321 research outputs found

    Magnetometer with miniature transducer and automatic transducer scanning apparatus

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    Magnetometer is simple to operate and has fast response. Transducer is rugged and flat and can measure magnetic fields as close as 0.08 mm from any relatively flat surface. Magnetometer has active region of approximately 0.64 by 0.76 mm and is capable of good spatial resolution of magnetic fields as low as 0.02 Oe (1.6 A/m)

    A magnetic field measurement technique using a miniature transducer

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    The development, fabrication, and application of a magnetometer are described. The magnetometer has a miniature transducer and is capable of automatic scanning. The magnetometer described here is capable of detecting static magnetic fields as low as 1.6 A/m and its transducer has an active area 0.64 mm by 0.76 mm. Thin and rugged, the transducer uses wire, 0.05 mm in diameter, which is plated with a magnetic film, enabling measurement of transverse magnetic fields as close as 0.08 mm from a surface. The magnetometer, which is simple to operate and has a fast response, uses an inexpensive clip-on milliammeter (commonly found in most laboratories) for driving and processing the electrical signals and readout. A specially designed transducer holding mechanism replaces the XY recorder ink pen; this mechanism provides the basis for an automatic scanning technique. The instrument has been applied to the measurements of magnetic fields arising from remanent magnetization in experimental plated-wire memory planes and regions of magnetic activity in geological rock specimens

    Land Rental Arrangements for Minnesota: 1991

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    This archival publication may not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. Current information available from the University of Minnesota Extension: https://www.extension.umn.edu

    Buying/Selling Farm Land

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    This archival publication may not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. Current information available from the University of Minnesota Extension: https://www.extension.umn.edu

    Convergence of Agriculture and Energy: II. Producing Cellulosic Biomass for Biofuels

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    Global energy demand is increasing as known global petroleum supplies are decreas¬ing. Calls to supplement or replace the current fossil-based energy system with new, envi¬ronmentally and economically sustainable strategies continue to increase, especially in light of more expensive traditional energy sources. Various governmental agencies and working groups have set aggressive targets and timelines for decreasing fossil fuel consumption by substituting bio-based energy (Bush 2007; Foust et al. 2007; Perlack et al. 2005; Smith et al. 2004). The alignment and continuity of these goals is illustrated in Figure 1. Current biofuel production in the United States relies primarily on corn grain conver¬sion to ethanol, but future systems are expected to depend more intensively on plant biomass than on grain as a feedstock for production of ethanol and other biofuels. In addition, current cropping systems generally are designed to optimize grain production and are not designed to harvest all the aboveground portion of the plant for cellulose-containing biomass. Significant, immediate national investments are needed, along with changes in policy, to address chal¬lenges limiting the sustainable production and efficient use of cellulosic biomass as a fuel feedstock to meet anticipated U.S. demand. The Bush Administration outlined a portfolio of recommended technologies, pro¬cesses, and practices for bio-based energy production that targets improved rates of feedstock conversion and greater efficiency in energy use. The plan also states that a significant portion of the nation’s 2017 energy supply, especially transportation fuel, will come from conversion of biomass feedstock to liquid fuels. Considering just the biomass-derived fuels contribution, roughly 250 million tons or more of grain and cellulosic biomass per year will be needed to reach the 10-year goal, and 650 to 700 million tons per year of biomass to reach the 2025 goal (Figure 1)

    Interaction of Cannabis Use Disorder and Striatal Connectivity in Antipsychotic Treatment Response

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    Antipsychotic (AP) medications are the mainstay for the treatment of schizophrenia spectrum disorders (SSD), but their efficacy is unpredictable and widely variable. Substantial efforts have been made to identify prognostic biomarkers that can be used to guide optimal prescription strategies for individual patients. Striatal regions involved in salience and reward processing are disrupted as a result of both SSD and cannabis use, and research demonstrates that striatal circuitry may be integral to response to AP drugs. In the present study, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate the relationship between a history of cannabis use disorder (CUD) and a striatal connectivity index (SCI), a previously developed neural biomarker for AP treatment response in SSD. Patients were part of a 12-week randomized, double-blind controlled treatment study of AP drugs. A sample of 48 first-episode SSD patients with no more than 2 weeks of lifetime exposure to AP medications, underwent a resting-state fMRI scan pretreatment. Treatment response was defined a priori as a binary (response/nonresponse) variable, and a SCI was calculated in each patient. We examined whether there was an interaction between lifetime CUD history and the SCI in relation to treatment response. We found that CUD history moderated the relationship between SCI and treatment response, such that it had little predictive value in SSD patients with a CUD history. In sum, our findings highlight that biomarker development can be critically impacted by patient behaviors that influence neurobiology, such as a history of CUD

    Plasmonics-enhanced and optically modulated delivery of gold nanostars into brain tumor

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    Plasmonics-active gold nanostars exhibiting strong imaging contrast and efficient photothermal transduction were synthesized for a novel pulsed laser-modulated plasmonics-enhanced brain tumor microvascular permeabilization. We demonstrate a selective, optically modulated delivery of nanoprobes into the tumor parenchyma with minimal off-target distribution

    Plasmonics-enhanced and optically modulated delivery of gold nanostars into brain tumor

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    Plasmonics-active gold nanostars exhibiting strong imaging contrast and efficient photothermal transduction were synthesized for a novel pulsed laser-modulated plasmonics-enhanced brain tumor microvascular permeabilization. We demonstrate a selective, optically modulated delivery of nanoprobes into the tumor parenchyma with minimal off-target distribution

    Dynamical Principles of Emotion-Cognition Interaction: Mathematical Images of Mental Disorders

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    The key contribution of this work is to introduce a mathematical framework to understand self-organized dynamics in the brain that can explain certain aspects of itinerant behavior. Specifically, we introduce a model based upon the coupling of generalized Lotka-Volterra systems. This coupling is based upon competition for common resources. The system can be regarded as a normal or canonical form for any distributed system that shows self-organized dynamics that entail winnerless competition. Crucially, we will show that some of the fundamental instabilities that arise in these coupled systems are remarkably similar to endogenous activity seen in the brain (using EEG and fMRI). Furthermore, by changing a small subset of the system's parameters we can produce bifurcations and metastable sequential dynamics changing, which bear a remarkable similarity to pathological brain states seen in psychiatry. In what follows, we will consider the coupling of two macroscopic modes of brain activity, which, in a purely descriptive fashion, we will label as cognitive and emotional modes. Our aim is to examine the dynamical structures that emerge when coupling these two modes and relate them tentatively to brain activity in normal and non-normal states
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