214 research outputs found


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    What qualities should admission criteria identify in applicants to teacher education programs in order to select those that should be admitted into the program from those applying? One approach to addressing this selection problem is to link the desired qualities of applicants to the desired qualities with which students in the program are to graduate. In this paper I, first, reconstruct in some detail an approach that puts at its centre a functional relationship between these two types of qualities. Then I discuss the challenges of this approach and offer a second approach to the admission problem that does not face the same kind of challenges. The second approach puts at its centre the linking of the selection problem to the design of the teacher education program itself

    Efficient Machine-type Communication using Multi-metric Context-awareness for Cars used as Mobile Sensors in Upcoming 5G Networks

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    Upcoming 5G-based communication networks will be confronted with huge increases in the amount of transmitted sensor data related to massive deployments of static and mobile Internet of Things (IoT) systems. Cars acting as mobile sensors will become important data sources for cloud-based applications like predictive maintenance and dynamic traffic forecast. Due to the limitation of available communication resources, it is expected that the grows in Machine-Type Communication (MTC) will cause severe interference with Human-to-human (H2H) communication. Consequently, more efficient transmission methods are highly required. In this paper, we present a probabilistic scheme for efficient transmission of vehicular sensor data which leverages favorable channel conditions and avoids transmissions when they are expected to be highly resource-consuming. Multiple variants of the proposed scheme are evaluated in comprehensive realworld experiments. Through machine learning based combination of multiple context metrics, the proposed scheme is able to achieve up to 164% higher average data rate values for sensor applications with soft deadline requirements compared to regular periodic transmission.Comment: Best Student Paper Awar

    On Conceptualizing Child Well-Being: Drawing on Disciplinary Understandings of Childhood

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    Given the greater attention to student well-being as a concern for school education in Canada and beyond, this article is concerned with the questions of whether, and in what way, the well-being of children should be differently conceptualized than that of adults. This theoretical article responds to these questions and argues that the conceptual distinction needs to be grounded in an understanding of childhood (i.e., the socially constructed understanding of the life of children). First, the article extracts core understandings of childhood from four scholarly disciplines that are each concerned with children. Then the article develops an integrative view of childhood by drawing on these four disciplinary understandings. Finally, the article identifies implications of this integrative view of childhood for any conceptualization of child well-being. Keywords: child well-being, student well-being, childhoodCompte tenu de l’attention accrue accordée au bien-être des élèves par les systèmes d’éducation au Canada et ailleurs, le présent article vise à découvrir si et comment le bien-être des enfants devrait être conceptualisé différemment de celui des adultes. Cette étude théorique répond à ces questions et soutient que la distinction conceptuelle doit être fondée sur une compréhension de l’enfance (c’est-à-dire la compréhension socialement construite de la vie des enfants). Elle présente d’abord les principales conceptions de l’enfance extraites de quatre disciplines universitaires qui s’intéressent aux enfants. Elle développe ensuite une vision intégrative de l’enfance en s’appuyant sur ces quatre principes disciplinaires. Enfin, elle détermine les implications de cette vision intégrative de l’enfance pour toute conceptualisation du bien-être de l’enfant. Mots-clés : bien-être des enfants, bien-être des élèves, enfanc

    The Role and Status of Food and Nutrition Literacy in Canadian School Curricula

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    The obesity epidemic in North America has given greater attention to food and nutrition literacy in Canadian schools. However, the review of relevant literature on food and nutrition literacy reveals quite a range of understandings of what such literacy means. This raises the question of what understanding of food and nutrition literacy is actually represented in Canadian curriculum documents, considering that it is the curriculum that primarily drives teaching and learning in schools? Using a document analysis approach, the study reported upon in this article enquires into this very question. While the study finds a range of conceptualizations represented across provinces, territories and subject areas, it identifies the preferred framing of food and nutrition literacy as being related to food consumption and health at the individual level.L’épidémie d’obésité en Amérique du nord a attiré une plus grande attention vers les connaissances en nutrition et en alimentation dans les écoles. Par contre, un examen de la littérature sur le sujet a révélé toute une gamme d’interprétations de ce qu’est une éducation en nutrition et en alimentation. La question suivante se pose alors : quelle représentation fait-on de la nutrition et l’alimentation dans les programmes d’études au Canada, le curriculum étant surtout ce qui véhicule ces connaissances? S’appuyant sur une approche d’analyse de documents, la présente étude s’est penchée sur cette question. Les résultats indiquent qu’il existe un éventail de conceptualisations selon les provinces, les territoires et la matière à l’étude, et que le cadre préféré pour aborder la consommation alimentaire et la santé repose sur l’individu. 

    Inner Work: Foundational to Contemplative and Holistic Education

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    In this interview (conducted by Heesoon Bai), Avraham Cohen and Thomas Falkenberg speak about the origin and practice of their respective inner work and about the need for and ways of bringing more inner work into the world

    Examining the Nature of Theory–Practice Relationships in Initial Teacher Education: A Canadian Case Study

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    In this case study, the authors examined how theory practice relationships were conceptualized and enacted in a new teacher preparation program. As well, the issues and tensions associated with theory–practice dynamics were explored. More specifically, the authors explored two questions: (a) What is the nature of theory–practice relationships in a new teacher preparation program? (b) What tensions will arise as theory–practice relationships are manifested in this new teacher preparation program? Through the analysis of a number of qualitative data sets, insights are shared about program design, practices, andpedagogy, as well as the perspectives of teacher educators and teacher candidates on the nature of theory–practice relationships in their teacher preparation programs. Implications for teacher educators and teacher preparation are discussed

    Philosophy as a way of caring in teacher education

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    ABSTRACT. In Ancient Greek philosophizing was understood as a practice to improve oneself. Recently, philosophical counseling has picked up this idea. At around the same time ethics of care was developed as an alternative approach to traditional ways of understanding ethics and moral education. Although suggestions for the use of a framework of an ethic of care in the preparation of teachers have been made, how to address the challenges and predicaments for student teachers within such an approach have not been addressed. This paper argues that the problems and predicaments student teachers face in learning to teach and becoming a teacher in care-ethical focused teacher education programs are structurally similar to those philosophical counselors address with their clients. Hence, the counseling approach in philosophical counseling provides a ready-made model for addressing these problems and predicaments in the preparation of student teachers

    Civil-military relations and its problems: Germany and Russia

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    This study is an attempt to compare civil-military relations and its problems in Germany and Russia and to analyse the following overall question : what are the Problems and Challenges of Civi1-Military Relations in Theory, History, Present Time, and Future? The thesis examines five selected issues of civil-military relations and its problems to analyse the overall question and to substantiate the overall thesis : Theory, German history, the Federal Republic of Germany, Russian history, and the Russian Federation I Russia. The present Russian government should analyse the German case to find some answers to the problems of democratization and civil-military relations. But Russia must keep in mind the historical context and the specific circumstances of democratization as well as Innere Fuhrung in Germany after World War II. The central problem is whether Russia will be able to establish a viable democracy like the Federal Republic of Germany after World War II or will relapse into authoritarianism, post-totalitarianism or even totalitarianism and a passion for empire-building and hegemony, like Nazi Germany after the failure of the Weimar Republic. This is really a problem because contemporary Russia seems Weimar Republic than with the Federal Republic of Germanyhttp://archive.org/details/civilmilitaryrel00falkMajor i.G., German ArmyApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Views on and Practices of Integrating Theory and Practice in Teacher Education Programs in Atlantic Canada

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    The need for and lack of integration of theory and practice in initial teacher education programs has been discussed as a central issue for teacher education. This article reports on a study that surveyed university-based teacher educators in Atlantic Canada on their perspectives regarding how theory and practice can be integrated, how they and the programs they work in integrate theory and practice, and what challenges they perceive for the integration of theory and practice in their own teaching and the teacher education programs within which they work. Un enjeu central qui ressort des discussions sur la formation des enseignants est le besoin d’intégrer la théorie et la pratique dans les programmes de formation initiale. Cet article rend compte d’une étude impliquant une enquête auprès de formateurs universitaires d’enseignants dans le Canada atlantique pour connaitre leur points de vue sur les façons d’intégrer la théorie et la pratique, et sur les défis qu’ils perçoivent pour l’intégration de la théorie et la pratique dans leur propre enseignement et dans les programmes de formation des enseignants au sein desquels ils travaillent
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