930 research outputs found

    Multiple cyclotron line-forming regions in GX 301-2

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    We present two observations of the high-mass X-ray binary GX 301-2 with NuSTAR, taken at different orbital phases and different luminosities. We find that the continuum is well described by typical phenomenological models, like a very strongly absorbed NPEX model. However, for a statistically acceptable description of the hard X-ray spectrum we require two cyclotron resonant scattering features (CRSF), one at ~35 keV and the other at ~50 keV. Even though both features strongly overlap, the good resolution and sensitivity of NuSTAR allows us to disentangle them at >=99.9% significance. This is the first time that two CRSFs are seen in GX 301-2. We find that the CRSFs are very likely independently formed, as their energies are not harmonically related and, if it were a single line, the deviation from a Gaussian shape would be very large. We compare our results to archival Suzaku data and find that our model also provides a good fit to those data. We study the behavior of the continuum as well as the CRSF parameters as function of pulse phase in seven phase bins. We find that the energy of the 35 keV CRSF varies smoothly as function of phase, between 30-38 keV. To explain this variation, we apply a simple model of the accretion column, taking the altitude of the line-forming region, the velocity of the in-falling material, and the resulting relativistic effects into account. We find that in this model the observed energy variation can be explained simply due to a variation of the projected velocity and beaming factor of the line forming region towards us.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Poxviral/Retroviral Chimeric Vectors Allow Cytoplasmic Production of Transducing Defective Retroviral Particles

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    AbstractDefective vaccinia viruses were constructed that express functional Moloney murine leukemia virus-based vector genomes, giving rise to substantial titers of transduction-competent retrovirus particles after infection of a retroviral packaging cell line. For this purpose, the proviral retrovirus genome, engineered into the vaccinia virus mutant, was subjected to several modifications, including the replacement of retroviral promoter sequences by vaccinia virus sequences and the precise fusion of the transcription stop signal downstream of and the removal of such signals within the transcription unit, allowing cytoplasmic transcription of distinct full-length retroviral transcripts. Vaccinia-mediated expression of retroviral vector particles could be observed as early as 3 h postinfection and resulted in stable transduction of NIH/3T3 target cells at higher titers than the control performed by conventional plasmid transfections. Thus at least part of the vaccinia life cycle and retroviral assembly can occur concomitantly. Due to the favorable properties of vaccinia vectors, including high coding capacity, stability, and wide host range, defective vaccinia viral/retroviral chimeric vectors are promising tools for gene therapy applications

    Formation of phase lags at the cyclotron energies in the pulse profiles of magnetized, accreting neutron stars

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    Context: Accretion-powered X-ray pulsars show highly energy-dependent and complex pulse-profile morphologies. Significant deviations from the average pulse profile can appear, in particular close to the cyclotron line energies. These deviations can be described as energy-dependent phase lags, that is, as energy-dependent shifts of main features in the pulse profile. Aims: Using a numerical study we explore the effect of cyclotron resonant scattering on observable, energy-resolved pulse profiles. Methods: We generated the observable emission as a function of spin phase, using Monte Carlo simulations for cyclotron resonant scattering and a numerical ray-tracing routine accounting for general relativistic light-bending effects on the intrinsic emission from the accretion columns. Results: We find strong changes in the pulse profile coincident with the cyclotron line energies. Features in the pulse profile vary strongly with respect to the average pulse profile with the observing geometry and shift and smear out in energy additionally when assuming a non-static plasma. Conclusions: We demonstrate how phase lags at the cyclotron energies arise as a consequence of the effects of angular redistribution of X-rays by cyclotron resonance scattering in a strong magnetic field combined with relativistic effects. We also show that phase lags are strongly dependent on the accretion geometry. These intrinsic effects will in principle allow us to constrain a system's accretion geometry.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; updated reference lis

    Cyclotron resonant scattering feature simulations. I. Thermally averaged cyclotron scattering cross sections, mean free photon-path tables, and electron momentum sampling

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    Electron cyclotron resonant scattering features (CRSFs) are observed as absorption-like lines in the spectra of X-ray pulsars. A significant fraction of the computing time for Monte Carlo simulations of these quantum mechanical features is spent on the calculation of the mean free path for each individual photon before scattering, since it involves a complex numerical integration over the scattering cross section and the (thermal) velocity distribution of the scattering electrons. We aim to numerically calculate interpolation tables which can be used in CRSF simulations to sample the mean free path of the scattering photon and the momentum of the scattering electron. The tables also contain all the information required for sampling the scattering electron's final spin. The tables were calculated using an adaptive Simpson integration scheme. The energy and angle grids were refined until a prescribed accuracy is reached. The tables are used by our simulation code to produce artificial CRSF spectra. The electron momenta sampled during these simulations were analyzed and justified using theoretically determined boundaries. We present a complete set of tables suited for mean free path calculations of Monte Carlo simulations of the cyclotron scattering process for conditions expected in typical X-ray pulsar accretion columns (0.01<B/B_{crit}<=0.12, where B_{crit}=4.413x10^{13} G and 3keV<=kT<15keV). The sampling of the tables is chosen such that the results have an estimated relative error of at most 1/15 for all points in the grid. The tables are available online at http://www.sternwarte.uni-erlangen.de/research/cyclo.Comment: A&A, in pres

    Technology transfer of dynamic IT outsourcing requires security measures in SLAs

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    For the present efforts in dynamic IT outsourcing environments like Grid or Cloud computing security and trust are ongoing issues. SLAs are a proved remedy to build up trust in outsourcing relations. Therefore, it is necessary to determine whether SLAs can improve trust from the perspective of the outsourcing customer by integration of security measures. The conducted survey indicates that customers see SLAs as an approach to increase their level of trust in IT outsourcing partners. In addition, security measures in SLAs are of high relevance to support trust but not yet integrated appropriately. However, SLAs are very important for the technology transfer of eScience projects in Grid computing. Again, Grid based outsourcing of biomedical IT services requires security measures in SLAs. Thus, the technology transfer process of dynamic IT outsourcing infrastructures requires adequate SLAs in order to be successful


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    Gerald L. Stokka et al., Bovine Leukosis, Kansas State University, November 1998

    Evaluation of antigens for the serodiagnosis of kala-azar and oriental sores by means of the indirect immunofluorescence antibody test (IFAT)

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    Antigens and corresponding sera were collected from travellers with leishmaniasis returning to Germany from different endemic areas of the old world. The antigenicity of these Leishmania strains, which were maintained in Syrian hamsters, was compared by indirect immunofluorescence (IFAT). Antigenicity was demonstrated by antibody titres in 18 sera from 11 patients. The amastigotic stages of nine strains of Leishmania donovani and four strains of Leishmania tropica were compared with each other and with the culture forms of insect flagellates (Strigomonas oncopelti and Leptomonas ctenocephali). Eighteen sera from 11 patients were available for antibody determination with these antigens. The maximal antibody titres in a single serum varied considerably depending on which antigen was used for the test. High antibody levels could only be maintained when Leishmania donovani was employed as the antigen, but considerable differences also occurred between the different strains of this species. The other antigens were weaker. No differences in antigenicity between amastigotes and promastigotes of the same strain were observed. It is important to select suitable antigens. Low titres may be of doubtful specificity and are a poor baseline for the fall in titre which is an essential index of effective treatment.Wir sammelten Parasiten und Seren von Reisenden, die aus verschiedenen endemischen Gebieten der Alten Welt mit einer Leishmaniasis nach Deutschland zurĂŒckkehrten. Die AntigenaktivitĂ€ten der isolierten und fortlaufend in Goldhamstern gehaltenenLeishmania-StĂ€mme wurden im indirekten Immunofluoreszenztest (IFAT) verglichen. Die AntigenitĂ€t wurde an Hand von Antikörpertitern in 18 Serumproben von 11 Patienten bewiesen. Neun StĂ€mme desLeishmania donovani-Komplexes und vierLeishmania tropica-Isolate wurden in ihrem amastigoten Stadium miteinander verglichen. Hinzu kamen zwei Insekten-Flagellaten als Kulturformen:Strigomonas oncopelti undLeptomonas ctenocephali. 18 Serumproben von 11 Patienten standen fĂŒr die Antikörperbestimmung mit diesen Antigenen zur VerfĂŒgung. Die maximalen Titerhöhen variierten in ein- und derselben antiserumprobe zum Teil erheblich, je nachdem, welches Antigen fĂŒr den Test benutzt wurde. Hohe Antikörpertiter konnten nur erhalten werden, wennLeishmania donovani als Antigen vorlag, es ergaben sich aber auch zwischen den einzelnen StĂ€mmen dieser Leishmaniaart erhebliche Unterschiede in der AntigenaktivitĂ€t. Antigene anderer Art erwiesen sich als wenig wirksam. Zwischen amastigoten und promastigoten Entwicklungsformen einesLeishmania donovani-Stammes konnten keine Unterschiede in der AntigenaktivitĂ€t erkannt werden. FĂŒr den Nachweis möglichst hoher Antikörpertiter im IFAT ist die Auswahl geeigneter Antigene von ausschlaggebender Bedeutung. Niedrige Titer erschweren deren Beurteilung als spezifisch und sind eine schlechte Ausgangsposition fĂŒr die Beobachtung des obligatorischen Titerabfalles nach erfolgreicher Therapie

    Auf dem Weg zur individualisierten Medizin - Grid-basierte Services fĂŒr die EPA der Zukunft.

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    Personalized Medicine is of paramount interest for many areas in Medical Informatics. Therefore genotype data as well a phenotype data about patients have to be available. This data will be stored in Electronic Health Records or – patient controlled - in Personal Health Records. As the amount of (raw) data is rising continuously, methods for a secure data administration have to be found. Grid Services offer data storage, can support data retrieval and the presentation of the data. The basic security services could be provided by the German health professional infrastructure, but there are many security challenges to be faced
