4 research outputs found

    Relaciones existentes entre los parámetros físico-mecánicos clásicos en taludes compuestos por cenizas volcánicas, y las variaciones climáticas en períodos cortos (6 meses) y períodos largos (12 ó más meses), que puedan considerarse como un condicionador de las propiedades y estabilidad geotécnica de los suelos

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    CD-T 624.151 36 F212; 223 pParametrizar de manera periódica el comportamiento mecánico de los suelos compuestos por cenizas volcánicas y poder, a partir de la medición y obtención de algunos parámetros físico-mecánicos, establecer un modelo geotécnico predictivo dela ocurrencia de fenómenos de remoción en masa que pueda aplicarse en el territorio municipal por parte de las entidades que conforman el sistema municipal para la prevención y atención de desastres de Pereira.Universidad Libre Seccional Pereir

    Análisis a la problemática del déficit de vivienda de interés social desde la Ley 1753 de 2015 en el municipio de La Tebaida

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    El presente documento tiene por objeto referir los motivos que sustentan la necesidad de adelantar la modificación o ajuste al Plan Básico de Ordenamiento Territorial del municipio de La Tebaida (Q) – Acuerdo 026 del 2000, con el fin de incorporar predios rurales, suburbanos y de expansión urbana al perímetro urbano en virtud de lo descrito en el artículo 47 de la ley 1537 de 2012 ¨Por la cual se dictan normas tendientes a facilitar y promover el desarrollo urbano y el acceso a la vivienda y se dictan otras disposiciones¨, modificada por el artículo 91 de la ley 1753 de 2015, Con el propósito de facilitar el acceso a la vivienda VIS y VIP, estableciendo de manera detallada y precisa los soportes jurídicos que soportan dicha acción urbanística, es de advertir que al presente escrito se allegan otra serie de factores y consideraciones que asientan la actuación, tales como análisis cualitativos y cuantitativos del déficit de vivienda, aspectos y factores del ordenamiento, seguimiento, políticas, entre otros. Si bien existen diferentes necesidades que justifican la modificación del PBOT de La Tebaida (Q), como la actualización del entorno normativo, ambiental, del riesgo, entre otros; una de las principales es el componente social y de crecimiento ordenado de la localidad, pues es importante generar condiciones jurídicas y físicas para hacerle frente a problemáticas crecientes y estancadas en su solución, como lo es la promoción y acceso a vivienda de familias de escasos recursos dentro del marco de la legalidad y el concepto de ciudad formal.Universidad Libre Seccional Pereira -- Facultad de Derecho, Ciencias Políticas y Sociales -- Especialización en Derecho Urbano, Gestión y Planeamientos InmobiliariosThe purpose of this document is to refer to the reasons that support the need to advance the modification or adjustment to the Basic Territorial Planning Plan of the municipality of La Tebaida (Q) - Agreement 026 of 2000, in order to incorporate rural, suburban and residential properties. urban expansion to the urban perimeter by virtue of what is described in article 47 of Law 1537 of 2012 "By which regulations are dictated to facilitate and promote urban development and access to housing and other provisions are dictated", modified by Article 91 of Law 1753 of 2015, with the purpose of facilitating access to VIS and VIP housing, establishing in a detailed and precise manner the legal supports that support said urban action. It should be noted that this document includes another series of factors and considerations that support the action, such as qualitative and quantitative analysis of the housing deficit, aspects and factors of planning, monitoring, policies, among others. Although there are different needs that justify the modification of the PBOT of La Tebaida (Q), such as updating the regulatory, environmental, risk environment, among others; One of the main ones is the social component and the orderly growth of the locality, since it is important to generate legal and physical conditions to deal with growing and stagnant problems in their solution, such as the promotion and access to housing for low-income families. within the framework of legality and the concept of a formal city

    Impacto de la innovación y la gestión de las organizaciones

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    En el presente libro se articulan diferentes temáticas que son ejes centrales de la investigación en Colombia. Algunas de ellas son desarrollo humano, ciencia y tecnología para las organizaciones, nuevos modelos de negocio y economías emergentes, retos y tendencias para el emprendimiento. Los capítulos se articulan en tres líneas, a saber, línea 1. Gestión en eje Centro-Bogotá; línea 2. Investigación en zonas colombianas; y línea 3. Impacto de la UNAD en la región. Es así como este libro muestra el resultado de diferentes investigaciones que buscan brindar soluciones a las problemáticas regionales en aras de construir un mejor país de forma colectiva desde la gestión de las organizaciones y el desarrollo regional, donde involucren los diferentes actores sociales y expertos de cada región en la construcción de los diferentes escenarios de los sectores económico, social, cultural, tecnológico, político y ambiental

    XVII International Congress of Control Electronics and Telecommunications: "Advanced Science, Technology and Innovation to move towards a new socio-technical system: Sustainable Social Transformation"

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    Contenido: Approach to the diagnostic of cesarean birth using bio-inspired models. ; Design of a tool in a virtual reality environment to manipulate anatomical models. ; The effect of COVID-19 restrictions on the electricity price forecasting models. ; Depression prevention through artificial intelligence. ; State of the art in Prototypes as complements to the learning of the Colombian Sign Language (LSC). ; A computational proposal for gene expression deterministic analysis in associated disorders to depression and anxiety. ; Evaluation of postural stability from the predictability of the measurement of the center of pressure. ; Psychophysiological Analysis of Sound Stimuli.; Delphi method for the identification of relevant variables in the development of low-power photovoltaic solar projects. ; Socioeconomic impact of a refrigerator powered by a photovoltaic system in La Guajira. ; Energy Efficiency: characteristics that allow the reduction of greenhouse gases in. ; Possibilities for the implementation of a bioreactor from organic waste. ; Energy Potential with Small Hydroelectric Power Plants in Non- interconnected Zones of Colombia. ; Energy Potential in Photovoltaic Solar Solutions in Non-Interconnected Areas of Colombia. ; Photovoltaic system, towards the energy transition from home. ; Blockchain model to increase the transparency of public sector processes. ; Intelligent agricultural irrigation prescription system based on sensor networks and crop modeling. ; Design and implementation of a digital modulation classification system using intelligent algorithms. ; A mobile application proposal to minimize intermediation during agricultural process distribution of products in supply chain. ; Accompanying strategy for the social appropriation of new technologies in vulnerable agricultural communities: case in communities producing Gulupas fruits (Passiflora edulis Sims). ; Predictive model of transparency as an indicator of Public Policies. ; Smart system for recognition of ripening level in blackberry fruits. ; Project-based learning as an alternative methodology for technological education in electronics. ; Design and construction of an automated system for N. ; Four bar mechanisms (FBM) and their Software-Based applications: a reviewFT aquaponic culture of Red Carp and Crespa Lettuce. ; Intelligent search implementation for the construction of states of the art: a python application. ; Indoor and Outdoor propagation models on 5G environments: state of the art. ;The electronic detection of offenders (DOO) in the District Secretary of mobility of Bogotá: a step forward in the configuration of the concept of digital citizenship in Colombia. ; Monitoring through ICT of Mobility: technological collaborative feature to incorporate IoT in a Smart City. ; Characterization model of asphalt mixtures using digital image processing. ; Review: identification of diseases and/or pests in fruit trees through image processing techniques and artificial intelligence. ; VRS applicated to Nasa Yuwe language. ; Application of Pix2Pix for edge reconstruction in images. ; Brushless DC Motor Control System for Active Myoelectric Prosthesis. ; Implementation of a Water Conductivity Measuring System. ; 2 DOF robot programmed with MatLab® (guide and Peter Corke) and Arduino uno for writing alphabetical characters. ; Simulator of the behavior of the center of mass in a quadruped robot. ; Biomimetic prototype for flapping movement of batsContent: Contenido: Approach to the diagnostic of cesarean birth using bio-inspired models. ; Design of a tool in a virtual reality environment to manipulate anatomical models. ; The effect of COVID-19 restrictions on the electricity price forecasting models. ; Depression prevention through artificial intelligence. ; State of the art in Prototypes as complements to the learning of the Colombian Sign Language (LSC). ; A computational proposal for gene expression deterministic analysis in associated disorders to depression and anxiety. ; Evaluation of postural stability from the predictability of the measurement of the center of pressure. ; Psychophysiological Analysis of Sound Stimuli.; Delphi method for the identification of relevant variables in the development of low-power photovoltaic solar projects. ; Socioeconomic impact of a refrigerator powered by a photovoltaic system in La Guajira. ; Energy Efficiency: characteristics that allow the reduction of greenhouse gases in. ; Possibilities for the implementation of a bioreactor from organic waste. ; Energy Potential with Small Hydroelectric Power Plants in Non- interconnected Zones of Colombia. ; Energy Potential in Photovoltaic Solar Solutions in Non-Interconnected Areas of Colombia. ; Photovoltaic system, towards the energy transition from home. ; Blockchain model to increase the transparency of public sector processes. ; Intelligent agricultural irrigation prescription system based on sensor networks and crop modeling. ; Design and implementation of a digital modulation classification system using intelligent algorithms. ; A mobile application proposal to minimize intermediation during agricultural process distribution of products in supply chain. ; Accompanying strategy for the social appropriation of new technologies in vulnerable agricultural communities: case in communities producing Gulupas fruits (Passiflora edulis Sims). ; Predictive model of transparency as an indicator of Public Policies. ; Smart system for recognition of ripening level in blackberry fruits. ; Project-based learning as an alternative methodology for technological education in electronics. ; Design and construction of an automated system for N. ; Four bar mechanisms (FBM) and their Software-Based applications: a reviewFT aquaponic culture of Red Carp and Crespa Lettuce. ; Intelligent search implementation for the construction of states of the art: a python application. ; Indoor and Outdoor propagation models on 5G environments: state of the art. ;The electronic detection of offenders (DOO) in the District Secretary of mobility of Bogotá: a step forward in the configuration of the concept of digital citizenship in Colombia. ; Monitoring through ICT of Mobility: technological collaborative feature to incorporate IoT in a Smart City. ; Characterization model of asphalt mixtures using digital image processing. ; Review: identification of diseases and/or pests in fruit trees through image processing techniques and artificial intelligence. ; VRS applicated to Nasa Yuwe language. ; Application of Pix2Pix for edge reconstruction in images. ; Brushless DC Motor Control System for Active Myoelectric Prosthesis. ; Implementation of a Water Conductivity Measuring System. ; 2 DOF robot programmed with MatLab® (guide and Peter Corke) and Arduino uno for writing alphabetical characters. ; Simulator of the behavior of the center of mass in a quadruped robot. ; Biomimetic prototype for flapping movement of bat