1,235 research outputs found

    FIRe glider: Mapping in situ chlorophyll variable fluorescence with autonomous underwater gliders

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    Nutrient and light availability regulate phytoplankton physiology and photosynthesis in the ocean. These physiological processes are difficult to sample in time and space over physiologically and ecologically relevant scales using traditional shipboard techniques. Gliders are changing the nature of data collection, by allowing a sustained presence at sea over regional scales, collecting data at resolution not possible using traditional techniques. The integration of a fluorescence induction and relaxation (FIRe) sensor in a Slocum glider allows autonomous high‐resolution and vertically‐resolved measurements of photosynthetic physiological variables together with oceanographic data. In situ measurements of variable fluorescence under ambient light allows a better understanding of the physical controls of primary production (PP). We demonstrate this capability in a laboratory setting and with several glider deployments in the Southern Ocean. Development of these approaches will allow for the in situ evaluation of phytoplankton light stress and photoacclimation mechanisms, as well as the role of vertical mixing in phytoplankton dynamics and the underlying physiology, especially in remote locations and for prolonged duration

    A cDNA for Dunaliella tertiolecta Cytosol Ribosomal Protein S11

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    Inhibition of nitrogenase by oxygen in marine cyanobacteria controls the global nitrogen and oxygen cycles

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    International audienceCyanobacterial N2-fixation supplies the vast majority of biologically accessible inorganic nitrogen to nutrient-poor aquatic ecosystems. The process, catalyzed by the heterodimeric protein complex, nitrogenase, is thought to predate that of oxygenic photosynthesis. Remarkably, while the enzyme plays such a critical role in Earth's biogeochemical cycles, the activity of nitrogenase in cyanobacteria is markedly inhibited in vivo at a post-translational level by the concentration of O2 in the contemporary atmosphere leading to metabolic and biogeochemical inefficiency in N2 fixation. We illustrate this crippling effect with data from Trichodesmium spp. an important contributor of "new nitrogen" to the world's subtropical and tropical oceans. The enzymatic inefficiency of nitrogenase imposes a major elemental taxation on diazotrophic cyanobacteria both in the costs of protein synthesis and for scarce trace elements, such as iron. This restriction has, in turn, led to a global limitation of fixed nitrogen in the contemporary oceans and provides a strong biological control on the upper bound of oxygen concentration in Earth's atmosphere

    Holography, Pade Approximants and Deconstruction

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    We investigate the relation between holographic calculations in 5D and the Migdal approach to correlation functions in large N theories. The latter employs Pade approximation to extrapolate short distance correlation functions to large distances. We make the Migdal/5D relation more precise by quantifying the correspondence between Pade approximation and the background and boundary conditions in 5D. We also establish a connection between the Migdal approach and the models of deconstructed dimensions.Comment: 28 page

    Multi-nutrient, multi-group model of present and future oceanic phytoplankton communities

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    International audiencePhytoplankton community composition profoundly affects patterns of nutrient cycling and the dynamics of marine food webs; therefore predicting present and future phytoplankton community structure is crucial to understand how ocean ecosystems respond to physical forcing and nutrient limitations. We develop a mechanistic model of phytoplankton communities that includes multiple taxonomic groups (diatoms, coccolithophores and prasinophytes), nutrients (nitrate, ammonium, phosphate, silicate and iron), light, and a generalist zooplankton grazer. Each taxonomic group was parameterized based on an extensive literature survey. We test the model at two contrasting sites in the modern ocean, the North Atlantic (North Atlantic Bloom Experiment, NABE) and subarctic North Pacific (ocean station Papa, OSP). The model successfully predicts general patterns of community composition and succession at both sites: In the North Atlantic, the model predicts a spring diatom bloom, followed by coccolithophore and prasinophyte blooms later in the season. In the North Pacific, the model reproduces the low chlorophyll community dominated by prasinophytes and coccolithophores, with low total biomass variability and high nutrient concentrations throughout the year. Sensitivity analysis revealed that the identity of the most sensitive parameters and the range of acceptable parameters differed between the two sites. We then use the model to predict community reorganization under different global change scenarios: a later onset and extended duration of stratification, with shallower mixed layer depths due to increased greenhouse gas concentrations; increase in deep water nitrogen; decrease in deep water phosphorus and increase or decrease in iron concentration. To estimate uncertainty in our predictions, we used a Monte Carlo sampling of the parameter space where future scenarios were run using parameter combinations that produced acceptable modern day outcomes and the robustness of the predictions was determined. Change in the onset and duration of stratification altered the timing and the magnitude of the spring diatom bloom in the North Atlantic and increased total phytoplankton and zooplankton biomass in the North Pacific. Changes in nutrient concentrations in some cases changed dominance patterns of major groups, as well as total chlorophyll and zooplankton biomass. Based on these scenarios, our model suggests that global environmental change will inevitably alter phytoplankton community structure and potentially impact global biogeochemical cycles

    Neutron-Electron EDM Correlations in Supersymmetry and Prospects for EDM Searches

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    Motivated by recent progress in experimental techniques of electric dipole moment (EDM) measurements, we study correlations between the neutron and electron EDMs in common supersymmetric models. These include minimal supergravity (mSUGRA) with small CP phases, mSUGRA with a heavy SUSY spectrum, the decoupling scenario and split SUSY. In most cases, the electron and neutron EDMs are found to be observable in the next round of EDM experiments. They exhibit certain correlation patterns. For example, if d_n ~ 10^{-27} e cm is found, d_e is predicted to lie in the range 10^{-28}-10^{-29} e cm.Comment: 16 pages,12 figures. To appear in JHEP. A note on stability of the correlations added in Conclusions; refs. and footnotes adde

    Moduli stabilization with positive vacuum energy

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    We study the effect of anomalous U(1) gauge groups in string theory compactification with fluxes. We find that, in a gauge invariant formulation, consistent AdS vacua appear breaking spontaneously supergravity. Non vanishing D-terms from the anomalous symmetry act as an uplifting potential and could allow for de Sitter vacua. However, we show that in this case the gravitino is generically (but not always) much heavier than the electroweak scale. We show that alternative uplifting scheme based on corrections to the Kahler potential can be compatible with a gravitino mass in the TeV range.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figur

    Light intensity regulation of cab gene transcription is signaled by the redox state of the plastoquinone pool.

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    The eukaryotic green alga Dunaliella tertiolecta acclimates to decreased growth irradiance by increasing cellular levels of light-harvesting chlorophyll protein complex apoproteins associated with photosystem II (LHCIIs), whereas increased growth irradiance elicits the opposite response. Nuclear run-on transcription assays and measurements of cab mRNA stability established that light intensity-dependent changes in LHCII are controlled at the level of transcription. cab gene transcription in high-intensity light was partially enhanced by reducing plastoquinone with 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethyl urea (DCMU), whereas it was repressed in low-intensity light by partially inhibiting the oxidation of plastoquinol with 2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropyl-p-benzoquinone (DBMIB). Uncouplers of photosynthetic electron transport and inhibition of water splitting had no effect on LHCII levels. These results strongly implicate the redox state of the plastoquinone pool in the chloroplast as a photon-sensing system that is coupled to the light-intensity regulation of nuclear-encoded cab gene transcription. The accumulation of cellular chlorophyll at low-intensity light can be blocked with cytoplasmically directed phosphatase inhibitors, such as okadaic acid, microcystin L-R, and tautomycin. Gel mobility-shift assays revealed that cells grown in high-intensity light contained proteins that bind to the promoter region of a cab gene carrying sequences homologous to higher plant light-responsive elements. On the basis of these experimental results, we propose a model for a light intensity signaling system where cab gene expression is reversibly repressed by a phosphorylated factor coupled to the redox status of plastoquinone through a chloroplast protein kinase

    Supersymmetric Boundaries and Junctions in Four Dimensions

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    We make a comprehensive study of (rigid) N=1 supersymmetric sigma-models with general K\"ahler potentials K and superpotentials w on four-dimensional space-times with boundaries. We determine the minimal (non-supersymmetric) boundary terms one must add to the standard bulk action to make it off-shell invariant under half the supersymmetries without imposing any boundary conditions. Susy boundary conditions do arise from the variational principle when studying the dynamics. Upon including an additional boundary action that depends on an arbitrary real boundary potential B one can generate very general susy boundary conditions. We show that for any set of susy boundary conditions that define a Lagrangian submanifold of the K\"ahler manifold, an appropriate boundary potential B can be found. Thus the non-linear sigma-model on a manifold with boundary is characterised by the tripel (K,B,w). We also discuss the susy coupling to new boundary superfields and generalize our results to supersymmetric junctions between completely different susy sigma-models, living on adjacent domains and interacting through a "permeable" wall. We obtain the supersymmetric matching conditions that allow us to couple models with different K\"ahler potentials and superpotentials on each side of the wall.Comment: 38 pages, 1 figur
