abstract and complex consumers’ shopping motivations. Originality/value The pursuit of more precise knowledge of factors that lead consumers to shop for a specific product is vital for small-sized retailers, toward sustainable competitiveness. Here we analyzed the impact of the three innovative dimensions in shopping motivation on consumers’ perceived quality and their influence on repurchase intention

    Does CSR Help to Retain Customers in a Service Company?

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    The main aim of this paper is to analyze the influence of service companies’ corporate social responsibility (CSR) actions on final customer’s loyalty. A theoretical model of loyalty formation based on CSR was proposed and a sample of 1125 final customers of financial services in Spain was studied. Structural equation models were used to verify the hypothesized relationships. Based on the CSR theory oriented to stakeholders, this work justifies the direct and positive relationship between the perception of CSR actions in the shopping experience and customer trust. We also verified a positive indirect influence on loyalty. The services industry was chosen to conduct this research due to its own particularities (intangibility, inseparability, heterogeneity and perishability). As it is impossible to evaluate a service before its consumption, a high level of trust in the supplier will be necessary to motivate the purchase decision. We conclude that CSR becomes a key strategic asset for determining trust and loyalty among consumers. As major findings, we have verified the special importance of CSR in the services market. CSR improves customer trust in the service provider. Thus, this paper has significant managerial implications. Through CSR strategies, both the perception of the customer’s purchasing experience and trust can be enhanced, resulting in more loyal customers. As a limitation, this research was carried out among financial services. Further research should test the model across different industries and countries in order to determine the generalizability and consistency of the findings of this study

    La lealtad del consumidor en el sector financiero

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    Teniendo en cuenta lo costoso que resulta mantener programas de fidelización de clientes,es necesario conocer qué aspectos del servicio de la empresa son los que realmente valora elcliente, para dedicarles mayor esfuerzo y poder potenciarlos.Enmarcado en la corriente del marketing relacional, el objetivo del presente trabajo es estudiar elproceso de formación de la lealtad por parte de los consumidores en un entorno de servicios. Seutiliza para ello un modelo teórico originario de la psicología social (Fishbein y Ajzen, 1975) con laintención de lograr una mejor comprensión de los procesos psicológicos que llevan a un individuoa volver a comprar al mismo proveedor.Se realizaron 200 encuestas personales a clientes de entidades financieras, y se utilizaron modelosde ecuaciones estructurales para contrastar las relaciones planteadas.La aportación de este trabajo es el de proponer un modelo de comportamiento de lealtad del consumidoren el que se pueden identificar los elementos de juicio que utiliza el cliente, y que van a darcomo resultado un comportamiento de lealtad por parte de este. El modelo propuesto ayudará aidentificar los aspectos, tanto cognitivos como emocionales, que son decisivos para el consumidor.Los aspectos cognitivos han resultado ser cruciales a la hora de determinar la lealtad final del cliente.Sin embargo, los aspectos emocionales y la repercusión social se han perfilado como elementosmuy valorados por el consumidor final