27 research outputs found

    Application of green chemistry in decreasing adverse effect of (R,S)-ibuprofen

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    Lipases from Candida rugosa (OF and MY) were tested for their application in the enzymatic kinetic resolution of (R,S)-ibuprofen by enantioselective esterification. In this study, screening of enzymes was performed, and lipase MY was selected as an optimal catalyst, which allows to obtain products with high enantiopurity. Additionally, the influence of reaction time on the enantiomeric ratio and conversion was tested. High values of enantiomeric ratio (E in the range of 40.1–71.3) of the esterification of (R,S)- -ibuprofen were obtained using lipase MY, which has a great significance in the field of pharmaceutical synthesis of drugs. The chiral compounds (substrates and products) were analysed with the use of chiral stationary phases. As a result of the optimization, the reaction performed with the application of lipase MY allowed to achieve less toxic for human health (S)-enantiomer of ibuprofen with the high enantiomeric excess of product eep = 95%. Conversion of the reaction was c = 30.6% and enantioselectivity E = 58.9 after 126 h of incubation

    Photosensitizers based on porphyrin derivatives as a potential photodynamic agent

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    Photodynamic therapy (PDT) can be defined as the administration of photosensitizer either systemically, locally, or topically to a patient bearing a lesion (frequently but not always cancer), followed after some time by the illumination of the lesion with visible light (usually long wavelength red light). In the presence of molecular oxygen it leads to the generation of cytotoxic species and consequently to cell death and tissue destruction. The singlet oxygen have high reactivity and short half-life. Due to this, PDT directly affects only those biological substrates that are close to the region where these species are generated, usually within a 20 nanometers radius. Therefore, photosensitizers localization is a primary factor in drug release studies to target tissues because it selectivity promotes localized sensitization. In this study, the photosensitive compounds (G0, G1, G2) based on the rings porphyrin were synthesized and characterized (SEM, ATR-IR, NMR, thermal analysis). These molecules were also incorporated into chitosan films. The two step synthesis towards novel macrocycles were elaborated: alkylation reactions and macrocyclization reactions. The photostability of the obtained photosensitizers using high pressure mercury vapour lamp was examined. In the absorption spectra two characteristic bands for the obtained compound are observed: the Soret band located in the range of 300-400 nm and the Q band within 600-800 nm. The amount of produced singlet oxygen at ambient temperature in aerobic conditions was also determined. The lowest value of singlet oxygen quantum yield revealed G0 and the highest revealed G1. The aggregation study was also performed. This phenomenon is well-known especially for phthalocyanines and porphyrin derivatives. The results of the obtained compounds were compared with the results of the commercially available porphyrins. Bibliography: [1] D.P. Ferreiraa, D.S. Conceiçãoa, R.C. Calhelhac, T. Sousaa, Radu Socoteanub, I.C.F.R. Ferreirac, L.F. Vieira Ferreira, Carbohydrate Polymers 2016, 151, 160-171. [2] G.M. Fioramonti Calixto, J. Bernegossi, L. Marise de Freitas, C. R. Fontana, M. Chorilli, Molecules 2016, 21, 342-360. The project was supported by research grant: National Science Centre 2015/19/N/NZ7/0293

    Diagnosis and treatment of rhabdomyosarcomas

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    Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is a soft tissue sarcoma. The primary tumor is most commonly localized in the head and neck, the urogenital system, or the limbs. Classification by the World Health Organization has distinguished four histopathological RMS subtypes: embryonal, alveolar, pleomorphic, and spindle cell/sclerosing. Differential diagnosis of RMS includes melanoma, malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerve sheaths, liposarcoma, and PEComa. Among typical cytogenetic changes in RMS are chromosomal translocations t(2;13)(q35;q14) and t(1;13) (p36;q14). They lead to the formation of fusion genes that have a prognostic value. In the course of RMS, changes may also be present in signaling pathways, including RAS-PI3K, Wnt/b-catenin, receptor tyrosine kinase pathways, and myogenesis regulation. In 30% of patients at the time of diagnosis of RMS, distant metastases are present, most commonly to lungs, lymph nodes, bones, and bone marrow. Treatment of patients with RMS requires a multidisciplinary approach, and steadily perfected diagnostic techniques contribute to the individualization of therapeutic strategies. Optimal treatment of localized RMS is based on surgery combined with radiotherapy and chemotherapy. If distant metastases are present, the basic therapeutic method is multidrug chemotherapy, most frequently based on vincristine, dactinomycin, ifosfamide/cyclophosphamide, and etoposide. Despite intensive treatment, the 5-year survival index for RMS is not greater than 50%. There are still no unequivocal guidelines concerning the treatment in patients with local or distant recurrences

    Zalecenia dotyczące postępowania diagnostyczno-terapeutycznego u chorych na pierwotne nowotwory złośliwe kości

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    Mięsaki kości u dorosłych stanowią heterogenną grupę bardzo rzadkich nowotworów pochodzenia mezenchymalnego (poniżej 0,5% nowotworów złośliwych u dorosłych). Prawidłowe rozpoznanie i skuteczne leczenie skojarzone pierwotnych nowotworów kości są sumą współpracy radiologów, chirurgów onkologów i chirurgów ortopedów, onkologów klinicznych, radioterapeutów, rehabilitantów, patologów, specjalistów medycyny nuklearnej i biologów molekularnych. Bezwzględnym warunkiem w diagnostyce i leczeniu pierwotnych nowotworów złośliwych kości jest wielodyscyplinarna współpraca wielospecjalistyczna w doświadczonych ośrodkach. Polepszenie diagnostyki mięsaków kości, wprowadzenie zasad terapii skojarzonej i postęp technologiczny spowodowały rozszerzenie wskazań do stosowania operacji oszczędzających kończynę oraz poprawiły odległe wyniki leczenia

    Internal Audit as a Tool for Combating Economic Fraud. Case Study of the Misappropriation Process of Company’s Assets

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    The paper deals with the problem of economic fraud and the role of Internal Audit as a tool for preventing it. As the economic downturn intensifies, the possibility of disputes and other difficulties arises more frequently. More often employees and contracting parties try to shift their own losses on to other economic entities. When internal rules are broken or either are not established, organizations are exposed to risks and problems that they are often not used to dealing with. As the analyzed case study showed threats of an economic fraud can come also from inside the company. Embezzlement concerning expense reimbursement is one of the most “popular” ways to steal money from inside the company. To prevent such situations from happening Internal Audit Unit has to perform assurance and consulting actions to deter this particular and any other type of fraud. When the actual fraud occurs an important element, is the properly divide roles between an internal auditor and the forensic specialist who is adequately prepared to lead the investigation, find evidence, and bring fraudsters to justice

    Hedge Funds As a Alternative Investment Opportunities

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    Hedge fund which became a popular alternative investment is a collective term for different types of investment fund. A common feature of these funds is that they have absolute earnings targets, that is they set targets for earnings irrespective of developments on, for example, the stock exchange. The paper deals with the current problem of the financial crisis and the effect it made worldwide for many institutional and private investors. It discusses the role played by hedge funds in developments on the financial markets, and to what extent they are affected by the effects of the crisis, as a recurring feature of every financial crisis. It also shows a wind range of strategies used by hedge funds to achieve their goal

    Financialization of commodities

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    The basic theory of price formation tells us how the price of a particular asset will change based on the adjustment to its supply and demand. However, values of assets are also determined by other business fundamentals, company’s and world events, human psychology, and investors’ belief about the possible future profit. In recent history that lead to an increase of individual and institutional investors’ interest in allocating their resources in commodity markets. With a large inflow of capital commodities’ prices started to rise making them attractive components to effective investment portfolios. The presented paper addresses the issue of so called commodities ‘financialization’ process. It looks at the main factors standing behind commodities’ price movements and to what extent financial market participants contributed to commodities price volatility in recent years. Based on the data examined it distinguishes the involvement of both commercial and non-commercial traders in short and long term periods of time. As well as explaining the impact of growing investors’ interest in commodity markets it defines other market forces - like currency appreciations and emerging markets - as being part of increased volatility in raw and soft commodity markets. Along with market examination the paper focuses on possible future outcomes in attempts to regulate commodities derivatives markets and potential effects of those efforts