38,211 research outputs found


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    Ventilasi udara merupakan hal penting dalam mengatur penyaliran udarapada tambang bawah tanah,maka sistem jaringan ventilasi yang kurang baik dapatmenyebabkan meningkatnya temperatur efektif pada front yang berdampak pada penurunan efisiensi kerja. Salah satu penyebab dikarenakan tidak adanya pertimbangan pada penurunan kinerja alat (efesiensi fan) yang akan digunakan dalam perencanaan sistem jaringan ventilasi, sehingga kuantitas udara yang dialirkan tidak lagi sesuai kuantitas udara yang dibutuhkan. Hal ini terjadi pada front kerja Cross Cut (X/C) 1 Sill Drift tambang Ciurug level 600PT.Aneka Tambang UBPE Pongkor yang menyebabkan suhu kerja yang cukup tinggi mencapai 33-35oC. Penerapan sistem jaringan ventilasi pada X/C 1 Sill Drift mengutamakan forcesistem dengan mengunakan 3 Unit forcefan37 kW,sementara exhausthanya 1 Unit fan37 kW dengan panjang aliran 270 meter. Kondisi ini menyebabkan udara yang dialirkan keluar lebih sedikit dibandingkan udara yang didorong masuk sehingga terjadi resirkulasi udara yang masuk. Panjang aliran dari exhaust fan juga melebihi dari kapasitas. Untuk mengalirkan udara dengan debit 7,55 m3/s jarak maksimum dorongan fan 37 kW dan 15 kW dalam kondisi baru masing-masing 106 meter dan 43,6 sementara pada kondisi sudah terpakai yaitu 94 meter dan 37,6 meter. Kata Kunci: Aliran udara, exhaust fan, force fan, resirkulas


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    Ventilasi udara merupakan hal penting dalam mengatur penyaliran udarapada tambang bawah tanah,maka sistem jaringan ventilasi yang kurang baik dapatmenyebabkan meningkatnya temperatur efektif pada front yang berdampak pada penurunan efisiensi kerja. Salah satu penyebab dikarenakan tidak adanya pertimbangan pada penurunan kinerja alat (efesiensi fan) yang akan digunakan dalam perencanaan sistem jaringan ventilasi, sehingga kuantitas udara yang dialirkan tidak lagi sesuai kuantitas udara yang dibutuhkan. Hal ini terjadi pada front kerja Cross Cut (X/C) 1 Sill Drift tambang Ciurug level 600PT.Aneka Tambang UBPE Pongkor yang menyebabkan suhu kerja yang cukup tinggi mencapai 33-35oC. Penerapan sistem jaringan ventilasi pada X/C 1 Sill Drift mengutamakan forcesistem dengan mengunakan 3 Unit forcefan37 kW,sementara exhausthanya 1 Unit fan37 kW dengan panjang aliran 270 meter. Kondisi ini menyebabkan udara yang dialirkan keluar lebih sedikit dibandingkan udara yang didorong masuk sehingga terjadi resirkulasi udara yang masuk. Panjang aliran dari exhaust fan juga melebihi dari kapasitas. Untuk mengalirkan udara dengan debit 7,55 m3/s jarak maksimum dorongan fan 37 kW dan 15 kW dalam kondisi baru masing-masing 106 meter dan 43,6 sementara pada kondisi sudah terpakai yaitu 94 meter dan 37,6 meter. Kata Kunci: Aliran udara, exhaust fan, force fan, resirkulas

    Fan: 1983 Florida Democratic Party State Convention Fan

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    Fan from the 1983 Florida Democratic Party State Convention. October 21-23 Hollywood, FL. Our Fans (pictured top clockwise): Gary Hart, Alan Cranston, Walter Mondale, Fritz Hollings (Ernest Frederick Hollings), George McGovern, John Glenn and Reubin Askew (center). Jesse Jackson announced his campaign on November 3, 1983. Sign Display No. 27 Local 1175 I.C. International Brotherhood of Painters and Allied Trades Union Label, Political Creations PO Box 1975 Jacksonville, FLA 32201. Back: Compliments of Political Creations The Nation’s Fastest Screen Printing Union Shop – Your Campaign Headquarters – Let us know what you want today! Bumper strips, banners- 4’ x 8’, posters, buttons, balloons, billboards, t-shirts, car tops, caps, decals, Frisbees, whistles, 9,00 advertising specialty items. Political Creations Will Help You Become A Winner Too! Telephone or write Political Creations Post Office Box 1975 Jacksonville Florida 32201 Telephone COLLECT [904]354-7558 John V. Hiott, Owner. Box 10 Folder

    Nonparametric Bayesian models for learning network coupling relationships

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    University of Technology, Sydney. Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.As the traditional machine learning setting assumes that the data are identically and independently distributed (i.i.d), this is quite like a perfect conditioned vacuum and seldom a real case in practical applications. Thus, the non-i.i.d learning (Cao, Ou, Yu & Wei 2010)(Cao, Ou & Yu 2012)(Cao 2014) has emerged as a powerful tool in describing the fundamental phenomena in the real world, as more factors to be well catered in this modelling. One critical factor in the non-i.i.d. learning is the relations among the data, ranging from the feature information, node partitioning to the correlation of the outcome, which is referred to as the coupling relation in the non-i.i.d. learning. In our work, we aim at uncovering this coupling relation with the nonparametric Bayesian relational models, that is, the data points in our work are supposed to be coupled with each other, and it is this coupling relation we are interested in for further investigation. The coupling relation is widely seen and motivated in real world applications, for example, the hidden structure learning in social networks for link prediction and structure understanding, the fraud detection in the transactional stock market, the protein interaction modelling in biology. In this thesis, we are particularly interested in the learning and inferencing on the relational data, which is to further discover the coupling relation between the corresponding points. For the detail modelling perspective, we have focused on the framework of mixed-membership stochastic blockmodel, in which membership indicator and mixed-membership distribution are noted to represent the nodes’ belonging community for one relation and the histogram of all the belonging communities for one node. More specifically, we are trying to model the coupling relation through three different aspects: 1) the mixed-membership distributions’ coupling relation across the time. In this work, the coupling relation is reflected in the sticky phenomenon between the mixed-membership distributions in two consecutive time; 2) the membership indicators’ coupling relation, in which the Copula function is utilized to depict the coupling relation; 3) the node information and mixed-membership distribution’s coupling relation. This is achieved by the new proposal transform for the node information’s integration. As these three aspects describe the critical parts of the nodes’ interaction with the communities, we are hoping the complex hidden structures can thus be well studied. In all of the above extensions, we set the number of the communities in a nonparametric Bayesian prior (mainly Hierarchical Dirichlet Process), instead of fixing it as in the previous classical models. In such a way, the complexity of our model can grow along with the data size. That is to say, while we have more data, our model can have a larger amount of communities to account for them. This appealing property enables our models to fit the data better. Moreover, the nice formalization of the Hierarchical Dirichlet Process facilitates us to some benefits, such as the conjugate prior. Thus, this nonparametric Bayesian prior has introduced new elements to the coupling relations’ learning. Under this varying backgrounds and scenarios, we have shown our proposed models and frameworks for learning the coupling relations are evidenced to outperform the state-of-the-art methods via literature explanation and empirical results. The outcomes are sequentially accepted by top journals. Therefore, the nonparametric Bayesian models in learning the coupling relations presents high research value and would still be attractive opportunities for further exploration and exploit

    Using Fan Fiction as Reading Material for Tenth Grader

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    Reading is the most extensive and intensive skill. Most of learners usually read only a material book that given by government in the class. Some of learner may find the reading text is boring just by read the title. By looking at this situation, it is very important for them to read what they are interested in as a way to develop their reading interest. For example is introducing them to read Fan Fiction. This research is aimed to find out whether fan fictions effective as reading material for teaching English conducted at tenth grade of SMAN 3 Tuban. The researcher decides that this study use experimental research. The research focused on collecting numerical data to explain what was observed. The researcher decided to use Simple Random Sampling Procedure to choose the sample groups. Those groups are X MIA 1 and X MIA 2. The researcher applied Pretest–Posttest Control Group Design to both subjects and with the treatment (only for experimental class) for this study. The researcher give pre-test and treatment to the experimental class (X MIA 1), and in the end the researcher give post-test to accomplish this study. The researcher gets the data analyzed by the test in experimental class. It was analyzed by using Microsoft Office Excel in data analysis; paired sample test of t-test. The outcome of this study pointed out that there was a significant difference score between students score in experimental class that used fan fiction as material and controlled class that did not use fan fiction as reading material for tenth grade. Key Words: Fan Fiction, Reading Comprehension, Reading Materia

    Breach procedure for axillary hyperhidrosis.

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    Dear Editor, We read with interest the communication on ‘A simple and practical method for axillary osmidrosis resection’ by Liu X, Mao T, Lei Z, Fan D appeared on JPRAS 2009.1 We found the description of the technique very useful with the support of intra-operative pictures. The use of artery clips to evert the skin flaps can be easily reproduced. However it is surprising that the Authors did not consider and mention in the References a paper by Mr N Breach appeared in the Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England in the late 70ies,2 when he was Senior Registrar at the Plastic Surgery Department of the Queen Victoria Hospital, East Grinstead, UK. Since then this latter procedure for surgical treatment of axillary hyperhidrosis has been widely adopted, [3], [4] and [5] especially in the Western world and in the UK where is known as the ‘Breach’ procedure. The main difference with the technique described in the paper by Liu X et al. consists in the number of incisions that has now been minimized

    Quasipolynomial formulas for the Kronecker coefficients indexed by two two-row shapes (extended abstract)

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    We show that the Kronecker coefficients indexed by two two–row shapes are given by quadratic quasipolynomial formulas whose domains are the maximal cells of a fan. Simple calculations provide explicitly the quasipolynomial formulas and a description of the associated fan. These new formulas are obtained from analogous formulas for the corresponding reduced Kronecker coefficients and a formula recovering the Kronecker coefficients from the reduced Kronecker coefficients. As an application, we characterize all the Kronecker coefficients indexed by two two-row shapes that are equal to zero. This allowed us to disprove a conjecture of Mulmuley about the behavior of the stretching functions attached to the Kronecker coefficients.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia MTM2007–64509Junta de Andalucía FQM–33

    Calculated performance of the NASA Lewis icing research tunnel

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    The Icing Research Tunnel is used extensively to test many classes of aircraft under atmospheric icing conditions. Because of the need to test models at higher Reynolds numbers, a new fan rotor was designed to increase test section wind speed. A preliminary study was made of the present fan rotor to suggest possible methods to increase tunnel wind speed. The results of that study are presented
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