45 research outputs found

    Antiprotease and membrane stabilizing activities of extracts of Fagara zanthoxyloides, Olax subscorpioides and Tetrapleura tetraptera

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    The saline and alkaline extracts of Fagara zanthoxyloides, Olax subscorpioides and Tetrapleura tetraptera were investigated for antiprotease and membrane stabilizing activities by spectroscopic procedures. Saline extracts of these plants stabilized human red blood cell membrane subjected to hypotonic- and heat-induced lyses. The results revealed that the degree of membrane stabilization was 84% for F. zanthoxyloides while T. tetraptera and O. subscorpioides exhibited 70% and63.2%, respectively. Also, sodium hydroxide extracts of the three plants exhibited antiprotease activity. A 1:5 dilution of F. zanthoxyloides gave 80% inhibition while undiluted extracts of O. subscorpioides and T. tetraptera showed 96% and 73% inhibitions, respectively

    Pathogenic potential of Listeria monocytogenes isolated from cattle faeces in Adoekiti

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    Listeria monocytogenes is an opportunistic food-borne pathogen causing listeriosis especially among immune-compromised persons. Its high rate of morbidity and mortality has classed the organism among the top watch list in foods. It is known to produce several virulence factors which aid its survival in harsh conditions and its dissemination within host cells. The pathogenicity of L. monocytogenes, isolated from cattle faeces in Ado-Ekiti, was determined in Wister albino rats for two weeks and the relative virulence was calculated. Rats were challenged with isolates producing listeriolysin O and phospholipase orally, intraperitoneally and subcutaneously. Biochemical parameters and haematoxylin and eosin (H and E) stained sections of selected organs were examined for significant changes (p < .05) and histopathological effects post-experiment. Relative virulence was recorded at 0% with rats showing no signs of infection or death. However, significant changes in total protein, lipid profile and some selected antioxidant enzymes, as well as cytological changes in the examined H and E sections of organs showed that an infection had occurred. Bacteria may have however been eradicated by the immune-competent rats. This study therefore concludes that isolates may be pathogenic especially for persons tagged ‘high risk’ due to low immunity.Keywords:  L. monocytogenes, listeriosis, pathogenicity, histopathology, cattle feace

    Effect of Hull on the Physico-Chemical Properties of Soyflour

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    This study investigated the effects of hull on the physico-chemical properties of flour obtained from processed soybean seed. Dehulled and undehulled soybeans at moisture levels ranging from 8.1% to 22.1% were boiled and oven dried. Similarly dehulled and undehulled soybeans at 12% moisture content (MC) were subjected to Thermal Processing (TP) methods of Roasting (ROA), Extrusion (EXT), Boiling and Sun Drying (BSD) and Boiling and Oven Drying (BOD) and used to prepare soy flour samples. The samples were milled in an attrition mill and the flours obtained were subjected to particle size, proximate composition and organoleptic evaluations. The results showed that between moisture content of 8.1% to 22.1%; 8.2% and 19.8% for dehulled and undehulled respectively, protein increased from 27.71% to 40.02% and 20.86% to 37.46%, acceptability increased from 4.6 to 5.4; 3.0 to 4.6 and yield reduced from 8.3% to 2.5%; 4.3% to 2.0% respectively. Though protein was increasing with MC, there is no significant difference (p>0.05) in protein retention between MC difference of 10.2%-22.1%, and 10.2%-19.8% but becoming significant at MC of 9.4% and 9.2%. TP treatment test for dehulled samples, showed a protein content of 36.69%, 38.47%, 34.83% and 35.55%, flour yields of 24.60%, 7.30%, 16.70% and 26.40%, and acceptability of 6.8, 6.9, 5.0, and 6.0 while for undehulled; protein content of 33.70%, 34.34%, 32.7% and 32.77%, flour yields of 17.0%, 5.00%, 14.06% and 12.25% and acceptability of 6.4, 6.8, 4.8 and 6.0 for BOD, EXT, ROA and BSD respectively. These results have not indicated any considerable reduction in the nutritive composition of the fibrous food but differences in acceptability which were all above the threshold

    Retroperitoneal and Genital Lymphangioma Therapeutic Challenges in a Developing Country

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    Background: Lymphangiomas occur most commonly in the head and neck region, while other sites are rarely affected. A combination of retroperitoneal and genital lymphangioma is very rare indeed. Though congenital, it may persist into adulthood due to missed diagnosis and inadequate or total lack of treatment. Materials and methods: A report of a 22-year-old male student who presented with recurrent multiloculated genital, thigh, groin and retroperitneal lymphangioma. He underwent surgical excision and adjuvant sclerotherapy using ethylene-diamine tetra acetic acid. Results and Conclusions: There was an initial recurrence after surgery which responded satisfactorily to sclerotherapy. Complete surgical excision of lymphangioma may be precluded by vital structures but sclerotherapy produces satisfactory resolution. The difficulties in management with limited facilities for diagnosis and treatment are highlighted

    Risk mitigation strategies and policy implications for carbon dioxide (CO 2) emission in organically-amended soils in Nigeria

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    Global food security has been a challenge, especially in Africa. This has attracted the adoption of strategies to improve soil productivity and crop yield. One of such strategies is the use of solid wastes as soil organic matter amendments. An investigation of the effects of soil amendment using poultry manure, sawdust and their mixtures on carbon dioxide (CO 2) emission, maize (Zea mays L.) growth and dry matter yield were assessed under laboratory and greenhouse conditions. Top soil obtained from unfertilized plots at the Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching and Research farm, Ile-Ife, Nigeria was used for the experiments. The organic amendments were added at the rate of 10 g/kg, treatments were in triplicates and treatment means were separated using Duncan’s Multiple Range Test at 95% level of significance. Results obtained revealed that CO 2 emission decreased while maize heights and dry matter yields significantly (P> 0.05) increased with increasing ratios of poultry manure in the poultry manure-sawdust mixtures. The CO 2 emission from poultry manure amended soil was about 61% that from sawdust amended soil while the mean height and dry matter yield in sawdust-amended soils were 84% and 52% respectively those obtained in poultry manure amended soil. This paper concludes that it is essential to design and implement policies that will guide and encourage the use of organic amendments at ratios that can enhance crop yield and mitigate CO 2 emission to the environment

    Risk mitigation strategies and policy implications for carbon dioxide (CO2) emission in organically- amended soils in Nigeria

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    Global food security has been a challenge, especially in Africa. This has attracted the adoption of strategies to improve soil productivity and crop yield. One of such strategies is the use of solid wastes as soil organic matter amendments. An investigation of the effects of soil amendment using poultry manure, sawdust and their mixtures on carbon dioxide (CO2) emission, maize (Zea mays L.) growth and dry matter yield were assessed under laboratory and greenhouse conditions. Top soil obtained from unfertilized plots at the Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching and Research farm, Ile-Ife, Nigeria was used for the experiments. The organic amendments were added at the rate of 10 g/kg, treatments were in triplicates and treatment means were separated using Duncan’s Multiple Range Test at 95% level of significance. Results obtained revealed that CO2 emission decreased while maize heights and dry matter yields significantly (P > 0.05) increased with increasing ratios of poultry manure in the poultry manure-sawdust mixtures. The CO2 emission from poultry manure amended soil was about 61% that from sawdust amended soil while the mean height and dry matter yield in sawdust-amended soils were 84% and 52% respectively those obtained in poultry manure amended soil. This paper concludes that it is essential to design and implement policies that will guide and encourage the use of organic amendments at ratios that can enhance crop yield and mitigate CO2 emission to the environment.Key words: Food security, solid waste, carbon dioxide emission, organic amendments, environment and policy

    Analysis of Sustainable Cassava Biofuel Production in Nigeria

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    Nigeria's biofuels policy advocates the adoption of cassava as feedstock for a 10%-biofuel substitution option in Nigerian transport fuel demand. This policy option is expected to address energy security and environmental consequences of using fossil fuels as the sole source of transport energy in the country. This paper appraised the technological and economic factors necessary for achieving Nigeria's cassava-based biofuel initiative at different substitution levels of 5, 10, and 15% by the Year 2020. A multi-stage energy forecasting and project analysis framework adapted from Coate's structure for technology assessment, as well as engineering economy methodology was used for the study. Technological analysis entailed determining petrol consumption projection, R&D capability, input feedstock requirements, environmental considerations and land requirement for feedstock crop production while engineering economy analysis evaluated the economic viability of the project. The results showed that petrol consumption in Nigeria and bioethanol substitution requirements were in the range of 18,285.7 – 19,142.84 thousand tons and 914.28 (5% low demand) – 2871.43 (15% high demand) thousand tons, respectively by 2020. Cassava feedstock and landmass requirements for bioethanol production were in the range of 4.64 – 14.53 million tons and 4.08 – 12.80 thousand sq. km, respectively while carbon dioxide savings were between 1.87 – 5.89 million tons by 2020. The recovery price for cassava bioethanol was estimated to be US$ 0.74/litre . Petrol being subsidised presently is harmful to the environment though it ‘oils’ the economy. Nigeria currently subsidizes petroleum products to the tune of 28% of 2011 budget. The government plans to remove this by 2012. Thus we conclude that weighing both economic and environmental benefits of bioethanol substitution in petrol consumption in Nigeria, the study showed that bioethanol production from cassava feedstock would be both technically and economically viable, provided subsidy, which depends on political will on the side of the government, is introduced for the first ten years of its implementation

    From the breast to the upper jaw: A rare case of metastatic breast cancer

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    Breast cancer is the commonest malignancy in women globally. Metastasesof advanced breast carcinoma to bones, lungs and liver are well known but spread to maxillary bone presenting as maxillary sinus and palatal swelling is rare. We present a case of advanced breast carcinoma in a female Nigerian with clinical, radiological and histopathological features of lung and right maxillary bone metastases. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported case of metastatic breast cancer to the lungs and maxilla in Nigeria. The debilitating sequelae of advanced untreated breast carcinoma in a resource limited setting with suboptimal comprehensive cancer care are highlighted. Keywords: Breast cancer; orofacial metastasis; resource limited setting, Nigeri

    Strategic issues in jatropha biofuel enterprise development in Nigeria

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    In Nigeria today, fossil fuels constitute the major source of energy for the economy with consumption costs in excess of N 654 billion for petrol, N 303.2 billion for diesel and N 194 billion for Kerosene. The global debate on Climate Change/CO 2 emissions and domestic concerns on economic, environmental and energy security implications have necessitated alterative energy options and created opportunities for sustainable biofuel enterprise in Nigeria. Jatropha curcas (known as Lapalapa in Yoruba-speaking parts of Nigeria) is an uncultivated non-food wild-species plant with great potential for bioenergy development in the country. The seeds are resistant to a high degree of aridity and contain 27-40% oil that can be processed to produce a high-quality biodiesel fuel, usable in a standard diesel engine. With estimated diesel demands in Nigeria being 3600-4200 thousand metric tonnes by 2020, there is an expansive opportunity for jatropha biofuel enterprise in the country. This study examines the strategic issues (technological, economic, environmental, and socio-cultural) governing its development and proposes policy recommendations for its successful exploitation

    Epidemiology of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus among hospitalized patients and apparently healthy individuals in Ekiti and Ondo States, Nigeria.

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    The incidence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in hospitalized patients and apparently healthy individuals was investigated in two western states of Nigeria using standard microbiological methods. One thousand and two hundred non-repeat isolates of S. aureus were recovered from the subjects. At varying degrees the isolates were resistant to cotrimoxazole (54.8%), augmentin (36.9%), pefloxacin (35.9%), gentamycin (28.3%), erythromycin (24.9%), vancomycin (10.3%), ofloxacin (5.2%) and ciprofloxacin (0.3%). One hundred and fifty six (13.0%) were resistant to methicillin out of which 4.8% and 8.2% were from healthy individuals and patients respectively. There was no correlation between prevalence of MRSA and age or sex (p < 0.05). There was no correlation between the antibiotic resistance pattern in MRSA from healthy volunteers and patients (P < 0.05). A total of 9.0%, 12.2% and 21.2% of the MRSA were resistant to 3, 4 and 5 antibiotics respectively. Antibacterial activities of five biocides examined using agar diffusion method showed that 38.5%, 53.2%, 59.6%, 61.5% and 71.8% of the MRSA were not inhibited by Izal®, Morigad®, Septol®, Dettol® and Purit® respectively, at concentrations two times higher than the in-use concentration. This finding points to the fact that MRSA occurs among patients and in the communities in the study areas, which calls for a public health concern and awareness