14 research outputs found

    Eduardo Chillida, compositor de les tres dimensions

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    Tordera River Delta system build up (NE Iberian Peninsula): sedimentary sequences and offshore correlation

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    The Tordera River Delta is made up of coarse sand bodies which were formed during the last sea level rise. Marine and land seismic profiles and wells show three depositional Holocene sequences corresponding to a) the transgressive base level, b) the progradant intermediate unit and c) the progradant unit which onlaps the Plio-Pleistocene sequence seawards and the granitic basement on the present delta plain and northern coast. The morphology of the sedimentary bodies, isobath maps and marine geophysical data enabled us to gain fresh insights into the evolution of the delta and its prodelta and into the various relict sand bodies on the inner shelf. The evolution of the coastline can be followed during the prograding process of the lower units from the successive coastal and internal lagoons. These coastal lagoons were conditioned by river changes and basement morphology. Once the sea level maximum was attained, the prograding units covered these morphologies, resulting in the present delta configuration

    Diagnostic Utility of Measuring Cerebral Atrophy in the Behavioral Variant of Frontotemporal Dementia and Association With Clinical Deterioration

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    Can widely available measures of atrophy on magnetic resonance imaging increase diagnostic certainty of underlying frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) and estimate clinical deterioration in the behavioral variant of frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD)? This diagnostic/prognostic study investigated the clinical utility of 5 validated visual atrophy scales (VAS) and the Magnetic Resonance Parkinsonism Index. When combined, VAS showed excellent diagnostic performance for differentiating between bvFTD with high and low confidence of FTLD and for the estimation of longitudinal clinical deterioration, whereas the Magnetic Resonance Parkinsonism Index was increased in bvFTD with underlying 4-repeat tauopathies. These findings suggest that, in bvFTD, VAS can be used to increase diagnostic certainty of underlying FTLD and estimate longitudinal clinical deterioration. This diagnostic/prognostic study assesses the utility of 6 visual atrophy scales and the Magnetic Resonance Parkinsonism Index in patients with behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia to distinguish those with high vs low confidence of frontotemporal lobar degeneration. The presence of atrophy on magnetic resonance imaging can support the diagnosis of the behavioral variant of frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD), but reproducible measurements are lacking. To assess the diagnostic and prognostic utility of 6 visual atrophy scales (VAS) and the Magnetic Resonance Parkinsonism Index (MRPI). In this diagnostic/prognostic study, data from 235 patients with bvFTD and 225 age- and magnetic resonance imaging-matched control individuals from 3 centers were collected from December 1, 1998, to September 30, 2019. One hundred twenty-one participants with bvFTD had high confidence of frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) (bvFTD-HC), and 19 had low confidence of FTLD (bvFTD-LC). Blinded clinicians applied 6 previously validated VAS, and the MRPI was calculated with a fully automated approach. Cortical thickness and subcortical volumes were also measured for comparison. Data were analyzed from February 1 to June 30, 2020. The main outcomes of this study were bvFTD-HC or a neuropathological diagnosis of 4-repeat (4R) tauopathy and the clinical deterioration rate (assessed by longitudinal measurements of Clinical Dementia Rating Sum of Boxes). Measures of cerebral atrophy included VAS scores, the bvFTD atrophy score (sum of VAS scores in orbitofrontal, anterior cingulate, anterior temporal, medial temporal lobe, and frontal insula regions), the MRPI, and other computerized quantifications of cortical and subcortical volumes. The areas under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) were calculated for the differentiation of participants with bvFTD-HC and bvFTD-LC and controls. Linear mixed models were used to evaluate the ability of atrophy measures to estimate longitudinal clinical deterioration. Of the 460 included participants, 296 (64.3%) were men, and the mean (SD) age was 62.6 (11.4) years. The accuracy of the bvFTD atrophy score for the differentiation of bvFTD-HC from controls (AUROC, 0.930; 95% CI, 0.903-0.957) and bvFTD-HC from bvFTD-LC (AUROC, 0.880; 95% CI, 0.787-0.972) was comparable to computerized measures (AUROC, 0.973 [95% CI, 0.954-0.993] and 0.898 [95% CI, 0.834-0.962], respectively). The MRPI was increased in patients with bvFTD and underlying 4R tauopathies compared with other FTLD subtypes (14.1 [2.0] vs 11.2 [2.6] points; P < .001). Higher bvFTD atrophy scores were associated with faster clinical deterioration in bvFTD (1.86-point change in Clinical Dementia Rating Sum of Boxes score per bvFTD atrophy score increase per year; 95% CI, 0.99-2.73; P < .001). Based on these study findings, in bvFTD, VAS increased the diagnostic certainty of underlying FTLD, and the MRPI showed potential for the detection of participants with underlying 4R tauopathies. These widely available measures of atrophy can also be useful to estimate longitudinal clinical deterioration

    Revista de Girona.

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    24 càmeres i un objectiu

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    Les arts plàstiques

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    Evocar, descobrir i difondre (a través de) l'arquitectura

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    La donació de la Casa Masó a la ciutat de Girona (2006) i la remodelació de la major part de l’edifici (2007–2011) han estat dos passos fonamentals per posar en marxa la Fundació Rafael Masó. En el primer cas, perquè això significa que ara aquesta casa és de tots els ciutadans de Girona, i en el segon, perquè l’Ajuntament ha volgut que els gironins i tothom que visiti la ciutat pugui conèixer i tingui al seu abast aquest patrimoni històric i artístic. Per tant, amb la finalització de les obres de remodelació i la museïtzació de la casa ha arribat el moment en què la gent de Girona podrà començar a gaudir i a aprofitar un nou equipament cultural que és seu i que, com a tal, ha de respondre a les seves necessitats i interessos. Des de la Fundació Rafael Masó –que es va crear sobretot per gestionar la Casa Masó– tenim unes idees bastat clares sobre què podem fer i per a què creiem que ha de servir la Casa Masó, però per a nosaltres el més important sempre serà estar al servei de la ciutat. La conservació, l’estudi i la divulgació d’un patrimoni tan important com el de la Casa Masó no tindrien cap sentit si no estiguessin a disposició de la comunitat

    El Pràcticum com un 'work in progress' compartit www.eduportfolio.org

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    Des de fa dos cursos, professors de les universitats de Tarragona, Lleida i Girona desenvolupem un projecte d’innovació centrat en el pràcticum dels Estudis de Mestre el qual, a més de les tutories i seminaris, utilitza el portafoli electrònic com a eina d’intercanvi, acompanyament i presentació de les produccions dels i les estudiants. Des del curs 2009-10, i amb un ajut MQD de l’AGAUR, s’experimenta amb aquesta eina Web 2.0 –www.eduportfolio.org– dissenyada per la Université de Montréal, una plataforma que s’està utilitzant actualment als cinc continents. L’Eduportfolio agilitza la relació practicants-tutors i l’assessorament en l’elaboració progressiva de la memòria del Pràcticum i del projecte que els estudiants han de dur a terme a l’escola, i també obre noves possibilitats en aquest període dedicat a la pràctica docent reflexiv

    Early‐onset Alzheimer's disease shows a distinct neuropsychological profile and more aggressive trajectories of cognitive decline than late‐onset

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    Abstract Objectives Early‐ and late‐onset Alzheimer's disease (EOAD and LOAD) share the same neuropathological traits but show distinct cognitive features. We aimed to explore baseline and longitudinal outcomes of global and domain‐specific cognitive function in a well characterized cohort of patients with a biomarker‐based diagnosis. Methods In this retrospective cohort study, 195 participants were included and classified according to their age, clinical status, and CSF AD biomarker profile: 89 EOAD, 37 LOAD, 46 young healthy controls (age ≤ 65 years), and 23 old healthy controls (>65 years). All subjects underwent clinical and neuropsychological assessment, neuroimaging, APOE genotyping and lumbar puncture. Results We found distinct neuropsychological profiles between EOAD and LOAD at the time of diagnosis. Both groups showed similar performances on memory and language domains, but the EOAD patients displayed worsened deficits in visual perception, praxis, and executive tasks (p < 0.05). Longitudinally, cognitive decline in EOAD was more pronounced than LOAD in the global outcomes at the expense of these non‐amnestic domains. We found that years of education significantly influenced the decline in most of the neuropsychological tests. Besides, the APOE ε4 status showed a significant effect on the decline of memory‐related tasks within the EOAD cohort (p < 0.05). Interpretation Age of onset is a main factor shaping the cognitive trajectories in AD patients, with younger age driving to a steeper decline of the non‐memory domains. Years of education are related to a transversal decline in all cognitive domains and APOE ε4 status to a specific decline in memory performance in EOAD