64 research outputs found

    Tomographie acoustique du LĂ©man

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    The main objective was to show that the acoustic tomography constitutes a new method to investigate the main hydrodynamical processes of the lake of Geneva. The work is based of the various related fields to the tomography, namely : acoustic wave propagation, signal processing and physical limnology. The development of a tomographic system was carried out so as to study the dynamics of the Great Lake by the analysis of the propagation along its small axis. This work is based on modelling of the sound propagation and its systematic comparison with experimental data. The constitution of a temperature profiles calendar is created starting from four orthogonal empirical functions constituting a fundamental information for the resolution of the tomographic problem. The modelling of the thermal destratification and of internal stationnary waves effects on the propagation validate winter measurements, which are correlated with the weather data. It is established that the qualification of the major processes controlling hydrodynamics (thermal stratification, internal waves) is possible by the analysis of sound travel times between two sites close to the banks. The main part of this work constitutes a reference for the adaptation of oceanic tomography to the case of great lakes. It suggests solutions for a best comprehension of the major processes during their phase of thermal destratification

    Localisation des premiÚres réflexions dans une salle par chrono-goniométrie acoustique

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    De plus en plus souvent, les espaces d'Ă©coute sont amenĂ©s Ă  accueillir des spectacles autres que ceux pour lesquels ils ont Ă©tĂ© conçus et dimensionnĂ©s. C'est le cas d'un auditorium classique devenant le temps d'un festival une salle de concert pour musique amplifiĂ©e, ou d'une cathĂ©drale se prĂȘtant occasionnellement Ă  des concerts de musique chorale. En pareille situation, l'acousticien n'a d'autres alternatives que d'utiliser des abat-sons ou une assistance Ă©lectroacoustique pour amĂ©liorer le confort d'Ă©coute. En crĂ©ant des rĂ©flexions prĂ©coces naturelles ou artificielles, ces dispositifs permettent de renforcer le son direct et ainsi de satisfaire auditoire et musiciens. Toutefois, si les outils actuels savent trĂšs bien estimer les dispersions temporelles de ces rĂ©flexions, il n'existe pas de mĂ©thode globale pour veiller Ă  leur bonne rĂ©partition dans la salle. Ce contexte particulier a motivĂ© le dĂ©veloppement d'un outil de qualification spatio-temporelle des rĂ©flexions prĂ©coces dans une salle. L'idĂ©e gĂ©nĂ©rale de l'approche proposĂ©e est de combiner l'information temporelle issue de la mesure d'Ă©chogrammes spatialement distribuĂ©s avec un module de localisation angulaire par triangulation. Ce dernier est basĂ© sur l'analyse des diffĂ©rences de temps de propagation qui existent au sein d'un arrangement de capteurs de gĂ©omĂ©trie connue en prĂ©sence d'une source situĂ©e en champ lointain. Par extension, on dĂ©finit la chrono-goniomĂ©trie acoustique comme une mĂ©thode de localisation active basĂ©e sur l'estimation conjointe des directions et des instants d'arrivĂ©e. AprĂšs avoir introduit le contexte de l'Ă©tude, nous formulerons le problĂšme de localisation dans une salle tout en prĂ©cisant les hypothĂšses de travail. Puis, un aperçu rĂ©aliste des performances in situ du chrono-goniomĂštre pour localiser simultanĂ©ment plusieurs rĂ©flexions sera prĂ©sentĂ©

    Adjuvant Effect of Orally Applied Preparations Containing Non-Digestible Polysaccharides on Influenza Vaccination in Healthy Seniors: A Double-Blind, Randomised, Controlled Pilot Trial.

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    Senior individuals can suffer from immunosenescence and novel strategies to bolster the immune response could contribute to healthy ageing. In this double-blind, randomised, controlled pilot trial, we investigated the ability of non-digestible polysaccharide (NPS) preparations to enhance the immune response in a human vaccination model. In total, 239 subjects (aged 50-79 years) were randomised to consume one of five different NPS (yeast ÎČ-glucan (YBG), shiitake ÎČ-glucan (SBG), oat ÎČ-glucan (OBG), arabinoxylan (AX), bacterial exopolysaccharide (EPS)) or control (CTRL) product daily for five weeks. After two weeks of intervention, subjects were vaccinated with seasonal influenza vaccine. The post-vaccination increases in haemagglutination inhibition antibody titres and seroprotection rate against the influenza strains were non-significantly enhanced in the NPS intervention groups compared to CTRL. Specifically, a trend towards a higher mean log2 fold increase was observed in the AX group (uncorrected p = 0.074) combined with a trend for an increased seroprotection rate, AX group (48.7%) compared to CTRL (25.6%) (uncorrected p = 0.057), for the influenza A H1N1 strain. Subjects consuming AX also had a reduced incidence of common colds compared to CTRL (1 vs. 8; p = 0.029 in Fisher exact test). No adverse effects of NPS consumption were reported. The findings of this pilot study warrant further research to study AX as an oral adjuvant to support vaccine efficacy

    Etude d'une antenne octaédrique pour la localisation de sources sonores compétitives

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    L'environnement industriel ou urbain peut ĂȘtre composĂ© de nombreuses sources nuisibles compĂ©titives. Les stratĂ©gies optimales pour rĂ©duire le bruit nĂ©cessitent en amont une connaissance la plus prĂ©cise possible des caractĂ©ristiques acoustiques et physiques de ces sources. Ce document propose une mĂ©thode pour localiser et estimer la puissance acoustique de plusieurs sources de bruit simultanĂ©ment. Par opposition aux mĂ©thodes les plus classiques impliquant des microphones directifs ou des systĂšmes d'antennerie dit Ă  formation de voie pour lesquels les performances dĂ©pendent fortement de la qualitĂ© et/ou du nombre de microphones utilisĂ©s (gĂ©nĂ©ralement important), nous utiliserons des microphones omnidirectionnels en nombre limitĂ©. BasĂ© sur les intercorrĂ©lations entre microphones, le traitement combinatoire proposĂ© est illustrĂ© par des simulations et une expĂ©rience en salle anĂ©choĂŻque dans lesquelles une antenne tridimensionnelle doit localiser et comparer l'Ă©nergie de haut-parleurs alĂ©atoirement distribuĂ©s dans l'espace. Dans cette Ă©tude les sources sont considĂ©rĂ©es monopolaires, large bande, immobiles, stationnaires et dĂ©corellĂ©es deux Ă  deux

    Measurement of sound efficiency of trailing edge serrations (TES) on wind turbines in the Jura mountains

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    ADEV Windkraft AG operates two wind turbines in St-Brais (Jura mountains in Switzerland). Given the particular topography and the proximity of the dwellings, the noise of wind turbines is clearly audible even if the immission limit values are respected. To overcome this effect, a retrofit of the blades has been done through the integration of trailing edge serrations (TES).The main purpose of the study was to quantify the efficiency of the TES through the comparison on measurements done before and after the retrofit, measurements done at IEC61400-11: 2012 distances and at dwellings. The measurement protocol and all the data collected made it possible to extract reliable statistics for all the operating conditions of the wind turbines. The comparison of sound levels by wind speed class before and after installation of the trailing edge serrations (TES) shows that the reduction of the noise level of wind noise is between 2 dB and 4 dB at the emission for upper wind 6m/s at hub height. This paper presents the measurement campaign and the data analysi
