10,586 research outputs found

    Injector design guidelines for gas/liquid propellant systems

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    Injector design guidelines are provided for gas/liquid propellant systems. Information was obtained from a 30-month applied research program encompassing an analytical, design, and experimental effort to relate injector design parameters to simultaneous attainment of high performance and component (injector/thrust chamber) compatibility for gas/liquid space storable propellants. The gas/liquid propellant combination studied was FLOX (82.6% F2)/ ambient temperature gaseous methane. Design criteria that provide for simultaneous attainment of high performance and chamber compatibility are presented for both injector types. Parametric data are presented that are applicable for the design of circular coaxial and like-doublet injectors that operate with design parameters similar to those employed. However, caution should be exercised when applying these data to propellant combinations whose elements operate in ranges considerably different from those employed in this study

    Asymptotic Conditional Distribution of Exceedance Counts: Fragility Index with Different Margins

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    Let X=(X1,...,Xd)\bm X=(X_1,...,X_d) be a random vector, whose components are not necessarily independent nor are they required to have identical distribution functions F1,...,FdF_1,...,F_d. Denote by NsN_s the number of exceedances among X1,...,XdX_1,...,X_d above a high threshold ss. The fragility index, defined by FI=limsE(NsNs>0)FI=\lim_{s\nearrow}E(N_s\mid N_s>0) if this limit exists, measures the asymptotic stability of the stochastic system X\bm X as the threshold increases. The system is called stable if FI=1FI=1 and fragile otherwise. In this paper we show that the asymptotic conditional distribution of exceedance counts (ACDEC) pk=limsP(Ns=kNs>0)p_k=\lim_{s\nearrow}P(N_s=k\mid N_s>0), 1kd1\le k\le d, exists, if the copula of X\bm X is in the domain of attraction of a multivariate extreme value distribution, and if lims(1Fi(s))/(1Fκ(s))=γi[0,)\lim_{s\nearrow}(1-F_i(s))/(1-F_\kappa(s))=\gamma_i\in[0,\infty) exists for 1id1\le i\le d and some κ1,...,d\kappa\in{1,...,d}. This enables the computation of the FI corresponding to X\bm X and of the extended FI as well as of the asymptotic distribution of the exceedance cluster length also in that case, where the components of X\bm X are not identically distributed

    Epigenetics and complementary proteins: Epigenetics and complementary proteins

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    Although studies on the immunopathogenesis of anti-neutrophil cytoplasm antibody (ANCA) vasculitis have been directed at understanding the autoantibody, there is growing evidence that points to the importance of ANCA autoantigen genes and their regulation. Transcriptional analysis indicates that ANCA autoantigen genes are active in mature neutrophils of ANCA vasculitis patients compared to healthy controls. The unusual transcriptional state of neutrophils from ANCA vasculitis patients appears to be a consequence of failed or disrupted epigenetic silencing. Defective epigenetic silencing could have global effects, by altering the transcriptional and phenotypic state of neutrophils, or local effects by permitting transcription of autoantigen genes from both strands resulting in anti-sense transcripts. Although the role of anti-sense transcripts is currently unknown, there are two intriguing possibilities. Anti-sense transcripts could function (as described for other genes) in transcriptional silencing of autoantigen genes, which takes place in normal neutrophil progenitors. In the setting of failed epigenetic silencing, the fate of anti-sense transcripts may be pathological and serve as a template for production of complementary autoantigens. The observation that ANCA vasculitis patients have anti-sense transcripts and antibodies to complementary proteins is consistent with a role of anti-sense transcripts in complementary protein production. A better understanding of epigenetic silencing and complementary proteins in ANCA vasculitis may unlock the underlying pathology of this condition

    Phenomenological Study of Strong Decays of Heavy Hadrons in Heavy Quark Effective Theory

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    The application of the tensor formalism of the heavy quark effective theory (HQET) at leading order to strong decays of heavy hadrons is presented. Comparisons between experimental and theoretical predictions of ratios of decay rates for B mesons, D mesons and kaons are given. The application of HQET to strange mesons presents some encouraging results. The spin-flavor symmetry is used to predict some decay rates that have not yet been measured.Comment: 10 page

    Visitors’ learning for environmental sustainability: Testing short- and long-term impacts of wildlife tourism experiences using structural equation modelling

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    Wildlife tourism experiences have the potential to positively impact tourists' awareness, appreciation and actions in relation to the specific wildlife they encounter and the environment in general. This paper investigates the extent of such impact across multiple sites, and uses Structural Equation Modelling to identify factors that best predict positive long-term learning and environmental behaviour change outcomes. Three sets of variables were measured - visitors' entering attributes (including pre-visit environmental orientation and motivation for the visit), salient aspects of the experience, and short- and long-term learning and environmental behaviour change outcomes. Although attributes such as pre-visit commitment and motivation to learn were among the best predictors of the long-term impact of the experience, there was evidence that aspects of the experience were also important. In particular, reflective engagement which involved cognitive and affective processing of the experience was found to be associated with short- and long-term environmental learning outcomes. The implications for wildlife tourism managers are discussed. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    1/f noise of Josephson-junction-embedded microwave resonators at single photon energies and millikelvin temperatures

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    We present measurements of 1/f frequency noise in both linear and Josephson-junction-embedded superconducting aluminum resonators in the low power, low temperature regime - typical operating conditions for superconducting qubits. The addition of the Josephson junction does not result in additional frequency noise, thereby placing an upper limit for fractional critical current fluctuations of 10810^{-8} (Hz1/2^{-1/2}) at 1 Hz for sub-micron, shadow evaporated junctions. These values imply a minimum dephasing time for a superconducting qubit due to critical current noise of 40 -- 1400 μ\mus depending on qubit architecture. Occasionally, at temperatures above 50 mK, we observe the activation of individual fluctuators which increase the level of noise significantly and exhibit Lorentzian spectra

    Chromosome mapping: radiation hybrid data and stochastic spin models

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    This work approaches human chromosome mapping by developing algorithms for ordering markers associated with radiation hybrid data. Motivated by recent work of Boehnke et al. [1], we formulate the ordering problem by developing stochastic spin models to search for minimum-break marker configurations. As a particular application, the methods developed are applied to 14 human chromosome-21 markers tested by Cox et al. [2]. The methods generate configurations consistent with the best found by others. Additionally, we find that the set of low-lying configurations is described by a Markov-like ordering probability distribution. The distribution displays cluster correlations reflecting closely linked loci.Comment: 26 Pages, uuencoded LaTex, Submitted to Phys. Rev. E, [email protected], [email protected]

    Immune complex glomerulonephritis is induced in rats immunized with heterologous myeloperoxidase

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    Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA), including anti-myeloperoxidase (MPO) antibodies, are associated with pauci-immune necrotizing small vessel vasculitis or glomerulonephritis, 1n order to substantiate a pathogenic role for ANCA, an animal model of pauci-immune ANCA-induced glomerulonephritis or vasculitis is required. Brouwer reported pauci-immune glomerulonephritis in rats immunized with human MPO followed by perfusion of kidneys with lysosomal enzyme extract combined with HO, and suggested that this could serve as a model of ANCA-induced disease. We repeated these studies in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and Brown Norway rats (BNR). We immunized rats with human MPO, When circulating anti-MPO antibodies were detectable by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy and ELISA, blood pressure was measured, then perfusion of the left kidney of each rat was done via the renal artery in a closed, blood-free circuit with either MPO + HO, MPO, HO alone or MPO + HO neutral protease. Rats were killed on day 4 or day 10 after perfusion, and specimens were examined by light and immunofluorescence microscopy. Pathological lesions and deposits of IgG. C3, and MPO were found in immunized rats perfused with MPO + HO with or without neutral protease, or MPO alone, in both rat strains and on both day 4 and day 10, The degree of histologic injury was proportional in intensity to the amount of IgG immune deposits. Spontaneously hypertensive rats sustained more damage and higher blood pressure than Brown Norway rats. No lesion was observed in immunized rats perfused with HO or in the non-perfused right kidneys. Some of the non-immunized rats perfused with MPO + HO developed pathological lesions. In conclusion, these rat models are examples of immune complex-mediated glomerulonephritis, and therefore are not similar to human ANCA-associated disease